This is my first posting of my spiritual encounters. I don't believe in the term 'ghost', but I do believe in 'spirits.' Feeling the presence of spirits and having spiritual encounters have never been out of the ordinary for me and at this point nothing is unbelievable to me when it comes to spirits.
I was living in my first apartment and I am not sure of the correct terminology for this, but I was "frozen." I was awakened out of my sleep and was not able to move, speak, or anything! Before this happens I get a tingling feeling all over.
However, I was advised to pray when this happens so that's what I did. As I was praying I caught a glimpse of what I know was a demon running out of my room and in my spirit I feel as if it headed straight out of my apartment. The power of prayer!
I used to get 'frozen' on a regular basis and after experiencing this I now know that when this happens it is an attack of an evil spirit. I now say out loud "any spirits that are not of the Lord Jesus Christ, you have to leave in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ."
When I was younger I used to always tell my parents and sister that I would get 'frozen.' One night I was awoken out of my sleep and was unable to move or speak.
At the time I and my sister shared a room and her bed and my bed were across the room from each others. While I was being 'frozen' I felt myself being turned in my bed and my upper body being hung off of the edge of the bed.
When I was released I called my sister's name and asked her could I sleep in her bed for the rest of the night. She told me yes because she saw this huge black figure hovering over my bed. Obviously, the huge black figure that she saw was the thing that had me unable to move or talk.