My mother is a working lady and I am in standard 8. I am alone until 7 pm (till my mom arrives).
My father is in India, so I had to sleep with my mom and it was about 3-4 AM when I heard my mobile ring. My mobile was beside me and my mom's was in the hall. When I got up, I saw my mobile; the call was from my mom's mobile.
I was shocked and I woke my mom and she got up. She picked up the phone and tried to answer the call but no one answered. She got scared and then we did not discuss it anymore.
This morning I saw my mom's mobile and the call was from her mobile which was kept in the hall last night and my mom was sleeping beside me. I still can't believe it. My mom said not to discuss it anymore more, but still I am scared.
Please, I need your help. I am too scared now as I am alone now.
Please, suggest me good solution.
I have one more incident to tell you.
Once, I saw a bright light straight to me on my computer table. It was so bright that I couldn't even see it properly. I say this to everyone but still no one believes me they think, I simply dream and blabber but these are real. Somehow, yesterday my mom believed me. I am so happy when I think of that. Anyway I hope someone from you will help me.