When I was little, about 6 or 7, I went trick or treating alone. While I was out, I felt like someone was watching me, but I just ignored it. I just went on with my trick or treating, when I came up to this strange house. When I passed it, it was like it dropped at least 30 to 40 degrees. It was an old country house with a huge tree and tire swing in the front yard.
When I went up to the door and rang the doorbell, this little girl dressed in a white dress and was glowing in the moonlight was laughing and playing on the swing and there was a glowing white man pushing her on it. I dropped my candy bag and ran when I saw my name printed clearly on the cement. I ran at least 3 blocks home and called 911.
When they came to investigate the scene, everything I described was gone. No name in the cement, no little girl or man. The police men said nothing had ever happened at this house and said it was all my imagination, but I guess I will never know about this strange day. My friends said I was crazy, but I believe something terrible may have happened to this little girl and father. Also when I got home the lights flickered on and off and I kept hearing the strange scream during the middle of the night.
I'd like to figure out more, but I believe if I do, they will haunt me until the day I die.