I have always been open to the paranormal but until last night, (once I took a photo of what could have been my father who unfortunately passed away 8 years ago) I can't think of anything that has happened to me. I woke up at about 4:30am and went to the bathroom. While I was in there I could hear repetitive quiet sounds. At first I brushed it off but it wouldn't stop. It sounded a lot like breathing and I got quite anxious. It kept happening for a good 10 minutes which didn't make sense to me because I thought it would have stopped. I left the room and went back to bed and nothing else happened. Has anyone else experienced something like this? I'm really curious about what it could have been because my family has expressed having feelings of anxiety and being watched. I have my fathers ashes in the house could that stir something up?
Could these experiences be related to my father and his passing? I should also mention that my Grandfather passed away about a month ago. I never met him but I felt some kind of connection due to the fact that we're related. I've wanted to try and communicate with certain people including my father but I don't know if that would just make things worse. Like I have said I Am very open to the afterlife, it's a big interest of mine that I do want to investigate. That's another thing I'm curious about. Is there a way I can look into these sorts of things without having a negative outcome? As in communication I know that it's possible for other ghosts, entity's etc to use this as a gateway but I want to avoid that with anyone or anything that I don't intend on communicating with. Any ideas, info or suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks.
Of course, some members here have had just as much success eschewing the cleansing process and simply having a sit down talk with the entities in their homes. Some meditate first, others don't. Some speak aloud, others in their head. They often lay down ground rules for example "I know you are here and that is fine but this is my home now and I'm not going anywhere so its my rules here. No scaring me or the pets...etc"
Above all, I don't think you need to make any decision out of a place of apprehension or fear. Knowledge is power.