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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 45
The Shadow In Wisconsin by triscint
My name is Christian and I am fifteen years old. This is my first ghost experience but I hope it is not my last. It was the summer of 2008, my family and I always go on vacation somewhere during the summer. So this year it was Wisconsin to go to the world's biggest water park. It was a long driv...
The Kid Playing In The Training Room by DeathKnight12
This is a very odd story. It was during the first weeks of our training and everyone seemed to be excited with the new environment that we have. Some of us are first time in this line of business so were both anxious and excited because we didn't know what to expect; others however were not call cen...
Unseen House Guest by dixiangel36
I have never seen anything unusual, with the naked eye, that is. Out of curiosity I have snapped a few pictures with a phone camera and believe to have captured a couple of orb shots. I began taking pictures after a few unusual events happened, nothing really spectacular. First one happened ...
The Little Girl And Bumps In The Night by Miss_Violet
This is the first time I've submitted anything to this site, but from reading other peoples accounts I wanted to submit what happened to me. A couple of years back I was on holiday with my family. We stayed in a converted farm house for a week. I thought it was going to be relaxing, but when it w...
Singing Ghost by 4d
I had a job as a parking attendant once, and I wouldn't finish work until around 12:30-1:30am. Nothing unusual would happen at work. Instead it would happen on my drive home. I would be pretty tired by the time my shift was over. I needed to find different things to keep my mind active so I would...
Terrifying And True Experience by benk22
I am 22 years old now, but when I was 17 I had an extremely terrifying experience that has stayed with me ever since. I was always getting in trouble when I was a teenager, kicked out of two high schools, ran away multiple times, and made life hard for my parents and myself. It was the summer and I ...
Lights In Our Summer House by Christa
I'm new on this website and this is my first story. I'm not fluent in English so I apologize for my bad English. I've had many paranormal encounters in my life, but this story I'm about to tell is about some encounters that happened in our summerhouse, where we spent all our summers. I'll post s...
Being Held Down And Choked by Scarredsomtimes
I am in my 30's and have had experiences in the past and always believed that it just wasn't MY imagination even though I had been told I have an overactive imagination. This recent experience happened to me about two months ago. I was sleeping or so I think. I woke up suddenly to a heaviness on...
The Bathroom Disturbance by PlaydoughMaster
It was like any other day just sitting with my step dad, watching TV when we got a call that my mom was sent to the lock up. My step dad left to place bail while I waited. My younger sister was at a friend's house so I was happy that I had the apartment to myself. I got a call on the house phon...
Not Sure If It Was An Incubus by Mysticalwoman
My occurrence happened a few years ago. I was just about to go sleep when all of a sudden out of nowhere I felt this most tranquil state of mind, wishing for world peace and goodness for all mankind. After that things started to get a little weird, I fell asleep with the lights on. I felt heavin...
The Frail Old Man by sanjubhat
In the late eighties, my father was transferred from Mumbai to Lonavala, a Hill Station, around 120 Kms from Mumbai. I was in the 9th grade. My mom my elder brother and me would visit my father during our summer holidays. My cousin Parag, who is a couple of years older than me stays in Lonavala a...
Seeing Shadows And The Aboriginal Burial Site by freaky_deaky
For about one year just every couple of months I would see a person all dressed in white, very pale skin and with long dark hair. They would just be standing in the hallway or in garden out the window or something. Then one day I went to dads. I had never seen one of these apparition's at my dad's b...
Old Routines... After Death by GlazeJonas
This story is about my Uncle Edward who passed in June 2006. My uncle was a humble, yet fussy man. He was the average Australian, heavy drinker, cussing and such. He was very sick with bowl cancer and he was told he didn't have long to live. One June morning, I awoke to a phone call informing me...
Was It My Dad? by ashleexloux
This happened to me when I was about 4 years old on Christmas day. As with most 4 year olds Christmas is the best time of the year, however this particular Christmas is one that ill always remember. I went to bed really excited on Christmas Eve looking forward to waking up the next morning. ...
The Voice Amongst The Flames by t3h_h0bbitz
Over the past few months I have had encounters with demons. However, nothing that has happened has been as scary and unexplainable as what happened last night. Last night I did the usual thing I do before going to bed. I let the cat in. (She sleeps in my room); I finished a book that I had been ...
What Could This Be? by Jessi
Here are a few paranormal experiences I have had. When I was a child, I lived in a very small house with my older brother, and my parents. Whenever you would walk into the dining room, (which was close to the garage) it felt like underneath was hollow... It was so creepy. I would lie in bed ...
Night Time Visits by Confused
To make this story make sense, I have to give you some background information first. I live in Tennessee now, but when I was six, my mom and I moved to Holland to be with my stepdad and his family. During the first year in Holland, we lived with my stepdad's mom and dad. Their house, though it has b...
My Aunt Marie A Ghost By The Bed by twilightobsesserx3
In 1998, my aunt Marie (we called her Rie) died of cancer. I was only four when she passed, but according to everyone, she loved me dearly, like I was her own child. She used to knit me blankets, and wall murals to hang in my bedroom. The last blanket she sewed was rainbow colors, but was never fini...
Am I Crazy? by phear_xiong
Ten years ago when I was 13, I believed I had a paranormal experience. I was sleeping in my bedroom which I shared with my younger brother who was 9 at the time. I remember waking up at 2:45 for no reason then starring at the alarm clock trying to get back to sleep. As I sat up from my bed and looke...
Moth Man Or Devil Bird? by Laxe
Has anyone out there ever experienced, or know of someone who has experienced, seeing a large, black, winged figure flying around and then having a close relative pass away after seeing this thing? There was a movie, based on true events, starring Richard Gere called "The Mothman Prophecies" that wa...
An Orb Which I Once Denied by HoneyFlavoredPocky
So I've been connected with the spiritual realm for a few years now - my first experience being in Washington, PA when I saw a shadow person, clearly shaped like a woman, move across my kitchen. That was when I was merely 7 years old. I've also had other encounters, which I've posted to youtube in o...
Ghost Horse by jrfricke
This really isn't a story it is just different experiences. We built our house 4 years ago. We remember when we bought the property that the guy we bought it from said 120 or so years ago a farmer owned it. The farmer was plowing the field with his horse when it was shot by a local hunter. The horse...
Stay Away From Her by kittythatsme
When I was 16 years old I was a nanny for two children. Emily (who was 4 at the time) and Shelby (who was 2). I became really close with the girls family and would often stay by their mother's house in case I was needed during the night, or day. Their mother was a truck driver and was often gone. ...
The Restless Pathan by sanjubhat
This incident happened in 1999 when I was on a holiday visiting my cousin Parag at Lonavala (a popular hill station near Mumbai, India). Parag, at that time was in the hospitality business providing his services to one of India's largest Power Generation companies. There is a dam and a lake at Lonav...
A Child's Cry by bluegirl0506
The haunting in my parents' house started when I was thirteen. I woke up one morning and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast and my mom was sitting, just staring, and the kitchen table. I could sense something was bothering her, so we started talking about what we were going to do that day and ...
My Admirer Came Back by linamoo79
I have submitted a story to this site regarding My Admirer, a ghost or whatever he is that I had an experience with. I have always felt him near me but he has not made contact since our time together years ago until February 25th of this year. My aunt, who myself and my son were living with due to h...
Heaven And Hell Experience by aturner
I was in my room listening to music as I always do when all of a sudden I was overwhelmed with sadness and started sobbing uncontrollably. I looked up at the clock on the wall, 9:50pm; I said to myself, "What is the matter with me, why am I crying?" The phone rang two minutes later I froze in the...
The Voice At The End Of The Hall by bluegirl0506
My brothers and I were repelled from my parents room, which was at the end of the hall, it always felt darker and more closed in than the rest of the house. We ran from it after shutting the door, the hair standing up on the back of our necks. Devin, the older of the two, denied his fear of mom and ...
Strange Footsteps by Miss_Violet
I wanted to share this experience I had. A few months back I went down the road to post a letter. The sun was shining, so I thought instead of simply walking back home, I'd take advantage of the nice weather, (since it's usually raining here!) and go for a walk. The stroll was one I used to take...
Don't Know What To Think by hauntedraven
My experiences with the paranormal are few. I'm not even sure if I could say I am having any. For a while now these "ghost encounter" as I like to call them has been going on. To tell the truth, I do not know if it is a real encounter or just my mind making it all up. It began in the summer of 20...
Navajo Rez: Skinwalker by Tracker337
I am also a newcomer to this site and enjoy reading all the stories and experiences that everybody has had. I would like to share a few experiences of my own. As half Navajo and Hopi I've had my share of "experiences" on and off the Navajo and Hopi "rez". I hope that I won't get any ridicule from an...
Strange Breeze by cbcorysgirl
I am 23, years old now and living in Las Vegas. When this story took place I was about 13 or 14 and living in Virginia. My Aunt before she built her current home lived on her husband's mothers land. She owned a beautiful old mansion on a farm of at least 100 acres. My aunt and uncle lived in a cotta...
Scary Farm by cbcorysgirl
When I was in high school I dated a guy who lived on a very haunted farm, in Virginia. This farm was a multi-million dollar horse farm where they bred and trained show and race horses. There are a least ten barns on the farm, used for various reasons. One of the barns held about 20 old antique car...
Nero Ansfield 3 by Konjou84
I know some people who have read my first story has been waiting for this one to come. I am sorry it took so long, I had school exit projects and a lot of work to do plus my mom has been making me keep away from the computer for a while. I read some of the comments from my first NA story and tried s...
Peculiar Dreams And Creepy Feelings by libertybelle
I suppose, one could say, that I've had my share of odd experiences, some of which are chronicled on this site. What I haven't shared, until now, is just how far back it goes. I suppose I first noticed it when I would, on rare occasions, watch my oldest sister's three children; this would have...
Little Girl In The Blue Dress by mediumat12
Our home has quite a lot of paranormal things. My Mother, my two sisters and myself have all encountered something paranormal. Last Sunday as I was arriving home from softball practice I got that little churning in the stomach that something terrible was going to happen. As I stated I had practi...
Demons Sexual Attack by pastor202
As a child there was always times when I was about to sleep or asleep and found myself unable move and had to fight to breathe. But around about July of 2008 I began to experience another kind of feeling, as I was about to go to sleep. It was a feeling of being hypnotized. My eyes seems to go into...
My Sister by Rokke33
I am a 16 year old girl living in Los Angeles, California. It was a normal day just like any other; I was at home alone sitting on the couch watching T.V when suddenly the room become cold. I wouldn't have cared about the temperature but what caught my attention was an eerie whisper that seemed to...
Encounters In An Old House by Indianarobin
At the time these incidents took place, I was around 45 years old. I had, by then, lived in many different houses in both the US and other countries. My family and I had never experienced anything like the things we experienced in the old green farmhouse in Indiana. Let me start by saying that I'...
The Parking Lot Ghost by sanjubhat
People generally relate ghosts and incidents of haunting with old dilapidated spooky houses, castles, palaces etc. But the incident, which I am about to relate, actually happened in my office where I worked for around 6 years. I used to work for an Organization near Mumbai (India), which catered...
A Visit From Meemee by AnusteMoon
I'm writing about an experience I had about 2 months ago with my then 16 month old son. I have had a couple of "paranormal" experiences throughout my life, this is the most recent. For this story I will give a little background info to begin with. My grandma "MeeMee" died on Sept. 27th 2005,...
Caught Between Two Worlds by Dantheman
This story is really hard for me to write about, but I think I have to. My friend John and me were walking around my neighbourhood about a week ago, just talking as good friends do, when I had this strangest feeling come over me. I got dizzy, and turned to john to ask if we could go back to my h...
The Ghost In My Parents Bedroom by bluegirl0506
OOne night I was getting ready for bed, getting dressed and running back and forth to the bathroom. I finally got everything together for the next morning and made my way to the living room, picking on my brothers, Devin and Cameron, on the way. We had recently gotten a toy poodle, Precious about fi...
Himiko by zoajet
Let me first start off by giving some background information. I an 18 now and this happen a long time ago. I always believed in spirits. I was 7 when this happen. I had not used any Ouija board at this age. This story takes place at my school at first. I was at my school after school with my fri...
School Kids And Ouija Boards by monoxide
A few years back, when I was 13 or 14, my school went through the infamous Ouija Board phase. I don't know if many schools go through it, but the local schools where I live seem to graduate from Pokémon cards to groups of children sitting in classrooms with Ouija boards. First though, a little bit...
That Girl Is Me? by Konjou84
Ever since I was 4 I've been having weird dreams where there was a little girl; my age and she looked exactly like me only her skin was lighter and her hair was way longer. The thing is... In these dreams it's like I'm living in her mind so everything she says, feels, and experiences I'm experiencin...
Grandpa Still Visits Me by Kimberly2375
When I was a little girl, my Grandpa was my favorite person. We were extremely close. I was the sun that man's earth revolved around. I should tell you some back ground information before I tell you the main part of the story so that it makes sense. When I was a child my Grandpa always called me...
The Tunnels by cracklepaint
My name is Carl and I live in South Africa. I've not had many experiences with the super natural But I've been fascinated by it. Well this is one experience I did have. A couple years ago when I was still in high school I was about 16 years old (I'm 25 now), my friends and I would go hang out i...
Hide And Seek by wertona9
My name is Sakamoto and I will tell you something that happened to me when I was about four years of age. I have only recently been submitting this story to other sites and have been telling people about it ever since I learned that what I believed it was was insanely different from what I thought a...
Unexplainable Encounters by RonYP
Up to now I still wonder why does Supernatural or unexplainable things keep on happening to some people while others don't or can't experience it. In this story I'm going to tell you about our (yes I am not the only one who felt and experienced it.) scary encounter with (as others call it) the super...
Sensing The Paranormal by hauntedexpress
I'm feeling constantly haunted. I feel a presence everywhere I go, I can not see them or hear them but, it's just the change in temperature and the faint smell. On my way to college coming up to junctions I feel the people getting run over or getting assaulted by others. I am a relatively a lively p...
As I Grew, So Did They by KittyChymira
Most of my experiences (but not all) have mainly occurred in my family's first home. This first handful of experiences did occur in that house. When I was about 6 or 7 years old, my playroom was our basement, as was most children's that I've talked to. This was little to no problem, really. I co...
What I Witnessed by bechill1
My name is Brian and I witnessed something that I had never seen before, but had heard about and something that would ultimately impact my life. Around December my friend Ryan had told me that he had woken up in the middle of the night to find a green glowing light floating in his bathroom, whic...
The Last Train Home by stubbington
It happened about a week ago - I was catching the last train home from my dad's house, it was about quarter past eleven and I had to stop and change trains. The station I was left at was completely deserted and dark. I was there alone; or so I thought. The train screen notified me that my train w...
A Knock On Our Front Door by Necropolis_Seraph
This happened when I was still young, round 6 or 7years old that time. We were living in Cavite, me my mom and my dad. My mom was sick during that time. She had been sick for 2 years actually with Lupus so she had to always rest in bed. My dad had a car shop in Mandaluyong City and would often come ...
Careless Whisper by Necropolis_Seraph
Here is another weird story that happened to me when I was young, this time I am on my early teens. Me and my stepbrother always went on summer vacation to our aunt's house in Pasig City. We love it there as she lives in a subdivision wherein lots of the residents have children our age and the su...
La Llorona by wertona9
I have lived in New Mexico my entire lifetime, and never moved. As result of living in the center of the southwest, I have heard the story of 'La Llorona' multiple times, and in many different versions. I live very close to about two rivers, and when I was little, I heard a version of the story wher...
Demonic Forces And The Ouija Board by Darkgemini
My name is Logan and I am a first year college student at Boston University. I live with my parents in the back woods of Monson Mass deep in the forest off a dirt road with no streetlights for miles. All my friends love coming to my house to have parties and not have to worry about that police showi...
Morse Hall Happenings by mandalyn05
I am getting ready to complete my second, and last, year of living in Morse Hall, one of the dormitories at my college. Before moving here, I had never heard about any ghost stories or other strange happenings. After moving in, I started hearing stories of students who have died naturally, accident...
Dreams Becoming To Real by nightdreamer
I'll make my intro short and sweet. My name is Kris, I live with my father in New York and my dreams have always been very vivid, but never harmful until last night. I have never told anyone about my dreams until now because they are becoming so real. I remember everything about them and some happen...
As I Grew, So Did They 2 by KittyChymira
As I grew up, I started to notice other things happening that were considerably out of place. Within a few weeks of seeing the small girl on my basement landing, I started to hear very odd noises. My dog (a 45 pound poodle-type dog) was sitting in our living room with me while I read. No one was i...
My Creepy House by Hardcorepoweranger
There was a cover over the piano keys which was very hard to lift for some reason but around 2 and 4am it would start playing music from the late 1800's and no one in our house could play the piano other than the things we made up. We always thought that out was haunted. We would never hear thin...
A Strange House by Sergeant
This is a personal account of mine and dates back to the late 1970's when I was about 19 years old. I had moved into a newer home with four other roommates. One of my roommates mother had passed several years prior and she missed her a lot. Me? I had become very interested in the paranormal an...
The One In My Dreams by minx69
I don't know how it all started out, because if I did I would tell you. I've had these dreams for the past 3 years of my life. In them their is a man with long beautiful black hair, blue eyes, black trench coat, pale white skin, and in my eyes he's absolutely perfect in every way. I have very vivid ...
Poltergeist In The House by twilightobsesserx3
For the past few weeks, I've been depressed. I had huge friend drama, my mother made it worse, and above all else, I had gained weight and could no longer fit into my clothes. I cried every night, all night, and was extremely suicidal, keeping knives and scarves in my drawers for when I could no lon...
The Playful Shadow Girl by below_you
I've had a few run-ins with unexplained phenomenon in the past but I have always just ignored these things and looked the other way. That has all changed since I moved into my new home. The house was a little run down when me and two of my friends moved into it, so we started remodeling right away. ...
The Floater by gloriavox123
I moved into my house about 5 years ago. I had never seen a ghost before or experienced any type of paranormal activity. It was only about 20 years old, as well, so I wouldn't have expected it to be haunted. It was. I didn't live there full time until December of 2007 so I wasn't there enough to ...
Dunraven Drive by Jessica_Rabbit
When I was younger, and my middle sister was still sleeping in a crib, my mother and father moved us into a house with my grandparents in Colerain Township, a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio. The house was large, and beautiful with a huge backyard and a very large tree in the front of the house. Being a ...
Lost Hiker Ghost? by kellbellcutie
My friend "Heather" and I have a problem that whenever we spend time together some paranormal event seems to happen. This is one of the stories from the summer I spent with her at her new place in Colorado enjoying the beauty of nature. I had done several hiking trails but they had all been rather b...
Paralyzed Awake by gmar
I've been living in the same house for five years, in those five years a lot of paranormal things have happened, different doors opening fully and slamming shut while the doors had been previously closed fully. An unwelcome "guest" sits on my sister's bed across the room I sleep day or night. You ca...
Ouija Board Brings Me Ghosts? by Laurax
So I'm basically writing this story, to ask for help. See a couple weeks ago, I had been in bed for about, 15 minutes (?) and was dozing, in and out of sleep. I felt something "jump" on my bed, and I woke up, gasping (don't know why). The only way I can describe what I saw is as a black shadow w...
The Black Mark by Christa
I would like to share a story my mother witnessed, for it happened to my mother's aunt in the 60's. I don't really know how to define what happened and what really happened. I will be pleased to have your point of view and knowledge on this subject. My mother's aunt ("Betty ") was living with he...
Dunraven Drive 2 by Jessica_Rabbit
I have always felt as though I was different from my friends and classmates in some way. I never really realized why until I began high school. I met someone that made me feel as though I could talk about my personal experiences with, and she shared hers with me as well. It was a very freeing experi...
Kingston And Fort Henry Haunting by gloriavox123
Being able to see things otherworldly have only come to me recently, but I try my best to not get scared. Still, though, I sometimes do. For example, the night in Kingston. Because the people who experienced this with me do not want to be identified I'll call them by aliases. So, I was going to K...
My Mama Is Here With Us by judie91
My story is about my mom who passed away February just gone. My mom and I were close. We were the ones who left in our house in Marikina as most of my siblings were gone to work abroad and had their own families, and my dad often went home. My mom and I also shared the birthday 4th February. I'm jus...
Monster In The House by bluemary
When I was a little girl I lived in an old building that my dad turned into our home. We lived downstairs and there were apartments upstairs it was not uncommon to here strange noises during the day or night. For about a week my four year old brother would wake up screaming that the monster was ...
An English Pub by benn
I have read a lot of the stories from the Website and have found them very interesting, so I thought I would share my experiences in the hope that other people find them interesting. When I was about 15 years old my Dad became the manager of Pub, I won't say the exact Pub as he does not run it any ...
The Floater 2 by gloriavox123
As I stated in my story that preceded this one, my home was only about 20 years old when I moved in. The previous owners were a family of four we never had the chance to meet. My parents never experienced anything paranormal and deny it exists. A few things have happened since the first story I ...
I Hate Closets by minx69
When I was a little girl and my brother was still living with my mom, and dad, I, being the youngest, had to have the little room. I hated that room. Scary things would happen that have haunted me for the rest of my life! When I was younger, around the age of six maybe, my dad would stay in there...
Lost In Yosemite by Lavender
After reading the recently posted hiker story it inspired me to finally post this. I was asleep. There was a man talking to me, remember Det. Sgt. Yemana from the 70's TV show Barney Miller? A hospitable character who I guess imprinted on my brain as a young child while my parents took in their w...
A Night On The Queen Mary by AnusteMoon
I would like to share my experiences of the night we stayed on the Queen Mary. We stayed there on May 9th, 2009 and we stayed in room A107. I was really excited about staying there because I had heard all these ghost stories about the place and that they offered tours, but I knew we couldn't take an...
The Shady Dell by Jennifer40
Over this past weekend I went down to Bisbee, AZ for a yearly trip I take with some girlfriends. Bisbee is an old mining town and the locals say there are more spirits than people. The town has quite the history. For a change of pace we decided to stay at The Shady Dell campground which features ...
Evil Eye by PsychicBoy
When I was about 5 years old I was staying at my great-grandmothers house. I was sleeping in the lounge-room and then "Nature Called". It was the middle of the night and very creepy, but I really needed to pee. After say half an hour of holding-on I couldn't go on, so I got off the couch wrapped the...
Whispered Name, Cat Ghost, And Haunted Island by Lollypop
I never thought much about this when it happened, but there was a place between our house and the one next door where I used regularly to hear my name whispered. This will have been when I was less than 10 years old. I just sort of got used to it: that was the place where I would hear my name. I'd w...
Jesse James Birthplace And Farm by mandalyn05
During spring break of this year (March 15-21) I went on a small road trip with my grandma, my aunt and my cousins. On the last day of our trip, we visited the Jesse James Farm and Birthplace by Kearney, Missouri. We got there, watched the short video they showed about the history of Jesse James...
Is This A Warning Or Nothing? by zoajet
Not too long ago I posted my story about Himiko. I am still 18 at the moment and about a few weeks ago something started happening. Before the experience, let me give a few background information. I am living in a house that's around 200-300 years old. There have been people to have died there w...
Pets In Spirit by petsinspirit
To start our story, let me kick off with this lovely poem Please don't mourn for me I'm still here, though you don't see. I'm right by your side each night and day And within your heart I long to stay. My body is gone but I'm always near. I'm everything you feel, see or hear. My spirit is f...
Clicking Noise And The Black Shadow by Will0w
I don't really have any explanation for this, as the place it happened has (after me doing a ton of investigating) no record of anything like this happening before. It was just another normal boring day at work. I run the office here and at the time no one else was here, just me catching up on work ...
Annoying Builder by Will0w
This story goes back quite a few years, My Nan who works at our local leisure centre had told me of a few strange things that had happened but as I was only young at that time I didn't really think too much of it until I witnessed it myself. This particular day I had called to meet Nan from work ...
The Lady Of The House by Ghostluver
I will never forget the first time I saw a ghost. I was 4 years old and it was about 3:00a.m and I was feeling REALLY sick. So like I usually do, I called for my mother so that she could help me go to the bathroom. Now after the 3rd time I called her I saw the form of a lady, a young, beautiful lady...
He's Still At The Funeral Home by Synndill
Although I have had many "experiences" with the "supernatural", I am going to start with the most recent and go from there. To give you some background, I work in a Funeral Home as an Administrative Assistant, in Kirtland, New Mexico. I know, I know, a Funeral Home, but I am perfectly comfortable th...
Falstaffs Missing Pen by paranormaltours
We've done hundreds of investigations over the UK and one of the experiences that I really remember was at a location called The Falstaff's Experience in Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare. This experience occurred in the first room that you enter the barn. I was sat there ...
The Fingers Of A Ghost by Yukari
I have a really hard time sleeping after my dad goes to bed. I don't know why, but I feel so much safer when he stays up and watches TV, then when he goes to bed and leaves me up by myself. I was feeling really uneasy that night and went to bed before him. I fell asleep almost instantly, but somethi...
Strange Rustlings And Dark Figures by phillip20
Over the past couple of months I have been experiencing strange rustling in my room occasionally at night when I lay my head down to sleep. The first time I heard this noise it was like a loud paper bag being crumpled above my head. Nothing could account for it. It alarmed me a little bit. Recently ...
8ft Tall & Distorted by Sergeant
This is a personal account of mine, which dates back to the late 1970's when I was about 19-20 years old. I was living in a house me and my roommates believed to be haunted (See my other submission) and it increased my paranormal interest. I was also actively working to make myself more sensitive...
Remaining Ghostly Boarder 3 by princess2
I recently went to see my brother; he took me over to the house that they are tearing down. It was about 6pm when we made it over there. We knew there wouldn't be much time we could stay, due to darkness coming on soon. I was very excited to get there, not knowing what would happen to me. We had...
Yes Mommy, The Boy Without A Face by mom2aseer
I started out as a true skeptic, just to be honest. I believed there was "something else" out there but was just too busy to look or care. That is until my youngest child was born. I cannot remember how old she was when it started or even how the first episode played out. I just know that even at th...
Saying Goodbye Or Was I Dreaming? by Will0w
This one is very hard for me to write as my aunt was taken from me in the most awful way. It happened over 11 years ago but I miss her everyday, I'd always been close to her and was with her right until the end. My aunt passed away from cancer 11 years ago, it was a shock to the family as I suppo...
The Lady Of The House 2 by Ghostluver
Like I said In "Lady of the house 1" that the ghost in the hallway was really peaceful and kind. I must admit I was in away, sad because I thought that I would never see her again. She was really quite in away charming. I guess it's hard to picture a ghost like that! When I was about 7 or 8, I "...
Friend, Foe Or Familiar Ghosts by IwantAnswers
It's been several years since my incidents. I believe there are similar stories out there that just haven't been told. My sister and I have experienced, what I believe to be the paranormal, a total of six separate times all within a year of each other. I was always skeptical of the paranormal even t...
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