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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 69
Not Your Ordinary Nap by truth_awaiting
I'm fourteen years old, but I'm not an immature like most other fourteen year olds. I have a very easy going life, I'm very happy; I have a wonderful family, and amazing friends. Recently, I have joined this website and I have read multiple stories of sleep paralysis, demons tormenting people while ...
The Faint Sound Of Bells? by EmeraldAngel
I had forgotten to mention one thing that had somewhat made me relax the day I had saw Jamie or a shadow person; bells. After a prayer to God to make it go away a little later I heard the sound of bells. Maybe it was my imagination but I had heard the ring of bells. I was really confused and scare...
Kitchen Hazzard by Angana
A few years ago, in London Ontario, Canada, I was visiting my brother and sister-in-law's apartment to spend some time with my family. Nothing unusual had ever really happened to me before in the house. So, as my sister-in-law was filling up the dishwasher in the kitchen at around 5:00pm, and I was ...
My Deceased Boxer Dog by rottenyouth
When I was 10 my family rescued a young boxer pup from a horrible family who was not looking after him. He was skinny, losing hair, and had mites. He was in a pretty bad condition. He would have died an early death if he had stayed there. The owners didn't even care when we said that we would take h...
Ghost In Our New House by Denice68
My family moved into a house 11 months ago that had just finished being built so we are the first people to live here. My Mom had the house built on a dirt road that has an old grave yard on it. I was a bit apprehensive about that, but I didn't mind it because I was excited about moving into a new h...
The Old Goat's Head &the Visitors by SheWolf
In my room, I had an old wild goat's head that hung above my bed where I slept. I had always been a nature lover, but I always loved hunting also, so I decided to hang it there. It had never given me any trouble, until one odd week in the spring. One night, I had a strange dream, I was in my room, a...
Haunted For Years Or Just Paranoid? by sammi993
I am 17 years old and female, for a while I have been aware that the block of flats I live in is very old. I am not sure how old but I do know it has been rebuilt. Due to being bombed in World War 2. I also know an old man lived in our house before us. I have always been very interested with history...
The Ghost In The Penthouse by Nikita
I have had my fair share of the 'unseen world' (as I like to call it) and though at times I have been terrified, I think my body is now starting to get use to the things that I experience. The most recent, which I'd like to get off my mind is the spirit in our office. Myself and some team members...
Some Strange Occurences by Komatist
I am a 25 year old male from South Africa. Since I was a small boy, I had some very strange occurrences happen to me, some of which my parents told me later, and I have no recollection of them at all. Starting from what my parents told me; We went to visit friends of the family when I was abou...
Kitchen Company by ScottRuiz
Far away from the place I called home. Now we are in Texas. The year is 1999 and with my parents being divorced now, my mom was the only person bringing in the money. SO, we ended up moving from a beautiful house in a suburban neighborhood and into an old house far in the country. This house was old...
My Two Incubi by gadget
I am an 18 year old female currently living in Texas. I have had many paranormal experiences in the past fifteen years, since my family moved here from San Diego, but this account is by far the most terrifying and threatening. I will apologize now for how long this story is, but I feel that all the ...
Following, Watching, Touch, And Attacking Dad? by LauraTenshi
I think a spirit seems to like following me, and I also can't tell it to leave because I'm shy (and not confident) and I really want to help it crossover and I don't want to offend it. I've started to hear voices that come from thin-air ever since late winter 2009. And more recently I've began to f...
An Autumn Evening by SeseAlice
It was the autumn of 2006 when my story took place, which made me 10 years old. I was at my grandmother's house, and my brother, grandmother and I were watching something on TV. Let me describe the living room: when you walk in there from the kitchen, dead ahead there is the balcony door, and just...
Ted Bundy by scared_shitless
This encounter occurred on June 6th 2007 I live in Sandy city Utah and travel throughout Utah and its neighboring states. In my travels I have encountered many ghosts, spirits and such. One of the scariest encounters happened when I went to the Ted Bundy house in Utah with my brother and some of ou...
Not-so-happy Spirits In My Ogden Home by Pendragon
Quick background, so you know where these stories take place - I was born and raised in Alberta, Canada, and most of my encounters have been in my homes as I grew up. Not only will I be getting around to telling more of my stories, but also my family's stories, because I know they will not put their...
Shadows, Footsteps And Paralysis by SeventySeven
I have had many sleep paralysis experiences before, but last night was the most terrifying. I reside in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I am recently 23 years old and I have recently moved in with my girlfriend. The apartment we are moving into is being renovated, so we are temporarily bunked in a furnis...
The Phone Call From Beyond by Pendragon
This story takes place in April 2003, when I was only 12 years old. I was in grade 7, just getting used to city transit an hour to and from school, a cell phone (albeit one that only got 5$ a month on it to call home if I was going to be late for whatever reason), and 'real' homework (quotation mark...
I'm Not As Scared Anymore by EmeraldAngel
Thank you people for this wonderful website and for taking the time to read this story, Katherine is here to tell of what's been going on this past month or two. Lately, my belief in spirits has increased along with my faith to God. I don't go to Church to often being a lazy Christian-Catholic. I st...
Not Wanted by UnknownSky
I live in the country of North Carolina, out in Person County to be more exact. One day while riding here and there on my four-wheeler, I actually caught a glimpse of an old graveyard. It was somewhat covered in all sorts of plant-life but once I got a good look at it I realized that some graves wer...
Ghost Of The Bride by lildixie
During the last week of June, I was driving on a road known as the "old Paris Highway" that was used to travel from Hugo, Oklahoma to Paris, Texas. Also known as old 271, it travels through the small town of Grant, Oklahoma. Approximately one quarter of a mile south of Grant the road passes under an...
The Creeper Spirit In My Basement by Pendragon
Aright I've mentioned this little guy a fair few times. He's (I'm fairly certain it's male, anyway) a pain in my butt, and makes my Basement at my father's house less than bearable, almost to the point of my first story, about my house in Ogden. Other than one thing - I don't think he wants me out, ...
Cat Reincarnation by Dottie78
This is not a ghost story, but about reincarnation of a beloved pet, which I never believed in, until now. When I was 13, my mother brought home a cat that a coworker of hers gave her. Before bringing him home, she showed me a picture and I instantly fell in love! His name was Oliver. After brin...
Did I See My Grandad? by RoniS
I always use to stay at my grandads and my nana's every weekend. Until my granddad passed away in 2006. I couldn't stay after that I found it too hard. My nana was really down and upset and low one day so I thought that I would stay and keep her company and it was a few months after he passed away, ...
Oh My God by amiechococat
My name is Amy. I don't know if this was a ghost or spirit in my apartment, or what it could have been. It was about 10:00 a.m. An ordinary day like any other. I lived in Laguna Vista, Texas at the time. I got up early to give my baby daughter a bottle; she was about 2 months old. I always gave her ...
Haunted Bucks County Farmhouse 2 by BrandonCR
First off, I would like to apologize to all of those who have read my previous story. This story will not be as vivid and it will lack the "up close and personal" style that my first story had. I say this because these accounts are from family members of mine, they all happened at the same farm hous...
My School Their Yard by x10
When I was younger we lived on an island, and a paranormal story is common among locals. When I was in elementary school, we had girl and boy scouts' camping weekend. We always stayed on the school grounds for the weekend; camping. Our school was a good location for camping because we had a huge "pl...
Home Made Ouija Board by Mercury_Lyn
This happened over a year ago. It was my last week of school of my sophomore year. I don't remember the date exactly just that it was the first week of June 2009. I live in a 110 year old Victorian Mansion in Pennsylvania. And ever since my two older sisters, mother, step father and nephew have live...
The Man And The Toy by Bump
I have a few stories to tell. I'll start with my earliest encounter. I was around 3 years old when I moved with my mum, step-dad and our dog Tory into a housing block near the hospital where they use to work. They worked in Garrawarra Hospital, Australia now a little history on the location. It was ...
Happenings In Our Home by Zorro
I never really understood why my sixth sense is slightly opened. I tried my hardest to ignore them but I could really sense their presence in our home. I'm going to share two stories that happened in our home. I was seating in our sala (living room) and watching TV. My brother was across the room...
Graveyard Adventures In A Jewish Cemetery by Fuzzysocks
About a year ago I visited my first graveyard with my two best friends. It was my friend's birthday and she lived down the street of a Jewish cemetery. The cemetery is divided into two sections. One section is gated and usually locked at night. The other section is way smaller and the gate is usuall...
Nanny Joy by zoeee15
This happened to me when I was about 12 but I still remember it so well it feels like it's imprinted on my brain. I was staying at my grandma's house. I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep when this strong smell of brownies came into my room. It was past nine at night and I know that my grandma w...
Pool Time by jojean78
My grandpa died in 2008 march 7th. It was a very big tragedy. My mom and I were just about to start volleyball practice, and we got a phone call from my grandma. I answered, and she was crying and then I knew exactly what had happened. She asked to talk to my mom, and I saw that tear run down her fa...
Happenings In Our Home 2 by Zorro
I forgot to include this in the first part of the happenings in our home. There really shouldn't be a part 2. I've experience a lot in our home but some experiences are kind of boring so I'm just going to share things that stood out. I was watching TV and wanted to get a drink in the kitchen my b...
House On Bannatyne by valerie67
I remember the 70's being bright and sunny during the days, playing with the neighborhood children and making memories. When night fell, our house on Bannatyne seemed to take on a life of its own. My family was well aware of its capabilities. Thinking on it now, there had to have been many spirits t...
Hatman Shadow Being by Inferno
Now I usually never have had any paranormal activity very much in my life but this moment in my life was really really creepy. Now at the time of this even I was 15, it was the summer of 2009 in Leesburg Georgia, 108 Foxchase Court 31763. Now I posted that in this article because I do not live there...
Voices From Beyond by GhostCrowParanormalSociety
My name is Joshua Tinkham and I'm a paranormal investigator and recently went to sugar tree grove cemetery in Monmouth Illinois, there is a a local legend of a haunt about a native American who was buried there with no name on his grave stone. The settlers of Monmouth killed the native American a...
Uncle Mike by Battle_Warrior
In 2004, my Mom went to CA to visit her brother (my Godfather) who was dying of cancer. Us Kids had to spend two and half weeks with our Dad so our Mom could make the trip (yes, my parents are divorced). I was 12 at the time. The day uncle Mike died, my dad had taken us to Chuck-e-Cheese (the one he...
Shadow Person Or The Grim Reaper by yey_aika
It happened when I was around 9 years old. One night, I decided to sleep in my living room couch after growing tired of my bed. Tucking myself in, I fell asleep. After a few hours, I awoke. I turned my head to check the time and after adjusting my vision to the dark, I could see it was 1:00 A.M. As ...
My Infamous Bathroom by MickeyMalice
I'm not sure if you have read any of my previous posts or not, but here's a new story. I haven't hadn't anything too out of the ordinary happen in my house lately, just the occasional footsteps and whatnot. However, this time I'm not sure there is any mistaking what happened. I went to sleep arou...
Mrs Caville by samara
It all began when I was five, I would lay in bed, staring into the ceiling, I always seemed to pick out this one face, staring at me. The face was soft and round, I couldn't quite pick out anything but the head and the eyes. Sometimes I would wake-up, startled, to these foot steps in the hallway, th...
Friendly Ghosts And Not So Much by puppys2love
Since I was about two years old, I've had this one spirit come to me and I've seen her ever since. I'm fifteen now and I haven't been scared of her. I've talked to her in the past and we're good friends, it's the truth. She knows everything about me but I want to know what's gotten into her. For ...
My Haunted Childhood by Lucy1
This is my first story that I've written here. It's about the house I used to live in as an only child with my parents from the age of 2 - 13. During this time, I had a number of weird and wonderful experiences, a lot of which I still talk about today. My parents and I moved into a converted sta...
No Rest For The Restless by Mercury_Lyn
Ever since my family and I have moved into this Victorian mansion (about 110 years of age) all of us (Mother, step-dad, two older sisters, and nephew) have experienced something. As in my other story, I was convinced into creating a Ouija Board and using it in my basement. Thinking that I would be a...
13 Years Old And Lacking Answers by Fadingscream
I know that my young age may make you focus more on how young I am, rather than the problem I am trying to get fixed. So please for the few minutes it takes to read the short passage below, forget about my age and please help me with this. I am a 13 year old girl that lives in a small town in Oh...
Freaky Footsteps Heard By All by mistydixondesigns
I woke last night to the sound of him running towards me. I flipped on my light assuming my son was coming to get in the bed with me as he often does sometime around the 3:00 hour. A door creaked as well, so I went to meet him at my bedroom door and called his name. As I stepped out, I realized no o...
Old Clock Terrors by AmatuerGhostHunter825
To start things off I will describe the place where these events happened. Usually my computer room, which is a small squared room with my computer and desk on the left wall if you look into the room from the entrance. On the other wall there is a TV and a mirrored closet. Also, there is a very old ...
A Baby Visits by mumoffour
I have been interested in ghosts for a long time but all efforts I made (asking them to show themselves in places I've been told are haunted etc) have been unsuccessful. As a result of that, I slowly lost faith and discounted ghost stories as just that, 'stories'. Recently, however, my baby began b...
A Lady In White by Amadiria
About a month ago my son who is 21 years of age came home after spending 2 hours chatting with his friends. It was around midnight when he arrived and he found me sitting on the bed with the TV on, fast asleep, so he switched off the TV and went to sleep. I must tell you that his bedroom and mine ar...
My Exorcism by DJ
When I was 13, I was living in Northern London. We lived in a small flat at the time. I was happy because I had a pretty good life at the time. One of my very best friends, Cristina, loved to stay over, and was over often. One night, I took off my necklace, a present from my mother, and started to ...
Ghost Car? by coolerthanu2121
About 3 years ago, 2 of my friends and I were sitting in the hot tub at one of their houses. It was close to 10:30. My friend lives on the same land as a cemetery (just to give you an idea on how old that thing is the most recent grave is a slave grave from 1803.) and she thinks her house is haunted...
Foot Steps Out Of Nowhere by Jennifer_ghostlover
I'm here for my first time of telling my story to people that I really want to know from what they have been through and get some insight. I have had other things happen to me. But, I'm just getting more curious. This one thing that happened to me was about a year or so ago. It was late at night a...
Lewis by CharRob4
This year in February, my Grandfather passed away from lung cancer. He was the handy man of the family and learned how to fix just about anything. Now our family are experiencing weird thing around our houses. My aunt's and I hate going in my Grandma's room. When my Grandma is in there, things st...
Saved By An Angel? by Sar-osity
I was reading a story on here and it made me think of one experience I had when I was in 3rd grade, so I was around 8 or 9 years old. I lived in a white building that had been made into apartments. They were fairly large apartments, from what I can remember, and I remember it very clearly. It ha...
Ella My Personal Succubus by Legendary
I am currently in a relationship with a succubus, her name is Ella, I first encountered Ella when I was up on night surfing the web, I was looking for random stuff, sense I was bored I typed in "summoning angels", nothing of interest came up, afterwards an idea came to mind, I decided to search "How...
The Mystery Of The Woods by Javio45
Last April I went to take a walk in the woods and went up on a hill that was about 40ft in the air and I was trying to find a pair of clippers when I was hit in the back. A few weeks after that, I was walking with my brother and we noticed a guy on one of the paths. He was wearing old beaten up clot...
Frozen Awake But Hallucinating by creecer
I took a trip into Denver for my birthday. Me and my girlfriend got a very nice hotel room and were there for only one night. So we both go to sleep... I'm a little restless and can't seem to sleep for a very long time. I notice a strange, deep noise coming from above, possibly the ventilation syste...
Ghost At The Alamo by Xrainstorm6X
It was about a year ago when my family and I visited the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas. We were visiting the part of it where they had all of their statues and documentaries. We were walking around, looking at all of the historic features that Alamo had to offer. It was pretty amazing to me. So, my mo...
Daddy's House by winx717
As a child, I was always looking for adventure. I can remember being in 2nd grade and sitting around telling ghost stories with all of my friends. We lived to talk of things unknown. Many of us still do to this day. I am 24 now and have had very few experiences in my life, concerning the paranor...
My First, But Crazy Paranormal Experience by sunkist1220
My story begins one night when I was on my way home. I live out in the middle of nowhere, so it was very dark and the only lights I had were my headlights. A couple of weeks earlier there was a bad car accident that involved six of my friends. Two of which passed away. The accident site is on my way...
Troubled Past, Troubled Present by Dragonlee71
I hope it is ok to include all of my happenings into one story, it will be a long one, but I feel they all have a connection in some way. I have lived in the small town of Tulare, CA my whole life. Between the 2 houses I have lived in, I have experienced many things that can be classified as par...
Penny's Other Boys by Pendragon
Once again, I am back to fill you in on some of the goings on. I have been itching to tell these two stories about my guardians (Riku and Dimitri), and I'm glad the submission pages are open so that I can do just that. My two guardians are very different. Riku is vocal and a bit on the sarcastic...
A Haunted House In Phillipsburg New Jersey by BrandonCR
This was a little more recent, I was 19 when I met my friends Josh and Grace, and they lived in a large and very old house on main street in Phillipsburg New Jersey. I had just graduated High school, and I was kind of gravitating to older more mature people than me. Josh and Grace are 5 years older ...
My Mothers Touch by Danigurl1990
In June of 2001, my mother passed away suddenly from a brain hemorrhage. It was a huge shock for my family and I. I was 10 at the time. After this, I went to live with my grandmother in her home seeing as my father was unable to care for me at this point in time. My mother was cremated, so instead o...
Demonic Nightmares by Nightgoddess
It has taken me a while to get up the nerve and write this and I will explain more to why that is. I have had many experiences in the past but this is different by far. I let my guard down when the activity seemed to disappear but I believe that was the worst mistake I could have made. I was drea...
Ghosts Following Me by Lilady4
This is a true story of ghosts and spirits following me. It is a collection of stories from my time living in my flat. My first story takes place in my flat. We have a Juice jug in our house (one of those containers that you make powdered drinks in) with a detachable lid on it. Anyways, it was empt...
Ghost Guardian? by Noelle11
I am a serious 17 years old, so don't get put off because I'm young. A couple years back I was going through some tough stuff, right after I found out my father was dying. This is a two part story, because it had two sides to it. I'll post the second side later. This is the good side. There was a d...
Story Of My Life by sararanye
Ever since I was young my mother would say that I would sit down in an empty room (we moved a lot due to various uncontrollable situations) and talk to something that she could not see. I never found it weird or anything, I would talk to this entity who I called "Rebecca". I have done research tryin...
Nightmares, Holding Hands And Shostakovich by PicklePants
My boyfriend and I have recently moved into an old miner's cottage that dates back to approximately 1860 - 1890. The first night in the house, I knew we weren't alone. This is not the first time this has happened to me, but in the past I have been able to help the spirits move on without too many dr...
Maria Lynn - Ghost Girl Who Haunts My Best Friend by BethyBoop
Let's make this clear. This story is unsolved and that is why I am posting it although it scares me out of my mind to do it. It was about a year ago when my friend decided to tell me about her house. She had just moved and almost immediately began to see the little girl. She looked a little youn...
Floral Scents From My Friend by cguerra
Hello again, I have posted a couple of stories on this site before but this one was a very emotional experience for me. Like I've said before, I have many paranormal experiences. They also vary in manifestation. This is a most recent experience. It's about my mom's wonderful Chihuahua named Teo. ...
Grandfather Watches Over Us by Bump
My next story is a year later about a month after my grandfather died. I remember this one clearly. I was asleep in the lounge room at my grandmas as I was sent to live with her while our house was being built and I got woken by my uncle walking in the front door after spending the night out with fr...
Guardian Gone Bad? by andrewthething
I've had many different paranormal experiences, ever since I was a small child; I've experienced many different things. But for this story, I'm going to talk about the one in my room. A long time ago, my Aunty died from cancer. Her husband, my uncle, died a few years later from cancer also. It w...
Paralyzed & Scared by Sykai
II am 24 year old, I just want an understanding of it all, and it's been in the back of my mind ever since it happened. This happened two years ago, when I went to my partner's parent¡¯s house to meet them for the first time. We were in bed together sleeping, I had a dream, which started very trib...
Demon Or Casper The Friendly Ghost? by iluvbilly
I don't know exactly how to start this but, here I go. About two years ago my parents and I moved into a relatively new townhouse that was a dream come true. Now I've always believed in the supernatural, but hadn't really experienced besides a few weird dreams here and there. I am a devout Christian...
Bedroom Ghost by lifeleech
This is my first story I've submitted to this website it's based around my paranormal experiences, age 6-14. I know some of you may think I'm a bit young and may not trust me because of it but I could really use some advice about the presence in my house. The story starts when I first moved to the ...
Shadowy Figure And Whispering by Atleeka
I've had a lot of ghost encounters in the past years but these two are the most recent. I am 19yrs old and I live in Germantown MD, over the weekend I went over my friend's house in largo MD. It was Saturday morning around 6am when I suddenly woke up, I was sleeping on the floor and my friend wa...
Mysterious Dark Figure & Noises by 77believer
Recently one morning my best friend was home alone. She was tired so she laid down in the dark. She was half asleep when she felt someone pull her arm over gently. She opened her eyes and saw a dark form standing in front of her. It was so dark it stood out from the rest of her room. She blinked and...
Just A Friendly Ghost by CupcakeQueen
My parents built the house in which we now live in approximately 11 years ago. Upon moving in, I noticed that for some reason my room was significantly cooler than any other room in the house. I thought it was odd because my room is on the 2nd floor, and heat rises. I just attributed it to excellent...
Door Opening Ghoul by ParanormalSofia
Where do I begin? As a 15 year old teenager I was really interested in paranormal activity and Ouija boards etc. I was never really scared when we had contact with a spirit, I found it quite exciting. One day me and my 17 (At the time) year old brother (Edward) planned do use the Ouija board tha...
The Pocket Watch by chevygard33
My name is Greg and I grew up in northern Connecticut. First off, I'd like to state in high school I was a devoted atheist. I had a small circle of friends, my friend Aaron who was incredibly deep into the occult, horror movies, witchcraft, things along those lines, my friend Jennifer who was one of...
The Old Adamsville Elementary School by lindsaysmom
I have recently met a woman through my husband named Cheryl Weismantel. He has helped her do some renovations to her home. She bought and moved into the old Adamsville elementary school on Arter Ln. In Zanesville Ohio. This old school sits across the road from the former R&R speedway. Cheryl ha...
Harmless North Florida Ghost? 2 by bayouboy
Hey, thought I would put update you all. I haven't heard anything in about 7 months and although this is nothing major, I finally can say I have seen the unusual. No, I haven't seen an apparition. The other day I did see an object move. To start off you would have to picture the bathroom of my h...
Ghost Or Demon? by Pbreezy15
This encounter takes place back in 1993. I used to be a hairdresser and would do my friend's hair at their houses in my spare time. This particular friend of mine (Eddy) had parents that I befriended and we got along like peaches and cream. Well as our friendship became stronger I would go over and ...
Ghostly Attacks? by the_original_fallen_angel
I do not know if these descriptions are that of paranormal doing or extremely lifelike dreams. The first time I experienced anything was in 2005. I was staying with my brother on the Isle of Wight at the time sleeping on his bedroom floor. On the night in question I had returned home after work ...
Woman Talking by apreslaube812
My story isn't exciting or dramatic. It happened today and scared me so I wanted to tell someone and see if they thought I was just nuts, hearing a ghost, or something else. I was downstairs in my house. I had the television on, but I had the program paused because I had been doing some work on ...
The Night My Grandfather Died by Eva_the_empath
This story is a description of what I experienced in 2000. I was 15 back then (I'm 25 at the moment). I was spending the Easter holidays with my family in my hometown in Poland. During that time my grandfather was in hospital, recovering after a surgery. We were told that it went ok and that he'd so...
Nana's Always Watching by ghostfox96
Last year my nana passed away in her sleep. Knowing my nana is now in a safe place gives me some kind of comfort, knowing she is always there watching me and protecting me is another. I think she's my guardian angel... When my nana passed, we moved closer to my granddad as we lived so far away. In ...
Shadow Figure by natfish
I grew up in southwest Colorado. There has always been a feeling of something around me that I can almost see but not quite. I'm not sure if it's because I grew up in the land of the Anasazi where it seems every house is built on a spot where the old ones lived and died. I was told stories of skin-w...
Ghostly Goodies From Penny's Family by Pendragon
Once again, welcome to one of my many stories. This time, as you may have guessed from the title, I'm going to divulge with you the stories that my family has shared with me. Sorry that it is so long, but there was a great deal to tell. There are quite a few, and some of them are really, really vagu...
Ghost Of My Father by Goatie
I've always believed in something, whatever that is I've never been sure, but I've always been open minded that there's always something past the naked eye. I've got no reason to lie; I just want to share 'whatever it is' has happened to me. My father died when I was 10, I am 17 years old now. W...
Granddad by Twiggrose
When I was about seven years old (around May 2001, I think), my granddad had to go to the hospital about a week before my mum, dad, me and my little sister were booked for a holiday to Florida. I was quite young, so I can't remember exactly why or what had happened to granddad to explain why he was ...
The Hoe Man & Other Bits Of The Happenings In Our Home by -_Syeetaque_-
Almost every night, my sister could hear the "chunk... Chunk" noise of someone hitting the ground using a hoe. The question is who would go gardening in the middle of the night, around 12 midnight or so? The noise went on almost every night, skipping a night or two once in a while, until one night, ...
Murdered Friend Is Still About by siennateal
I find it strange that I'm sharing a story that is so personal to me, but I would just like to get some understanding from it. I come from Manhattan, and I'm still currently living here. It starts from 2002 when my father (brought up in the Bronx, but moved to upper east side) decided to give ba...
Salvation - Doomed Or Not by Valhalla
Being new to this forum, I thought I would fill you in on my story. I must warn you that it is somewhat long, but this is essential for you to understand and possibly help me. I was blessed with life in 1976, by a miracle. My mother suffered cancer in the uterus years before and was told that she...
My Family's Encounters by iSaeKaren
Sometime last year, not entirely sure which month, every single one of us (mainly myself) has been experiencing some ghostly encounters. The ones that never seemed to be bothered with was my step-brother (Craig) and step-dad. But anyway, before I begin explaining what has happened to my family, I...
Dealing With Death by El_Riky
This happened in Reynosa, Mexico, two years ago (summer, 2008). As a background, my family and I have always experienced ghost sightings, among other things. Sometimes they want to communicate or are in need of help. Sometimes... Sometimes they just want to have fun. I am my family's defense or barr...
Little Guardian Angel by CrystalAngelWings
This started when I was about 7. I had just gotten a room to myself. Our house is on one of the Great Lakes. Also most of you will think that this is fake or made up and I thought it at first too. When I was about 7 I was picking up the toys in the backyard and as I was walking back to the house ...
The Creeper Spirit In My Basement 2 by Pendragon
Fred has been increasingly active lately, and it's driving me mental. Let's recap some of the crud he's put me through in the past... Oh, it's been about a week now, I guess? I'm going to just copy and paste some of what I wrote in my comments, because I know those need to be tidied up and re-examin...
Stories Of My Life 2 by Sar-osity
This is full of other stories like my last post, they're not in chronological order, just the order in which I remember them. I'll try to keep them short. And I am sorry, I'm terrible at describing things, and writing in general. I don't remember exactly when this happened, but it was in my old a...
Lost Little Girl by roseinbloom
This is my first submission on this site. I hope you will enjoy reading my story. I have always believed in the paranormal, and this story is one that has left my family baffled to this day. About 35 years ago, whilst still a young girl, living in my parents' home, my mother, and my younger brot...
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