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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 32
Our Haunted Doors by meowberry
My boyfriend, Dan, and I moved into our apartment in November 2007. It's our first apartment together, and for the first few months we didn't really notice anything strange about the place. We had previously lived with Dan's brother, and it was enough of an adjustment getting used to living on our o...
Still There by becky123
Almost two years ago I lost a close friend in a tragic car accident he was just nineteen. On the night that he died I dreamt of him. The next morning I was feeding my three month old baby girl when I heard a knock on the door. When I was told that he was gone. I went into shock. I had never exper...
Can Spirits Follow You? by livvy_poolekirkby
I lived in a house for sixteen years, and I had a lot of trouble with all the light globes. They would just explode in the socket, or fly out from the socket, either hitting a member of my family or just missing them. I had an electrician out to check the wiring twice, and all was in good condition....
Something In My Hallway by courtneyOMGG
This story happened the other night while I was sitting on my bed, leaning against the wall, using my laptop. When I am sitting on my bed, to the right is a window, to the left is the doorway, and in front of me is my TV and my computer desk. I was talking to my friends on MSN, around 10 pm. I only...
Our First House by autumnsmommy
My husband and have been together for four years and we live in our of his mother's rentals, watching over the property. When we first moved in together, before we were married, we opted to live with another couple to help with rent. Our house was about a hundred years old and it had three bedroom...
Cinderella Cheesecakes by PorcelainBabyDoll
One of my friends just happens to be the granddaughter of the company "Cinderella Cheesecakes", which provides most of the cheesecakes in the school sales magazines. There was also an old house attached to the factory. Whenever we went there, whether it was to let her dog out of its kennel or to sna...
Broken Tv Or Poltergeist? by elepeddermark2
It was so weird, typical opening, sorry, but it was. I was about twelve or thirteen at the time so I couldn't understand what was happening. I'll say this first - my house isn't that old. It was only about ten years old at the time and we were the first family to live in it. My parents were out and ...
I Think My Two Year Old Is Seeing A Ghost by anniann
We have always had odd little things happen around our house, especially after my daughter was born. Nothing big, just little things here and there, like when I was rocking her one day I felt someone squeeze my foot. It was a comfort squeeze and nothing more, but I was home alone with her. I always ...
The Ghost Girl by Tucker
Let me start by saying I never believed in any of these things or never had the desire to be interested in the paranormal. This changed about two weeks ago and I'm desperately looking for answers and possibly some comfort because honestly I'm a nervous wreck. I've been searching the web, for what, I...
The Ghost In My Bedroom by Nevadaghosthunter
How do I begin? This happened many years ago and is still as fresh in my mind as the night it happened. It was 1965. I belonged to a large family of four kids and as such, we required a big home. My parents searched and found a great deal on a house in the El Sobrante, California area. It was a bit ...
The Black Silhouette - Poltergeist? by ItsMsRoxy
When I was a freshman in college, I lived in a dorm on campus. My side of the dorm room was the farthest back, closest to the window and my roommate's side was closest to the door. My bed was placed in the corner towards the left of the window and approximately two feet above my head was a single sh...
Ghostly Chaos On Ivy Hill by goodluckgirl
It was 1999 and I was moving out of a friend's house after I'd been there for about 4 months or so. I found a beautiful house for rent in one of the more prominent areas around here. I took my fiancé' and we both went to look at the house and agreed this was the one. My first encounter I should ...
Advice Needed With More Strange Events 2 by Jmak
In the comments of my last occurrence I said that I am thick-headed sometimes (all of the time) and needed a sledgehammer dropped on my head instead of subtle clues to get the gist of messages. This was in response to my father appearing to me last month, I was trying to figure out why after all the...
Our Good Bye Song by Nightgoddess
Hey everyone, I'm back with another experience. This isn't about my beastly visitors but about a dear fiend of mine. About a month ago, one of my best friends Jazzmine, my sister from another mother, died of cancer. It was a shock to everyone. She had just gotten married and lived a beautiful life...
The Visitor by fallenangel94
I would like to start off by saying that this is only one of many experiences I have had and would greatly appreciate any feedback. This happened about fourteen years ago. I was sixteen and pregnant, and going through a tough time. I have always seen shadow people, ghost, demons or whatever they ar...
A Black Shadow Man by courtneyOMGG
When I around six or seven years old, my mum and I moved out from a townhouse into a unit. I still live here with her today. I'll explain how my unit block is set out, so you can get an idea of how I saw what I did. From the footpath, you have to walk down about twenty steps. There are paths and g...
The Coffee Machine Phantom And Laundry Disturbances by illusionation
This happened maybe a year ago, in the same house that I am living in now, and have lived in for about seventeen to eighteen years. I am almost 21. It was sometime in the morning, and I decided to make myself a cup of coffee, which I rarely do, but it was just one of those mornings. I put the coff...
Cry Baby Bridge In Mississippi by Brownie09
I know, the title makes it sound like this is made up, but this is a true story about a cry baby bridge in Dennis Mississippi. When I was 18 some friends and I were talking about this cry baby bridge. That if you went over it, you could hear a baby crying. My friends who were in their thirties and I...
Spooky House In North London by funnybubble
I didn't believe in any kind of ghosts, visions, witches etc. Before. I was characteristic realist until I came to North London to stay at English family and work there as their au-pair babysitter for one year. It was really good for me. I enjoyed spending nice time with that wonderful seven years o...
The Watcher At The Shower Window by illusionation
This happened about three years ago to my boyfriend at the time, but it occurred at my house. He was taking a shower one afternoon, and as he was he said he saw someone walking around outside the window. There is a window in our shower, but instead of just glass, it is glass bricks. Which if you...
The Reason I'm A Ghost Hunter by spi_71104
I get asked a lot, "How did you get started?" or "Why did you decide to be a ghost hunter?" The answer is simple; experience. When I was 16, I was like a lot of people, a skeptic. I am originally from a small town in central Louisiana named Jonesville and there is a house there that is all boarded...
Who Was Still Watching Me? by Surlay2
Early one morning, my husband was leaving for work and he had kissed me goodbye. Before he left, the kids had woken up and he brought them into our room. My kids and I fell back asleep. It was probably about two or three hours later that I awoke because I just had this feeling someone was watching...
Floating Poster And Flying Books by EllyElmo
The thing that happened when I was about eleven, and I am thirteen now. I still remember it clearly, how scary it had been. I have a vague idea of what type of spirit or ghost it was, but if anyone has a definite name for it, please let me know. It was August, and it was about 11 o'clock at night...
Paranoia Or Paranormal? by DeviousAngel
I'm glad that I got so many responses to my previous few stories and so many people were helpful with their opinions and insight. With that said, I wanted to ask everyone what they think about a few things that have started occurring around my house. Am I just suffering from some kind of paranoia, o...
Strange Noises And Voices Outside The Door by Lali
This happened on Saturday, September 20. It was about 8:00 pm and my boyfriend and I were at his house alone. He lives with his brother and son who were out at a Quinceañera party. We had been alone since about 4:00 pm and nothing strange had happened. Well, actually neither my boyfriend, nor his b...
When She Calls by Midnight_Dreams_Like_a_Flower
One night, as I was slowly closing my eyes, I felt something bite me. Unfortunately, no one was there. It felt like a baby cat bite, but I don't have any cats at my house. When I woke up, I didn't bother to see if I had a bite mark on me until it was summer when I was talking to my friends. I tol...
The Beer Can by Kawaii52
We had a party for my Grandma's 60th birthday, and I was up at 2 am with my uncle and his friend, Angel. We went to his house where his parents were sleeping in their room. I had invited my boyfriend, so it was my boyfriend, my uncle, Angel and me. My uncle went into a room to get the DVD case so ...
Years Of Poltergeist Occurrences? by sherryk
I am a 37 year old female living in Dallas, Texas. I have been bothered and harassed by something since I was about eight years old. It sounds so crazy that I have only told a few people. When I was young, I would "feel" things in the house that I grew up in. It was during these years that I fir...
Evil Encounters by kittie121102
My mother, myself, my sister, and my Autistic brother, had just moved into a house in Hazel Park, Michigan. The house seemed okay at first, but there were times where I heard weird noises. I wasn't the only one; the rest of my family had mentioned they heard things as well. Our house had an attic...
Ghostly Chaos On Ivy Hill 2 by goodluckgirl
A few days go by and everything seems to be pretty calm. Then, out of nowhere, my son was riding a toy choo-choo, straight down all my stairs to the bottom of my bedroom basement floor, which is concrete all the way. I ran as fast as I could, I just knew my child was hurt horribly, but no, he was in...
My Daughter Was Visited by Spirits by Surlay2
My daughter and I have had several experiences together and alone. I have had experiences since I was young and my daughter is only 2 years of age and she has been having experiences since she was months old. I first noticed she was being visited my spirits when she was a couple months old and we...
The Bell by Surya
I know hardly anyone read my story The Temple, so before I write this story, in my previous story I mention the bell in the temple ringing but no one there. That is all I will say. The temple we have in the flat is the one we took from my then marital home. The children wanted one when they were ...
Multiple Entities: A Cat, A Figure, And My Grandfather by autumnsmommy
My husband and I have been fighting a lot recently, and that's when I noticed all these things going on in our house. Recently we purchased a home and it needs a lot of work done to it. Trying to get that fixed, work, and take care of the kids has been putting a strain on us, so we have been fightin...
The Lullaby by lala20047
When I was pregnant with my son in 2001, I lived in a very small town. We lived in a mobile home. It was small but comfy for us at the time. We did not own the home, we rented from a young couple who told us that the home had burned and they purchased and remodeled it. One night I was sleeping an...
Life Full Of Ghosts by urantia
I am currently fifteen years old and I have more experiences with ghosts then I care to. I don't understand if there just attracted to me, or I have been seeing and hearing and imagining things since I was eight, and didn't even know what a ghost was, but I'm definitely like a beacon for them or som...
Out Of Control by oldsoul21
A few years ago my sister and I just finished watching the movie, White Noise. After watching it, my sister had the idea of trying to initiate contact through a recording device, specifically our answering machine which was all we had. We tried it together, but we couldn't hear anything so we gave u...
Am I Dead...? by TigerLily
This story is about my mum (Christine) again, but this time I have decided to put the story in Christine's point of view. I am hoping this method will clear up most questions people have. ------ After a tragic accident at work, I was lying in a hospital bed in pain from a major head and leg injury...
Child Spirit Or Demon? by fallenangel94
This experience is a continuance from my journey back home from the hospital. As I wrote in my last story, I felt very uneasy going home. It wasn't until nightfall that I new something was wrong, I started to feel scared. I fell asleep and I started to dream. I was holding my baby, she was dresse...
My Day Of Unexplained Events by ps2
To start off this story I want to say that nothing like this happened to me before. In early May of this year I went to bed early watching a TV program. In the middle of the show my TV changed the channel; I thought a commercial came on. This being said I took the remote off the table, I found my...
Grinning Entity And Random Spooks by Kii
A little background info, I am an only child and generally have the entire house to myself. My parents both work a lot and they are frequently out of town. Our house is fairly large, and it feels even bigger when I'm home alone. Luckily, I have 2 cats that keep me company. My family is not religi...
Imaginary Friends by Lynz48
I wonder if anyone would be able to give me some advice on my story. I am unsure if it's real or subject to an overactive imagination. Roughly at the age of 3, I began speaking to 2 imaginary friends. I am now 20, but I remember these friends as clear as day, looks, clothes and personality. I cal...
Long Pause by poltergeistfan
I know I haven't typed a story in a while but that's only because nothing interesting has been happening... Well not until 2 days ago. It was Saturday, September 27th. I was at my friend's house and she had just recently bought an Ouija board. We had known to be careful with such delicate things s...
Presence In Dorm Room At Uni by blayzeamyotte
My twin brother is deaf. We're both at Demonfort University in Leicester. UK. It was around 1;50 am a few nights ago he came to my dorm room and told me he saw a shadow in the corner of his room, so I went down to check and found nothing. He insisted I stay with him, so I did overnight. It w...
Whistler by mulder81
This is an addition to the Whistler at its latest event in our house in Glenville MN, just a few weeks ago. I will post more on the Whistler later. It was a Saturday when no one was home but me and the dogs. I was working in the garage and had the radio on in there that you cannot hear in the hou...
Strange Occurences In An Apartment by Starman1986
The story I am about to share is of the many experiences my fiancé and I shared in an apartment we used to rent. For the sake of privacy and out of respect to the owners of the apartment, I will not use any real names. These experiences are retold as they happened. When my fiancé William had ca...
A Few More Of My Personal Stories by lilmzzoufan
I haven't posted a story in forever, but I have a few that I remember, and I want to tell some. I have already posted a few about my kitchen being haunted, and one about the U.S.S. Lexington, and also one about a ghost in my room, a light, my guardian angel as I call it. I begin with about a y...
The Missing Link by AmyLynn180
I was visiting my boyfriend one night at his apartment. He lived in an old home, and had turned the basement into a television room. We were sitting on the couch in the basement, hanging out and talking. He had recently given me a watch, and I had it on that night. The watch had a silver band tha...
Little Girl And Toy Box by Kii
This happened about 3 years ago. It was the weekend and I had driven over to my friend Al's house to hang out for a bit. We lived pretty close to each other, and were at each other's houses often. Al told me that he was going to have some relatives that were going to be staying for a day or two, and...
New Happenings In My Home by MOTHERPANN
It's been a while since I wrote anything about activities in my home. It seems like since the last episode with my shoes that happened on Easter meant the "ghost" was saying goodbye. I was a little disappointed that it all had stopped. But recently there has been activity again. As you know I hav...
Pink Writing Over The Toilet Door by vlyons
I moved house a month ago into rented accommodation. During the night last night my daughter who is 12 came into me in a panic saying that there was writing on the toilet wall, half asleep I just told her to get into my bed as I was in a deep sleep. This morning, when she woke up she told me to ...
Mysterious Events by Kira
I haven't typed anything in a while, because nothing to report but about 3 days ago I had a string of experiences. I have been seeing a lot of spirits lately, the most disturbing ones were of children staring at me, blood on their shirts, a girl in a white night gown, and a attack in one of my r...
Ghost Pretender by LyssaLuva
I will share some of my background with the paranormal. My family including me have a 6th sense and always have. I know of 8 ghosts at the moment that I have contact with. I am only 16 and know already most of the basics to ghost hunt. Now to the real story: I moved into my house about 1 year ago...
Knocking At The Door by Laura1103
To begin my story I must say that I live in a downstairs, two bedroom apartment. And we have been living here for eight months. As soon as we moved in my husband became friends with the neighbors in the apartments that surround ours. All the neighbors have lived here for a very long time (years) and...
My Ex's Brother by RainbowBrite79
A couple of years ago around the beginning of Spring I woke up from a very strange dream. So strange in fact that it really disturbed me and I couldn't get back to sleep. I had dreamed that I could see my ex-husband's brother's face in the sky. It was high up, like the sun or the moon. The only ...
The Little Boy by lttledrag
This happened about five, or six years ago to this day. I and my friends must provoke it or something. Ok here it goes I will try to tell you the best I can. It was about midnight and I was staying at my friends at the time we decided to go jump on a friend's trampoline. We walked about three or ...
Oh No, Is My School Haunted Too? by mlc13
I seem to attract spirits, I guess. My house is haunted and apparently my school too. But I'm not sure; I could have just being imagining things. I take a bus to school. Normally I arrive when there are lots of people in the school because I take the later bus. On Friday it broke and I had to ta...
Many Events With Ghosts by Karahh
I was staying over a friend's house on a Saturday night. I was 8 years old at the time. I am now 13. Anyway for some unknown reason I woke up at 6:00am, it was summer so the sun was already out. I was slowly waking up and looked at a corner then I was fully awake and a girl, (she had an old fashi...
Is My House And My Father's House Haunted? by dmv99
I've seen a lot of things in my house and my father's house; I'm only going to mention a few. My house was built 12 years ago. One thing that's happened was when I was two I was sitting in a chair, and I looked at one of the walls in my kitchen, I saw a white figure go though one of the walls. I kne...
Ghosts Surround Me by Mystery112
First of all I come from Scotland, and most recently I have currently started to experience spirits again. I say again because I have experienced them before but they lay dormant for a year before they came back. I will start off with some of my most recent sleep talking. About a two weeks ago...
The Dark Man by Davron
I am a 31 year old male living in a seaside town called Weymouth. I was about 5 or 6ish at the time, living with just my mum in a one bedroom flat. I slept in the bedroom and my mum slept on a bed that was in the living room. One night I was asleep when I awoke to find a dark figure looking over me....
18 Years And Nothings Changed by s3fight4freedom
This has been happening since I was old enough to cry literally. My mom is sensitive as well as every middle child on her moms side of the family. Just so happens that they were all females and I being the oldest of my moms children and the only male it just happened to be passed to me. When I wa...
Spirits In My Home by Wicked
I have lived in my home for about 13 years or so now and things weren't always strange here. I've had odd experiences before, but most I just wrote off as my imagination or something. When you're little and people tell you "it's nothing" you believe it. A friend of mine actually posted one of my...
Feeling Too Much by tmari76
When I was younger, my cousin and I would spend every weekend at our grandparents house. From about the time we were 5 years old, we knew that there were spirits in their home. We've had many experiences in that house which I will have to post later; since that time, we have both been very sensitive...
Nightmare - Incubus by girl25
What I am going to describe happened 1 or 2 years ago, I don't remember exactly the time cause I was thinking other things and didn't know what this was. I was thinking maybe it was a vivid sexual dream in my sleep. Its about an incubus. I didn't give any focus until now that I am searching it to se...
Attics Blood by jandistar
When my sister first got married, I was 5 years old. Her and her new husband moved to a house in Tyler Texas. They were excited starting their new lives together. They moved to an old house in a area where most would not live. The neighborhood was run down, but she was just as excited about havin...
The House At 55 East Main St by oldsoul66
This is one of my many ghost/spirit experiences, but defiantly the most cherished. In 2003 when I just turned thirteen my mother and I moved to Middletown Delaware. My mom rented out an old "fee simple" house that was built in the 1700's so the possibility of it being haunted was expected. The day w...
The Girl With Green Eyes by char1y
I had this experience about 7 months ago. I'm in no way new to seeing, hearing, feeling, or even smelling things that I myself cannot explain but this experience has changed the way I see everything. It was about 4am, I got up to get a drink of water nothing out of the ordinary. I crawled back in...
A New Home Visitor by Adventure_Ms_Aqua
Our home is peaceful, quiet, and in a nice neighborhood, and there's only one thing; a ghost. This ghost does the same things as David from my previous stories to get attention. He/she walks loudly on the carpet at night, gives out little random "bangs" or cracks, and gives me the chills whenever he...
A Tale Of Two Houses by bcps
When I was young my best friend lived in a house in Shillington right down the road from me and he's been my best friend since we were three. Since that time his house was always creepy to me but I will tell you exactly why. Countless nights when I would sleep over he would fall asleep down stairs a...
Quite An Attachment by FreeThinker
In 2006, I started dating a guy named Alan. We were the perfect couple and had never had any issues. In May of 2008, I decided that I wanted to work with the Dark Mother, Hecate. I was born and raised Wiccan, so I had a great deal of background in the Craft. I obviously was not ready for such a leap...
Strange Things... Can This Mean Something? by COBzeppelin99
I have experienced a few things in my life I couldn't explain. Seen UFOs, heard things, etc. But recently around my house, stuff I can't explain has happened. Little signs. But can it mean something? I constantly hear creaking. Every single time I am watching ghost stories or reading this websit...
Whistler 2 by mulder81
The first encounters with the whistler happened the previous year in spring of 07. My wife was involved with the first visit from the ghostly visitor. She was on the couch quietly trying to take a nap after work. I her husband was down in my basement office and our son was in his basement bedroom pl...
I'm Not Your Daughter by Cole87
I am the youngest of the 3 children. My brother and sister are from my mothers first and only husband, Oscar. My brother was about 9 months old and my sister 4 years old when Oscar was "accidentally" murdered by his best friend. Reason I say "accidentally" is because that's what his best friend plea...
Tobacconist Spirit by gamst
I don't quite know if this story is as impressive as other stories here but I guess I'm just here to tell my story like the rest of you guys. It started on my first day in work, I worked in a small tobacconists on Church Lane, Belfast. The day started well with the previous owners showing us the rop...
Office Occurances... Again by KimSouthO
I sincerely believe that when tensions are high, we exert a lot of wasted energy. I also believe that the energy exerted can then be used by entities (for lack of a better word) to manifest. Tensions and frustrations have been running pretty high at work lately. The economy issues touch us all an...
Demon In Plain Sight by bcps
My grandparents are very religious so this makes this story very scary for those who are also religious. When my dad was younger he lived with his parents in a house (obviously) but this was no ordinary house it was built on an Indian burial ground and a man committed suicide by hanging himself in t...
My Friend's Story - The Imp by COBzeppelin99
One of my best friends, whose name I am not going to use, used to live in a haunted house. He grew up in a spiritual family, very religious. One year ago, they moved out of a house which is about 4 miles from where I live now, and about 5 from where he lives. They lived in a house in a small nei...
Update On Hauntings by lilblackpom
I haven't been to the site in a while because I have a lot on my plate at home right now. Though, I did find out a few things regarding my first story posted here "A Haunting Hallway and Paranoia" and (2) the noises in my home at present. You can read my stories "A Haunted Antique Coat Rack?" and "H...
Hand On My Waist by courtneyOMGG
Before I begin my story, I will give you guys some information about how I feel while I'm in my room. When I am in there, whether I am home alone or not, I always feel like I'm being watched. If I'm anywhere else in the house, I don't get the feeling. I know it isn't paranoia, because it doesn't go ...
Bathroom Ghost by promghost07
This is where it starts off: My brother, my brother's girlfriend (now ex), my mom and I were in my mom's car. I had to go to the bathroom, and luckily we were parked in either a burger king's parking lot or a Carl's Jr parking lot. So my brother's ex-girlfriend took me inside to go to the bathro...
The Black Dog by sherbielynn
For more than five years I've kept this story to myself. I grew up in a small town called Union County, South Carolina. I had the day off due to the snow and was across the street wasting time with my neighbor. A little after midnight, I grew tired and decided to walk back to my house. As I appr...
Ouija Experience With James And My Mum by courtneyOMGG
This story occurred in the summer of 2006, if I remember correctly. My best friend at the time, James, was sleeping over at my house. I no longer am friends with him, but we used to do everything together. We had lots of sleepovers, spent almost everyday together during the holidays, but we were ...
Phantom House? by rookdygin
I am 41 years old, and I've had a number of experiences but this one really stands out in my mind. While I was still in High School 1984 in Houston, Texas my girlfriend and I were taking a short cut across a wooded field that stood between an apartment complex and a city park. It was around 4pm and ...
The Yanker by LyssaLuva
Like all of my stories, they are based on the 8 ghosts I have contact with. This ghost is a young boy from the age of 6-10 and is a little shy. One night I was lying in bed and I heard something down the hall, I ignored it and looked at my clock it read 1:00am so I closed my eyes and tried to go ...
The Man Who Gave Directions by Biemaster
I have a real encounter to tell you which happened with my mother and father. I think my brother and I were really small that time. I don't know if this is a ghost encounter or not so I need some answers! My family and I were going to visit a holy place (temple) called Shirdi where there is a bi...
The Shadow In The Girls Bathroom by milmo99
This happened when I was 10 years old; it started when I was sat in class I needed the toilet so I walked down the hallway into the girl's bathroom. As I stepped into the bathroom I felt weird like I didn't want to be in there suddenly I felt very cold even though I had a fleece on. Just then I t...
My Incubus Story by Cordare
My story goes back 10 years. It all started with sensual feelings when I would just sit on my couch watching TV or reading a book. I would feel an arm around me, warmth and comfort. This went on for quite some time. It would be followed by noises in my bedroom next door, but somehow it never scared ...
Grandmother? by leoluva101
I am very new to this site and I thought I would submit this Experience I had. I was 11 at the time. I have a history of Chronic Migraines. I had come home from my friend's house because I had a migraine. I came home took my meds and lay down. Later, I woke up and came downstairs to find that my ...
Spirits Or My Active Imagination? by gamst
As a young boy, aged 8 or 9 it's pretty fair to say that I had a vivid imagination. Perhaps ideas rolled around in my head that a "normal" kid wouldn't have thought of and I was pretty much a day dreamer. At night, when I'd go to bed I'd fall asleep within minutes. I wasn't a heavy sleeper as you...
Haunted Trailer by cband
I believe I was eight years old when this took place. We lived in a trailer in Brazil, Indiana. It was my mom, 2 brothers and my little sister. My step dad was in prison for robbery and my mom was barely making ends meet. We lived behind his parents who also lived in a trailer. One night we the ...
Madeline by ABFine
My wife and I were on a road trip in May of this year and made a stop in Natchez, Mississippi. We stayed at a former plantation house called, oddly enough, Monmouth Plantation. After checking in we were shown to our room by a very energetic and engaging bellman. When we asked him about a good place ...
The Sound Of Familiar Voices by BYLUYSTER
When my parents died less than two years apart, my world filled with such emptiness. I missed them so much. Since I was the only child living, my brother died of a brain aneurysm when only 26 years old, it was my responsibility to go through their house filled with 54 years of living. I never counte...
Unexpected Roommates by ssteeno
My husband and I bought our first home in February of 2006, just a few months shy of my son's 2nd birthday. We were thrilled to give him his own room and a huge backyard to play and just a place to start new memories. Within months of moving in, he began talking of a man he saw. The man he said woul...
The Wrong Path by jayman3381
I need to give you a little background on the situation my sister and I were in before I begin this story. I was having a hard time after September 11, 2001. I had lost my job and got behind on a few bills, I ended up sharing a small apartment with my sister who was also having a hard time catching ...
Early In The Morning by Massive_Lemon
Now, some of you may have, and some may have not, read my earlier story, "A Mysterious Stranger", dealing with a ghost appeared to me every night for a few months. This is a few years later, taking place a few weeks ago, me being 18 years old and in college. I was just chilling with my friends at...
Sleep Paralysis Or Something More? by smr0930
I am 19 years old and I have had about three PERSONAL experiences with sleep paralysis or ghost experiences all within a month's time and all happened about 6 weeks ago. I have had many others which were not firsthand but I was there in the room when it happened. These occurred within the month's ti...
Touched Softly by mesa25
I am very confused and curious about a few things. I don't generally believe in paranormal activity or ghosts. Never have. My feeling is I will believe it when it happens to me. For the last six months however, I have been feeling like I am a loon. It is nothing major or scary, probably isn't even i...
People Can Come Out Of My Dreams? by Scared2Sleep
I have three different situations. I'll explain each and I'm just here looking for some kind of answer or logic. The situation itself doesn't seem scary, but each time I am sweating, shaking and so terrified. I know it says we can't write about dreams, I understand's what happens AFTER...
Breathing In My Ear by Rodney
I believe that I am some sort of an antenna. Ever since I was a child I have felt that I knew when someone or something is there. I am in my mid 30's, a reasonably intelligent guy, with no devotion to any particular religion. I was brought up in a Christian home and still live my life with a lot of ...
A Black Figure On My Ceiling by tkkchang
I have never submitted a story before. Please bear with me. This incident took place in Sacramento, CA when I was around 22-23 years old, I'm now 30. At the time I decided to stay a night at my boyfriends (now ex) house because it was getting to late to go home. I was having a really hard time sl...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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