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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 82
Black Shadow Figures, A Girl And The Captain Of The House by Odessa
I was around the age of five the first time I saw something ghostly. The house my family & I lived in was in Cartersville, Ga. It always scared me. My older sister & I shared a bedroom. We had bunk beds that kind of made an L shape. They were diagonal from our door. Mine was the top bed and hers stu...
My Brother's House by shamby
My brother, Jeremy, used to live in a house near the center of my hometown, which is quite small. He lived there with a roommate, who we all called Goat because he would eat anything. Jeremy and his baby mamma (now his wife as of a year ago) weren't together at this point; she was living with her fa...
Ghost Whisper by cirej_aleub
It happened almost 3 years ago, November 1, 2009 to be exact. I was tasked to wash the chicken feet as our viand in our comfort room (we don't have a lavatory that time because it was a newly constructed house that time and we have to live in it because our old house was planned to be demolished for...
Tolkas In The House by Dudester
I'd heard the stories when I was a kid, but it was a few years ago, when reading a Sylvia Browne book that I figured out what this was. Different from a ghost, a Tolkas is a ghost like presence made up of the psychic energy of the people in a certain place. Unlike a ghost, a Tolkas can physically hu...
The Security Guard by kratos_nins
This incident happened when I was in medical college doing my post graduation in a municipal hospital in Mumbai. Let me first give you a background. During our residency days (Post Graduate students are residents in the hospital campus, hence they are called residents), we needed to make presentati...
In A Loving Way She Said by NowOrNever
Today I was sitting on the laptop when my little sister, who is 7 years old, came to me freaked out. I asked her what's wrong and she explained to me that she was lying down on her bed reading some story when she felt someone or something stroke her hair. When I asked her did it scare you, she sai...
Spirits On The Hill by Kkatz288
When I was eleven my family and I moved from my birthplace of Redding, CA, to a small town in Western Oregon. My parents found a big parcel of land - about twenty acres on a hill overlooking wineries and mountain ranges - and immediately started to build their dream home as they put it. It took abou...
Whispering Man by Tek
It was early January of 2011 at night. I was set to go to sleep and rest from a long day. I tried and tried to sleep but kept tossing and turning and had a feeling like someone or something was watching me from up close. It seemed like it was hours but I finally managed to get comfortable. I remembe...
Visits by MysteryPup
Ever since I was about 8 or 9 I remember experiencing strange events and feeling like I was different because of them; other kids didn't have these things happen to them, or see the things I saw. My first recollection of something *odd* was waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of my mot...
Man In The Bedroom by youdontknowme88
A couple years ago, my family moved into a brand new house. We were so excited to live in it, because we had moved close to family. My mom let my sister and I pick which rooms we wanted. Naturally, since I was the oldest, I wanted the bigger room. I settled into my new room, and was enjoying it. Aft...
The Three Events by youdontknowme88
First of all, if you haven't read my other story, "Man in the Bedroom," then you might be a little lost on this story. I had told you in "Man in the Bedroom" that I am a psychic kid. Well, around Christmas time last year, something paid us a visit. I had gone to bed one night, and had been sleep...
Woman In White Walking Train Tracks by Mr_x
My real personal account is not necessarily a bone chilling, fantastic, or unbelievable one however it is quite significant to me. It all begins with a local story. I am currently 20 so this happened when I was about 14. Long story short a local woman was chasing after her son who had a mental d...
Mandy's Home -3 by taz890
Right I hope you have read parts one and two of this story. If not this won't make any sense at all so please back track Mandy and I broke up at the end of that summer my fault with me refusing to go to her home, dot even wrote to me asking to come by but I politely refused to go I was not going ...
Incubus And Maybe Something Else by sleeplessmom
I am 32 years old. I have been having trouble sleeping at night and I don't know what to do. When I am lying in my bed awake I get a strange tingling sensation all over me. I look at the foot of my bed, and there is a black shadow, shaped as a man. He walks around to my head as I am lying there,...
It Wasn't Me by jeheuty
I used to work as a Cinema Technician in a 12 auditorium multiplex cinema; I worked there for about ten years. Firstly, this story does not directly involve me; however the people involved are credible and are not the type to spin fantastic yarns for no reason. This story takes place a few years...
Shock Whilst Reading by Frankie_Elise
This one happened about a month or so ago in Australia, whilst I was up one night, reading with my torch under my covers, because my family didn't want me to stay awake all night; but I couldn't stop. I've always been as creative as possible, always able to see, hear and feel things other people cou...
The Old Brick House by fanman_1988
I'm from South Georgia and personally I feel that the south is filled with the paranormal. This story comes from my childhood and it is an experience that I'll never forget. When I was 12, my brother and I decided to spend the weekend at my grandmother's house. This had been the first time that w...
My First Spirit Seeing by Heather911
My name is Heather, I am home-schooled with my aunt and one day I was working on my homework and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a white figure pass by the doorway. In 2007 my older brother died in a car accident and in May it will be 4 years and I think it was him. Today, I saw another white ...
Ghostly Gentleman by TickTock
I guess I had better begin by saying that I do firmly believe in ghosts and the like, and I love hearing stories about them, but I never thought I would be subject to a haunting myself. Now that I am a young adult, I have been noticing a rise in the activity in my home. I have a ghost in my hous...
The Night The Pope Died by Wraith
I was working a graveyard shift that night, unfortunately I was working alone. By that time, the world had received news of the Pope's passing. I went outside for some fresh air, the sky was clear, I could even see stars. I turned in an NE direction and there in the sky, I saw a cloud in the shape o...
Is My Mind Repressing My Encounters With Demons And Ghosts? by Alexstar26
My name is Alexandra and I am 19 years old. Since I was a toddler, I have always desired to share my radical beliefs about the existence of ghosts with others. I wanted to let them know how closed minded these people were whenever they replied to me with "ghosts, demons, and vampires simply do not e...
Lady On The Work Floor by Petersspirit
This sharing is one my father did. In his last week at the bank where he had bin working for thirty years, where after he would finally retire, two events happened to him which were of the ghostly nature. On monday he was standing up at his desk looking down on some papers when suddenly he felt h...
The Spirit Beside My Bed by psychicteen13
I was upstairs in my room, I was trying to sleep, and I kept being woken up by a thing next to my bed. It just stood there, watching me. I wasn't sure what type (male or female) presence it was. I didn't even know the word "presence" at the time. The overwhelming feeling of being watched happened fo...
The Hunt by LouSlips
It was about 5:30 in the morning when I left the house. The sun would not be up for at least an hour, which would give me plenty of time to get to my deer stand on my property, and settle in before legal hunting light would arrive. The first thing I realized on that late October morning was that the...
My Grandfather's Last Goodbye by Melime
A little more than one year ago, my paternal granddad passed away after being sick for some time. He had several strokes and ended his days at a retirement home at the beginning of 2010. He was a talented musician, and wrote arrangements for orchestras and such. It was the day of his funeral tha...
Are Candles A Calling by Surya
I have not slept with candles on for a long long time. I got fed up sleeping with the television on at night to block out noises that were making me feel uneasy and I got moaned at by my son for leaving the hallway light on all night. The other fact is I was getting fed up with the flashes of light ...
The Couch by JarMan
Forward: I know that I said I was leaving the community and for most intents and purposes I have done just that, but I have recently had an interesting experience that I believe users of the web site would greatly enjoy. For those who know me, or have talked to me, they know I have an interest in t...
The House With A Million Eyes by 22aya
This experience happened many years ago, and may be unbelievable to some, but I can assure you that what happened within this house was a true experience of mine and other family members. While living there, it was like something straight out of a horror movie, but far worse. This was real and there...
How Can I Communicate With A Ghost? by MysteryPup
I have lived at my current apartment for almost 2 years this coming July. For the past month or so there has been an increase paranormal activity... At least I believe it is. The house was built in 1938, it was the estate house on a huge lot with servants on the property in (I believe) their own sma...
The Girl, Man & Child by GlenK
Hey my name is Glen, I'm 17 and for the past few months now my mam sisters and I have been experiencing crazy stuff. It all started the night of my oldest sisters 18th. She had walked into her bedroom and just before she turned on her light she saw 3-4 black figures, yes there was alcohol involved a...
Unseen Weekend Guests by alandhopewell
About twenty years ago, I lived in an old apartment building in downtown Lorain; much of the time, I was the only tenant. Over the four years that I lived there, dozens of unusual occurrences happened to me and others... This is but one. On a summer Friday night, I was sitting in my apartment, w...
Something Messing With Me? by GaliDanielle
I recently moved into a new apartment on February 1, 2011. It is a newly renovated apartment complex, and it seems to be a popular place for college students to live, me included. It is a nice, comfortable place to live very homie and vibrant with greenery. I moved in with my boyfriend, and am allow...
My Little Stalker by kufujuju
This all happened one night to me about last year around the summer. I keep seeing and hearing this little girl that keeps coming to me out of no where. She has porcelain white skin, long jet black hair (that covers her face) and wears this white dress and white shoes. Anyways like I was saying th...
Childhood Experiences And The Hotel by Misterman
As a child, I was always told that, throughout our Irish family, people would sometimes see things... A little out of the ordinary. Anyway, growing up, a lot of strange things happened to me. Once, I was trying to sleep, when I heard in my ear the soft voice of a woman inform me of the loss of my Gr...
The House With A Million Eyes 2 by 22aya
To be honest, I get the heebie jeebies all over thinking back on this. But anyway, here we go, back where I left off on the first part. After my brother moved away, I was left all alone to contend with what was going on inside of our house. Before he left, I'd had the pleasure of his company whene...
Relaxing Massage by shadowspirit
Yet another succubus story. Just thought I'd upload this before I forgot about it and just a quick side note. I have done some research on my house as I said I would in my last part, it had a pretty interesting history, however it has nothing to do with my story at this current time, so I'll go into...
Great Grandmother Watching Over Us by lucybaby
This is my first time telling a personal ghost experience, so I hope it's enjoyed. This is not a scary or creepy experience, it sort of made me feel safe, and I will go on to explain how. A few years ago, I would have been about 14 or so, I woke up from a startling dream. The dream had had an eld...
First Time Being Haunted by MeganSierra
My first major ghostly experience happened when I was about 13. Before this I have had a few odd things happen here and there, but this was different. We moved into our house when I was probably about 10 years old. The house felt oddly devoid of feeling, and strangely unwelcoming. I'd never exper...
Ghost Turns Off The Lights by Lilady4
This is a collection of stories told to me by my mother last year; and a personal experience of my own. My mother was at her home with my younger sister (11) and her friend (Brianna), and her 2 cats, Angel and Shadow. Mum and my sister were watching a SpongeBob DVD, when suddenly the subtitles t...
A Couple Of Creepy Occurrences by DeviousAngel
It's been a while since I submitted anything so I thought I'd post up a few creepy goings-on from recent times. I have been maintaining a journal over the past few months, but I haven't documented any specific times or dates of these events. I write in my journal when I feel the need to and occasion...
Poltergeists by Kelly Nilsson
Up until this last fall my family and I have not believed in ghosts, spirits, demons etc. We recently moved into an old condominium, and immediately we began to make changes to it. When we got settled in, we slowly began to feel uncomfortable and irritable. We ignored it for about a month or two bec...
A Child's First Friend by hidden-joker
After reading many different stories on this particular website, I decided that I could possibly get some help from some of the readers here. This mainly happened when I was a child, basically, about 10 years ago. However, it hasn't left. When I was around 6 years of age, I moved to Alberta, from...
Inhuman Haunting by Kuro
I am a 29 year old female, born and raised in New Jersey. When I was 14 I moved to Florida to live with my grandparents. I have experienced paranormal things ever since I was a child, but I'm only going to talk about the most powerful here. At some point, I may submit other stories; but I feel I nee...
Voices At Night by amk86
These particular occurrences took place in the same house as my first submitted story. A brick, ranch style home on a dead end street. As stated in my last story, my family moved into this home in August of 1998 when I was 12 years old. I am now 24 years old and still live in this house. Again, whe...
My Nightly Companion by Dudester
On the north side of Houston, next to a very busy freeway, there is a seven story building. I had passed this building many times, in transit, and for some reason I felt drawn to the building. I would give the address, but I'm sure the company owning the building wouldn't appreciate the extra attent...
My Very Own... Ghost Kitty? by MrsWGX2
When my ex-husband (then fiancé) and I moved into our first house together we were extremely excited with this big step in our lives. My excitement stemmed from the fact that I was only 19 at the time so, although we had lived together for about a year in an apartment with a room-mate, this would b...
Something Grabbed Me, Something Evil? by Worried_Brit_Chick
I'm really freaking out about this, so I hope someone will be able to offer me some advice or at least a little reassurance that I'm not going crazy! Last night (Monday 15th March) at about 9pm, I took my puppy Olly out for a walk in the park across the street from my house. It was absolutely free...
Incubus, Spirit, Or Demon Is Sitting On Me? by xImanixXxIrrex
It is now 9:01 am and this happened around an hour ago. So, you know how when you are just about to wake up from a really deep sleep even if it was a short one and you immediately want to move your leg, arm or something? Well, when I tried to move I couldn't. Not even an inch. So I'm thinking now,...
The Incubus Is Back by Easy20
It's back. The incubus (thing) is back. I didn't believe it myself at first, but now I'm a 100% positive. Or rather, it comes and goes as it pleases. A few months back I was asleep on our couch (that's where I sleep now) and woke up already paralyzed. My eyes were closed but I could see through th...
Ghost Stomping Around The Room by Georgiee
About 3 years ago my family and I moved into rented accommodation, and we all started having problems with the ghost. My dad suffered the most and none of us could understand why. The ghost would hit him while he was sleeping and stomp around the bedroom. She would call my mums name while my mum...
In Bad Company by LucidDreamer
Iwanted to give you all a bit of info about myself before I get into my most recent experience. I grew up in a very spiritual family. My mom has had experiences for as long as I can remember. I recall her complaining about someone sitting beside her in bed on more than one occasion, whispering in he...
A Ghost Story, Second To None by Simplyghostnights
These are the paranormal occurrences that we encountered at The Old Fire & Police Museum in Sheffield, Yorkshire, England. How the spirits came out to entertain, at the spooky Sheffield Fire & Police Museum. As the staff at the museum showed us around the building, none of us could anticipate th...
An Entity Or Am I Just Crazy? by Obvious_Game
We have been living in the same flat for almost 7 years now. When I was about 13, I'd been going to bed quite late so I didn't get enough sleep especially when it's weekdays. That was when I started to experience Sleep Paralysis. I usually get woken up unable to move and unable to make sounds. It ha...
Apparitions, Voices & Touches by Chica22
Some strange things have been happening lately. For the past few days I've heard my name being called and I turn around to find no one there. When this happens I get chills for about five minutes. First, I saw a lady standing in the corner of my dining room. She didn't walk, more like glided acro...
Gotta Get Out by Frankie_Elise
SO I was having a shower this morning, as you do, and I was wide awake; and I saw the door open. When doors open it doesn't normally bother me all that much, because it's Nate coming or going somewhere; but this was different. The bathroom door was LOCKED and it's a hard wooden door that SLIDES; but...
A Story To Tell by silverwind
his is my first post/story that I've done on this site, it's not like some of the other stories I've read here. Anyway, my story begins with a short explanation on how I became a psychic. (I'm still trying to develop my abilities.) I always wanted to tell my experience to some of my friends but thou...
The Ghost And Music by Giagee99
T My friend had recently been having problems. In her sister's room they see a ghost resembling her brother, except her brother is alive. Obviously, that means it's not him. Her sister had once been asleep on her couch, phone lying next to her. She called out for it to stop ringing, and yelled at h...
A Sweet Good-bye by Tekaa_Brooke
Only two people other than me know about this encounter it was in a way quite a sweet meeting. So Here It is. I was eight years old at the time and it was roughly 10:30 at night, I just woke up from a dream and walked out of my room for a moment to get a drink of water, on returning to my room the...
Father Met The Angel Of Death by Thano7496
First, let my introduce myself. My name is Thano, I live in Albania and I am at my early teens. I always had a strong affection for paranormal and religious stories, so I have been dealing with religious and theological books since I was 4-5.My grandparents were very religious and taught me to be ri...
Spirits In A Mobile Home? by risingstar
I live in Waterloo Iowa and have lived in our mobile home for 8yrs. Almost from the beginning we have experienced what was thought to be "odd" happenings. My husband and I have 3 children and each of us has had things such as being touched, our beds, sofa and chairs we are sitting or sleeping in l...
In The Window by Chica22
Across the street from where I live stands an old yellow house. No one lives there and the windows are broken. I walk by the house every school day to get to on the bus. There's a little girl in the window, she watches me every time I walk by. She never leaves the window; at least I don't think so...
Callum by taz890
All of you have read 'Mandy's Home' will know Spike was a good friend of mine. This story starts after Spike moved out of my flat. Spike and his girlfriend Abbie had been going out together for about a year when they had their first son Callum. I don't mind admitting I got very broody when I saw ho...
Shape Shifting Ghost Or Succubus? by Shaneshaneshane
First of all I would like to emphasize that I published this story as a means of getting help, not as a means of getting attention. My name is Shane; I am a senior in college majoring in political science. I live alone in my condominium unit, and nothing has ever bothered me until now. It all sta...
My Little Nephew by Ricangirl2
I am new to this site so, I'm not sure really what to say, but I am asking more for help then to write a story. I'm the aunt of 2 nieces and 2 nephews. About 2 years ago, my brother and his ridiculous girlfriend moved in. Everything so far had been good, until about a good 4 months ago. For some aw...
Bella's Death And Afterlife by MaddyMasacar
I will tell you how she died and then ghost experience for the story to make sense. It was a cold night and Bella loved eating things in the dirt. I had previously owned a garden with snail pellets and to a puppy at 11 weeks old they could kill her. One night, a Saturday, after my favorite AFL (f...
The Demon Ghost Boy by stoogeX3
This happened about 2 years ago when I was home alone one night. For some odd reason the ghosts I see seem to be more active when I'm alone. I was just sitting on the couch watching TV when it started to happen. I had left the room momentarily to fetch my mobile from my bedroom. That's when I start...
Nanu's Goodbye by MaddyMasacar
First of all Nanu means grandpa. I have wanted to share my story but I wasn't so sure. It was 1:00am on a Wednesday night last week when I encountered my dead Nanu. He has been gone for 5 years but it is only recently I have been stressing out about him. My families are in a feud at the moment and ...
Daylight Phantom Hiker by alandhopewell
My friends and I used to go hiking and camping every spring and summer, in an area known as the Bacon Woods. We had a number of odd events happen over the years there. This particular time, about June of '88, Dave and I had gone out for a day hike; we'd decided to hike up to our usual campsite, and...
Never Going To Hotels After This by MillyandSashaxx
My name is Sasha, and I am sharing this experience what me and my friend Milly have had... I and Milly went to France for our holiday like we do every year but now we stay in Villars because we refuse to go in hotels. We walked into the hotel and we suddenly felt cold we just assumed that it was th...
The Man In The Closet And The Christmas Ghost by hinata565
When I was about 5 years old my parents divorced. My mom and 2 sisters then moved into a small town house in Ottawa. When we first went to see the house I felt uneasy in it. The first few nights we were there nothing happened but after that every night I would hear people running upstairs in my atti...
The Gardner Pingree House by cosmogal926
In the summer of 2002, my ex-husband and I went on vacation to Salem, MA. I remember being so excited to finally get the chance to visit one of the most historical and haunted places in America. Once we checked in at the Carriage House Inn B&B, I grabbed all the brochures I could find and started to...
Gay Incubus? Can It Have Aids? I'm Sick Of It by Habanerodude
I am a guy and I'm Bi-sexual. I have been encountering what I think is an incubus for the past 2 years. At the beginning I thought I just had nightmares and that waking up paralyzed was something to not pay attention to. I thought it was just sex dreams that I had. Until one day I was sleeping and...
Ghost Twin? by Lydia050
I wasn't a lonely child EVER but I still felt like I was missing someone so important. A strong bond I had with someone who wasn't there? I'd never lost anyone at that age though, I thought. When I'd go to bed at night I'd look down at the empty bed with such a broken heart, almost crying and I'd th...
No Priest Says The 15 Year Old Boy? by In-com-plete
First, I just want to say that ever since I can remember, every time I read, talk, hear, or see any kind of ghost story my eyes water. Like when you yawn. Only worse. Like I'm starting to cry. Only not that bad. Don't know if anyone knows what that's about or not. Maybe you can tell me. Anyway, my ...
I Lost My Cat In 2010 On Labor Day And She Has Returned by Shediedonlaborday2009
I lost my cat of seven years on Labor Day of last year. My wife went downstairs to grab a DVD for some kids who were at the house and found her lying on the ground dead. It was truly devastating. She slept with me every night for seven years. I buried her in my backyard under a beautiful rose bush...
Man Waking Me Up And An Old Woman Saying Hello by courtneyOMGG
I haven't had any activity for the past few months, but this all changed a week or so ago. So, last Tuesday morning I woke up at around 2 or 3 am. As I slowly opened my eyes, there was a man standing in-front of my big wardrobe which is covered with mirror. He had blonde spiked up hair, and his he...
Griselle by secret_ghost_mystic
This experience happened when I was 10 and it was amazing! It was late afternoon and I was reading a book about paranormal encounters and sitting on the comfy sofa right beside the window. Both of my parents weren't home and my elder sister, my grandparents and my younger sister and brother were th...
A Connection... Good Or Bad? by doodlebug1996
Let me just start by saying that all my life, it had been the norm to believe in ghosts and have ghosts around me. My family is not particularly deeply interested in the supernatural - they have been to clairvoyants once or twice - but most have had ghostly experiences. My grandma, grand dad, auntie...
Robert by Lilady4
My Husband sees spirits, he does not like it, but he does see them. This is one significant story for my family. I will cover the story and then the spirit sighting and subsequent communication My mother was in love with her High School Sweetheart when she was 16 years old. His name was Robert and ...
School's In by Snowy23
I go to this school that's about 75 years old. My janitor friend Joe died of a sudden heart attack one night and I'm certain he's still at my school watching out for kids but there's been some weird stuff going on since last Monday. This is one of the first haunting I've ever had. Anyway I arrived...
Sceptics Tale by Don-in-Japan
Being a former soldier, machinist, and mechanic... I can safely say I am one of the most pragmatic, non-spiritual guys around. If it can't be heated, welded, machined, or put into a 3D CAD file, it isn't worth thinking about. With that in mind, I had just gone through an amicable divorce, and was v...
The Ghosts Of N.M.M.I. by Dudester
In the fall semester of 1976, I received a magazine for incoming cadets at New Mexico Military Institute. There was an article in the magazine boasting that the campus had as many as thirty eight ghosts on campus. It set a mind to wandering. How could a school have so many ghosts? What exactly happe...
The Shadowy Figure by Emm_xoxo
If you live in Kent, you'll know that this weekend was a particularly warm one (19-20th March). This information is important for my story by the way. Anyway, connecting to the side of my house is a garage where my dad keeps all his work tools, two exercise machines, a tumble dryer and an American...
Hotel Hauntings by serenitylopez
When I was between the ages of 7 and 8 my mother left my father and we all moved into a hotel which was a short bus ride away from our old flat. I'm now 23 and have always and still live in Clapham, London. The hotel was called The Parkside Hotel in Clapham Common but it's since been demolished to m...
My Papa's Spirit by ciaracarr
I haven't really spoke about this to people other than my family, now that's its been 6 years I think I should let the world know my story. When I was 7 my papa died a while before Christmas. He was old and died while he was asleep. This is when it all started... Since his room was going to be emp...
I Wasn't Imagining by BrittDazzle
When I was younger I'd constantly be moving back and forth between my parents houses. It was hard to make friends, and I would normally stick to myself. When I was about 10 we moved into a new house, and I could remember being deathly afraid of the hallway, I would never go down it if it was dark...
My Sister's House by Mosha
What I am about to share with you is a collection of strange events that have occurred at my sister's house within the last 2-3 years. This all started about 4 years ago. At the time my sister and her, then, husband had just had a baby girl and were planning to buy a house and move closer to our...
My Sister's House 2 by Mosha
This story is a continuation from my other story "My Sisters House". Every time I looked after my niece I would find her (After I put her to bed) sleeping in her doorway to her room. When confronted about this she claimed a man in the corner of her room kept scaring her and she could not get to ...
Honey I'm Home by serenitylopez
This story is pretty damn lame compared to some of the ones that I have read on this site but anyway, here goes! I've been with my boyfriend for almost two years now. He lives in a very old house in Streatham, South London and surprisingly I have never found it to be at all creepy. It's a house w...
Haunted A Second Time by MeganSierra
If you've read my last story you would know that I have previously been haunted. Since that time years ago, I've had many ghostly experiences, but I've never actually been haunted a second time. Well, here we go again. This started March 15th. It was a normal day, and I was working on a story for...
Reality Can Be Mistaken For Dreams by eleanoranne
Please read my previous story of everything I have already experienced. Sometimes, incredibly strange things happen to me during my sleep. At the time, I am aware of what is happening but it feels like a dream. One night, I was deep in sleep when I felt a prodding in my back, and whatever it...
Shadow On Floor by Herbie99
I lived in my first house until I was seven and I had lots of things when I grew up that now are clearly the imagination of a child. However there was one thing that I have always known to be true but have always questioned to what it could be I used to have my bedroom door open and the bathroom ...
The House On White River Drive by GypsysHeart
My husband and I moved about a year ago from a house that I have no doubt was haunted. There were several instances where I had a paranormal experience. My mother did as well. I'll try to keep this as chronologically correct as I possibly can. The first event was before I'd met my husband and I w...
Terror In The Night by Screwedup12
This story occurred when I was very young, only 10 or 11. It was the summer of 2006. It was very hot in Big Spring, Texas and I was having trouble sleeping, as I always do in the heat. I managed to doze off, but not for long. The clock showed 2:46 when I fell asleep, but when I awoke, it showed 3:00...
Joined By A Unknown Entity by bebetuta
I've experienced a lot of paranormal stuff but I chose to share this story first. This incident happened about a month ago, when me, my 2 sisters (Quatro and Singko not their real names) and their friend (lets just call her Joy) at our very own living room let me explained the exact look of our SAL...
Scary To Be With The Mobile by preethinotscared
My mother is a working lady and I am in standard 8. I am alone until 7 pm (till my mom arrives). My father is in India, so I had to sleep with my mom and it was about 3-4 AM when I heard my mobile ring. My mobile was beside me and my mom's was in the hall. When I got up, I saw my mobile; the call w...
My First Sightings by Yoshii
I live in Brisbane Australia and this first one takes place when I was around 8 and I was visiting my cousin who lived about 2 minutes away from me. I was waiting for her out front of her house (she lives on a corner of a street by the way) when I saw a glimpse of a middle aged, headless man wearing...
The Woman In The Wheelchair by LucidDreamer
November 2nd or Day of the Dead I was a child at the time but I don't recall how old I was exactly. We had gathered at my grandmother's apartment to pay our respects. Well I was there to play but the adults meant business. There may have been a ceremony held but I've witnessed so many that I can't ...
The Ghost In Tunnel by murphy95
I would like to share a story from my father's life. My daddy was young when this happened. It was hot summer day, when he and his friends decided to go for camping in the forest. All his friends were engaged in the camping but some of his friends including him, decided to explore the place. They ...
Papaw Is That You by dreamergal72
September 7, 2004 I was thirty. I had just gone sleep that night so I Don't know if its dream that he visited me that night; just to talk and such. He is my mother's father who was a very strict and good man, also a very strong Christian and a very good husband to my mamaw and his children and grand...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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