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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 96
Bless My House, Bless My Life by nichola
This is my very first time writing on this site, but have been reading some of the entries and I am hoping to get some direction and guidance. I have a few real to my heart experiences to share with you all but before I do that let me tell you why I am writing this. I just turned 40 and the last f...
Bothering Me At Work by smixie
I am a janitor and I have one main building I do most of my hours in. I am alone most of my shift, and it's mostly offices and cubicles that I do. I clean several parts of the building but these two specific sections, from the start of my working here in January, have given me the creeps. I would he...
Strange Activity In My House by bsyks
This is my first story that I have posted on this site and I hope you will find it interesting. This post involves some of the strange occurences that have happened in my house. There are two notable events that I would like to talk about in this post. The first occurence happened when I was in m...
Coming Home by Kuroyuki
I was 21 years old coming home after watching a movie with my older brother, sister, and her friends. My brother drove a Honda white little car at the time. I was sitting in the front seat on the passenger side. The car was on main road going straight until you turn left on the street where my paren...
Are We Being Targeted? by Joseph123
I am a sophomore in college. Before I came to college, while in high school, I experienced a small amount of paranormal activity in my home. My family members and I would always hear footsteps upstairs in one particular room, usually while we were in the family room, which was located directly benea...
Nightmare Inside Of A Nightmare by holyshitimscared01
This happened when I was about 14yrs old I'm 17 now. I had some very strange paranormal things happening to me and it kind of scared me, so I started sleeping on my couch in the living room. Well, it was a school night and the next day I wanted to curl my hair for school. My curling iron was in my...
My Knight In Shining Armor by Victoria_Sky
I was raised around my mothers side of the family and I was extremely close to her dad, I loved him and he was my everything. He was the one who saved me from everything, who spoiled me and as he stated I was his PRINCESS. He played with my hair to put to sleep and he would sing to me. My sophmore...
The Crying That Never Stopped by quixoticqt
My mom told me this story. My mother was in a little village called White Mountain, Alaska at the time. Its population is about 100-150 people where everyone is related to everyone. At night there would be family brawls, mostly just the parents so the kids would go outside and cry sometimes. My mo...
The Lady In The White Dress by bonjovilover98
Growing up, I knew that there was something else with us. I knew that not everything in our world meet the eye, but it didn't bother me. I wanted to know what this other side was, and who was there. Me and my friend decided it was a night to sleep over at her aunts house, and see if we found anythi...
Ouija Board And Meditation by youngpsyche11
I have two stories: The first one happened a while back my sister and I were using a version of ouija board (psychic circle) and we were talking to a spirit called R.S. Who was attached to the board. All was good until I started feeling weird, then R.S. Started moving the planchette quickly, warni...
Grandpa And The Entourage by luckydenvermint
I have always had experiences, beginning from the age of 5 when I first saw my Grandfather the day he passed away in my basement. Knowing that he had passed, the day I was brought to the funeral, I cried uncontrollably for hours once I saw his lifeless body. Not because I had missed him, but I could...
The Man Down The Back Stairs by randyrang
When I was young I lived in Providence Rhode Island in an old colonial house that was built around the late 1800's. I and my family lived on the second floor of the 2 story building and my cousins lived on the first floor of the building. There were these stairs in the back that connected to my cous...
The Woman In The Tree by blackbugsy
Years ago, I was able to experience something out of the ordinary. I was still courting my girlfriend in her family's ancestral house in Cubao, east of Manila. My girlfriend's father was having trouble with their family's business and they had to move back into the ancestral home for a year. It ...
Very Strange Experiences by Shlain
It's been a while since I posted something. A lot has happened that I can talk about, but I will start off with something mild. I think it was around August last year - still cold winter weather here where I live - when I was sitting in bed reading a book. My iPod was on the floor next to my bed a...
The House In England by Shlain
This happened when I was at the age of 17/18, while I was living in what I believed to have been a haunted house. The house was situated in a quiet area of Preston, Lancashire. The house looked fairly modern on the outside with new windows, doors, sliding doors etc., but on the inside it wasn't quit...
My Bed Mate And The Lost Old Man by Shlain
This happened around 2006/2007. I was still living with my parents and on this particular night my mother decided to sleep in my room, because my father was snoring too loud and it kept her awake. Next to my bed there is a decorative table with a lamp on it that I would use when I needed to get up...
Gremlin? by MeganSierra
I wasn't going to post anything about this, but at this point I'm just curious. Probably 5 months ago my brother continuously complained about this thing that he fondly named a "Gremlin". He said it looked like a short black creature that would mess with his things and crawl around in his bed at ...
The Two Women by rachel15904
I was told about a year ago by my mother that when I was roughly 3 or 4, I had strange experiences with the paranormal. One autumn evening I went to bed and I told my mother the next morning that I saw two women in each corner of my room, I wasn't distressed or frightened. One of the women had re...
Is My Uncle Trying To Tell Me Something? by Gemma-Lou
Ive been reading the experiences on this site for about a year now and I'm getting more and more interested about the paranormal. I'd really like some opinions on my experience as I have tried to talk to my friends about it and I think theyre starting to think I'm going a bit loopy! I'll start f...
Ghost Bending Over Me While I Slept by ThatKidTotallyRocks
I am from Mississippi and was home when this happened to me. The location selector wouldn't allow me to put my location for some reason. I am in my twenties now, but this experience happened to me when was in my late teens and it totally freaked me out. I was wanting to get some thoughts from others...
"Trust Me" Was Written In My Mirror by greenday7777
I'm really looking for some input, comments, ideas concerning what happened last Saturday. Let me preface my story by saying we live in a brand new condo and have lived here for a little over a year. When we first moved here, my one cat was reacting to something she sensed upstairs. I was alone at t...
My Grandma Visiting Me by nichola
I was 25 and had just moved back to my parent's house for a few months before starting a new job and relocating a couple of hours east. Within 3 weeks I lost my 30 year old cousin to a car accident and my grandma that I had not seen for over 12 years. You see we had moved out of my native country wh...
Very Real Dreams by believer008
Some things I've read (on this site) have shone a light onto the events I've experienced in the past and more recently. I thought I would share one of them today. So recently I read, that communications between spirits/entities and people can be easier through dreams, as our mind is easier to acc...
Just A Normal Day by abrewer5
I've become really drawn to this site recently and decided to post some of my personal experiences. Let me start by saying I live in a house built in the 1800s, so it's pretty old and has probably seen a lot of stuff throughout the years. I don't have much history on the previous owners, my step dad...
Did It Sense My Fear? by AngelRae
I've only had a couple of experiences throughout my life, which is fine by me! Although I enjoy the occasional haunted tour and ghost hunting adventure I would rather not have the following experiences ever again! When I was about 6 years old my mother invited all my cousins over so we could have...
Desperate Spirit by sassivertu
On March 25th 2010, I was lying on my bed, getting ready to sleep. As I close my eyes I notice a dark shadow pass over my face. This happened very often at the ending of that month, but I payed no mind to this paranormal shadow On April 12th 2010, my boyfriend and I had an argument concerning ou...
Strange Noises And Panics At Home by LuiDesu
In this story, I would like to tell you about the place where I live. I am a little afraid that I might ruin my credibility with that, the girl with the haunted school and the haunted flat and the haunted whatnot. But I actually am a very sceptic person. I really want to believe in ghosts and parano...
Breathing And Popping Noises by Surgycal
Ever since I moved into this house, I have been hearing breathing at night, while I try to sleep and it sounds like someone is in the bed next to me. At first I thought it was the air conditioner, or pipes in the wall, but I decided to rearrange my room and it still wouldn't stop when I would try to...
We Think There's A Ghost In My Boyfriends House by rockergurl227
My boyfriend just recently moved back in with his parents to help them out. Ever since I had started going there I just noticed a lot of weird things. The thing that really got me was in their bathroom. There is a far wall that has two brownish/redish hand prints. No one knows how they got there and...
Little Ghost Boy... Or Not by Crissangelfan22
This experience starts on a Sunday afternoon when I was babysitting my little cousin. We were sitting down watching the kids channel on my TV. I asked my little cousin if she wanted anything to drink, she said yes so I got up and went to the kitchen and made her a drink. I sat back down on the loun...
Takashima Castle's Guardian by GTRyan32
I'm glad this didn't just happen to me by myself but was also experienced by my Japanese friend at the time. It was amazing and quite a shock to our systems. I had wanted to visit Takashima Castle on the shores of Lake Suwa in Nagano Prefecture and finally drove there in late Autumn 2006. After ...
Ghost In The Typewriter by 123kerry
This event happened to me about 15 years ago and I was about 10 years old at the time. I remember not believing what was happening at the time and trying to come up with an explanation as to how these certain things could be happening. It all started when my Uncle started going out with a new girl...
It Was Always Right Behind Me by Lynyme
This began when I was about... 8 or 9. I lived with my brother, my mother and my stepdad in what was definitely one of my favorite houses to live in (moved a couple of times). There was nothing scary about the house itself, it wasn't old, I never heard scary noises or saw weird thing in the shadows....
Attacks From A Demon? by Shikyo_Miko
This has only occurred twice to my knowledge, but both times were scary. I'm going to start with a bit of my background first. At the age of ten, I'd lived in a different home from my mother. She was a single mom who did the best she could to raise us and avoid involvement with DCFS, so my sister...
Ghosts On Rocky Ridge by scarter
My childhood home stood on a gently sloping hill in the Ozarks. We have always called our little homestead Rocky Ridge. It was once a cabin, which had been built onto over the years, belonging to my great grandparents. Before them, I don't know who lived there. My knowledge doesn't go that far back....
Has She Seen An Orb? by AhoyLorna
Today at school I was talking to two of my best friends, Sanna and Niamh about ghosts. Niamh dismissed it and said that ghosts didn't exist but my Sanna's head popped up (she'd been drawing) and she said very seriously, "Yes they do." She seemed to be really convinced on this so I asked her if she'd...
Mike by gelflingfay
This story takes place when my oldest daughter Dynasty was roughly 1 1/2 to 2 years old. We had been living in our new house for about 6 months to a year. The house was haunted and we knew it shortly after we bought it. We always seemed to end up in haunted places. It was creepy being alone at night...
'T Zand, The Most Haunted Place In Utrecht, The Netherlands by Lynyme
'T Zand was a home for the mentally and physically challenged. The people of 'T Zand, its staff and residents, moved to a larger building and 'T Zand itself became vacant. It was to be demolished in a year and until then, students could use to building to live in for very cheap after applying for it...
Spirit Cat by Krit
I am in all honestly very confused about this, but I shall tell you what happened first before asking my question. You know those mornings when you don't want to get up and you just lay in bed listening to music, or reading, or whatever you want kind of days (great days those). Well that is wha...
Old Mobile Home by scarter
I got married 5 months ago, May 2011. Right before the wedding, my fiancé and I had a sudden change of residence. We had been planning on moving after the wedding and everything had settled, but there was an immediate change in circumstances involving family and we ended up packing everything into ...
The Creepy House I Grew Up In by Emmapops
The house I grew up in was really weird to say the least. Not to look at, it looked pretty normal, semi-detached, 3 bedroom house with a long back garden with flowers in etc. The only weird visible thing to anyone not living in the house would be the cemetery behind it, but living behind a cemetery ...
Intelligent Interactions by aussiedaz
I have had many out of body experiences over the last 30 years, but only a few validated ones worthy to write about and I thought I would revisit one of them in hope of better understanding the interactions and thought process of those walking around our home in spirit or at least from my point of v...
Hospital History by mentle
This story is based at a 'mental' hospital. I was put in there because of serious depression. Though when I was assessed by my doctors for the past 3 to 4 months, they said I was fine and I knew I was fine, I just needed a break from reality and that was all. (Most kids that were there had similar p...
Ghost Dog by LunaSilverBlade
I know this may sound unbelievable. Heck, it may even sound a bit crazy. But... I know it wasn't just a simple figment of my childish imagination. I know that I didn't just dream it up. I know, because I wasn't the only one who saw it, the ghost dog. I was two years old when I first saw it. I kn...
Spirit Following Me by akgirl87
My first experience with activities was when I was 15 years old. It was the beginning of winter when it happened. Doing my laundry cleaning up one Saturday, I had the music playing; everything was a normal day for me. My cousin was watching television in the bedroom; both my brother and aunt were ou...
Haunted Fort Benning by baumalizr
Recently (about a month ago) I moved to Fort Benning, GA. To be with my husband. Since we moved here I've experienced some rather unusual things. We live in the Bouton Heights Village. I first noticed early in the morning after my husband has left for PT the front door sounds like it opens and th...
Did A Spirit Turn On The Shower? by michellelovesghosts
It was another night at work doing the graveyard shift. I started becoming accustomed to all the little noises and weird taps that happened throughout the nights. But this night was the one that made me think... Okay, I'm starting to get anxiety working this graveyard shift! I had a hard time st...
My Visitor During Midnight by bidwellpinoy
This experience starts when I got my first job. It is the start of the summer season at the year 2009. My job was an encoder and at first, we have been assigned by our supervisor a shifting schedule. As a new guy, I was assigned to the last shift so that I can quickly learn about the work and prepar...
The Mud Man by stormangel
Thank you for reading my story, first off. I would like to share my very first two experiences. I was only a baby in a household who, as far as I know, never had any particular interest in the paranormal, they had far too many other problems. I make that point because I don't think I could have imag...
Wounded By Spirits by warriorsoul
This story is entirely true. I have the scars to prove it and pictures. I am a former Soldier and a former Police Officer. So I've been in more then my fair share of dangerous encounters. I do not frighten easy, I stay calm during most any event that occurs. I had the chance to visit some Hopewel...
Creepy Ghost Or More? by PebblesnBammbamm
This happened very recently, about one week ago. Since my last story about the ghost 'Henry' my grandmother has moved house. She now lives in a house in the countryside in a little town called Clanfield in England. This house was a bungalow but the loft space was converted into two bedrooms, a bathr...
A Series Of Events by You-Sir-Name
I grew up in a town pulled between country and city, with too many people and too few buildings - there were bad spots in town where I was never to go, because the people there were desperate. The town was large enough to house our own historical museum, but small enough that it was only open for on...
Staying The Night With Haunted Friend by MoonEcat
When I first moved to Houston, I had a friend who invited me to stay overnight during the Thanksgiving holidays. She had already told me stories about her haunted apartment (and another one within sight of her balcony) so I admit I was a bit curious. The first experience with her haunts was the f...
A Second Shift Poltergeist by MoonEcat
Everyone seems to have ghost stories about places old buildings they worked in and my job then was no exception. At the time, I was working the second shift (from 3 pm to 11:30) as a stock clerk in an electronics manufacturing plant. Soon after I had begun working that shift I began to experience so...
The Bank Man by Tempe_Toxic
(Notice: All information in this story was gathered from The Madison Historical Society. I requested information from their research group so I could be as accurate as possible. Certain details have been lost i.e. Exact year, and name of the victim. I did my best to get as much information as I coul...
The Egyptian Room by Tempe_Toxic
Past the white bike, under the double bridge, over the train tracks and across from the construction vehicles. That's all I remember on how to get to my uncle Cheese's house. His name was actually Scott, and he wasn't really my uncle. He was dating my aunt Nancy and I loved them. Their house, howeve...
White Clothes by Yuyu161
Good evening, everyone, today is Halloween. L would like to share a real story with you guys, which my aunty experienced by herself, it may be a bit spooky. It happened when my aunty was about 20 years old, now she is 50, every time when she tells us this story, she still looks scared. It happened...
Footprints And Ghosts Broke Into My House by KuriousKendall
First let me say that I thank everyone that had gave me information on my last story. Also wanted to point out that I now don't really believe the ouija board has anything to do with whatever is going on in my house. A week and a half ago my parents and I were preparing for my niece to come over....
Spirit Of A Sexual Predator by CalamityB
The following is a story I have never told anyone... Until now. Growing up in the 80's in the San Fernando Valley, my family lived in a cookie cutter suburban neighborhood built in 1961. From the time we moved into this house, at the tender age of two, I felt a presence watching me from my bedroom w...
A Stranger In The Night? by lochness
I was around 7 years old when I had my first encounter with the paranormal. My father had just left home, and I was devastated, I was very close to him and believe it was the reason it all started. I was staying with my aunt for a while, along with my younger sister. It was a bungalow set in the ...
My Teen Haunted House by LeilaniZ
I knew from the beginning that my parents wouldn't believe us. We were sitting together quivering in a chair, wondering what would happen next. We kept closing our eyes and holding each other tight, from whatever was mocking us in that house. It all started from the first night I spend in that ho...
Floating Above My Bed by vinividivici
This occurance has plaqued me for years and I have tried to debunk it multiple times but with no success. It all started about 15 years ago around the age of ten in a house my family was renting in the little town of Rocklin, Ca. At the time my brother, who is three years younger than me, and I had ...
Ghost Town In Grayling, Mi by ltuck1997
I am originally from Grayling, Michigan. As a teen, my friends and I would make several pilgrimages a year to our local haunted spot. Going to Pere Cheney is easier said than done if you are not familiar with the roads up there in Crawford/Roscommon county. The cemetery is located in the middle of a...
Floating Krystal Boxes And An EVP by fragginaardvark
When I was between the ages of 5-8 and my brother 1-3, we lived in a trailer and a few strange things happened there. This one I think of often. On top of my chest of (chester) drawers I had a Cabbage Patch lamp with a pink lampshade that I used for a nightlight and every night for who knows how...
The Mysterious Man by Jid186
It all started when I was roughly 6, I was living in essex, england, in this house which I had lived in all my life but it took some time before I realised that something was a miss. I shared a room with my brother who was 7-8 and every night he would always seem to drift off before I did, I strugg...
My Grandmother's House by TiNa_MaRiE
My grandmother's house stands in Baldwin Park, CA. My grandmother has lived in that house over 50 years, where she raised my father and my three uncles. I have spent many weekends at my grandmother's house growing up and still visit there few times a year. As I got older I would start seeing things....
Strange Things In Home by krclucky23
This has been happening over many years in my home. Today, 10-31, at 4:15am, I heard a loud bang and when I looked in my kitchen, a phone that I had not used I over 6 years was laying on my kitchen floor. I don't know it came from. I have a Yorkie which I got last year that has sensed many thing...
You're Not Alone by SoulSeeker
It was the year 2009 in La Mesa Village, Monterey, CA and I had just gotten back home from my college classes. It was about 3 PM so my mom was out down the street picking up my two little sisters from school and my dad wouldn't be back from work for another 2 hours. After parking my car I used my sp...
Woman Standing In Front Of My House by darkcoloredglasses
My story took place about two years ago outside my home in California, it was a freaky experience and I still don't know what to make of it. It's almost midnight and I'm on my couch enjoying an episode of Friends; once the credits start to roll I check the time on my phone and it says 11:57; I get ...
Trickster by Dameon
First off this is a story from my mom's point of view. She did give me permission to tell it and swears it is all true. My whole family eventually came to believe her (I have 3 brothers, family of 5). And we all experienced something in this house over the 20 plus years it has been lived in. Late i...
Mist-like Light by 0BrightPetals0
So, this story is set when I was about 7 or 8. My Grandmother, in Wales, used to live in an apartment. It was quite spacey and old-fashioned. Anyway, on one certain day, at our house in England, my parents decided to accept a job offer and travel to Greece. Of course, I wasn't allowed to go. And my ...
Could It Have Been My Mother? by SmithNW
I am 34 years old and originally born in the Bahamas. When I was two years old, my biological mother died in childbirth having my younger sister. My mother had a total of nine kids and we all had to be split up and placed with different relatives after her death. My father brought me to the states (...
The Girl In The Night by AndyCush
Howdy guys, first time putting a story up here and I'm going to share with you an experience me and 3 of my friends went through some 2 and a half years ago. Before I get into the bulk of the story I'll give you some background information that is vital to the story. We had just started our senio...
Strange Kitchen Incidents by Staceylouise-xx
Before I start, this didn't happen to me, it happened to my boyfriend. I trust him completely, and this is what he told me. I was just curious to know if there were any suggestions. A few months back he was sat in his bedroom, which is upstairs. It was late in the night, about 10pm. He said that ...
Haunted in Michigan by Natalie1234
I am a 20 year old junior at a university in Michigan and believe my house to be haunted. Throughout my life I have had some strange happenings that I never really believed to be important. When I was about 5 I was obsessed with the Swan princess movie and had received a figurine of the main chara...
Halloween Pranksters by Nysa
This story begins when I was a child, probably about 7 years old. My mom & aunts threw a huge Halloween party for all the kids in the family, I think there were 16 of us at the time, ranging in age from probably 5 to 13. It was awesome but the coolest part came about the time it just got really dark...
Ouija Mistake by sierrakusterbeck
I've been reading stories on this site for about a year but I never thought about signing up until lately when I experienced some stuff at a friend's house. I've been wary about telling it cause this has all scared me so bad but I really need help. My mom had bought me a cheap Ouija board from Toys...
Midi & Tori by Kuroyuki
I will tell you about my two friends Midi and Tori. They were the most energetic boys I had ever met. All those that knew them say they were really bad. But to me they were the most misunderstood kids. Midi and Tori were always getting into trouble in school but it was never his fault. He was bullie...
Family Guest by tellanizer
Since I was 5 years old I've always had weird and unexplained things happen to me. If that was the case before then I will never know, but it was only after I turned 5 that I started to take note that I was seeing and hearing things other people could not. The one experience that I had was one day w...
Mother's Stories by Meeko
Let me start by stating how glad I am that I was able to find a site like this. It's nice to read people's stories and experiences... I am Christian. I believe in God, the devil, angels, and demons. As far as normal ghost I can't really say. I also happen to know that young children and animals can ...
Shadow Goblins by Katiji
I've always been fascinated with the paranormal and I've been looking at this site for a while. I just thought I would post a story that happened to me when I was in middle school. Maybe someone can shed some light on what it may have been. I do have an overactive imagination, but I always try and f...
Sensitivity Of A Child by MuFox
It just turned Halloween this 2011 and I just found out that there's this kind of site which shares real supernatural stories mostly in the Philippines and the way each story I read encourages to share my story too. I have lots to share but I'll make it step by step starting from my first time. S...
Bricklayers Arms Pub by Dicasamy1
When I was about 7 or 8 myself, 2 brothers and my mother, moved into a Pub called 'Bricklayers arms'. My brothers shared a room and I had my own. There was a cellar down stairs and a guest room 2 doors down from my room. The guest room had a crib in there for some reason, and the cellar was rarely u...
Cry Of A Woman by spicynoodles
I only hear creepy stories and ghost tales. I never experienced anything until the mid-year of October 2008. I had been working as an intensive care unit nurse in one of the private hospital here in Bacolod City. The healthcare institution was already known for its scary stories about unknown en...
Our House And The Shadow by Prophet_Sun
This story is the truth as I know it this is what I have experienced as well as my sister. For some background to our story we live in a house that was built in 1929, the same house my great grandfather and his wife (my father's grandparents) built by themselves. I was only little about 5 when this ...
Mary Had A Little Lamb by Breeeee
My name is Breanna, I'm 15 and I've had encounters before, but not like this. This happened while I was staying at my grandmother's house back in April 2nd 2011. While I was staying there, I idly wandered through her house admiring the old original paintings and statues but especially the antique...
I Hear Dead People by SoulSeeker
In the year 2010 in La Mesa Village, Monterey, CA many more strange occurrences spawned around the house. Walking from the computer room towards the living room, then around the corner on my left into the hall to go to my room I walked through a chilly spot in the air. It made my hair rise and tickl...
Old Man In House by spookie
This is my first story... It happened last year December (2010) when I went to visit my boyfriend in JHB there were quite a bit of stories I want to tell you that happened in this December but I will start with the ones that gave me chills At my boyfriend's I did not like the bathroom there an...
Phantom Music by musicinthewind
I was vacationing at a nature resort in New Hampshire, surrounded by forests and a lake, with my family (including aunts, uncles, and cousins). Our large family basically booked one wing of the 2nd floor. I shared a room with my sister which was at the end of the hallway. We quickly unpacked and the...
The Thin Air Ghost by Ferrarigirl
When I was around nine years old, my family lived in a beautiful house in Idaho. The house was peaceful, didn't seem that old, and we were in a popular neighbourhood. The house had two stories, but in northern states some houses have the second story underground, below the first. The upstairs was wh...
Guardian Spirit by musicinthewind
One of my best friends from high school always claimed he could see auras and guardian spirits of people. I was a sceptic, so I never really believed him when he told me I had a powerful guardian spirit and that I would never have to worry as I would always be protected from harm. (In contrast, he s...
Hey Aia by youdontknowme88
I haven't had a lot of activity in my house lately, but recently a spirit of a girl around my age decided to stop by. (You might have to read some of my other stories to understand my recent ones... I have a lot of stories, so prepare yourself! One night, I was in bed. I woke up from a bad dream...
Spirits Of Saint Mary's by smixie
This is just a little collection of experiences from Saint Mary's University in Winona, MN. I went here for a year in a half (dropped out for financial reasons, sigh) but I still collected some stories. The first experience I had is actually the only full bodied apparition I've seen. I was in the...
My Own Encounter With The Grey Man by Mountaineer
For those who haven't read my first story, the Grey Man is the apparition of a man wearing all grey, specifically trousers, a wide-brim hat, and a waistcoat. He has been seen by both my mother and my father, and we like to believe that he is a former owner of our farm who checks in periodically to s...
Don't Insult Frank by PinkaminaDiannePie
I have always been an extremely paranoid girl even before I was diagnosed with anxiety. I know what my friends and I did was stupid, but thankfully, nothing too bad came from it. That being said, let's move on to the story. This happened a while ago, not too long that I don't remember, but long e...
Haunted Paradise by Hades666
This is my first story and please don't laugh at it. Recently this year I went to Fiji for one of my uncle's wedding. It was good but the paranormal stuff didn't happen there. On one of the days we decided to stay over my great- grandmother's house near the coast. Everybody knows that all the ho...
My Bed Started Shaking by SoniaMary23
I Live in Okinawa Japan. I am American just so you know. I'm a 16 year old female and I feel that I have an incubus following me... About a week ago. I had this HORRIBLE nightmare that I NEVER had much worse before, And my nightmare was about how some people was summoning a ghost so to speak? Anyway...
Spiritual Hitch Hiker by Javelina
This experience has remained my secret for nearly forty years. It didn't make any sense when it happened. And no matter where I searched, I just could not find another experience to compare it to that was in any way similar to what occurred that day. I had nearly given up trying. (Funny how things h...
Ouija Board Experience by Ghostyjosey
I have done a lot of Ouija boards most of them are just mucking around and other people moving them, but there was this one time I did one and it was legit. I really want to share this experience with everyone. I was staying at a friends place about a month ago with two other people, her parents ...
The Voice Of The Unseen by Twinkle
It's a recent incident that has instigated my mind to believe in supernatural beings... It was 12th November 2011, Saturday. My school, an all girls' school was celebrating its junior school sports meet. Junior school consists of classes right from Prep to Fourth standard. Rest all the classes, f...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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