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Patronizing Demon


My name is Edwin and I am 19 years old. I currently live in a small town called Norrköping. During my whole life I have never believed in supernatural things and I do not follow any major religion.

Two days ago, I woke up after I had slept two hours, this was very peculiar, I felt very cold and I was scared for some reason, but I was able sleep again.

Yesterday it happened again I woke up after I had slept two hours (I looked at my clock and it was 4.58 am), my head was facing the door (I could not see "it") in my room and someone was talking to me in my mind (telepathically?).

The thing said: "Rise and meet your friends, they are waiting for you"

I was really freaked out, I stayed in my bed, but "it" continued by saying: "These friends are in danger, you need to help them"

After few moments "it" spoke again, but this time it was hostile.

"Are you a bad person, are you willing to lose your soul, does it not have any worth to you?". I stopped looking at my door and I started to look towards north, but I couldn't see anything, only darkness. For few moments nothing happened and I was still facing north. I closed my eyes and then I saw some colourful shades, these shades formed a colourful swirling mist.

I opened my eyes again and I saw the formless dark "being" then it assaulted me. I felt like I was in a maelstrom or in a sea, it was like a gigantic wave crashing into me. I had never felt such power in my life, physical or psychical. I was being crushed under this "wave", I could not even move my eyes and I was losing consciousness (I thought I was dying). Before losing consciousness I uttered the name of God, for several times then it stopped.

When the thing went away, I heard these creepy high pitched broken instrumental songs, and then I was able to move my limbs. I was really drained by this ordeal and I stayed in my bed for several minutes.

I slept again and I woke up again after two hours, but luckily nothing happened, I could not sleep again so I decided to stay awake.

Today, I slept 16 hours and I still feel very tired, this is very unusual, because I am not a heavy sleeper. Even now I am very fatigued by writing this (I am an active person and I get rarely this tired).

At first I think this was a sleep paralysis, but this was different the things I experienced felt genuine and real (the sides of back hurts badly after the "meeting"). At night I feel uncomfortable, as if someone is in my room. My mood has also changed I do not feel happy and I constantly feel like I am in danger.

I hope you have understood what I have written, because English is not my native language.

I require help, I am afraid that "it" will attack again.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Edwin, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

InDustWeTrust (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-09)
I experienced something almost identical.
I was falling asleep in a chair when I awoke suddendlyy and jolted. The energy I felt was like a tidal wave towering over me.
It was just right in my face, it was so strong that even though the being wasn't visible to my naked eye, I could see it with my mind.
I explain in further detial in my own story on the site.
reelife (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-02)
Edwin, hej och tjenare en allm
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Have you tried any of the solutions people suggested? You might find that at least one of those things works.
Edwin (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
It has started again, I keep walking up every two or three hours, because of extremely disturbing nigthmares or simply waking up. This is odd, it had stopped for a while, but now it has begun and I also see horrible dreams.
luna17 (2 stories) (23 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
It could be SP. Some people see things, and not nice things, hear the most horrifying noises, voices, pressure on their bodies, even pain. The SP I've experienced have not been so traumatic. When you stay still to find out what it is, then it'll get worse, and the fear cannot be described with words (I've been there). The most horrifying experience I had was when I felt the sheets move (from my bed) and as it got closer to my head, the ringing in my ears got extremely loud and couldn't move at all.

Your experience makes me wonder what could it be. Do you wake up several times at nigh, like your body knows it's going to go through this episode? I have never heard of SP waking people up as a warning that it's going to take over... I could be wrong, but I think it is something else, something serious. If it didn't wake you up I would say SP. Now since you wake up (like your body is warning you) I'm not so sure that it's SP. But if you wake up and feel the trance before you actually move, then it is SP, the rest are hallucinations. If you can't see what's causing you to feel that way, the brain automatically processes info on what could be there. Fear also causes hallucinations. This also can happen right before you fall asleep.

Try to remember the things you do before it happens, then you'll know if it could be an SP episode. Good luck and let us know how it goes! 😊

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zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
Edwin: If reading the Bible has helped, then I suggest you continue to do so... Try reading it before you go to sleep, and try a prayer for a restful, uneventful sleep... Do what you feel is best! 😊
Edwin (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
I have begun reading the bible and I pray once a day. I forgot to mention, that during the "assault" I felt oddly relaxed and happy, though my mind was literally (it felt as everything was becoming empty) going away.

Was this an attempt of possession? Or something else?

By the way things have improved, since reading the bible.
Jitow (362 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
I would not rule out SP but of course SP can certainly be used by the demonic. Edwin, as human beings God created us as spiritual beings and He gives us free will to choose Him or not to choose Him. He loves you and would never impose on that free will. You have reached an age now where you should be establishing your spirituallity and God wants you to know Him through what His Son Jesus did for you. There are also opposite forces out there that want you to join them against God and they are becoming more and more aggressive these days as they feel time is quickly running out for them. Your case sounds like one of many lately where recruiters from the wrong side are showing up frequently in a rush to grab your soul for their side. Get a Bible, go to a Christian church. Soon enouh the Truth will be revealed to you and it will all make sense. Please, don't wait.
moravian (1 stories) (171 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
Ha! This is a good story! Though I am sorry for your troubles. I would always advise a closer walk with God - and accepting Jesus as Savior.
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
The vinegar and sea salt is used for cleansing if I'm not mistaken, however, I feel that it might not rid you of the creature. I've never encountered succubi before, save for a half-breed I was involved with, and she couldn't drain me of energy. My point being that I've heard that salt and gold can help drive incubi/succubi away. I don't think this is either, though.

I believe this is some other type of demon. There must be a reason why it came to you, but if someone had placed a curse on you and employed this demon to do so, I don't believe you would it would have toyed with you.

You can place large magnetized nails in the ground before each entry to your home, if possible, to continually displace negativity. In any situation, calling upon archangels to help rid you of some evil is recommended as they are the highest benevolent forces.

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This comment from cp103092 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Edwin (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
No nothing special has happened to me, I don't take pills or drugs. I have never used an ouija board and I haven't tried to communicate with spirits. Currently my life is not stressful. Thanks for the tips, I will try them and see if they can.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
Edwin: I'm not so sure it's S.P. Either... But it's always best to approach what we think may be paranormal with a bit of skepticism before deeming it as such... Since this is a recent occurance, maybe you should take at look at how things are going in your life right now, and in the recent past...

Has anyone close to you passed away?...Have you used any form of oracle, or divination, anything that may have inadvertantly left you open for psychic attack? (ouija board, pendulum, etc.)...Pissed anybody off lately?...Are you studying or working long hours?...

So many questions, I know, but the only way to get to the root of the problem is to be analytical...

In the meantime, one of our posters suggests a bowl of white vinegar mixed with sea salt placed either on your night stand, or under your bed... This has worked for a lot of our fellow posters... Not sure what it does, but I think it helps to dispell any negativity...

Keep searching... ❤
Edwin (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
Hello, yes it may have been sleep paralysis, but I am not sure that it was S.P

Yesterday I woke up 3 times and each time I slept 2 hours. First I woke up at 3.00 am, then 5.00 am and finally 7.00 am. I slept at 1.00 am and those times that I have posted might not be entirely accurate, but nonetheless accurate. I woke up and I felt pain on my toe and so on. It's weird, because something, ritually wakes me up every two hours... Very bizarre indeed.
This is the first time in my life, that I have experienced these events and I don't normally had sleeping problems like these.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
Edwin: I have suffered from S.P. And I can tell you: it's a very vivid and downright frightening experience... I suggest you keep a journal, and include your emotional and physical states at the time... Sometimes S.P. Is brought on by stress, overwork, and being overly tired...I'm not saying that all experiences like yours are S.P., as I believe some of mine were paranormal also... But it will give you some insight as to the reason this may be happening...

Good luck, and keep us posted... ❤

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