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Ghost stories comments: Page 10

KnightRaven in The Speakeasy Ghost
lady-glo: Thanks for reading and commenting on my story. My wife said we were reading the exorcism prayer by Pope Leo XIII. We read the prayer while holding a crucifix and sprinkling holy water. It only happened to the one toilet. Being lightly used it would clog to the pint of overflowing. I'm sure the pipes were old but we were young and didn't think about that.

I read your link and it was very informative. Pueblo is semi-arid but it does have a lot of water. There is a reservoir and a couple lakes and rivers. These events were close to the Arkansas River which flows through town.
There was an old article I read a few years ago about utility workers digging up bones while working by the State Insane Asylum. Later they discovered mass graves of patients by the asylum. So they installed water and sewer through unmarked graves.
lady-glow in The Speakeasy Ghost
Hi KnightRaven.

It must have been frustrating to moved from a haunted location to another haunted location, even if the activity was milder than at the previous place.

"The whole front of the store was filled with religious items, so you'd think that would protect the place."

Actually, if the religious items haven't been properly blessed, they would be just objects, hence useless as a method of protection.

Although there's a theory of spirits using water as a conduit, I'm not sure if this would result on clogged toilets or if there was a mundane explanation for this, specially since the building was old and maybe the plumbing needed an upgrade.
Were the toilets malfunctioning before the 'exorcism'?
Would you mind to describe to more detail what you did and what you used to perform the cleansing of the loos?

The following article provides an interesting insight on the interaction of spirits and water:


Knowing the history of the place makes easy to understand what caused the feeling of uneasiness in that place.

Thanks for sharing.
KnightRaven in The Haunting On Midway
Rajine: As I recall, the landlord denied having any complaints with the apartment. He was more concerned with keeping my deposits. He had recently acquired the property from his father so maybe he didn't know anything.
I wonder what could have happened in that apartment... When you told the landlord that he needed to get an exorcist, what was his response?
That certainly is strange, and just plain weird, did you try asking any of your neighbors if they seen that as well?
I don't think this is a benign entity, especially in my experience and reading dozens of stories on here, malevolent spirits tend to attach itself to a person and leaves their mark, literally, on its victims.
Rajine in Murney Tower
Places like this where mass deaths occurred will tend to have a high supernatural energy, the part about the children is very tragic.
I don't think it meant any harm, although seeing it would scare the living daylights out of anyone, perhaps it was a former owner with an attachment to the farm?
KnightRaven: You 'may' be correct about Spiritual strength. I cannot say for certain as I'm not an expert.
All I 'can' say is that whatever was in that house literally drove us out. We just couldn't deal with it anymore.
I'm sure that the Minister knew things about that kind of stuff that we didn't. Whatever. All I know is that I haven't 'heard' anything about the building/property since, & I'll never go near it again. I'm glad that you are out of that place, & I hope, very happy!

Best Wishes!

😁 😁
Hello Twilight1011,

I haven't seen much of you recently. Its great seeing you online again.

I changed my profile name to MiaG from 'Sleeping-with-steve', just so you know who this is.

Hello Oceana,

Ghosts seem to do what ever they are capable of doing from moving things, taking things and putting them back, slamming doors, and occasionally scaring us with their unpredictability. I know first hand they can communicate, whether that be subliminally or out aloud.

Sounds like you have genuine cause for concern if this continues. Whether it be an intruder or ghost, hopefully that's the last time you see him.

I have security cameras and am waiting to catch anything paranormal so I have hard proof. Sadly it's boring on the paranormal front here. Not much to talk about.

Hello Lady-Glow,

You never fail to provide food for thought. You are definitely a fountain of knowledge. Thanks for the link

Hopefully this won't be a frequent occurrence Oceana.

KnightRaven in The Haunting On Midway
Linjahaha. Thanks for reading my story. The bug phenomena is hard to believe unless it has happened to you. I grew up in Tennessee and have lived around roaches. They don't act like that.
In your story your mother in law sprinkled holy water that may as well have been chocolate syrup. That was what was happening with us. My girlfriend (now wife) had holy water and I had some sage. Her mother owned a religious store so she had a collection of prayers and even an exorcism prayer with her. Those things don't work by themselves. Maybe you have to be spiritually strong and focused for them to work.
Dear Knight: Yikes! That place 'was' haunted like the house my late husband, mother-in-law, & I lived in.
Read 'The House of Erie Road in Willoughby',& you'll see the comparison there.
We had millions of spider outbreaks, but the straw that broke our backs was the millipede outbreak. They covered the house outside, & inside. They even poured out onto the front lawn. Millions upon millions. We'd never seen anything like that before, or since. I Pray to God I never see anything like 'that' ever again.
Once we got out of that house, we wouldn't even 'drive' by it. We completely avoided it. To this day "I" avoid it.
The landlord couldn't get 'anyone' to stay there very long after we fled. He sold the house to a Preacher that turned it into a Church with the upstairs (where 'we' once lived), turned into his Rectory. I haven't 'heard' of anything paranormal with the place since. Maybe the preacher made a difference, but I'll never pay a visit to find out. I'm 'sure' you understand!

All the best, & take care! 😊 😊
In response to your questions:
Yes, I did have the window open, it was summer.
My bed is right nest to the window. The direction I sleep is also next to the window.
Nothing has changed recently.
My house is opposite a lot of trees and hedges, and the birds start flying when it first gets light.
I mean, he could've easily hidden where my car is, but then I would be worried about some guy with golf clubs near my car.
He couldn't have got to the hedge in that time.
It was just properly strange. I didn't make much noise getting out of bed and I doubt he would've heard me.

Your observations are well grounded and I'm glad you have asked this question. My answer may be a long one though.

To begin with, I think it is important to consider each case individually and without overlooking the history of any place where footsteps are heard.
Is this a recurrent event?
Has someone passed away recently and (their spirit) could be visiting their home or family?

I have some questions about this story:

Does the OP know or have asked the neighbours if this man has been seen before?
Is this a development of row houses, semi-detached or single family homes?
Is there a porch, privacy fence, or any other architectural structure where a person could hide?
What's the distance between the house and the hedge?

About her bedroom:

Was the window open?
What is the placement of the bed in relation to the window?

This information may not look important but, based on the narrative, the OP "drew the curtains... Quickly got out of bed and ran to my friends room, who was staying the night. I woke her up and was explaining what I had just seen."

I may be wrong but the image my mind has formed upon this information is: a bed placed either under the window or beside it but against the wall, hence the OP making some noise during the process of getting out of bed; perhaps loud enough for an attentive person to notice?

Also, the information provided, - or better said, read between the lines - by the birds, "the sun came up at four in the morning, I ended up looking for birds out of my window. I was looking in the sky,"

It's not clear to me if the OP saw any birds or if she only heard them. In my own experience, birds start singing, chirping, cooing or cawing early in the morning without actually leaving their roosting places. What makes me wonder if there are any trees or a forest close to the OP's hose = hiding place.


What makes me wonder if the birds reacted in any way to the man in blue's presence.

" As for the writer, I think these are one of those cases, where it's best to go with your instinct, that you felt about this experience"

I think the OP's first impression/instinct was: ""Oh my god, he's going to smash into my house." I was thinking he was a burglar or something."

Anyway, at this point my comment may be longer than the story per se!

Before I'm done saying what I have to say, I feel the need to make it clear that I have asked myself all the above questions before my first comment and, though I don't discard the possibility of this man being a spirit, I think there's not enough information to reach any conclusion about his nature. Although, to be honest, in this day and age, I would feel safer knowing that he was a ghost rather than a person with questionable intentions.
GingerRead in Murney Tower
Thank you CrimsonTopaz! I hope to explore more haunted places in Kingston and abroad. Hopefully I will have more to talk about!
GingerRead in Murney Tower
Hello Lost Voyage! No, I don't think the stomach pains were related to being in the tower. It's common for the pains to immediately cease once the person in question leaves the property. Mine unfortunately kept up until the following morning. An example of this occurred at Fort Henry, also located in Kingston. A small girl once reportedly felt violently ill upon visiting one section of the Fort and felt better after leaving.
Lady-glow, I'm no expert of the paranormal world by any means, so I do not ask this to be rude, or disrespectful. So I welcome any feed back on this, but I see you say that you don't believe a floating ghost, could make a crunching sound, from walking on gravel. But what about the people (I included) that have heard the sounds of a spirit's footsteps, either walk through people's homes, going up, or down stairs etc? It's hard to make sense of it, whenever you do hear footsteps, that doesn't belong to anyone living, yet somehow spirit's seem to still make a sound, when walking around your home. So much so, there's time's that you can even tell what type of shoes they must be walking around in, from high heels, to boots of different styles etc. I just wanted to speak up about that though, to see if I'm misunderstanding in your comment? I hope you don't take my question the wrong way, as I do not mean any disrespect by it. I really would love to hear your response to my question 😊 As for the writer, I think these are one of those cases, where it's best to go with your instinct, that you felt about this experience. With you being the only one that really knows your yard area, I think only you can decide if it's possible or not, for an actual person to either be able to run off, before you looked out another window, or like Lady-glow had mentioned, or if they could have hidden out of your view as well. It's a really odd encounter, to have someone at that time, to be walking with golf club's, towards your home. πŸ˜• But it's hard to tell if it was a spirit or not, from a reader's point of view. That's why I say you're the best one to decide that mystery. Thank you for sharing your experience with us, as it does make you wonder if it really was a spirit, and if so, what's the story behind it walking around with golf clubs. πŸ€”
Linjahaha-not today, but "THE day" last week when I types this up that detail came back and gutted me. It is embarrassing to admit how scared I was and that I am still scared. Like most of my stories. Cheers-Bettina
Valkricry- Thank you, for the historical note. I did not grow up in Oregon so I only know bits and pieces of history. Plenty of people die in frozen begging misery every winter on the streets. This person looked light complexion and had blonde or grey hair and moustache. Blanket over the head is sort of ahistoric fashion wise. I did not mean to imply in any way that they were Indigenous People, or small pox victim. The Oregon Trail ended in Oregon City. The waterfalls just south of the oak flats where Gladstone is, are scared to the first peoples here. Massive trees are all that is left of those peaceful times before the european colonisation. Thank you, Bettina
Linjahaha-Thank you for reading my stories, and for your theories as to what I saw. When it happened this scared me through and through. I have always considered this was a real person, until today when I realized they were matte instead of refective or wet. This two second clip of memory makes a hole of fear in my guts, and not because once some poor bum got the drop on me. I like Gladstone, and lived there for a couple years later, safe and unbothered.
I appreciate your comment-Bettina
CrimsonTopaz in Philbert The Pizza Ghost
Hezza000, Looks like he not only followed you home and took up residence, but is now demanding you include him in your life. He must be sent packing. If he's angry, be careful.
CrimsonTopaz in Murney Tower
Gingerbread, What a well written, and detailed story.
I wonder if the reason why the voice was grumpy was due to people coming and going frequently.
Maybe he wasn't able to rest peacefully for long enough to recharge. He may have as result lost a lot of his energy and as result became grumpy.
Sorry to hear you didn't finish the tour. Hope you're feeling better now. If there's another tour that you attend, I'd be interested to read it too.
Thank you for sharing your experience.
Oceana, This sounds nerve-racking. It's quite possible someone was floating around, but I'm not sure if it was a ghost. As LadyGlow says, ghosts wouldn't rustle or make crunching noises. But I guess if poltergeist can move objects, then anything is possible. I'd be interested in hearing about anything else on this topic. Thanks for sharing.
How long did it take for you (approximately) to get out of bed, walk/run to the other room, then wake up your friend and explain to her what was going on?
Maybe a couple of minutes?
In my opinion, long enough for a person, if not to walk away at least, to find a hiding place out of your field of vision... Specially if he didn't want to be seen.

Also, I'm not sure if the steps of a weightless ghost would make crunching sounds on the gravel. Maybe the guy took cover in the hedge?
Dear V-Peach, I do agree with you that if someone is a nasty person in life that they are likely to remain that way in the after-life, also.
The landlord could not keep that house rented for very long after 'we' moved out. No one would stay beyond a few months. He ended up selling it to-get this-a Minister. The Minister put nice new siding on the house, initiated repairs, & extended onto it. He, then, moved into the upstairs portion (the one we lived in, & fled.), turning it into his Rectory. The entire downstairs portion is a Church.
If you care to look it up, it's called Body of Christ Church. I don't usually reveal this because I don't want to cause him any undue publicity. Obviously, the religious influence has done something to initiate normalcy in the house. He's been there for over 20 years, or thereabouts. God Bless him! The house looks, pretty much, the same except it's not decrepit anymore, & he extended it beyond the driveway side. I give him credit.
I will not even 'drive' by that place to this day. That's the kind of effect it had on me all those years ago. Like I said earlier, it took my husband, mother-in-law, & I about a year to adjust to relative normalcy once we got out. Even our poor dog was jumpy for a while.
Thank you for re-reading my account, & for your insight!

All the very best to you! ❀ 😊
[at] Linjahaha: I am actually in my friend's house right now, the one this story is about. Ever since we performed the purification ritual with white sage and she asked her daughters to return all items from their father's house back, the energy has subsided. There are no more strange noises, teleporting items etc. But I do still feel a presence. I believe there is something here but it is not harmful.

I have read your story and we have actually spoken about it before - I'm fascinated by your story. I actually looked up photos of the house and found what I believe to be it and it looks very similar to many of the Victorian style houses here including ones in my family which also have a lot of energy. My thought in your story is that there was a spirit who was in that home who was an unhappy person in their life, and they feed off the energy from the electrical generator and the people in the home. I would bet anything when that person was alive, they were a shut-in with zero connection to their neighbors or community, and was probably disliked by the majority of the town. People do not change after death!
The_Lost_Voyage_11 in Murney Tower
Hello GingerRead, what an interesting experience and I appreciate the historical context for sure!

I'm curious about the stomach pains you had prior to the investigation concluding. I know I've read of many paranormal encounters including investigations such as yours where some of the more sensitive observers feel ill at some point or another due to the energy they're exposed to. They report everything from nausea to migraine headaches. Usually they feel fine and recover quite fast when they leave the property.

Do you feel that what you encountered was directly related to your stomach pains? I certainly don't want to intrude personally if it was something else entirely, but am always curious when spiritual energy manifests as physical illness/discomfort. It's mentioned quite a bit but never really explored as a topic, which I find intriguing as science is finding out more and more just how sensitive humans are to all sorts of energies.

Anyways, great share and I look forward to hearing more from you!
GingerRead in Murney Tower
Linjahaha: Haha, I haven't had any issues... Yet! It would certainly make a good story for my next submission on the website though! Glad you enjoyed the story.
GingerRead in Murney Tower
RCRuskin: No worries. I agree with your last statement. I don't think the other group member meant any disrespect, I think he just wanted to participate.
RCRuskin in Murney Tower
OK. I stand corrected. I do still think the wording of the question may have been off.
GingerRead in Murney Tower
RCRuskin: I didn't ask the question. Another group member did. Also during these types of investigations, it's very common to receive very brief answers. These are not confirmations, only speculations.
I'm reminded of a line from the great horror novel and movie Jurassic Park: Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they never asked whether or not they should."

I agree with Lady Glow that you should endeavor to get rid of this spirit ASAP.
RCRuskin in Murney Tower
"Did you fight alongside Americans in the War of 1812?" you asked and the spirit answered indignantly, "No." Given this is a British North American, later Canadian, defensive structure, the question should have been asked, my opinion, "Did you fight against the Americans?"

The ghost, if it was since maybe it was some political pundit on the radio being annoyed at something, answered: You are in British North America! I'm in His Majesty's Army! Why would I betray my own countrymen?

Silliness aside, one must be careful what questions one asks since the exact phrasing makes a difference in the answer.
Welcome to YGS.

Usually ghosts remain attached to places that were important during their lives and/or at the moment of their passing, hence it's rather odd that "Philbert" would followed you home.

I wonder if he's ready to cross over and thinks that you would be able to help him.
I hope not to sound harsh or critical but, in my opinion, he may be upset at you for first inviting him to come to your place only to 'forget' about him. And if, at this point, this spirit is able to hurt you and drain your energy, things could escalate and turn ugly.

Have you consider helping him to cross over? Do you think it would be fair for the new tenants to move into a haunted place in case the ghost doesn't follow you?

In my opinion, the best you can do is to try helping this ghost to move on, either by yourself or asking for religious intervention according to your faith.
Linjahaha in Murney Tower
Gingerread: Interesting read, but 'always' be respectful of the spirits. You don't want one of them following you home.
I prefer not to participate in ghost hunts due to the fact that "I" personally, consider it rather risky.
I am not telling you 'what to do'. I'm just giving you 'my' reasons for not doing so. You're far braver than me, I have to say!

Best Regards, Always! 😁 😁
Hi, VirulentPeach: Your story vaguely reminds me of a seriously haunted house my husband, mother-in-law, & I lived in. I posted it on here-House on Erie Road, Willoughby, Ohio. You'll notice 'some' similarities if you read it.
Things moving/disappearing into thin air are what they call apports.
Things physically evaporating, & reappearing in completely different places. Sometimes in the most ridiculous places.
The house we lived in was well over 100 years old, & about 80 yards behind the house in a wooded area was an electric sub-station that we were sure was supplying additional energy to whatever it was in that house.
Also, 'we' always felt drained in the house. Once we would leave it to go to work/stores we felt completely different, & our energy levels felt restored. I, also, agree with Lost Voyage that the cemetery may have 'something' to do with it. Kind of like, wandering spirits passing through, & sticking around for a while. They could be attracted to the energy of the teenagers also.
If you do learn anything about that place, please let 'us' know. We'd be interested in hearing about it!

All the Best!
😜 😊
BettinaMarie: I enjoyed this rather unnerving encounter you had. Is it possible that the man you saw was a possible residual haunting?
Considering the history that you included in you account about what happened in the area in another time period. It's a possibility to consider.
I, also, read the post you wrote on the horrible, no-good schoolhouse. I found that one particularly intriguing. Not to mention frightening.
I have worked in only one haunted building, & that was about a dozen years ago in a hospital in Cleveland, Ohio. I worked in the radiology department. We, sometimes, had to go to the basement to retrieve patient x-ray folders. This was before we went digital, & all that information was then recorded into the computers, & then burned onto C.D.'s.
There was a ghost in the basement file room. I saw him only the one time, but wasn't frightened by him. Just surprised when he disappeared right in front of me. He looked like a Dr., & we all surmised that, possibly, he was so devoted to his profession in life, that he continues in the after-life. I saw him as clearly as any human being. He was not vaporous, or ethereal. He looked like a solid person. I was quite fascinated.
I read your spooked in Portland post, also. Your accounts are well-written, & very interesting. Keep them coming!

All the very best! πŸ˜‰ 😊
Oooh OK... My apologies, that was a mistake on my part, I misread the story.
Thank you Lady Glow!

I do not believe that the place where the family house is built is haunted, on the one hand because the experience was never repeated and on the other hand I have never heard any other resident of the house report a single paranormal experience.

But you are right that it may have been the spirit of someone who was somehow linked to me or as Rajine says, it may have simply been a spirit that was passing through.

I've lived with this doubt for fourteen years and I guess I'll never get the answers I need.
Hi Rajine.

It is difficult to talk about paranormal experiences with non-receptive people (unbelievers, skeptics, etc.). On the other hand, I highly doubt that anyone else in the house would have had that same experience. In any case, I think you are right and it would have been interesting to ask and know what everyone has to say. But it turns out that the next day I joined the army and didn't return until a long time after completing training.

Interesting. I stand corrected on the dead bodies part, then. I'll read up on those later.
Maybe, that entity was a guardian angel. Maybe he was there to give a vision of a circumstances which he would face in his near future and don't mean any harm. But anyway may that old man find light of an eternal bliss and don't render here anymore 😊
I don't appreciate all the comments in disbelief of others stories. Why troll people? Why not scroll to the next story... "I don't want to be mean" then proceeds to be rude... Commenters like this are going to shy people away from telling their stories to avoid the know it all's. Be positive and don't belittle others experiences. How was any of that allowed on here?
lady-glow in The Child Spirit
Welcome to YGS.

This is an interesting experience but it's hard to explained or to say who this little spirit was.

In my opinion, more information is necessary in order to determine if this particular house was haunted by the spirit of a child that hasn't realized they died. Another possibility would be for this spirit to be a departed loved one or close friend who passed away at a young age and came to wish you a successful time in the army.

Regardless of it's origin, it seems that the spirit meant no harm and had a positive energy.

Thanks for sharing.

Actually, according to Wikipedia:

"In Hinduism, vibhuti... Is sacred ash made of burnt dried wood, burnt cow dung and/or CREMATED BODIES..."


Being the inquisitive person I am, I'd be tempted to bombard the OP with more questions about this subject, but have to refrain in order to follow the site's guidelines for commenting on a story, specially the one stating:

"...This site is not about religious beliefs, it is about actual personal paranormal experiences and exploring reality with an open and investigative mind so we can actually learn more about the paranormal, with the same empirical mind set that made science so successful in other fields. Religions have a lot of wisdom to offer in terms of personal spirituality, but they can also limit our knowledge of the world with old superstitions and unproven dogmas..."

From my point of view, it is necessary and even healthy to question ones religion and ancestral beliefs. One should not ignore the light science has shed over many things that, in the past, where considered unexplainable, magical or god's will. Otherwise human sacrifices to apace the gods; shrunken heads and other practices of the past would be still common.

But if a person is not ready to answer questions from "outsiders" about their religion, then they're not ready to question their own beliefs. Nothing wrong with that.

Anyway, if my question is not offensive, I would like to ask if the ashes of any person would do, or if who and what said person was during their life would affect the effectiveness of the ashes.
Rajine, I believe the OP speaks of the smallpox epidemic of 1834. However what happened to her was in 2000/2001.
In my culture, our sacred ash is made from palm leaves that have been blessed during Palm Sunday, which is something we practice as Catholics. It is dried, then turned to ash, and is then put on our forehead during Ash Wednesday of the following year, which is the start of our Holy Week. Though it is considered sacred, I can't be sure if ours could ward off evil entities such as the one in your uncle's experience. We do keep the dried palm leaves to ward off evil in our homes, though.

I think we can all agree that sacred ashes are not the same for every country and religion, nor is it made of cigarettes or dead bodies. It is also quite valid to be upset when someone mocks your beliefs and baiting you with twisted words, disguised as curiosity. Would be great if sacred ash could ward off those kinds too 😜

That said, your uncle's story is with him to the grave, unfortunately. As long as it does not appear again in any shape or form to torment your family, it is for the better. ❀
It could have been a passing spirit long forgotten. You should have spoken to someone at home about it, perhaps they experienced it as well.
Was this smallpox epidemic during 2000/2001? If so I'd think that cures for such things were already long established at the turn of the century, especially for a first world country like USA.
Back here in South Africa a lot of people believe the thing about a spirits feet being twisted backwards, holy ash is something most cultures use, it's made from various things, such as wood, sandlewood, turmeric, lime powder and turmeric makes a red color ash. Praying with it is what makes it sacred.
LadyGlow-Thank you. I had cry on the porch while I was trying to type it up. BettinaMarie
Hi BettinaMarie.

I really like your writing style. Such a wonderful way for describing such an unnerving encounter.

Thanks for sharing.
BettinaMarie in Spooked In Portland
Dear Rajine, How would I know somewhere is haunted, simply from an invitation to visit? Night clubs are great places to party. Should I quit my job because of ghost stories? Are these places haunted, or am I a chickin with a wild imagination? Maybe someone on this site has answers. Is it rude to leave a building because the elevator scares me? Is the Galleria shopping mall the Mouth of Hell? It could be my imagination. Thank you for reading my entry and for commenting. I would never go looking for ghosts, ever. BettinaMarie
BettinaMarie in Spooked In Portland
Dear Rajine, How would I know somewhere is haunted, simply from an invitation to visit? Night clubs are great places to party. Should I quit my job because of ghost stories? Are these places haunted, or am I a chickin with a wild imagination? Maybe someone on this site has answers. Is it rude to leave a building because the elevator scares me? Is the Galleria the Mouth of Hell? Thank you for reading my entry-BettinaMarie
Amchi1986 in The Haunted Jungle
No, they were not aghoris, but ghosts carrying another person's dead body on their shoulder. The person whose dead body, they were carrying, was also a ghost.
While I do believe that houses can be haunted by ghosts and other entities, and can harm and manipulate, but not influence, some of the things I believe you chose to do.

I wonder what was in that room on the roof, did you try finding out?
I often wonder what Is it with spirits and attics, since you mentioned the cemetery across from you, I'd say it is a cause for concern.
Hi BettinaMarie

You have had some really frightening encounters, but why would you go partying in haunted places?
Hi Amchi1986

I need to ask, do you perhaps think that it must have been aghoris instead, I've read about them and their practices are very strange and unconventional, they also tend to live in the boundaries of society.
NubianPrincess in The Oldman On The Staircase
...Excuse the reptition and typos.

Using my phone and tend to miss things even when I preview.
NubianPrincess in The Oldman On The Staircase
Ah, I see. The head makes sense.

So we just use it a bit differently, but for the same reasons.

We also place it around various parts of the house, like on top of wardrobes or in shelves to ward off evil spirits or bad juju.

Don't know if we can advise such on the site; but try putting it in your bath water with sea salt as well. Wards off evil and helps rid one of bad luck.

Or you can put it in a container with sea salt and before you leave the house for any reason. You apply on your face, hands and feet straight after taking a bath (while praying for protection). Let it air dry then you can apply your lotions, moisturizers and perfumes.

You don't have to do it. It's just always nice to share. This goes to others as well. Am see going to try putting it on my head.

One never knows.

We apply it on our head or just carry it in our pocket, to keep ourself safe from supernatural or evil forces.
NubianPrincess in The Oldman On The Staircase
In South Africa we call it Holy Ash.

We use it in our culture as well. Mostly from burnt wood (as already explained) or charcoal that's prayed upon.

One can put it in bath water, carry it on their person or add it in their lotion.

Do you guys also use it in these other ways Amchi?
No, I am not getting angry at you, just explaining and I am not lashing at anyone.
TravisCannabis in The Oldman On The Staircase
Chill dude! Ain't making fun of no one just asked a question. Don't expect everybody to know your religion. If your not ready to explain without lashing out at people for not getting your stories maybe this ain't a site for you. 😐
Traviscannabis its sacred because of how its made. Before mocking other's methods remember your roots and how strong your beliefs are if it comes to you
Don't laugh at our hindu religion and mock at our faith and religious beliefs, or otherwise straightaway leave. Would you like it if someone mocks at your God and religion, Mr / misses travis cannabis. So never ever insult anyone's faith, belief or even religion.
My dear friends, it is called vibhuti Or bhasma in our hindu dharma. It is made from cow dung, or wood materials. Since we hindus consider it holy, we don't like it to be laughed at. It is very sacred in our hindu religion. Did u all understand it now.
TravisCannabis in The Oldman On The Staircase
Dude u didn't answer my question. I want to know what god is this and if the ashes are from its cigarettes or from its doobies or maybe come from its cremated body. 😁 Do u get it now? 😜
Theomniscient in The Haunted Jungle
Hope, all of them are safe and sound. I'm really sorry if I'm sounding kind of gritty and rude but why should we challenge the forces which are beyond our perception of normal five senses. I think this story is really a good lesson for all of those who challenge such forces and gets pin down
NubianPrincess in The Oldman On The Staircase
Hi Amchi.

Sorry, but your uncle didn't seem to conduct himself in a kind-hearted manner towards an old man who was just greeting.

Maybe the ghost had wanted to warn him against some impending danger or had kept his safe all along, until he lashed out at it.

Since your uncle is no more, we will never know.

May he R.I.P
We call it angaara in marathi (my mother tongue). It is God's sacred ash
[at] lady-glow: Yes It is the same friend! The older woman was transferred to a care facility and my friend moved out.

My friend never mentioned until recently that her daughters were so spiritually attuned because she worried that if she talked about it, it would make it worse (meaning that stronger entities would begin latching themselves to the girls). It is almost like talking about these occurrences makes them worse!

Nothing came from the previous house. As far as the sound, it sounded distinctly from within the kitchen, as if it happened the next room over, I cannot imagine it would have sounded so loud and jarring if it was from the downstairs. Even if we heard it through the ventilation.

No word of occurrences in the other units. The grandmother who gave the items is the daughters' paternal side. Her house is not haunted to the best of my knowledge, but the family has very weird energy.

I did not sense any energy in the closet at all, honestly. I did check it out as did my friend. Neither of us got any vibes at all. It just felt like a closet. I have experienced creepy closets in the home I rented in college, but not this one. My friend has done a protection spell and energy clearing on the home and believes it is getting better.

[at] The_Lost_Voyage_11: It sounds like the house in your family had a similar air to my family's house... Not this oppressive heaviness and dark energy, but an overall oddness and at times mystery or creepiness about it, Would you say you agree? I think I have a vision of what it looked like by the way, I re-read your story and am pretty sure I could draw it out. I'd love to have been able to see what the house looked like too.

As for your questions, the landlord said no one before had ever said any such thing about energy or spirits. The items brought in from outside were from her paternal side of the family. They were brought in not long after my friend moved in and they were given as gifts by the grandmother. As such it is difficult to disentangle whether the energy in the house is connected to the items or the home but my friend believes that all of the energy is connected to the younger daughter. I wonder if the energy is in fact connected to my friend or one of her kids, because one of the kids always seems to be seeing spirits and entities, and has since she was very young.

I did tell her to send the items back with the girls and she said that she did an energy clearing yesterday and she believes that the atmosphere has changed in the home, for the better. I hope it lasts.
Very terrifying experience, glad to know you escaped from the evil lurking in that house. Thanks for sharing, after a very long time seeing a story approved by mods from India, thanks to mods as well. 😊
The_Lost_Voyage_11 in The Strange Crash In The Kitchen
Hello virulentpeach, I appreciate that you read my story and the irony wasn't lost on me regarding the intriguing similarities between (especially) the house you stayed in during your college years and the house I wrote about on North Street. In hindsight I wish I could have provided a drawing of the house prior to the changes, as it was an interesting layout, I can see it in my mind but trying to describe it is another thing entirely. Always amazing how rehabbing a place can really stir things up!

Thank you for providing answers to my questions as well as the additional info on the items that have come into their possession. A dormant force, residual energy, possibly something attached to the antiques and a cemetery across the road, plus throw in a group of sensitives and a really old house and you have a recipe for some sort of supernatural occurrence. You are probably right, it's all interconnected!

Were these items that were brought into the house there from the beginning or brought in later? Research into the house's past as well as the immediate area will help and I would still strongly advise some sort of clearing/cleansing. Disturbing noises with no apparent cause and flitting shadows are one thing, but when people are afraid of rooms and someone's health is at stake (your friend's energy being drained) that's something else entirely and needs to be directly addressed. You friend could try to store the items in question or leave them with someone else for a short time to see if there is a connection at all. Being psychically sensitive may have awakened the energy/entities in the area, and though I'm not sure of the explanation as to the appearance of the boy as relayed to them by their neighbors, the house seems to be a hot spot of activity.

I'd be curious as to if there are peak times for these occurrences and also has your friend heard of any stories from previous tenants of her apartment (maybe shared with her from other tenants who have been there a while)? Has she asked the landlord?

Sorry for the questions, but there is something tickling the back of my mind about this haunting, something I can't quite get to, the questions sometimes help me articulate what I'm picking up on. In any regards, I enjoy the stories you share!
Greetings Guy123 and everyone else.

Would just like to commend you for answering so patiently.

Anyway, thanks for sharing. Hope the lady found peace. For the fact that the dogs lived on the 4th floor with no problems means she isn't a malevolent spirit. Probably just lost and confused.

Also curious about why she committed suicide. I guess just because something isn't unfamiliar to us, doesn't mean it's implausible (referring to the fan).

Love encounters from India. The cultural differences and similaries always fascinate me.
TravisCannabis in The Oldman On The Staircase
What the heck are the sacred ashes of god? πŸ€”
No offense but your uncle sounds kind of rude and easy to lose his temper for someone kind and innocent, pure hearted uncle.πŸ˜• 😁
What a lovely way to show you that they are still around and wanted to cheer you up!

Thanks for sharing this touching story.
Hi VP.

Are you talking about the friend from one of your previous stories?


Sorry, but I have to ask in order to avoid making the wrong assumptions.

Anyway, if you're talking about the same family, in your previous story there's no mention of the girls being "psychic and attract spiritual energy", though the fact that they are young makes them more receptive to the paranormal world.
Also, if it's the same family, did they bring along anything from the previous house?

Something that, in my opinion, would be important to research, is if the crashing noise wasn't coming from the downstairs apartment, after all this is an old house and it's possible that the walls are not sound proof. As for the reaction of the animals, I wouldn't consider it conclusive, they would have reacted the same way regardless if the noise was caused by a mundane event or by something else. Or perhaps, had it being made by a paranormal/negative energy, they would have behaved a little different prior to hearing the noise.

Are you aware if there's any unexplained activity in the other units?

"One of her daughters brought home antiques from her grandmother's house which may have invited the energy... Old toys, a toy box, and some old ceramic plates may have something to do with it."

Just because the stuff is old doesn't necessarily mean that it has to have negative energy attached to it.
Is this grandmother your friend's mother? If so, what do you know about her house? Has your friend ever mentioned her mother's house being haunted?

From my point of view, I wouldn't discard the possibility of something coming from the cemetery, perhaps a lost spirit that doesn't know where to go next. But I'm not sure if it was there before your friend and her children moved in or if it came after.

Something that you hadn't mention is what kind of vibes your friend feels coming from her daughter's closet. Have you checked it too?
After all, you both are "very spiritually attuned" and, I imagine, would be able to sense the energy "living" in there.

Has your friend done something to protect herself and her children from whatever is there?
If not, I hope she will do it soon.

Thanks for sharing.
[at] The_Lost_Voyage_11: I wanted to start by saying I just read one of your stories today, the House on North St. And was trying so hard to envision the layout based on your description... It sounds a lot like a home in my family and like the home I rented when in university, both of which I have written about. Fascinating!

As for my friend, where she lives has been continuously rented, but my friend and her daughters seem to be psychic and attract spiritual energy. One of her daughters brought home antiques from her grandmother's house which may have invited the energy because my friend said she did not feel it when she first moved in. Old toys, a toy box, and some old ceramic plates may have something to do with it.

My friend also indicated that she has seen the spirit of a boy in the home recently, who appears to be of Native American descent. Her downstairs neighbors are from Guatemala and the spirit of the boy she saw resembles one of their sons. So it could all be interconnected.
The_Lost_Voyage_11 in The Strange Crash In The Kitchen
Hello virulentpeach, another fascinating and perplexing encounter! Thanks for sharing!

Was your friend the first to live in this apartment after the house was converted into units? How long had her apartment been vacant prior to her moving in?

My feeling is that the energy/entity in this home or at least her apartment had been dormant before she moved in. That's why neither of you picked up on it. Just as ghosts typically pull energy from people and the environment in order to manifest, when the energy became active again it took a little time to draw enough energy to begin manifesting into shadows and be able to move objects. Now it's gotten strong enough to be able to draw energy directly from her, which is now a physical health concern. I'm curious as to how old her daughters are, because if they around the teen years, that's another source of energy it can draw from and since kids can replenish their energy much more quickly, it isn't as apparent.

I believe the crash heard in the kitchen was residual and may provide a clue as to what happened in the past there that contributes to the haunting. If she hasn't, she should research the history of the place. The cemetery may play into it, but I think something else is at work here. It would be in her best interests to have the place cleared/cleansed in any way she can of this entity/energy or she may end up having to move.

Hopefully that helps, I hope she's able to resolve this situation quickly! Please keep us posted!
BravelyKegger in Quaint Wasn't So Quaint
I am also a Christian. I am curious if people see things due to them opening a spiritual door, or perhaps it's a spiritual gift from God. Some people believe empaths are capable of seeing spirits, but as an empath myself I have never experienced anything. What I do know however, is that Christians do not need to fear demons or the spiritual world, Jesus overcome the world and the devil for us on the cross.
RCRuskin in The Tea Set
A very sad, yet happy, story. So sad what happened to that young girl. Given the circumstances of your childhood, that was a very generous gift you received.
callmedoom in The Tea Set
What an amazing story. Thank you for sharing. I do believe that the little girl who kept appearing to you was really trying to keep you safe. It seems she must have been poisoned and gotten sick while playing with her own tea set and wanted to keep the same thing from happening to you. She definitely had a connection to that tea set and I can't help but wonder if that tea set had previously belonged to her. I think it's sad that the tea set ended up getting broken when you were moving. It would've been a neat heirloom and story for you to share with your children.

I've really enjoyed all the stories you've written on this site. Would you allow me to read some of your stories on my paranormal podcast?
NubianPrincess in It's The Little Things

Hope you're well. Also an old user, but had forgotten my passwords (to the email - good old yahoo, and the site), so decided to create a new account cause I missed commenting. Been just coming on to read stories.

...anyhu, from my experience it doesn't hurt to tell whatever entities (be it the little girl, or something else) to move on and leave your space be. If that doesn't work then you can call in a priest or shaman. Whatever your believes.

The girl doesn't seem bad, just creepy. It's the other energy am concerned about.

Hope all works out.
Oh the site posts where you said the story took place, not where your from. That's why some of mine will say Kentucky, when I live in Illinois. Or we'll have an Aussie whose story might say Singapore, etc.
Both are still mods😊 Life keeps them rather busy, but I did drop them a line you were here. So... πŸ˜‰
applerose1964 in It's The Little Things
BTW - I'm not from Idaho --- I'm from Georgia... LOL πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” ❀ ❀ ❀
applerose1964 in It's The Little Things
Rajine... Yes, I think it's all connected... As far as getting a priest or someone to bless the home, haven't thought about it... It hasn't freaked me out that much.

Valkricry... YES! It's been a while... Life got in the way - LOL Do you know if Miracles and Granny Z are still on here, I'd like to say "HI"...and thank you for a trip on memory lane.
❀ ❀ ❀
Perhaps you could call a priest or someone to bless your home, do you think what you experienced in your home and that girl you saw are connected?
A resident spirit I'm assuming, sad that it's a little girl, she's probably still earth bound because she died so young and never got to live out her life.
Very interesting story, and you are right that dogs (most animals in fact) can sense supernatural things
I remember you - more through Miracles and Granny Z, than first hand.
Any way, welcome back! And here's a wee gift:
RCRuskin //

Even in Korea, "snake worship" has not yet been properly studied.
Some scholars even claimed that it originated in India.

However, there are no exact facts.
Look at the history of the Korean Peninsula, its people were very record-crazy.

However, the area where I live was originally a country completely different from Korea.
I should say that it was annexed to Korea in very ancient times.

Most of the history of the area where I live has been lost since the Mongol invasion and ancient korean (Goryeo) VS jeju (Tamla),Mongol Union wars. (λͺ©ν˜Έμ˜ λ‚œ)

In this process, there are, of course, religious stories passed down by "oral tradition."
However, not many people keep the story because so many people died due to the civil war between 1948 and 1954.

It's a sad reality.
So here I was, looking up something else entirely, something relating to the Greek Pantheon and I happened upon an interesting reference:

"Snake image: A lararium traditionally includes a representation of a snake, which represents the Agathos Daimon, the protector of pantry and food stores. A simple painting or good quality photo of a snake is fine."

Now I should probably check with the department of archeology or anthropology in the local university, but it is interesting to me that snakes as guardians of the home is a theme in at least two cultures.
AussieRedDog, your humour certainly comes through in your writing. Got to love that. Lol
Your TL wasn't too patient that day eh? The heat of the Northern Territory must have got to him. If it's been as hot as it's been on the East coast, I'd understand his shortness in attitude completely. Considering it's spring, the heat has been unbelievable.
Anyway, enough about the weather, the kid you saw skippy may be finding it difficult to go to the next realm. Its a shame you weren't there long enough to help her move on.
Hello, Aussie: I agree with Lost V. That 'maybe' that little girl was having some fun, & simply doesn't realize her present condition.
In her time frame she's just doing what a child would do. Being frivolous, giggling, & playful. Possibly inquisitive, too. She may be curious as to what you, & your fellow TC are doing!

All the Best! 😁 😁
Anina, thank you for your sincere wishes. I deeply appreciate it!

Take care! 😊 😊
I would have had a breakdown if that were to happen to me! Rest their souls and may you find peace in your grief.

I do believe they were gifts, and a clear message that though they may be gone in body, they will always be with you in spirit. How lovely these two souls are ❀
sorry its its not called the "old hazel Hawkins hospital." it is called by residents..."the old hospital."

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