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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 86
Is My Mom Still With Us? by Gsmwoolery
Most of the following events occurred in my family's house in Iowa. The first odd thing that happened was a couple years after my mom died. We were at my brother's band concert and my dad was above us standing on a balcony. I was sitting with my grandma and a family friend. I turned around and looke...
Four Times Of Terror by mossycat101
This night I was so tired, so I went to bed early. I ran up the stairs and stopped. I stood there for a moment. I heard a sharp breath coming from in front of me. I was scared and I closed my eyes. No one else was up here. It was just me, just me. Repeating that to myself only terrified me even more...
Woolston, Southampton, Hampshire by chazy_1
The title shows where the house that this took place is. All this happened when I was really young. I was too young to remember what happened but my family have told me the story's repeatedly. I guess it started when we moved. It was my parents first house and was in desperate need of redecorat...
The Thing In The Reflection by WhoAreThey
Ghosts, most people use the term to refer to the lost souls of the dead, wandering eternally in the land of the living. Some believe in their existence, others don't. Personally I have never encountered one, and truth be told, I prefer it that way. However, if asked have I ever experienced a 'supern...
The Old Garage by Louise21
This is just something that was happening in a place I used to work in. I've no queries about the goings on I just thought I'd share it with you. I use to work in a garage or filling station some may call it back in 2006 for 6 months. It was owned by a well known family in my village and has bee...
Maybe I Should Run by mirrorcat
English is not my first language so if you don't understand something, just ask. I'm 20 year old female from Finland. I've been experiencing strange stuff for some years now. Here's some background information: All things (except one) I'm about to tell have happened in our house & its surroundin...
Demon Watching Me by MeganSierra
I've been considering whether or not I should tell this story. I figured I never would, would never tell a soul about this. I decided that I might as well though. I just want to know if there's anything I can do about it. Probably about a year ago my neighbor across the street died. I never learn...
Church Yards And Ouija Boards Don't Mix by taz890
I can hear you all now DONT USE OUIJA BOARDS! I know and have said the same plenty of times, this is why! Back in 1996 I was 22 and at a friends place (deb) was around 10:30pm. Deb was a friend of Abby, girlfriend to Spike, whose friend Rick was dating Deb so full circle. We were just sat chatti...
I Didn't Believe It At First by julanne40
This happened over 20 years ago, but I can still remember it very vividly. In 1990, I lost my fiancé' very suddenly in a motor vehicle accident. He was 20 years old and I was 19. We were very close. I was absolutely devastated. He passed away in September and the following New Year's Eve I deci...
Invisible Hand Hits Our Pillow by Silent_Observer
This is a story that took place when I was 14 years old, at my friend Kimberly's house who was 13, at the time. She and I would spend a great deal of time just hanging out, talking, exploring the woods in her backyard, etc. But this day was different... Night was descending and we didn't want th...
Leon by taz890
To all who have felt the pain of a lost baby please don't read this story. Its 1991 I'm 17 and my friend Lisa and her partner Darrel had just had a baby boy named Leon he was so sweet but tiny and was a month early due to complications but healthy with strong lungs. You could hear him cry in Lisa...
Two Different Types Of Premonitions by otteer
If you have read my stories, they are about some entity that steps in and warns me when things are about to go wrong. These stories are a bit different. They touch on the other side of my "abilities," the premonition side. I have had dreams that have come true and I know we are supposed to share "gh...
My Mother's Paranormal Childhood by RomanZ
I am new to this site, so I'll try to tell this story to the best of my memory. There are three odd occurrences which my mother witnessed in her home. My Mother grew up in a small home in Alabama. The house was genuinely nice, and welcoming from the outside. It was one storey with a large back ...
Am I Experiencing Something Paranormal? by Underdog
Right to start off with I have yet to form an opinion on the paranormal... Is it real or not I can't say for sure... But lately I've noticed strange things happening around me. My first unusual experience was when I was a teenager. It was a night like any other; I went to sleep as usual... But fo...
Was It The House? by xippal
Now this actually happened to me when I was about fourteen years old. My parents had recently purchased a home. It was very nice; it was our first house since we've always lived in apartments. Now I don't know anything about the history of the house, just that it was a nice looking home and the ...
Sleep Paralysis Or... Something Else? by Dark_Attic
I've just signed up - I am so glad that I found a site wherein I can share and even ask opinions from the members about this experience I had a few years back. Let me know your feedback because I can't shake this off for years now. I am a mom and I can say I'm someone who's "tuned in" to things ...
I'm Sorry by crazygirl94
4 years ago my daughter Leah passed. After she died doors and windows would open and close, music would play, and her twin sissy Bryanna would wake up shouting sissy and go back to sleep. 4 years have passed and well Leah doesn't bug us very much. She still gives us signals that she is still arou...
Ghost On The Ceiling by klikko
First of all, I normally don't believe in ghosts or demons, most of my experiences I just shake off, but this one was very intense, and caused me to stay up the rest of the night and the morning in fear. It was a perfectly normal day, nothing of interest happened, the day went off and I went to bed...
Black Lady Brushing Her Hair by msscorpio24
They're all Black In the Philippines, white lady's are very famous. A white ghost of a beautiful woman who rides on jeepney's or blocks the road that most of the time cause accidents. My story is about a black lady. I never thought I would see one because I thought they're merely stories to fr...
Weird Words by Lydia050
This may have to be short because I'm not typing from my computer right now but I have time to say what's been going on at my house lately. I was in my bedroom watching a movie about a week ago and I kind of got the urge to go do something else instead, so I paused the movie to try and make my de...
Obe Or Something Else? by Indigo_Child
I posted a story a while ago about my family house and the experiences I had there. Well this is another experience in the house that I would like to share with you and get your opinions on. Let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm an only child. I have always been able to sense things or sometime...
Dad Called To Say Hello by stillfreakedout
This is my first post so please be easy on me. Let me give you a bit of background on me. I was raised by my father until I turned 10 and then went to live with my mom. My story starts with the death of my father back in 2004. He died of cancer May 7. I have always had experiences throughout my ...
Silent Stroker by believer008
This event happened in 2006, a few weeks after I had moved into my room at university. I had been taking a nap on top of my bed, around midday and woke up when I needed to use the bathroom. Now I've heard of sleep paralysis but what happened this day, was definitely not this. I was lying on my b...
Woman In The Park by Illuminati322
This is an event that happened not to me but to my cousin, in Waupun, Wisconsin around the year 2000, during his elementary school years. He and his now estranged friend were on a late night bicycle ride, sometime between 10 and 12 o' clock at night. As they neared the town park, they noticed th...
Paranoia Or Was This Really My Uncle's Spirit? by supernatural_princess
My story starts of at my uncle's house who recently passed away. Me and my family went of a day after he passed away... Everything was normal nothing much happened except talking about good memories of my uncle. Now fast forwarding to the time I was about to use the bathroom, which is kind of in the...
The Girl With The Ball by GhostGirl666
This took place June 07, 1997 when we first moved in (I was 11 years old). My parents told me that the 9 year old girl that lived in the house before us died in her room. I don't believe in ghosts so I said I would take that room. I was curious so one night I asked what had happened to her, and my p...
School Camp by thediscohoney
I was quite young, it's 2008. The Primary School I attended is going on the year 5/6 camp in Myuna Bay. There are cabins there so thank god we weren't in tents. It's the dead of the night. I had a dream that our school principal, Mr. Coote (I still to this day cannot stand him), was checking in on a...
Long Time Coming by deadnotsleeping
I understand that most things written by teens on this site are instantly disregarded as fake or stupid. I am a teen and I'm not here to troll or mess around. This is my ghost story and it's long. My name is Matt by the way. It all started about 14 years ago in Novato, CA. I was 2 years old living...
Stairway To Grandad by BellaPixieNinja
I have had a few strange experiences in my life. I have always found myself to be one of these people that are close to the paranormal. When I was a young girl, I lived with my mother and my younger sister Janie. We lived in a Council flat and I and my sister shared a room. When I was growing up my...
Ra The Sun God by Jeffreybjrr
When I was a little kid my imaginary friend was Ra the Sun God. Everyone in my house saw him including my mother and little brothers. I didn't think anything of it because I was just a little kid and to me he was just my best friend. Every time someone would make me mad I would use "Ra is going ...
I Felt Paralysed by nighthawkman
It happened while training to be an Infantryman in the army around January 1976, I can still hear ABBA on my little transistor radio now! We had been on a two day exercise somewhere up in Staffordshire, England, the name and place escapes me as it was over thirty years ago now. My mates had been...
Who's That Sleeping In My Bed? by lankyloo98
We have lived in many houses where 'things go bump in the night' as we English like to say, but this made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. As a family we have moved many times in the past to get away from seeing people/figures, smells, the television turning over, etc and have decided at ...
More Occurances - Paranormal Or Just Abnormal? by DeviousAngel
I have had a few recent experiences that I would like to share. I have not been able to find rational explanations for them myself. I would also like to note that I am not seeking help or a resolution to my experiences, I would simply like to discuss them and see what others think. Most of these...
That Didn't Happen - My Brothers Problem by Gizzy
There are 3 of us children myself and my identical twin brothers. My mum seems to have some psychic abilities which I will tell you about in other stories. But I believe my brother to have the most out of all three of us. These are all things that have happened to Martin. Now I will just start by ...
I'm Being Followed by xoxorissaoxo
Do you remember my story about the other morning.? Well I think that same ghost is following me. Its scary. I have recently discover I have sleep Insomnia. I walk up all different times of the night ever since what happened. (the story the other morning) Ever since then, I always get the feeling so...
It Watched Me While I Slept by sarahmariacecilia
I've had quite a few strange happenings to write about on here, but I'm not sure where to start... Starting from about when I was 11 years old, I would wake up in the middle of the night and feel like something was near to me. I lived in a house with just my parents and my brother and they would ...
The Ghost Named Robert by Panini
Before I begin with my experience, I will tell you right now that everything I say here is 100% truth. I am currently a 16 year old. Okay, so when I was about 10, we moved into this nice, single suburbian house. I liked it, and me and my sister shared a room. We had bunk beds. And everything was n...
Ghost At My Window by adw001
I live in an apartment building in the Bronx. All my life I've been able to see, feel and hear spirits. I've always tried to dismiss this area of my quirky self. My son is the same way too. On this night, I was smoking my last cigarette and going through the mail in the kitchen before retiring for...
I Need Help With A Spirit Attachment by ShannonE
I've always been dealing with the paranormal. But lately, I actually feel threatened. A few years ago we moved into our new house and I thought I would be away from all of the activity we had at our old house. I was wrong. It started as the spirit (or spirits) mimicking voices and I saw it a few tim...
Scared To Make Eye Contact by Whitemist
I was about 10 years old, on a family holiday with my two sisters and my dad, my mum and dad are divorced so my dads new girlfriend was with us. We stayed in Spain, in a building divided into 3 flats and a shared pool. The holiday was pretty bad and my little sister had really bad chicken pox. My ...
Childhood Ghost Still Following Me? by tostada101
To start off my story, back when I was 6 or 7 my mom and tia (aunt) used to be terrified of me while I was that age because they said I used to get up in the middle of the night and start and to go outside and say I'm trying to go outside with my friend (which I have no memoory of). And sometimes wh...
It All Started When I Met Micheal by MsV
I would like to dedicate this to Micheal my "imaginary" friend. The earliest memory I have of my first play mate Micheal was possibly in the year 1992. When I close my eyes I can remember it so very clear. It was a warm day, my mother was in the back yard hanging the washing. I would accompany he...
Is It A Dream Disorder? by pegglefan
I want you to read the story of what happened to me. For me is still not clear if it was my imagination, a psychic experience, a dream disorder or what. I'm a man that's not convinced of everything that read or heard. In fact I question everything. Furthermore I'm not a religious person more exact...
Ghost Hitchhiker by Isaac-W-Nation
I live in northern Christchurch, in the suburb of Belfast. In Belfast, there is an old house and property on Main North Road named the Kapuatohe Historical Reserve. Whenever I drive past this place, either by myself, or with friends or family, I always get a small chill. Since I was a small boy (18 ...
Demonic Hand And Enraged Ghost by multinathan911
This story happened to me when I was about 10 or 12 when I was living in a 4 bed roomed house in Waterloo. The first time I entered my house I felt an eerie unwanting presence in the hallway sort of like a warning to go way. But the excitement of moving into this massive new house just made me think...
Resident Spirits by raggedwolf
I have read a few accounts on this site, and must say that I found a few of them rather unsettling, and certainly very intriguing. At the time of these experiences, I was 29, now 32, living near London. To be precise a small leafy suburb near Croydon. Having recently separated from my then girlfr...
The Dead Woman by Stuss217
This incident happened when I was around 6-8 years old, but still I remember it clearly. I used to live in my maternal house with my Grandparents as well as my parents. There was a servant in our house who was from my grandfather's village. Once his sister in law (who used to live in village only) s...
Odd Woman Past Midnight by DianeS
Many years ago, in fact in 1990, the strangest thing happened to me... I was driving my female friend home after we had been watching movies at my house and it was way past midnight. In fact it may have been past 1am in the morning! It was bitterly cold as it was around April and edging towards W...
The Computer Lady by magneto095
If you read my story "White Lady on the Refrigerator", this story took place in the same house, in Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines. Before we proceed, I just want you to bear with me because I'm not that good in English. Thanks.:) I was a kid when I experience this spooky thing. I'll just g...
Grandpa Visited by geetha50
I got permission from my friend to write this story as it is related to her son. Also, everyone's name has been changed to protect them. About one week back (Saturday, May 28, 2011) I went over to my friend, Anna's house with our other friend, Mary and her fiancé, Matt. Like me, my friends are i...
A Being Is Haunting My Twin Sister? 3 by DaisukiHaru
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. We moved and have been busy with a number of things. My sister's been doing better in a way. She doesn't wake up hurt anymore, though she doesn't eat much of anything unless it's apples or oranges. I still see that thing that bothered her from before though, I've ...
Disturbing Nights by dimple
It was my regular summer holiday visit to my mom's native along with my brothers. Just like every year the summer holidays was fun... We live (family) in down south and my mom's native is in north east so usually summers are much cooler up there. The guest house we stayed was one of my great grandfa...
A Possible Medium? by Ghost_gal123
I first contemplated having 'The Sight' at the tender age of 15. I am now 21. I was sitting, home alone, at the kitchen table. The kitchen has a large pair of french windows which lead out to the garden. There is a large graveyard behind the garden. I have never been afraid of graveyards, or spirits...
An Encounter With Rodney by LeahsLullabye
I am 18 and still living with my mom until I finish college. A few years ago my Mom met a man and they are going to be married in July. A few weeks ago we started moving in with him. Immediately we noticed small things in his home that were a little bizarre. My friend that is living with us lost her...
In The Dark by Sea_Wolfe
I was sleeping at my grandma's house a few days ago, and had tried to invite Kim and Johnny like I usually did, but since they both had school, they couldn't come. So, I decided to watch TV until it was time to sleep. I sat in front of the TV to watch, but then stopped, because I felt like someone w...
Using A Ouija At My Friend's 5 by seb94
I will start by apologizing to everyone that helped me so much with their comments when I was at my worst. I know that several of them were eager to know what happened, and I wish I could have come on here more often to tell them. But to tell the truth, I went through absolute HELL and getting on an...
Illumination by mulder81
I have had stories on here before on titles I call The whistler. You can look them up, but this is not of that ghost series. Not much has happened in the last year, but we caught something the other night. June 3rd 2011, was a hot June night here in southern Minnesota. I was ready to mow the yard be...
Being Two Places At Once by justmenoname
I never thought I'd post on this. But I had an experience maybe 7 years ago that still stays with me until today. I decided to jog one day, don't know why, I never do. Spontaneously I wanted to. So I jogged around the block, and decided to jog up this hill. As I jogged up the hill, I saw my god b...
Closet Case by luckyflagg
I am new to this site but not to the paranormal exactly. I grew up in a beautiful old house built in 1900 in Riverhead of Long Island, NY. My first memories, at least what I think are my first - hard to tell, are of being absolutely terrified of my closet. Every night before I went to bed, I made su...
The Face Behind The Door by sammy32
I have had many scary moments in my life and most of them have been obviously something non paranormal, but this is one of those scary moments I can't explain and do not often talk about. I had two of my friends staying over and everyone was in the living room talking. My family friends and pets...
They Hate Me The Most by ArquiDenis
The house the I live in Philadelphia is haunted, I take pictures in the mirror in my moms room and you can see faces, orbs and lines of energy. In this house a man use to do animal sacrifices, santeria and devil worship. My 11 year old daughter saw a black face in my room closet with red eyes and al...
Demon Eel Hands by InDustWeTrust
I am a 27 year-old male living in Boston, MA, but my story starts in the suburbs of Boston somewhere in the neighborhood of 1991... It was a few years after my parents divorced. I was about 8 years old. Around that time in church I started questioning my faith. Looking back I see that as very str...
Hide And Seek Gone Wrong by Oddgoingson
When I was about 4 my family and I moved into an old house. Like many old houses it was CREEPY! I don't remember much except for the fact that my bed room was down the hall to the right. My brothers and I were "sensitive", I could see and feel them, my oldest could hear them, and my second older bro...
Spirit Known As Mable by ghost_hunter101
Some people have sleep paralysis, but I know I don't. Everything I saw was real and if anyone else has had the experiences I have had, please tell me. I was falling asleep after my dad had gone upstairs. Everything was quiet and I was dozing off when all of a sudden, I opened my eyes wide and st...
Sandra by Nephele
Near my town is a town called Elizabeth. In the town there's a road with 3 bridges that you go on. They're all named based on the order you pass them (1, 2, 3). (I don't drive yet so I don't remember what road, honestly) 2nd bridge is apparently where teenagers were supposedly drunk and got in a c...
What Happened To Me Last Night? by mxpoppy
I am looking for some help please. I am totally serious about what happened to me last night, and can totally admit that this is the first time I have been absolutely petrified. I live in a small village in Derbyshire, England, in a terraced house with my two children and two dogs. Last night, I ...
The Unexplained by kristinarodriguez1980
Me and my husband moved into a bigger home for our 3 children in the winter of "2009".We all were excited. We worked on it for a good week before moving in. At first I thought nothing of the house being haunted. A week after moving in I was home alone, getting ready for work when I heard the wall ba...
Demon, Alien, Imp Or Something Else? by ravenofmidian
This occurred when I was 8 years old. I was in bed though not asleep, when I heard what sounded like 3 taps on my bedroom window. I sat up in bed to look at my window and what I saw scared the living daylights out of me! This 'thing' was sat on my windowsill on the outside, humanoid, about the s...
Handprints by kristinarodriguez1980
In 1991 at the age of 11, my family moved into a larger house in a different city. I never had an all-American happy family. We were like any other dysfunctional family. When we moved into the 4 bedroom house (This time 6 kids) we were all happy. I remember walking in excited. Things were normal....
My Very Special First Encounter by Miou12
The unknown has always been a fascinating subject of discussion for me. However, I was also a great deal apprehensive, or plainly put, scared of anything related to ghost, entities, etc. Still in all these years I never encountered any direct things connecting these things... That is until 2 years a...
Touching My Face by AlishaaC
I've always experienced little ghostly things, never full up in your face like you nearly crap your pants. But I would just be lying in my bed trying to sleep and I would feel things stroking my face and it feels like something is touching me, it's never violent, and it's been happening to me since ...
Ghost In The Shower by cindy1021585
When I was small, about 10, I went to go visit my aunt. She always had stories to tell me and I would always tell her to tell me ghost stories, but she wouldn't because my mother was always there and she was really afraid of any ghost stories. Well that time I went, my mom stepped out so I was able ...
Helpful People, Those Ghosts by Silvarina
Normally, when people tell ghost-stories about things that happened in their houses or something they've seen on pictures, I'm not really sure whether to believe them. I'm rather a non-believer, let's say, but in a certain way I believe that there is a world next to ours. And I don't mean this in a ...
The Orchard by DARKNESS
This is a small event that happened a few times when I was at the age of 10 -11. Every 2 months or so my Mum, Dad, Sister and I would drive down to my Aunties house in Donnybrook which is approximately 200klm or 125miles south from Perth Western Australia. Now firstly my Aunt, Uncle and Cousin a...
What's In The Name? by TruthInDarkness
I'd like to use this initial post to introduce myself. I am a 40 year old man and have lived in Virginia for most of my life. Over the years, I've lived in Hampton, Yorktown, and Newport News. I also spent about 4 years in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Let's just say that it's a good place to visit, but not ...
Headless Ghost by Clairvoyant94
I am teenager but I am about to tell is not a lie or joke, I take ghost/ ghost hunting very seriously. This story gives me chills every time I talk about it, at the time I was fifteen. My room is next to our livingroom, and a little diagonal from the kitchen. So from the right angle I can see into t...
Poser Mom by Shanigua
I don't know if I put the correct title and please bear with me because I'm not good at story telling but here it goes. I was still living in San Juan City when this incident happened. As a kid, I have this portable computer (I think it's the VTech one) that I'm so fond of playing with. One day...
Person Or People In My House by lovingmama27
Let me start out by saying I really don't know much history about my house other than its a french style farm house built a little over a century ago. Anyways. I have been hearing sounds in my house since I was a little girl, like the floor creaking as if some one is walking down the hall, and in m...
Am I Being Targetted By Demons? by Zik
I don't really know where to start, some would say the beginning, but I'm still unable to identify that place or time at this stage. The things I have been experiancing have been happening since I was young (8-9 years old.) with both minor and major intervals, coming and going, but lately getting wo...
My Boyfriend's Place 3 by blue_raven80
It's been a while since my last post because I was really pre-occupied with work and school for the last few months. Anyway, if you remembered my story about my boyfriend's place, I forgot to mention that there is a ghost there that slams the bedroom door. Here's the story. When my boyfriend move...
My Past Potentially Paranormal Experiences by marvel_hero
I have only had two experiences in my life that I have thought could possibly be connected to something paranormal; my first experience occurred one night when I was sleeping on my bedroom floor - I had just switched bedrooms with my brother in my house, which I have lived in all my life - and did n...
A Ghost In My Bathroom by RoseRed92
Recently, I moved out of the house I lived in for 11 years (age 7-18). I believe that it was haunted. I would hear things that nobody else could hear, I saw shadows sometimes, and things would go missing all the time. It all started when I went into the bathroom sometime around midnight when I wa...
God Answered Me Through My Guardian Angel by kristinarodriguez1980
Ive had a few paranormal and unexplained occurances. I would never make up a story just to see it published. Here is a true story that I believe I have met my Guardian Angel and feel to share it with the world. I know nobody is perfect. I started dating my now husband when I was 16, he was 15 back ...
Do You Want To Play? by JustSaying
When I was 7 years old, my dad moved to England to give me, my mom & my brother a more interesting life. My father figure for that couple of months was my great-Uncle. I live in England now. Back in the Philippines, I used to have a room where me and my brother kept all our toys. One day, my pare...
Living In My Haunted House by RachelMasseyDuncan
~Preface~ I am an openly and actively practicing Wiccan that has had paranormal experiences on more than one occasion throughout my life. I was raised by an overly religous zealout and was taught that ghosts don't exist, witches are all devil worshipers, blah blah blah. Being sensitive to these thi...
San Antonio Haunting by ILee
This story is told on the account of my sister. We'll call her Irene. My sister Irene lived in San Antonio, TX with her boyfriend, Matt, while she attended UTSA. I've heard him tell stories of his place being haunted before and I wasn't quite sure I believed him. That is until my sister started call...
Mr Adams Vs Mental Health Professionals by 27flowers
As an Occupational Therapy student in August 2006 my final university placement was working in a small Mental Health team specialising in Rehab and Recovery - patients varied in diagnosis but all were severe and enduring- none particularly harmful to themselves or others, most stable and just strugg...
Little Girl In The Attic by dark-angel
When I was a little girl, my family moved around from state to state. I was maybe 6 years old at the time maybe 7. I had just turned 8 when we settled in Georgia. This story may sound extremely cliché, and you may not believe it. I didn't even believe my own eyes. I just thought my imagination ...
Dancing Shadows Around Me by Nephele
On summer nights I tend to stay up later than midnight. But I'm afraid to do that now. This one night I had just got done hanging with a friend. I was painting/colouring in my room and I tried to fall asleep around 1 or 1:30. When I turned off my light I saw about 5 shadows running around my roo...
Is Grandmother Still Here? by Vermillion625
My experience occurred a couple months after the passing of my great grandmother Mildred. It was late at night I had just gone to bed; I found it very difficult to sleep so I was lying there awake, facing the wall. As I was trying to fall asleep I felt air on the back of my neck; as if someone was b...
Figure Outside My Window by shadow1
This story happen to me 11years ago at my house on the South Side of Tucson, AZ. Up to this date it still haunts me because I don't know what I saw or Why I saw it but I saw it and it scared the hell out of me!. I was 19 years old at the time, it was like 8pm it was dark outside and I was in my r...
Alice And My Late Night Frights by lexhia
I've read hundreds of similar stories., most of them relating to creepy houses, late night frights, sleep paralysis, etc... I can't tell you that this is a different story. I grew up in a new house., located in what used to be cotton plantations. The only odd thing about it is one of my neighbor...
Their Names Discovered by mossycat101
You may have read my other story, well I found out the spirit's name. His name is Joszin, or an alternative spelling, Josin. I had been sitting in my room, recording myself as I read aloud a story that I had writen. I didn't hear it at the time, but when I went over it to see if it sounded okay, I ...
Xavier And Denise by amzrox123
So, my parents collect antiques. Ever since I was little, I have been EXTREMELY sensative to paranormal energies. Ever since my brother moved out a few years ago my parents have been bringing in more antiques than ever. I always realized there were spirits attached but there was one piece in partic...
Cat Intuition? by Lilady4
This is a story related to me by my Husband. Some background to this story: Tammy is a 2-3 year old Tortisehell Cat that we barely know (she is a neighbour's cat), who has suddenly been hanging out with us ever since our beautiful Black Cat, Teddy, went missing. We have recently gotten a new kitten ...
The Danger House by Jackmansgirl
I was about five or six (maybe even younger) when this all happened to me and it was ten years ago. I'm just wandering if anyone knows what kind of ghost (or even demon) this thing was. The story is kind of foggy to me. Because my mother has retold me all that happened (I have a horrible memory, ...
Angry House by BadJuuJuu
The house we currently live in has never felt like home. We started looking for a new house in March. We found an amazing house and will be moving as soon as the ink is dry. In the meantime, however, we are still here. And the house seems angry at us. About two weeks ago I was packing some out of ...
Curious Encounter At My Friends Place by Dogwoman91
This incident wasn't my first, but it is the most recent and therefore still fresh in my mind when I signed up for this site. I was at my friends place, she gave me the keys to her house just in case something ever happened and I needed a place to stay. I had gone over mostly to escape my parents wh...
My First, Scariest Encounter With...Something by Primalset3909
Alrighty, this is my first post but definitely not my last. Before I start my name is Mark, I am 23, fresh out of university. This story takes place in my fraternity house freshman year and I was still getting used to the constant parties and messes everywhere (I'm a bit of a clean freak, but on wit...
Guardian Angel Or What? by skeptical78
Before I get into this story, I would like to let you know a little about me. I work third shift from 6 at night until 6 in the morning, and have been working at my current job for almost three years now, I am in law enforcement. I have not sent a story for about two years now, but this certain inst...
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