I was in my room, in my bed, reading. I was (and still am,) reading the book, "You Own The Power," by Rosemary Altea. I was reading the book, and for some reason, unknown to me, I felt the urge to look at my door, and in the nick of time, too. As I looked up, I saw a black mass, it looked male to me, but on the other hand, I couldn't say whether it was a male or female, because I didn't see any features, just a black mass. I'm not sure at all what I had experienced, will someone please help me.
I don't know what the heck the thing was, maybe it was one of my deceased relatives, but I couldn't be sure of that. Someone, please help me, I beg you! With everything else in my life that is stressing me out right now, I don't really need anything else, especially anything paranormal.
I would appreciate any help I can get. Any type of comment is welcome; I am a very religious person, so I welcome that kind of advice.
I know who is in this house, I have experienced all of them, and I don't want them gone, I just don't think that it is one if them that was at my doorway. If you are wondering who the "them" is that I keep talking about, it's the deceased relatives of mine that are in my house. I know that the person wasn't one of them; I just wonder who it was.
Any ideas? Any advice/ideas are greatly appreciated. I'm all plum out of ideas. I'm kind of scared, to tell you the truth. I have always been afraid of ghosts/the paranormal, that's why I joined this website, to see if I could read other people's experiences and get over my fear. Well, let's just say, I thought kind of right and kind of wrong. And that is also why I became a ghost hunter, so I could face my fear.
Thanks for reading.
People make mistakes... It happens. But unless you are of some denomination that does not go by the Bible, being a "ghost hunter" goes against your religion. Unless you aren't Christian, in which case you failed to correct me.
Regardless of what your religion is, you clearly do not have the qualifications or the confidence to be a ghost hunter if the appearance of a shadow terrifies you into a desperate call for help.