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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 30
Knocking On Door And Wall by Whiskeyrock
My mom and I moved into this new house July 9, 2008. My mom told me about 2 weeks ago she heard 2 distinctive knocks on our front door about 6AM. She thought it was me but then realized I was in bed. She listened but heard nothing more. The odd thing is our screen door is very loud and can be he...
Ghost That Follows Me Around? by lolly
However, upon investigating literally moments later there was no one upstairs. A little spooked, I went downstairs and spoke to my Mum about it. It was then she told me that there were a few incidences since I'd left home. She would often see a figure leaning over our stair banister watching her whi...
Night Tour by lilblackpom
In April 2006, I woke up and was standing in the middle of a huge front yard with the greenest grass I had ever seen. This lawn went on for miles. I didn't know where I was. All of a sudden, I heard a voice behind me say, "Judy, it's me, don't be scared..." It was Chris, my brother. I tried to turn ...
Whispering, Scratching, Smells, Spinning Out by sittingonthefence
I felt that my last post was just that, my last. However I am afraid that this has not been the case. For starters, the whispering has continued. I have tried to record these whisperings as previously suggested, however, I have not had much luck. I will persist on this though. The other thing is ...
Afraid To Open Back Up by needhelp
Since I was a child I have been visited by ghosts. The earliest one I can remember was when I was 7. We were living in Colorado and I shared a room with my sister. One night I saw a strange woman in my room, I remember a feeling of ill ease and I saw her carry a child out the window. It turns out th...
Goodbye To Bad Vibes by freakfreaky
This will be my last post on this site. I thought that I should add a few more things so as to validate my last post. There have been many more things happening since I first started feeling something was not right and now that my partner is a target, well that is the final straw, because the ghost ...
Silhouette In The Neighborhood by myst3ri0usn0is3
When I was little I had a dream about a silhouette walking around my backyard. I saw her sort of let's call it dying. I called her the "black lady" (I was little and I am NOT racist). It is now about 8 years later. I was sleeping over at my friend's house. She lived right around the corner from ...
My House In Indiana by Brownie09
I'm new to this website, but I just wanted to share the story about the house I used to live in Covington Indiana. Well, when my family bought the house we knew it used to be an old train depot, but after the years went by they fixed it up as a two story house but the upstairs was made into an apart...
The Alarm Clock by windsong
I stopped using my old alarm clock when I got a better one for Christmas in 2006. Since then, the clock has been sitting dormant in the living room on top of the TV. It's only ever used as a regular clock now. A few days ago, it went off at 10:45 in the morning. This is a clock that hasn't been t...
The Dark Figure In The Fruit Cellar by missykel
My sister and I were staying the evening with my mom. She lived in one of those creepy old farm houses in the country. We had been there on several occasions and never had anything out of the ordinary happen. I am a smoker and one night it was really cold and I didn't want to stand outside. We d...
Shadowy Head With Eighties Hair by princessroe
Now, I know I told you all that I would write about my demon stories but I have decided to start with something small. Something I remembered recently again-something that happened to me as a young child. I was about 3 or 4 years old when this happened. One night while lying in my bed, I could...
The Switcher by Laura
This is actually a pretty positive story. It's about the 'entity' (or whatever it may be) that has been in our house for quite a while now. It seems to prefer me to my mum and dad, as mum never notices anything of him, and dad only once in a while. I, however, have an accident about every week. I...
My Room by DUnknown
Finally, I'm back with my experiences to share. Been trying to submit almost like "forever". I believe I have the gift although not fully opened-my third eye, which is. This will be my 2nd story out of all my experiences that which I remember. It was the year of 1997, the time when my country was...
Itchy The Ghost by TWD03
I think Hello is needed Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and hope to get acquainted with everyone. I have read some amazing stories on here, you guys really know how to tell a story. I'm not that good of a story teller since English is not my first language. But hope you'll enjoy reading my...
Three Knocks Of Death by DUnknown
This story will be short yet very detailed. It's my third experience to share. Location: In my room Year: When I was still in my country Time: Always after midnight I am an introvert guy and a nocturnal one. For those who doesn't know what an introvert means, it means "inside" & nocturnal as "ni...
Persistent Demon by Gun_Gun_Trio
I am coming here with this story in the hopes of being able to receive answers and ideas about what to do. Several friends of mine and I have been trying to help another one of our friends that I shall call Van. Van has been repeatedly attacked by a demon in their house for some time. We have tr...
Crowded House by Grinder
This was originally going to be my first post, but I decided do post my first experience last week (In The Beginning). Here's what's going on with me most recently... A quick description of my dwelling... Built in the early 1970's in the southwest Portland suburbs as an apartment, it became cond...
Preston Castle Slumber Party by ladyannne
Two months ago, we made arrangements to join the Slumber Party at Preston Castle, a closed prison for boys from the late 1800's in a state of severe disrepair. Finally, the full moon weekend came and we were there. Fourteen of us, mostly strangers, set up our beds in the first two rooms and migrate...
Do Spirits Tag Along? by ladyannne
The last few days I have been hearing the weirdest, small noises in and about one kitchen area. Not prone to hysterics, I observe the dogs are not listening or disturbed, cats are not interested, and all pet rats are accounted for in their comfy condo. A large metal tin sounds like it has a mouse it...
Polly by ladyannne
This has to be one of my earliest ghost memories, yet, it was evidently not my first. It was 1958 and I was seven years old. I woke in the middle of the night, not knowing exactly why, but thought I had heard the same siren sound as from the movie we had recently watched, The Diary of Anne Frank....
Disturbed by lilblackpom
For the last couple of months we have been experiencing noises in our home. We have never had these noises before. I have wanted to write about this, but feel a little embarrassed to. So now I finally am. The noises appear to be on my French doors in the kitchen going out to the deck. It always h...
Ghost Farmer 2 by hobbyholly
I have posted before about the "farmer" I often saw in my backyard. I just thought I'd mention a few more things that took place while growing up. 1. Most fathers have their "favorite chair." My dad was no exception. It was this old chair from the 70's. It rocked back and forth. It also swiveled....
Midnight Visitor by metalhed16
I haven't had any time to write any stories for you, because I have been busy moving. I moved back to my hometown, Calgary Alberta. Geri and I are so excited to be back. Now, since we've been home, there have been a few scares. Some time in July, a few weeks after we have been back in Calgary, we...
Los Gatos Cats by ladyannne
There are two huge white lion statues on either side of the gate to an estate just next to the Cats restaurant in Los Gatos on Highway 17. The gate is an exquisite, wrought iron handmade masterpiece (now replaced with a standard gate) that begs to be opened. A quiet shaded road leading off into the ...
My Mom And I's Apartment by Brownie09
I was sitting in the front room reading a book, listening to my portable cd player, when I heard one of the kitchen chairs scoot out and hit the washer. Thinking it was my mom, I got up walked into the kitchen, but no one was there. Noticing the bolt on the door was still locked, I pushed the chair ...
The New Apartment by gringabad
It happened 4 years ago. My daughter just turned 2. We moved into an apartment. As soon we moved in my daughter just refused to even play in her room. The only time she would even go in there is if I went with her. So she had to stay in my room. We were the only 2 that lived there. I would leave ...
Taken Over by wai
It was about 3AM and for some reason I couldn't sleep. I was laying in bed and all of a sudden it started to get really cold so I got up out of bed and got me another blanket, while I was walking back to my bed I felt like someone was following me. I stood beside my bed and I turned around slowly an...
And Here We Go Again by texas_gurl_vip
It has been a while since the last time my family had had any ghostly things going on. Don't get me wrong we would have little things happen. Mostly just little things like, items would get moved that none of us had done it or odd things would show up in family pictures. My oldest sister got out...
Things I Can't Seem To Explain by lookin4answers
I have always been what you would call "sensitive" to things that most people have no awareness of. My mom would tell me that when I was young, I would be talking to someone in my room, or she would walk past and could hear me giggling as if playing with someone else. I don't recall much of that, bu...
Peculiar Noises by Blue_Leprechaun
I just want to ask if some others encounter the same strange things like I was having last night. I go to sleep, and suddenly near my window I heard a very powerful noise I can't describe exactly, but was like the sound that a helicopter makes. I say "seems" because the sound in my opinion could no...
Fred The Dead Cat by Grinder
This story actually takes place in several places. The first being in California. I'll begin there. Back when I was about seven, my family was fortunate enough to get their hands on a pure bred Siamese kitten. A lovely Seal Point that loved the entire family. My brother was the one to name him. ...
The Garden Clash by The_Cruel_Melody
I'm a new user on this site, so my personal encounter might not be as interesting to read as the more experienced users' encounters. However, I will put my best effort into it, and hopefully you'll enjoy the read, and maybe even leave a comment with your opinion. This particular event took pla...
The Dark Entity And Nails In A Bag by Monica2010
I've combined these two stories into one because they both involved my brother and happened one right after the other. The Dark Entity - Seventeen years ago, my parents had purchased our very first house. While our house was in escrow, we continued to live in our small rented mobile home, loca...
Little Girl In White by staci13
Astwood Cemetery, Worcester. While messing around trying to scare each other myself and my friends were in the cemetery. There were seven of us. Three girls, including myself, and four guys. One guy claimed to be a 'medium' and was telling us about this 'white mist' he could see. Thinking him ...
Ghost In Our Attic by resz
I'm new to this site and have been really enjoying (and dreading) the stories I have been reading so I wanted to share my experiences with you guys. My name is Joe. I'm 24 years old living in eastern Pennsylvania. When my younger brother and I were kids (he is 3 years younger than me) we knew our ho...
Can Fever Make You Sensitive To Ghosts? by CherryBerry93
One night, when I was still in Jr High I had a really bad fever. I had hot and cold flashes all night and I couldn't sleep (which I really needed because my parents wouldn't let me stay home unless I was dying). It was summer at the time and the heat way more intense than the cold flashes, so I w...
Orbs In Photos From Mischief Night by DollyDagger
Mischief night used to be one of my favorite nights of the year. It's the night before Halloween, and it's the night when people go out and cause mischief (i.e.: TPing, tagging, or just plain or sneaking out for a bit). Me and my friends never really did anything because we were too chicken (as alwa...
The Porcelain Joker Clown by Brownie09
I was 8 years old when my Aunt Wendy, who lived in Tennessee, gave me a porcelain joker doll that had what looked like a red tear drop. We were getting ready for bed, and since we were staying with them, we didn't have any where to put it. My mom set it on the shelf in the front room. While my mom a...
The Voice Behind Me by laus
This is my first story, and I'm in a rush so do excuse me if I am hazy on my spelling or whatever. I haven't experienced many paranormal things but this was one I knew for definite I could not explain. First off I was in the house with my dad and we were sat on the sofa talking with the TV on low...
The Pianist by DementedSpork
Place: A few miles away from the Virginia Coast. My house was build, along with the rest of my neighborhood, in the middle of a large forest. Time: Three A.M. About a month ago I went downstairs to get a glass of water like I normally do when I can't sleep. I never noticed it until now but I a...
My Dad's Return by Natashaax143
This story is about my father who passed away 2005, please note that this is NOT recent. It was six o'clock in the morning, and my mother and I went to go drop off my grandmother at work. When we arrived back to our house, my mother went to sleep while I stayed in the living room. While I was starti...
Paranormal Activity In My Bedroom by Lost_memory
Where to start? I'm an optimistic when it comes to the paranormal, I'd like to believe that there's an afterlife. Nevertheless, my mam, on the other hand, believes that there's something, and my dad believes there's nothing. Often when the family is together we watch paranormal TV with medians and m...
Scared Of The Toy Room by Melisande
I want to share something that happened a few years ago that has, to this day, baffled me. My ex-husband and I dropped off our three children at his sister's house to spend the night. We were going to a party and were going to be late coming back so decided it would be best for us to pick them u...
All This Time It Was Him by JamesAlexander
It all began back when I was seven years old. My uncle that lived next door passed away, and I was his favorite nephew. Here in México, we have this belief that after a funeral, people gather to pray for the late person. It was in the afternoon like I've said, I was seven, and I was with a cousin w...
My Macabre Pursuer by niallacaldwell
I am taking a new angle with the choosing of this story. In my previous entries, I focused on incidents which where pleasant and showed the love and contentment with the subject spirits, but in this story, the spirit in question was of a more malevolent substance. This is taken from my own memory. ...
Wedding Ghosts? by babydork
Lately, we have felt a presence in our house. First we heard footsteps, then it graduated to hearing people whispering in our hallway. Everything seems to happen upstairs where all the bedrooms are. One night, I was in bed, lying there awake. About three am I felt a hand touch my face. I was start...
The Man Watching My Niece by chinchai
This story happened in Cavite, a few months ago, in my sister's new home. Strange things started when my sister and her family transferred to their new home. My niece started to get sick and would wake up screaming in the middle of night. Sometimes my sister would see that her daughter seemed to ...
Strange Things Go Bump 4 by Rebelboy1987
To continue my story, I seriously thought I was just crazy. I began to believe all these images, names, noises, and likeness were all figments of my imagination. About a week ago, I was lying in my bed, thinking about everything that had happened before. I thought, "Nothing has even happened in almo...
The Westland Haunting by Nikki1990
When I was in 5th or 6th grade my mother let me stay home alone. I came home from school at about 4:00 and my mother had to work until 6:00. I had just started staying home alone so I was still sort of creeped out about being in the house by myself. One day, I came home from school and ran to the...
Night Visitors by Servant
I've been pondering this experience now for many years. It occurred back in the seventies; roughly 76-77. My Mother, sister, and brother and I shared a two-bedroom apartment in the Portland area. I'm not sure if this qualifies as a "ghost" story; the nature of it is too ambiguous. I was in my early ...
Roadside Ghost by skepticmaybe
This is something weird that happened to me a couple of years ago, a bit scary and certainly strange. I know what I am about to share was not imagined as my wife was with me the whole way. Coming back from a social function on a Saturday evening on a back road that helps us avoid the weekend traf...
New House - Knocking - Family Member? by buksh
This might be nothing but I thought I'd see what other peoples opinions are. To start I'll mention my house was brand new when we moved in, no one has ever died in it or near it, and there has never been any other ghostly experiences apart from some active imagination as a child. Recently my sis...
Angry Harry, The Old Man by Sandy2008
It was a summer night in November 2001. My fiance at that time and I went to visit our friends who had just bought their first house. Our friends have 3 kids, aged 7, 4 and the baby was 18 months old. We had to sleep in the 4 year old girl's s room. Being a sensitive myself, I noticed that there ...
The Old Lady In The Living Room by Georgeyboy
This is my first time sharing an experience on here, but I wanted to share a particular occurrence that I remember clearly and see what sort of feedback I get. This happened about 10 or 11 years ago when I was 11 to 12 years old. I lived in a fairly big house with my 4 brothers and mum and dad. T...
Dad Really Did Say Goodbye by ladyannne
It's still quite difficult to read this today as I submit it, how many years later, yet a story so definite needs telling. It is my most personal story, as well. My father was a practical man. He dealt with life as it came, did the best with what came about, or worked very hard to change it to his ...
Dead Dog Came To Say Goodbye by Nicky7x
In April of this year, my dog Maddy, a 6 year old Golden Retriever, got sick all of a sudden. I knew something was wrong with her because she was just opposed with her ball. I mean she always wanted to play with it. She started moping around and stuff and not eating and not playing with the ball....
Our Unexpected Visitor In Florida by lilblackpom
I don't know if this will be of interest to anyone but I will try to make it short, not as long as the story I had previously written. Sorry about that. As you probably know by now from reading most of my stories, they are about ghost/spirit visits (not all of the time mind you, but here and there j...
I Thought It Was My Sister by aherr
I remember when I was in sixth grade and living in an apartment complex where we just moved to, located in Dallas, Texas. At that time, my mom worked first shift and my dad worked third shift. My mom was my alarm clock as she called to wake me up so I can wake my younger siblings. Before going t...
Shimmerings At The Creek by bushwalker
This is a strange event that took place last week whilst I was taking an early morning stroll. This experience is a first for me, as I have never seen or heard a ghost before, but I can't deny what I saw and it would be great to get some ideas on the whole thing. The road I was walking along was ...
Advice Needed With More Strange Events by Jmak
It was 8/26/08 around 12:45 a.m, and I had just walked to my car. As I was getting into my car, I caught a glimpse of a shadow in the hallway I had just left. The hallway has large windows separated by sections of wall about five feet wide, and the shadow looked like it ducked behind one of the sect...
Just A Dream Or Something More? 2 by Toxicwaste
This is updated information and a continuation of "Just a Dream or Something More?" If you haven't read the first part, then this may seem confusing to you. More and more things keep happening. One night I woke up with a cut on my hand, and I thought it wasn't a big deal. Then I saw my MP3 player...
The Token Of Death by BYLUYSTER
When my mother was a little girl growing up during the depression in rural Ohio, she knew her family was different. Her five sisters and two brothers looked nothing alike. The fact that her maternal grandmother was a full-blooded Cherokee Indian originally from Kentucky played a huge role in her lif...
White And Dark Shadows by demonboy
I have had a few occurrences happen lately. They were dark and white shadows, but mostly dark shadows. They have happened over two days. The first shadow I noticed was a dark figure standing in the hall way. I stared right at it and it didn't move until I looked beside me and a white blob was flyi...
A Real Face To Face Ghost by xXselinaXx
About three years ago when I was twelve years old, my mother couldn't pay the rent of our big family house anymore. We had to move into this new house, which belonged to my mom's friend's mother before. The thing about it was, when I first entered my room, everything seemed great, until I looked out...
Haunted Call Center by mau
This is a compilation of stories from different employees working in the call center where I used to work. Our office was located in a building that was converted from a warehouse to two story office building situated in Cebu City, Philippines. I was at first skeptical about ghosts, but I am now a b...
Two Big Red Eyes At My Window by princess123
This happened in the middle of the night when my sister was sleeping on my bottom bunk. She has her own room, but I told her a ghost story and she won't sleep in her room alone. It was the night around 2:56am or 3:00am, and I know that means the witching hour. I needed the toilet, so I got up cli...
Nui Tou Arrest Spirits That Escape From Hell by anikenlee
I posted an earlier story about Ghost Of Pulau Ubin. Today, I am going to tell you about a story that happened during the hungry ghost festival. I and my two friends, Yeo Ying Jie and Marcus, were preparing to take a stroll along a path that leads to a temple. After we walk a few minutes, we foun...
The Ghost In The Vent by Sonicfreak
It all started around the Christmas of 2007. After that Christmas, I began to feel like some one was watching me, watching my every move. So I suspected that there was a ghost, but I wasn't quit sure of it. It had begun to get more and more paranormal. I had felt a very cold chill every time I w...
Haunted House On The Drive by lilblackpom
This is a story about a haunted house in Southwestern, Ontario. Two of my friends and I rented this house when we were in our early 20s. It was 1980 when I moved out of my parent's home to adventure on my own. I knew I was on my way to rent a house with two of my girl friends. This was exciting! Whe...
Haunted Minneapolis-1912 by MNPROPHET
I would like to share with everybody the most recent investigation team PROPHET undertook. It was quite unsettling even for a paranormal investigation team. We started the research weeks prior to the actual investigation, gathering history and information from the clients. It is a turn of the cen...
Emily Haunted My Bedroom by Yesterday
In September of 2005 I was transferred for work to Riverton, Wyoming. I found a nice, little two bedroom apartment on the top floor of a small apartment complex. I got everything unpacked and set up just how I wanted it. I never felt quit comfortable in the apartment but I just figured it was becaus...
Are Ghosts Following Me? by repo33
I am writing this in hopes of somebody being able to explain it. I live in a rural area of northern Georgia, but this experience began about 6000 miles away, 26 years ago. When I was a growing up, my dad was in the Navy. We moved to Hawaii when I was 11 years old, my sister was 14. While waiting ...
Am I Possessed In My Sleep? by AlexanderLegendWebb
I need help and information about the following story. Please help. I am fourteen years of age and have been sleep walking many times. Once, I have walked out the front door. I am interested in the ghost world and wish to know more. I have experienced dreams where I have seen my family die many ti...
Demon Of The Civil War Graveyard by Rakoshnor
It was June twenty-second I believe when an event I will never forget happened. My cousin and I were at his house when we got bored. We were in Carolton Texas and we decided to go look at a graveyard he walked by at one point in time. It was 10:00 PM when we went out and started to look for the grav...
Hunter Or Spiritualist? by Valicity
This is about my background leading into future demon hunting, and revenge for the past. Sometimes I can feel something watching me. I don't know what it is, but I can always tell where it is. It makes me nervous and paranoid. Even if I'm with other people, it'll come. It doesn't feel like a goo...
Haunted Calaveras Property by c_nicholson
We live on 10 acres of land and on the back 5 acres of this land, during spring and summer women and children's voices are heard along with the sounds of a camp fire. A long time ago Chilean people camped in our area, especially our property. They came to find gold. While the men were gold pannin...
The Last Appointment by KimSouthO
My mother passed away in August of 1996. She and I were very close and as I was attending nursing classes when she fell ill, I was able to provide some of the health care she needed, brining us even closer. The very last time she left the house I had taken her to a doctor's appointment. While lea...
Ghost Girls Tales: A Look At The Hangman's Tree Bar by PaulDaleRoberts
Ghost Girls Tales: A Look at the Hangman's Tree Bar: Placerville Ghost Girls Ghostwriter/Investigator: Paul Dale Roberts Oh man... What time is it? Wow! It's already 11am. The date is August 31, 2008, Sunday and I have to get myself out of bed and start getting ready for a Ghost Girls investig...
The Call From Wake by mau
This happened around 1970's, probably around 1974 while my mother was still pregnant with my older brother, during the wake of my grandmother, the mother of my father. I heard this story from my mom since she was there when this happened. Giving you the background of my late grandmother, they sa...
Spirit Guardian by DeviousAngel
A friend of mine had a cat that subsequently had kittens. My friends and family know that I'm a cat person, so it goes without saying that I fell in love with one of the kittens whom I later named Prism. At the time, I was told that I was being given a female cat, and for whatever reason I didn't ch...
Hauntings In Vegas by Giovanna425
I was visiting my best girlfriend in Vegas last year and she has a gorgeous mansion in Henderson, Nevada, ten minutes from the strip. The first night, I woke up to the feeling of being watched. But more than that, I was sleeping but "saw" a dark shadowed man leaning over me. I figured it was a dream...
Is My House Haunted? by Pinnk
I've been having problems with my home for quite some time now, and I wanted to know if anyone had an idea of what could be going on. Some background information: my house was built over an abandoned Puritan barn. When we moved in, some of the brick walls were still intact in our backyard, but sin...
Orbs In The Wood Room by LoveforHope0226
When I was little, I would go in my grandpa's room to take a nap, but I'm not allowed to go in that room since he keeps a loaded gun, and I hate guns. I was looking at some old pictures of me in the room with my doggie, Snokes, and I just see this, I don't know what it was really. It was just enough...
Was My Imaginary Friend Real? by xXcaseyXclasherXx
Since as far back as I can remember I've seen things that my parents can't. I've heard things that no one else hears, I've smelled things that no one seems to smell, and I've felt things that aren't there. My mother tells me stories about when I was younger. As most children do, I had a so-called ...
Spirits Choking My Sister? by Oli
My mom told me this story about my older sister and what used to happen to her as a baby. Here's the setup to the story and the house. My family had just moved into a two-story house in Fresno, California. Our family included my two older brothers, my older sister, and my parents. I wasn't born yet....
Ghostly Swing In Pulau Ubin by anikenlee
Have you ever heard of ghostly swing? I don't think you have! Now I am going to tell you a incident that happen a last year. My friend and I was walking down a slope, to see if any paranormal thing would happen. Then, we came across a large tree, with a swing attach to its branch. Ying Jie i...
An Encounter In Bombay by shaishav34
This incidence happened in the year 1975. My father, then unmarried, along with his family, used to live in the Mulund East suburb of Bombay, now Mumbai. He used to have a friend and neighbor, Jadhav. Jadhav just got a job with a Pharma Company in Mulund West suburb, and had to daily cross the rai...
David, Back Where He's Supposed To Be by Adventure_Ms_Aqua
Finally, after all of my experiences and efforts with David, he's in HEAVEN! It's actually SERIOUSLY exciting when this happens. Background information: It first started off when he was trying to communicate. I was pretty darn scared at that time too. He was using sleep paralysis, scratching, or...
Dark Angel's Visit by donp1111
I encountered a "Dark Angel" when I was around eleven years old. Just before falling asleep I saw a tall dark figure standing in the corner of my room. He was around 6'2, with a long black coat and a black top hat, but I couldn't make out his face. I was afraid of my own shadow at the time but I did...
Little Boy Returns And Moves On by Rebelboy1987
The one spirit I actually wasn't afraid of that has visited me before was the little boy from my story Strange Things Go Bump 2. I was lying in bed like usual, and I hear this very familiar voice. I could tell it was the same little boy from before. He came out of nowhere and said, "I know what ...
The Girl On The Stairs by loopy666
It was only last year, just before Christmas and I was thirteen when it all began or so I thought. Little did I know that this was not the start of my ghostly encounter! In my home in Dewsbury I had a doorbell on my bedroom door and one night, it started ringing. I checked the hall but no one was...
A Hard Lesson Learned by DeviousAngel
When I was little, I was one of these kids who don't seem to be afraid of anything. The only two things I really feared were sharks and death. I know, weird, right? I wasn't afraid of heights, spiders, needles or bogeymen. I wasn't afraid of the idea of ghosts, witches, voodoo priests or cannibals. ...
The Cookie Ghost by Dizzygallespi1954
This story comes from South Orange County in Southern California. I was employed by a company for about two years ago and while speaking to a fellow worker, I was implored to share her story. I have taken the liberty to translate her information to provide a better understanding on her experiences. ...
Blood And Salt by DeviousAngel
This is actually something I'd like to ask others' opinions about, and if anyone else might be able to interpret this very creepy, very strange event. Several months ago, I recall being in that sort of limbo-state between asleep and awake. I remember sitting up, and standing there, just to the r...
Ghost In Our Attic 2 by resz
I got some great feedback from my first story, so I decided to write about some of the other bizarre experiences I've had in my house. I've never written these down, so I never realized how many things actually happened in my house! Not sure if that's a good or bad thing! If you haven't read my firs...
Froze To The Bone by Sandy
This is my second experience that happened to me while I was in Austin, Texas. I was about 9 or 10 years old, and I was staying at my grandparents' house. I had 2 brothers that were there with me. The youngest brother was out in the jacuzzi with my grandparents, which is located on the back porch. M...
Weird Experience by jlee19
I work in a Call Center and I'm on night shift... A friend of mine e-mailed me while I was talking to my customer. Upon reading the email I went into a shock for a minute. At first he said that I should not be scared and he just needs to tell me something. He said that he can see ghosts. His fat...
The Caretaker by yuri
I used to see ghost and other entities since I was a child. But I really don't want them bugging me because I am scared, really scared. But somehow, they don't quit. Here's the latest...We've just moved in this house last year. Actually, we don't have plans of moving out yet. But my friend keeps ...
Dream Or Not? by adrianbrice
I would like to make my position on ghosts and spirits clear before I tell my story. I have never believed that ghosts or spirits can exist in physical form. I don't believe in the ghostly joggers on the side of the freeway at night, or the evil spirit that lives in your attic that makes sounds, or ...
Strange Events At Sloss Furnaces by blindfire24
Sloss Furnaces is located in Birmingham, AL. It produced iron for nearly 90 years and is now a national historic landmark. It is a very awesome place to visit and I encourage anyone interested in history to take a tour. My boyfriend and I recently visited there for the 2008 'stokin' the fire' fes...
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- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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