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Ghost stories from Canada: Page 11
Fading Footprints on Deck by Michelle D.
Boating is a very popular past time in the town where I grew up. Many people have cabins on islands "out the bay", one of which is called Swan Island. Swan Island was once inhabited by Beothuk Indians, all of which were killed by diseases or murdered by white people. There is a confirmed Indian Buri...
My Ghost Story by Cora-Lee Dance
I'm a big believer of spirits and supernatural things and I'm not a professional, just a teenage girl wanting to tell my story. When I was young, like around 2-4, I lived in this big family house. All my family lived together, my grandmother, grandfather, two uncles, me and my mom. I can still re...
Dreams of Haunted Places by Hartzell_grl3
I sometime encounter ghosts in my dreams. Theses dreams always leave me freaked out especially if I'm scared about the experience. Some of my dreams are reoccurring. In some dreams I manage to help a spirit and other times I'm just so freaked out by the energy or the negative presence. I wake up a...
Dream Ghost by Donna
My father passed away in 1988. In 1990 I had a very vivid dream about him. In the dream he was talking about my brother. The scene changed to a different location with my father on a hill holding my brother, crying and telling me that "they shot him real bad"! He kept crying and saying this over and...
Late Night Spook by Elizabeth
One night, after a long day at school, I decided to go to bed early because I had a bad headache. There is a forest in my back yard and I sometimes feel like someone is watching me, but that night it was worse, so I looked around and saw shadows moving. I decided to ignore it and went to bed. As I f...
Beads Taken Off by Ghost? by Brandy
Here's the gist. My best friend (chrissy) has a ghost that came to her door a couple of times and it really freaked her out so one night she put prayer beads on the doorknob and it didn't reappear for the past year. Last friday I went to go changing in her room but the door wouldn't shut because the...
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