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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 44
My Child's Uneasiness And The Black Shadows 2 by scaredtobealone
Hey, everyone I'm back and I'm sad to say that since my last story there has been little improvement but not much. I'm still seeing this black shadow; frankly this just has me stumped. Well, here I go the other day I was in my basement watching unsolved mysteries and a commercial came on. I looked u...
Our Strange Old House by Tamsa
Our story starts 8 and half years ago. My 4 year old began to see "Shawn" when we first moved in the house. Shawn appeared to my child every night and the destruction was so much that I had to ask him to leave. He did, but the incidents continue. Some of our friends and relatives will not come t...
Is It Me Seeing Things Or My Cat by JessOx
I was sitting at my computer desk one evening, also accompanied by my cat, Tink. I heard some rustling behind my mother's cupboard. I just stopped for a while to reassure myself I wasn't making the noise myself and I most certainly wasn't. Then my cat started flipping her ears back and hissing at so...
Can Night Terrors Be Related To Ghosts? by Thereisneverdarkness2010
I'm 16, and I'm also a christian. I have had a lot of trauma throughout being a teenager with my family and major health problems. 3 years ago I moved from Texas to Connecticut to live in a house with my grandparents. The experiences all started when I began to wake up in the middle of the night. I ...
Is It My Great Granny? by Flamex
My friend posted the last story as Flamex. We live in separate countries so before anyone comments, I don't think anything could be following both of us or anything like that. All the events that took place happened in my granny's and granddad's house last year. Here is my story. My great gran...
The Heavy Sigh Of A Lady by Blondie95
I have been living in my house in Gloucester in England for 8 years with my mum, dad and my older sister. When I moved in here I was only 5 but I can remember looking up at the stairs and feeling anxious about going up their. My sister who was 10 at the time felt the same way about the stairs. No...
Will The Spirits Ever Let Me Rest? by Maliceb
As I left off in my last story I was to be moving since l a lot of stuff happened in my other houses. I was beginning to wonder if it would follow me. Would the spirit world ever let me rest? We finally sold our house and moved into a small two bedroom apartment on the other side of town. Trust m...
Shadows Or Ghost? by loralia253
Many of you might know me from the chat room from the website for psychics. I need advice on how I can help my cousins on what they are dealing with? My two year old cousin woke up screaming and crying. She said that that shadows were crawling on her pj's and trying to get her mouth. Not knowi...
Remaining Ghostly Boarder by princess2
My two brothers just recently started tearing down an old deserted house that had been used as a boarding house. It had been deserted for years outside of your usual varmits from outdoors. One day my brother's were over there working, with one upstairs and the other downstairs. The one downstair...
It Has All Changed by wicca
I recently told you all about my life in my true life experiences called "Strange things all my life", I received a lot of lovely comments but I never thought my own brother read it? I always thought he didn't believe in such things but he had his own strange story to tell me? For most of his li...
The Buxton Inn by intothdark
So I went to the Buxton Inn which is in Granville, Ohio. I went with my Mimi (mamaw,grama, etc.) It was a 2-3 hour drive. So to the story: We went to the Buxton Inn, unpacked and went to CVS down the street to get a camera because the room we had was haunted (room 9). I was highly aware of that, ...
Unexplained Flickering Lights by tiffy89
I don't know. I cannot explain what has been happening to me these last few weeks. I don't think it is all in my head and just a short circuit but it could be. I had watched Paranormal State and watched the episode with the girl possessed by a demon, it had freaked me out so bad that it sent chills ...
New Country, New House, New... Ghost? by DollyDagger
I recently moved from California to France for the second half of my junior year of high school. I'm staying with my dad's best friend from high school and her family (all who I've known since I was a baby). I've been here for over two months now and I guess I've been putting off writing this st...
Swirling And Screaming by neu
I'm not sure if this would fall under the category of sleep paralysis or other such diagnoses, because though all of the following incidents have happened while I was in bed, they don't match the descriptions of any other accounts I've read, nor did they happen when I was just waking or falling asle...
Church Ghost by rd1bigdipper
My name is Rick, and I'm almost 40 years old now. When I was about 18 or 19 I played guitar in a couple of different southern gospel groups. No big name groups, just friends and family mostly. One particular group I was in at the time had an invitation to sing at a church in Nashville, maybe 800 mil...
Ghosts Outside The Old Church by ghostseer
A couple days prior to Easter, I drove past an old Catholic Church. It's a beautiful building with lots of charm, but the parking lot is shared by another denomination. The second church sits almost directly behind the first, and for some odd reason, I found myself staring to the right of both bu...
Haunted Barracks by Tomo
In Jan 2005 I joined the army and had a few strange experiences while going through my first three months basic training. The barracks that we lived in during this time were roughly 20 years old, the older barracks on the other end of camp had been around since WW2 and were no longer in use but ther...
Abandoned Street - Search For Answers? by C
Date: August 12th, 2006 Location: Newburg Maryland People: Clarke (me), Craig, Luther, Jerry Time: Between the early hours of 5 am to the late hours of 8 pm for the main story. Occurrences: Unexplainable. Many questions from this story have not been explained in any other way aside from the para...
My Personal Experience With The Paranormal by pvsdetailing
My experience started months back, when I had decided to go do some cemeteries investigations with another Paranormal Team. What we never did was pray for protection not before or after leaving any investigation cemetery or dwelling. I actually never thought about it. When I would get home my wife w...
My Hauntings by Camillarose
I am 14 years old and I think I have clairvoyance. I was on my bed looking out of the window when I saw a faceless man! He had no facial features and was wearing navy I could tell he was a man; I was so shocked I fell off my bed and hurt myself. Another time I was coming out of the bathroom and I...
Our Old House by dickycolin
I'm generally quite a sceptic and am extremely pragmatic when it comes paranormal topics, especially ghosts. I do believe that most things can be explained. However, have had some truly unexplained things happen to my family and me most of which happened in a house I used to live in. The house was b...
Whispers In The Night 2 by raingrl01
This is an update on the activity that has been happening in my house. This is a continued story so if you haven't read Whispers in the Night 1 then you should. More things have happened in my house recently! There have been cold spots, I feel like I'm being watched a lot, when I close the bathr...
Abandoned Graveyard by princess2
Have you ever been to one of those graveyards that are so far back up in the country where nobody ever goes anymore? Well not far from where I grew up there was this old graveyard. We had to go up a one-lane dirt road surrounded by woods on both sides for about two miles. We had to drive in the midd...
The Haunted House I Grew Up In by whitewolf1234321
I was about 2 years old when my family bought our house. We needed it on the count as we had a big family. Not to long after we moved in. My older sister had a baby, my niece. When she got older she started to talk to things. We all thought it was an imaginary friend, until she called him by nam...
Scent Of Death? by sandra
After my grandma died 7 years ago the family went to her house to sort out her things. I went into her spare bed room and was overcome by the smell of urine; it was so strong I gagged. I told the rest of my family who came into the room and they had to get out quick because the smell was unbearable....
Nero Ansfield by Konjou84
While I am writing this my stomach is getting tight and my throat feels very dry because I am writing this in front of him... Nero is a guy, or a thing that I have known since I was in the 5th grade. I never got along with him well but he has saved my life so many times. The thing is I never real...
Who Are They? by NJKE
In October 2008 my family moved in to a new town house. The area was new and had just been farmland before they built on it. When we moved in I slept on the top floor with my mum who was across the hall and my two little sisters slept on the middle floor on there own. My two sisters didn't like to s...
A Few Experiences In My Bedroom 2 by AnnaRuss
I've been mentioning how nothing has happened lately with my bedroom ghosts. Kind of jokingly saying they were getting lazy and I guess they took it as a challenge last night. I believe in what I saw 100% last night and there is no way it was a dream and there are several reasons why I know it h...
A Strange Wire In The Graveyard by MrZach
This is my first post on this website. I'm a believer in the paranormal (obviously) although I haven't had any huge experiences myself. I've had a few minor ones and this one is one of them. My experience took place a day ago. I've been living in Galway, Ireland on a foreign studies type thing. ...
Haunted Hallway In My High School & The Little Blonde Haired Girl by blackrose149
What I am about to tell you happened a few days before Christmas. But first let me give you a little background: I'm currently a freshman in high school. It's a pretty big school with tons of classrooms, a library and a huge gym! It's about 15 minutes from where I live, because I live in a neighborh...
Third Eye And Ouiji Board by marcink125
Yes this is another Ouija board story, but it is not terrifying, but just interesting. In Feb. 2008 I bought an Ouija board from because I liked the artwork and it was handmade and wasn't just an ordinary parker brother Ouija board. Anyway I have used an Ouija board before and hav...
National Geographic by grimcarebear
Alright, I'm really here to tell you experiences of my close friends. I have had some experiences of my own (mostly just feelings of being watched and the occasional weird happenings), but my friends stories are ten times more interesting. This story is based around my roommate Shelby. Her Grand...
Don't Let Elka Get You by needsanswers
This story is very recent and I am curious as to why it happened. I was trying to get to sleep one night but wasn't very tired. I was lying in my room which has another spare room next to it. The door of the spare room was open and I was staring at my large bear collection trying to sleep. All of...
A Haunted House Or A Haunted Life by hauntedexpress
When I was a child, our family moved into a semi-detached house in a village called Rossington. I was born a few weeks earlier when we moved. The trouble didn't start until I was seven when a dark shadow appeared at the corner of the front bedroom. I screamed and ran downstairs... The shadow followe...
Running On The Staircase by Rosalie
So I am new to this site, and I am hoping to find some answers. My experience isn't exactly scary, I am just curious as to what's going on. Before I start I'll give you some information about my home. I live in a two storey house in Sydney with my parents. My bedroom is upstairs next to the stair...
Small Town Demon by demonslayer
I live in a small town in the middle of Utah, and have since I was only three years old. A few years ago, I moved to a house a couple of miles away, but still in the same town. My entire life, I've had some ESP gifts (for lack of better word), but I didn't know it was unnatural until I was about eig...
The Housekeeper by Clinto
Four years ago I made the decision to return to the Billings area. I had literally left all my furniture and personal belongings, my clothing and computer at my previous residence out of state, with my former roommates, until such time that I would be able to find a new home and haul everything. I h...
The Ise Woods by laurenemmam
First off, I just want to say that I am not easily scared and as soon as this happened I didn't think "OMG it is definitely a ghost". Anyway, this happened at the start of the Easter holidays when I was walking these two dogs, Bella and Jock that my dad knows the owners of. Bella and Jock are lov...
Dreams Come True And So Do Nightmares by blank
Last weekend was all set to head towards my grandma's place, all the hustle and bustle was for my cousin sister's first holy communion we had to attend. My sister and my dad left Friday evening and I had to wait until Saturday to take my mother along with me. Finally we were all set to go and hit th...
The Toys, Touch-lamp & The Mans Face by ghostsarereal2
I am 14 so I don't now if this is just me and an over active imagination but I am going to tell you my story anyway. About 3 years ago we moved into a new house. From the first week of moving into the house I felt weird, like someone was watching me. Things only started happening a year later wh...
A Haunted School by sandieshun
Everytime I think of this experience that I went through thirty-five years ago, the hairs on my hands start to stand! I wish it never happened because the thought of that eerie experience haunts me to this day. I have always been a person who does not want to believe in ghosts. I believe that if one...
Naked Ghost On My Front Porch by ghostseer
A few nights ago, I experienced something very strange. I had just entered the living room from the stairwell leading down from the third floor. Coming around the corner, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. A NAKED creature was standing on my front porch, and it surprised me. It's been a...
The Struggle & Two People Fighting by cjkint
I grew up believing in ghost and the paranormal. I've never had anything happen to me. Nevertheless, ghosts have been a big part of my life. I have gotten few EVPs that is about it. I lay in bed last night as I normally would have. I was on my stomach when I heard a noise. As I went to roll over ...
My Childhood Home & Voices That Call To Me by 4d
I remember moving into my, then, new childhood home when I was around 8 years old. I was super thrilled because it was so much bigger than our last home and it even had a front yard and a good sized back yard to play in. The strange thing is that when we moved in I started to hear voices. My gran...
Need To Make Sense Of This by muneca913
When I would stay over my boyfriend's place, I would always have these weird things happened. For instance, I would be in the room watching TV and all of a sudden the TV in the living room would turn on. Then there would be times where I had this eerie feeling of someone watching me or following me....
Strange Warm Sensation by boobyhobbs
I've had strange experiences every since I was a little girl. On of the strangest experiences happen just last night. Any regular night, I take a bath and study before I go to sleep. Well last night I was up a little later studying because I had a mid term Exam. I was lying in my bed with my kne...
Betty's House by princess2
My sister and I used to work together cleaning houses. There was this one particular house that we cleaned that had been converted into offices. It was your standard older model grey house with a narrow staircase that led upstairs. We refer to it as Betty's House. Years ago before it was made into o...
Ghost Who Keeps Messing Around With Me by Thehunter99
This is actually pretty short but VERY true. OK one night I stayed up watching Family guy on T.V. It was about 1:00 am. I was tired I turned the T.V. Off and went to bed. I woke up around 3:25 am and realized the T.V. Was still on. I thought to myself I forgot to turn it off. So I turned it off once...
The Girl Kneeling Beside My Bed by morg639
I haven't had much experiences with ghost or anything supernatural wise but one encounter that separates itself from the very few is this one that happened about 6 years ago at my mom's ex-boyfriends house. It was short but it scared the hell out of me. It was Saturday so I slept in until around...
My House Has A Ghost by SensouBandit
We've lived in our house now for 6 years. I didn't really think anything ghostly was happening in my room until a few months ago. One morning my dad came into my room and switched on the light which woke me up. I got up and switched it off but it switched itself on again only this time it flicker...
Skeleton Ghost And The Man With An Axe by miri_chan
This is my first submitted story and the first two encounters I had. (This will be fairly short, sorry) The first time I saw a 'ghost' I was about 3 or 4 years old, so I don't remember that much. All I remember is I was sleeping and I woke up in the middle of the night. My mom and some of her fr...
George Wasn't An Earthbound Spirit by Olivia_Daniels
I lived in a small country town in Central Victoria in a two-storey weatherboard home with my best friend. We both loved scary movies and ghost stories and thought it was quite a novelty to discover that we had a ghost in the house. At first the activity was quite innocent and playful. Objects wo...
Shadow Ghost by miri_chan
This is the third encounter I've had and it scared me a bit more than the other encounters I've had. This took place in my apartment in a town called Glace Bay. First of all, let me describe this apartment. It is only about ten years old and is slightly small. The previous owner was the father o...
Heavy Breathing, Tinkling Beaded Curtains & The Creaky Boards by aliish_is_scared
My family and me are currently living in a one storey house that has five bedrooms, one bathroom, and two living areas. We have been living in our house for five years. As far as I am aware nobody has ever died in this house. I am also afraid of the dark. I am only 14 years and afraid of the dark. I...
Demon Family Relative by lexcove
I have a dad that lives in south Florida and my mom in north Florida. My dad is going out with a girl named C. And she has two kids, one girl A. And one boy B. So we were home alone because our parents went out on a date and we stayed home. Now my dad has a two story house and it's been in my family...
Why Me? Why Now? by LouSlips
It was the summer of 1991. I was dating a woman named Cary, with whom I had graduated high school. She was living in her family home that her father owned in the woods of a small town in upstate New York. The house was a huge three-story, A-frame structure built around a massive double sided chimney...
Remaining Ghostly Boarder 2 by princess2
You may have to read the first story so you will know what's going on. Recently I talked to one of my brothers that is tearing down this old house. He said after tearing out two old fireplaces and a lot of paneling, they found some old letters and some old newspapers dating back to the 1930's. Whe...
Painted Rose Petals by Delilah
I was twelve years old when my grandfather passed away. I remember growing cold when I heard the news, so cold I had to put on every sweater I owned though it was a hot Florida summer day. I spent the next few days in a fog, barely seeing or hearing anything until the funeral. The one bright poin...
The Lost Daughter And The Offending Guests by Shikokun
I have always lived in the same brick house in the East Midlands of England. It must have been built in the 1960's as my mother had lived here long before I was born, when she was married. I'm only 22 years old. This house is my home, my pride and my worst nightmare. A short while ago I came to t...
The Little Girl And The Golden Bell 2 by Draco
As some of you may of read my previous stories I hope you NEVER experience what I went through. (It was horrible). This is an update of what has been going on since I wrote in with 'My dark figure' and 'The little girl and the golden bell'. I stopped seeing the dark figure - either that or I didn...
What Or Who Could It Have Been? by mzih8u
I have never really told anyone this as it's pretty strange so I will try and recount what happened to me as best as I can. I have always had pretty vivid dreams but I will go through a stage where I won't dream or do not remember them but then back through a stage when I will constantly have str...
Being Followed By A Ghost by ParanormalGhost
Key West is one of the most haunted places in America. These experiences happened in Key West, Florida on April 17, 2009. When I came back from work at 6:00 PM, I will usually start up the gaming console to play a quick game. It was 6:42 and I fell asleep in the chair. When I woke up, the bathroom ...
My Father The Lizard by sandieshun
My knight-in-shining-armour and confidante was taken away from me so quickly that I was left feeling dizzy, empty and heart-broken. Why did God have to take my father from me? Yes, he had to manage with one good leg and a stump but he was so vibrant, so hilarious and entertaining, so much alive! Why...
Little Girl In My Baby's Room by Rosalie101
I don't really know when this began but my husband and I bought a house. It is a two storey house and it's beautiful. Well we just had a baby who is now just about a month. We put her room or as you would call it the nursery on the second floor next to our room. One night I heard my baby crying,...
Grave Sighting by goldenlight
I've always felt things like ghost and such they really kind of creep me out and all my life I've been told that there was nothing in our house until recently my mom finally admitted that there might be a ghost, but it won't hurt me. Which is true, it hasn't, but still it doesn't like me. When my mo...
Warning Signs And Peculiar Visitors by Auburnla
It was the spring of 2001, and quite frankly, I was in a job that I hated at a local community college. My immediate supervisor was a red-faced, shrewish man who watched my every move and fabricated myths about my conduct out of sheer spite. At the time, I could not know that within 5 years the plac...
Colorful, Playful, Jumping Lights by neu
When I was 5, my parents and I took a trip to Yosemite, with some family acquaintances, who had a child my age, "Sarah." Sarah, to put it in the kindest of terms, was mischievous. She liked to lock people out of their own rooms and then trash everything. She liked slamming other kid's fingers in doo...
Little Boy In Baby Blue Pyjamas by MaChrista
I come from the Netherlands where people don't believe in ghosts. Only a few do so, that is why I'm glad that I found this site. My experiences started last year in October last year. It started early morning whilst waking up. I was sitting on the edge of the bed trying to wake up (I was still sl...
Doors by kandace001
My name is Kandace I'm 18 and I live in Connecticut. For the last 8 years my family has constantly moved from house to house throughout the U.S. It never bothered me until we moved into our current house on Hicks Road. I started having these weird dreams about the house and all these door and tun...
The Wordless Children by Azumizai
I am a nineteen year old, still early in this life, and never once lived in a place that had any sort of long history to it. It never matters where I go, or where I live, this always happens a few times within the year. It is a strange phenomenon where children, of whom I've never met, come to me in...
Mynah Healing by 4d
Last week was very difficult for me. My wife traveled to Hawai'i (Big Island) to compete in the "Merry Monarch" hula festival. When I'm alone I tend to be visited by many unexplainable things, which I first believed was just paranoia. Since I became part of a unity I noticed that many strange things...
Recent Ghost Experiences by khicks
My name is Kirsty this is my first story on this site but I have been reading other peoples stories for some time. My family and I have lived in our house for almost 5 years now, at first there wasn't anything really scary happening just the occasional watched feelings. But lately and when I say lat...
Nero Ansfield 2 by Konjou84
Now I know some of you who have read the first story about Nero pretty much know a little about what is going on. In this story I will tell you much more about him and even tell a few more stories about him and i. Nero's appearance will be first. I would estimate he is around 5'5 or 5'6, he has s...
Never Got An Answer by DedeT
January 8th, 2009 about 9:50pm, I was sitting in my dining room on my laptop talking to a friend on the phone. All of the sudden, a ball of light went flying across the shades in front of my sliding glass doors. It was a very weird ball; bright in the middle, as bright as the light when you are weld...
Prep School Ghost In Rome by Carpediem
This is not your average ghost tale as while it was happening I did not know that I was indeed talking to and taunting what turned out to be my proof of the afterlife. This is indeed a true story and I swear by it on the souls of all those that I love that have passed before me. It happened over 25 ...
Graveyard Blackout by Elder
My group of friends is extremely interested in the paranormal. We've had several ghost encounters in graveyards, mostly via voice recordings, but we've never had anything like this. Tonight as the sun was setting, we went to a family cemetery outside of town that we had seen several times. We alw...
The Children Wanted Comfort by kittythatsme
This is an experience I will never forget. My friend Matt had just bought a house on the other side of town from where I had lived; a few weeks of living there he called me and asked if I would come a visit him at his house. Hearing him say it that way certainly got my attention. Of course I went...
330 Main St by LouSlips
It was the summer of 1992, about a year after my first paranormal experience. I was dating my girlfriend and eventual wife Terry, for several months. We decided that since I spent most of my time at her apartment, that it was time for me to move in. The house was a large, 1860's Federal-style brick ...
Ghost In My House? by courtneyOMGG
There have been many experiences in my house, including the ones I am about to tell you, which have led me to believe that there is something else here, apart from my mother, my cat and I. Before you continue the story, if you're not aware how my house is set out, please read my other stories. F...
Pinching And White Orbs? by Miss_laura
Recently in the last two months I have been bothered by something supernatural. At first I tried to ignore it but it keeps getting worse. Firstly I have been getting pinched a lot. I thought maybe it might have something to do with my nervous system but I went to the doctors who said my nerves were ...
My Garden And Beyond by Surya
I moved into my home in 2003. It's a beautiful ground floor two bedroom-flat / apartment with a garden. I was so chuffed to have a garden-who wouldn't be? It needed some work but I was prepared to put that in. The garden is an L-shape. You open the patio doors and you have in front of you a pave...
Ruth From Hell by Tomo
This is something that I had almost forgotten over the years but reading some your stories has brought this memory back to me, it wasn't pleasant at all and like most people who have played with a Ouija board I wish I had never done it. My story took place sometime in 2003, my girlfriend at the ...
Sexual Ghost Or Some Form Of Sleep Paralysis by xXelliemayXx
This experience is the first thing I can remember but I put it down to being young, having weird dreams and an over reactive imagination for some time... But I just can't shift the feeling that it is so much more than that. I was about 13-14 and I went to bed as usual nothing out of the ordinary an...
In Bed With A Ghost by Azumizai
I have written previously about how I am visited by wordless apparitions that tend to appear in the corner of my room and say nothing. But this experience is far different than the last ones, and one of the few times where I felt in danger. Yet again, this takes place in a home that I had only li...
The White Lady by katematex
It all started when I was about 12 years old when my mum, my little sister and me went to visit my nana and granddad at their house after school. We walked through the door and my granddad was sitting in his chair he looked very ill and pale. My mum asked him what was the matter with him, but he...
Little Boy On The Stairs 2 by ParaTam
I have an interesting follow up to my story "Little Boy on the Stairs" submitted in February 2008. The little boy seen at the bottom of the stairs in that first story was subsequently seen other times in our home, both by my husband Carl and my younger daughter Karen. Karen is a sensitive who see...
The Guardian by monkey
First off, let me say that this has occurred in a couple of places, not just Missouri. What I'm telling you today, I've told to only a handful of people due to scrutiny, but it's true. Everyone talks about guardian angels. How they help you when you're in trouble, if you're sick, etc... I just re...
The Cobbler by katematex
When I was 7 years old, every night whilst I was lying in bed I could hear whistling. At first I thought it was something normal like the wind or radiators but after a couple of weeks I noticed it always started at 9:00 and went on for a good 15 minutes. It was around about this time when I dec...
My Father's Ghost by princess2
This actually happened to my daughter and her cousin. We were all at the funeral home. My dad had died of a brain aneurysm a couple of days earlier. My daughter and her cousin were sitting out on the swing on the front porch of the funeral home. They were just sitting there talking when they loo...
Haunted House In England by Laxe
While I was in the military (USAF), one of my tours overseas was spent at RAF Upper Heyford, near Oxford, England. In fact, with extensions and a second tour, I spent a total of 11 years there. Anyway, during my first tour I decided to move into a house in New Marston, a suburb of Oxford, that I...
The Vintage Steak House Ghost by KimA
I read a few years ago on a website that a worker at Sarducci's thought the train car attached to the restaurant was haunted. I don't remember the website and cannot find it. My mother, two young sons and I had lunch at "The Vintage Steak House" this past Tuesday, April 14, 2009. The restaurant is i...
In My Grandparents' House by Peeves
My grandparents live in an old, gabled house built in the 1920s. Apparently owned by a mine boss, the house has its share of oddities: my sister and I were hanging out in the basement when we noticed that classical music was coming from a coal shaft that led into the laundry room. We deduced tha...
Freaked Out By Someone Pacing Back And Forth by MM2004
I started reading up on the sleep paralysis topic, after an incident that happened to me this afternoon when while I was sleeping. I had just moved into my place a month or so ago. My roommate and I like the place, but we had both separately experienced some strange occurrences. One afternoon, ...
Working In My Sleep by rookdygin
Still tired from this one and need to write down the details to help get it out of my head. For most of the month my wife has been feeling 'depressed'. It started as her just being extremely tired but got worse as April progressed. Neither of us could figure out what was wrong so on Friday night ...
Black Noise by CenterCore
I am CenterCore, and I encourage you to please explore my previous stories before continuing just to give yourself a better understanding of what I've experienced. A little brief bit of history here, first of all; I just went through a rather tough time in my life and am only just now beginning t...
The Ghost That Mocked Me by eivOj
I have been working in the call center industry for five years and since we are catering to American Clients, I would have to work at nights. Trainings in particular would start around 8:00PM (8:00AM EST) and end at 5:00AM (5:00PM EST). I'm a Trainer in one of the largest Call Centers based in Makat...
Watched By A Presence by pheebence
I'm always feeling a presence around me like there's someone behind me just watching me and it doesn't feel kind, there's always this feeling of evil and when I'm alone, their energy is so strong that I just expect to see them. When I'm sleeping and my lights are off, a bit of moonlight comes in...
Great Grandma Checking On Me by Flyingfsoo
Let me just start with the history of my house. I have lived in it all my life I am 19 right now. My parent's bought the house when it was new and being built. So has for passed owners hiding secrets I can safely say isn't an issue. I was about 8 years old, I can't remember the exact month or da...
Dark Hand, Red Orb & A Sense Of Being Watched by yungav
I need help I believe I have an evil spirit or demon after me ill start from the beginning. When we first moved in I had a room upstairs that was once one room then we made it into two for me and my sister. I stayed up there for awhile then I would see a shadow move in the corner of my room it k...
The Inn by LouSlips
I began working at The Inn shortly after I started my first year in college. Not the stereotypical college student, I did not enroll for my first semester until eleven years after graduating high school and needed to supplement my income with numerous forms of part-time employment. While patronizing...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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