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Comments for Can "Resend or Else" Messages Be Real?: Page 1
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Shell1982 (70 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-14)
Chain letters are absolutely not real. I think your imagination was running riot because the letter scared you. Also, waking in the night to find you are paralysed isn't that unusual, it's called Sleep Paralysis, and it is often accompanied by visual or auditory hallucinations (in other words, you see and/or hear things while paralysed). It's easy to assume it's something supernatural (in fact, that what almost everyone assumes until they find out that it is a genuine medical phenomenon). Some people experience it only once, some are prone to it and it can be bothersome for them, while most will never experience it.
iiKissYew (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-14)
I hate chain letters, the ones I always get are worse and longer than that, it even comes with a creepy picture, or funeral music. I don't send any of them because my mom is a hardcore christian and she believes if you send one on, your sending word of the devil. I don't send them anyways, because I know nothing will happen. But your story is pretty scary, but if the chain message were true you would be dead, so congrats! And I hope you don't hear anything like this again (the thing in your story).
lynrinth (guest)
13 years ago (2012-04-14)
I must say, this 'chain letter' is the freakish thing I've ever heard of. Normally they aren't this morbid. It could be more than likely your imagination. Being afraid, your mind may have been playing tricks. You say your stepmother is a Wiccan? Who but her is most likely to have a maybe helpful answer for you. She would be the most likely candidate to ask. Well, the answers you may get here might be helpful too.
BigBaby (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-14)
Yeah...I don't know.
You're a "simple teenager" who knows nothing about the paranormal, but you have a Wiccan step-mother?
You're a "simple teenager" who knows nothing about the paranormal, but you have a Wiccan step-mother?
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