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Ghost stories comments: Page 2

Hi Val

Now you've got me wondering if Ms. Ghost could have been a relative of the elderly woman in the next room. Rex has a theory that the Lady in Black was actually waiting for her. She was curious about me because I wasn't supposed to see her.

But I'm sorry if I scared the nurse. I didn't mean to spook her, especially when she has to work the night shift.

I often get odd correlations with the online crossword and word games. Remember the riddle about the 3-letter word that runs on gas? Afterwards, as I was playing the word game, I got the word: GAS. I think someone was listening and wanted me to know it.
Hi CantunSEEit74

I don't think any attachments followed me from Singapore (I hope). Our apartment building was one of many built over the cemetery, which could explain the night terrors I had as a child. My father used to burn frankincense to cleanse me, until I grew out of them. I suspect I still get visitors now and then.

Interesting point about the shape of the hat. That would be a good clue. But I couldn't make out any further details about it, since the Lady in Black stood mostly in shadow.

Wow, your dog must have a close relationship with you, to sense your vibes. I wonder if the person on Fox News got a spate of bad luck, or a sore throat to stop the trash talk after your lightning bolts. There's too much hateful narrative out there.

The machines acted like they were being super-charged by all the emotion flying around. I've read accounts that adults, like teenagers, could generate poltergeist activity as a result of great stress and emotion. It was such a freaky phenomenon.

My health's much better these days. Thanks for your kind wishes.
RCRuskin - hey, Brother Brat! That was such a weird thing with those beeping machines. Maybe gremlins were playing havoc with them, thriving on the chaos.

I don't think the Lady in Black was from my family. I usually have dream messages about them. A medium friend told me that Rex's grandmother visits us occasionally; Nana makes her presence known by the scent of vanilla. I've only sensed her at home though, in the kitchen or dining room. Nana had liked to bake.

But I've wondered if the Lady in Black was an Angel of Death, doing her rounds. She just happened to look in the window at me but decided (thankfully) it wasn't yet my time. It was unsettling, but I didn't feel in any danger.

Hospitals would get a heap of emotional energy, overflowing with pain, fear, hope, sadness etc. There was so much happening during the pandemic too. I think that after a while, they become portals or thresholds for entities from Otherworldly realms.
I get sleep paralysis vibes from this. So yes, your mind was awake, but your body wasn't. Your brain also paralyzes your body when you sleep so you don't act out your dreams. However, as you have discovered, sometimes that goes wrong, and it's horrifying. It's like dreaming while you're awake. I've never personally experienced it, but it just sounds horrifying.
Hi and welcome Self

Perhaps there's an underlying issue that caused you to experience what you've experienced, the answer could be hidden back in time to when this first started happening to you, I don't think it just happened all of a sudden and out of nowhere, only you know yourself what you've experienced and everyone else's thoughts on it is speculation and theory.
It would be difficult for you to know the history of the place as this is your dad's and his cousins encounter, but from what I've read, whatever that thing was, it certainly was a very evil entity.
Hi Jubeele

I'm glad you are doing much better now, hospitals can be daunting places to be for everyone, I suppose that you had a chance encounter with a random spirit, but as for the machines getting quieter after that other patient left is indeed mind baffling.
[at] freakyfilespodcast
Sure sure,
Just give the credit...😜
[at] matrix899...
Sir,You completely misunderstood the my words here...
I said when I turned back to see what's behind, there was nothing than I continue to walk (obviously again in a direction where I was heading to) then I saw her after me and called her... She too was going in the same direction as mine
lwgrn4real66 in My Dad's Story
My late wife told me a house she used to live in was haunted. She'd see an old lady AND A CAT! Both transparent, quiet often.

...your dad's experience, I believe a protector of his. That's why only he saw it. And the guinea pig? Possible! The skeptics never believe us, only because they've yet to have a personal unexplained experiences of their own! Thanks for sharing! 😁
lwgrn4real66 in House Haunts 2
Seems the previous home owner didn't like the picture enough to take it with them and sounds like the spirit (s) they left behind don't like the picture either! Sounds like you have a harmless spirit (s) that like to be a prankster! Thanks fir sharing your experiences!

P.S. I wouldn't acknowledge the spirit (s) because it can escalate things which could attract other spirits which may not be so nice! Thx!
Thank you for sharing! Experiences by other people can be hard to remember everything as you know.

But, the experience sounds like possibly haunted land from long, long ago. Be glad you're NOT THERE! 😁
lwgrn4real66 in Lady At The Window
From just watching ghost hunter shows (lol! Who really knows what'sreal or not on those!),but,seems to maybe be a poltergeist occurance. The irate woman may gave poltergeist energy she admits off when upset.? I've had many experiences but I'm not "real experienced" in this type stuff,lol.

And the lady at the window, a gentle spirit from beyond possibly looking for a loved one. Just a little lost. The hat... Probably the time era the lady passed away. Thanks for sharing your experience with us! Glad you're doing better! God bless!😁
Twilight1011 in Lady At The Window
I apologize for miss-spelling your name. I meant to recheck over that, before I submitted my original post.

That sounds very possible. The "fives " happened at my sister's first a few times, then at my dad's once. I wish I understood about all of the experiences I've had during my life.

But I'm not one to go looking for anything that could turn bad! Cluck,Cluck! Lol! I just take it as it comes but as you know, when these experiences happen to us, we never ever forget ANY of it? Thx for your read, your feedback, and for sharing your experiences! 😁
Twilight1011 in Lady At The Window
I'm sorry to hear about your health lately, and hope that you're feeling better (and doing better)? That's very interesting to hear about the monitors all going off like that, after that woman reacted the way she did. I believe it could have been caused by some type of special ability, she could possibly have. It does make you wonder πŸ€” As for what you saw, perhaps a wondering spirit, that was just passing through. I was wanting to ask you a random question though, out of curiosity πŸ˜… Your username, is this your actual name, or did you happen to be a fan of the X-men, and liked the Jubelee character on it? I've been curious, and wanted to finally ask you about it. As for me, I loved that character ☺
Valkricry, the only change, which I guess was kind of big, was my wife and I ended up inheriting a lake house on Lake Texoma in Denison,Tx.

I lived at my sister's property for 1 1/2 years. When we found out we were moving, it was about 3 months prior to moving that my experiences "amped up". These numbers of experiences happened before we knew that we were moving. I've only seen a couple of things here at the lake house. One, even though being paranormal, was kind of explainable to some point, and the shadow person outside may have been my late wife's ex husband that got stabbed to death outside 2 houses down from here. Not sure though. Thx again fir your read and info. Very helpful!😁
valkricry in Lady At The Window
Wide brimmed hats with veils were very popular in 1910, then reemerged 50s-60s, and I hear they're making a comeback. So dating Ms. Ghost by that would prove tricky. It's possible the night nurse reacted poorly because such things frighten her.
Your online crossword - I swear! This isn't the first time 'clues' came up directly related to things you're experiencing. THAT makes me wonder.
CantunSEEit74 in Lady At The Window
Very interesting hospital encounters. Slight built woman or young girl, from your profile could it be an attachment from when you lived next to large cemetery. The shape of the hat seems to hold a clue as they have changed over the hundreds of years they have covered our noggins, Chinese hat, Australian hat. I believe when agitated we humans can emit energy pulses that can interfere with electronics of all kinds. It is fact and all I have to do is scroll my tv to Fox news for 40 second and I can literally wake my dog from a dead sleep as I am mentally sending lightning bolts to this lying hate spewing loser on the screen. Yes, I believe her stress could have made the bed alarms go crazy. So many what ifs on this one. I hope your health is good now and thanks for sharing.
lwgrn4real66 in Bike Accident
It sounds weird that any ghost or spirit would have that type of energy for that length of time. Bur, on the other hand, I saw my dad's doppelganger which was as real looking and non-transparent as if I were looking at you right now.

Needless to say, he passed away within less than one year after me sering that in his house. So, all I know is your experience could have been totally real.

When you've had any or several experiences, you'll see a lot of them don't make a lot of sense to us in the real physical world a lot of times.

I've had many experiences and I DON'T look for things to happen and nor do I "ghost hunt) any of the places I've experienced things like this.

I believe, if you look for it hard enough, you'll find it! And, I don't want to "AMP up" any of the experiences I've had because I wouldn't want to end up with a real bad entity or even a demon haunting me. Good luck and take care! You'll be okay. Of you feel you ever need real help, don't hesitate if possible. 😁
Linjahaha in Historic Haunt
lwgrn4real: I'm glad that my account was enjoyable to you. I REALLY did enjoy working there despite the paranormal incidents. If anything, it intrigued us kids all the more. It was truly fascinating to actually touch the artifacts. It gives you so much of a better picture of the actual historic figures that resided there, & were such an integral part of the forming of our Nation.
I enjoyed reading your accounts, also. Thanks again!

All the Best! 😁 😁
Yes. I'd be hiding under blankets to. As usual, I have many questions, but it happened so long ago. Further, as you say, "My father had no idea to the day he last narrated this incident what that entity was, where it came from and whether it had any attachment to the house before or after that incident."

Thanks for sharing, at least.
RCRuskin in Lady At The Window

Well, good you're better, Sis!:)

All the monitors on all the patients going off at once when that young-at-heart lady became irate. Hm. I don't think that was ghostly by itself, but certainly unsettling. Probably some kind of psychic version of an electromagnetic pulse.

The lady by your bedside? That is intriguing. And you say that nothing could be found to produce a shadow or silhouette of a person. The wide brimmed hat was probably the hardest element to create. It might be a monitor on the wall over your bed. But in your family's history, are there any people who might be her?

As for hospitals not being haunted, well, I suppose on the first day of business, and up until the first death which probably won't take long...
jessica2k67 in Bike Accident
Hi Rajine,

I'd like to think that encounter was needed in my life some way. I don't know what or who Gavin was even after doing tons of research on deaths nearby the area. All I know is that Gavin meant no harm to me.

Thank you for replying!
jessica2k67 in Bike Accident
Hi Lady-Glow,

I will try not to think about the encounter much if that helps. The little pieces of information is all what I have and remember throughly. I have tried to talk about this with my parents but they never believed in life after death, or anything like that. So it becomes near to impossible for me to go to a professional since I'm only 15.

But I will definitely try to forget about this encounter.

Thank You!
lady-glow in Bike Accident
Hi Jessica.

"ever since that encounter there has been something wrong with me"

Not meaning to pry and not knowing if by this you mean your health or something else but it's important to look for the proper help (professional?) depending on whatever problem you may have been having after this encounter.

From my perspective, it's hard to give you any kind of advice upon the little information provided by your narrative, I also do not know how to interpret your dream.

Try not to think too much about this encounter, specially if doing so brings extra stress into your life.

Hello. It is so nice to see you around!

I'm sorry for your loss. I know loosing a child, regardless of their age, is a very traumatic and painful experience.

I think our loved ones are always watching over us, though not always at our side.

Thanks for reading.
Rajine in Bike Accident
Hi Jessica2k67

There are a few theories I have, it could be a resident or random spirit, perhaps a guardian angel, or maybe it was your late friend looking out for you.
jessica2k67 in Bike Accident
Thank you so much for understanding the situation!

To answer your question that whole encounter might have been around 20-25 minutes My friend passed away in Malaysia and I don't think he ever visited the Netherlands. And his initials weren't G.K. Except the motor bike everything about Gavin was different.

I tried searching him up on social platforms but with very little information about him I couldn't.

I will try and research the history and death cases in my area if anything pops up.

What's been worse that ever since that encounter there has been something wrong with me.

Again thank you so much to find the time to reply to my story.
Hi lady-glow, I can't imagine the pain your grandma would have gone through. But I can relate to how hard it would have been for her to let go. When Rex and I lost our baby, our world came crashing down. We grieved for a long time. I've wondered if the spirit of our baby stayed with us for a while.

I believe that when sorrow cuts too deep, it can tie the spirit of the departed to the earthly realm. It could why some remain, watching over loved ones until they are ready to let go, freeing the spirit to move on.

A friend, who's a medium, told me that not all spirits hang around the cemetery or gravesite, because it can be too depressing for them. But they would be there when loved ones go to visit them. I find it comforting to know that love endures, long after the body has been laid to rest.

Thanks for sharing her experience with us.
lady-glow in Bike Accident
Welcome to YGS.

In my opinion, neither you nor your friends have enough knowledge to accurately diagnose you with a mental illness.

How long did it last this 'encounter'? A spirit would need a lot of energy to move a physical object (your bike) for a long period of time and distance, not to mention the jacket abandoned on the bike path.

I'm not sure if your narrative is about the visitation of your deceased friend pretending to be 'Gavin', usually spirits keep the same appearance they had as living people.

Did your friend use to bike through that path?
Were the letters G.K. His initials? Did he own a jacket like the one Gavin lent you and later was on the ground?

I guess this encounter is a twist to the "ghostly hitchhiker" and, if so, it's possible that more people have seen and interacted with him. Perhaps he died in that area.
It would be a good idea to research the history of any possible missing/dead young men in that area.

Thanks for sharing.
Twilight1011 in Scary Afternoon
I know this is a bit of a late post, to be making for this account, but just incase the poster does happen to notice my comment πŸ˜… I wanted to suggest the possibility of this being a residual haunting πŸ€” as the only paranormal part that seems to be happening, are the hearing of footsteps, walking up the staircase, when the place is thought to be unoccupied, makes it come off residual. Like that's all that the spirit seems to do, is walk the staircase, whatever the time it may happen, more in a cycle type of way, I suppose. Perhaps it's not that they don't exactly walk up the staircase, when someone is known to be there, maybe it could be you and your husband didn't notice, depending what you were doing at the time, and where you two could have been in the bungalow etc? If that is a possible theory, that might be of help. I was just wanting to throw that thought out there, as a possibility, I could be wrong, as the paranormal world is one we have yet to fully understand. At least it didn't appear to be anything of the more, negative nature. Thanks for sharing your experience though ☺ I enjoyed reading about it.
lwgrn4real66 in Historic Haunt
Wow! The feelings you must've felt when you were literally touching the history! What a connection! I bet that was a really weird feeling.

I think I'd be too chicken to get that deep into the spirit world. If you're a history buff, that'd be a dream come true job! As a child, we lived on south Travis street just a couple of houses away from where the Historical district houses started on the street heading south from our old smaller home. Our home was haunted. My sister had a friend that lived in one of the 2 or 3 story looking Victorian style homes. It was supposed to be haunted as well. It had a basement, which they always called a dungeon. I never went there but my sis and her friend that lived there would talk about the hauntings alot. Amazing experience! Thanks for sharing!
Yes. It sounds like one or more possible spirit jokesters! Maybe the knocking at the door is a spirit like stuck In time.

Maybe like a recording playing over and over. Sounds like none of the spirits mean any harm. Just don't look for any of this to happen. If it does, let it happen but don't show it fear.

And don't ever try to communicate with any of it. It would just probably escalate the activities. Take care! 😁
lwgrn4real66 in Restless Spirits
Yes. The lack of emotion was very unusual. It was weird almost right at my head! Just felt like a couple of feet away. It made my head bounce a couple of inches off the wall.

I've never experienced anything like that before. I've been touched, backed into stuff in the middle of a yard that wasn't there when I turned around, all kinds of weird experiences. Nothing has ever tried to hurt me that I'm aware of. Alot of scary stuff though has happened. On my sister's property I was living at for a bit, in my camper, I would hear people whispering outside the windows and it would sound like knives scraping the windows trying to get the windows unlocked. It would stop when my wife would come into the front room while it would be happening to me up front. Anyways, sorry. That'll be another experience to write about. Thanks for reading and all feedback and questions.
lwgrn4real66 in Restless Spirits

Thanks for reading! I should get into looking more at the histories of the properties I've experienced things at like this. I just tell what I saw, heard, or felt.

The tracer I took as maybe an Indian spirit. I was and still am a TV and YouTube ghost hunter/investigator junkie! Lol.

You never really know if some, if not all of that is real or not on those series. I know you're like me, when you truly experience real paranormal activities, you never, ever forget not one second of the event no matter how long it's been since it happened. I guess unless maybe we could have experienced more than we do even think we remember. Weird stuff!

Take care! 😁
The lack of emotion from the landlord is a dead giveaway, he definitely knows something that you don't regarding that area, who knows what it could have been a long time ago, ancient burial ground, sacred reserve, etc... But one thing is certain, that it seems to be a very concentrated area for ghostly activity.
It seems like something/one is trying to tell you something, and is giving you signs, as unnerving as it is to have to go through that, the previous and this story, I don't get any bad/malevolent vibes from whatever it is that you experienced.
Linjahaha in Restless Spirits
lwgrn4real: This sounds like an interesting experience, & you were not the sole witness to it.
Did you research the history of the land itself? The landlord seems to know something, but isn't saying anything. I wonder.
If you look into it you may learn something about it. Just a suggestion here. Very interesting read!

All the Best! 😊 😁
Going out on a limb here, but repeating numbers are quite often a symbol or sign of something. Repeating numbers are sometimes referred to as Angel numbers and each number has its own meaning. This usually refers to SEEING a repeated number, but can be applied to audio also. Repeating 5s are a symbol of transformation. You're undergoing or about to undergo dramatic changes, and you're being asked to embrace the chaos.
Does that seem to fit your circumstances at the time?
Moonchild, I'm glad, for your sake, that you got out of that room. Knowing what it was in it's turbulent past has a very strong bearing on what you were sensing. Pretty bad when even your husband sensed it, & it scared him. Very alarming, but glad that you're alright!

Take Care! 😲 πŸ˜•
Twilight 1011,

Sorry. I forgot. On the main house, the 3rd bedroom in the very back of the house was the big bedroom with a regular size brick fireplace.

It's the one that a previous owner had built a wall width- wise making it into two long skinny rooms.

The room was the whole width of the house. The back room that went outside didn't have the fireplace in it but was the one that had the foil on all the four windows. The windows stretched all the way across the room. With maybe 2 or 3 ft between each window. Thx!

I tried getting hold of my sis just now to ask. I never asked about the foil. I'll find out and comment on it soon as I find out.

That was the only room we with foil on them. It's a large 3 bedroom with a guest house that has two rooms and a small bathroom with a toilet and a stand up shower.

I lived beside that guest house.

I have a lot more crazy experiences to write about. Then I had an experience next to Crater of Diamonds in Arkansas. I'll probably write about that one next.

But thanks for reading and I'll post a comment ASAP soon as I get hold of my sister.
Lwgrn4real66 - Hey, I'm curious as to why your sister, had foil on the 4 windows, to the room you were talking about? I don't know if this was something you had already explained before, in your previous submissions, that I had also read, but maybe missed that detail somewhere?πŸ˜• I caught where you said that your sister & brother in-law, were not tweekers lol πŸ˜‚ But I can't help but wonder, if there's a particular reason, as to why your sister has them covered, like maybe due to unsettling activity, that might have been seen in the past, by them, through those windows or something?πŸ˜… Also, I'm assuming that the foil is only put on the windows you mentioned, and not on any other window to the house? Aside my question, I enjoyed reading another one of your experiences, from living at your sister's property. It definitely sounds very active around there. I don't know what the significance of the number 5 is, for this activity, but it seems like it should hold some type of importance.
valkricry in Wth Case Files 2
Hey, Jubeele 😊 Good 'seeing' you.
Well, a ghostie kitty is definitely a possibility. I think Simba (previous cat) stops by to say 'howdy' now and then. Then too, who knows over time how many pets have lived here? Be a zoo full, I'm sure. I see no reason why a spirit animal couldn't visit - although I'd think they'd be more drawn by familiar scent then place.
Thanks for reading!
valkricry in Wth Case Files 2
How many plains of existence there are, depends on your belief, I think. I've heard everything from seven (most commonly held) to thirty-one (Buddhist). But no one really knows. Are these plains also known as timeslips, or are they completely different? Again no one knows for certain. Or as RC pointed out, on another plain of existence am I viewed as a ghost? Oh! The perplexities!
Correction: I never experience the 3 demons. And also another correction. In one of my comments before, not sure when, but I said my niece saw 2 demons in the main house and one outside I think is what I said.

But she saw 2 outside and one in the main house. I apologize.
I have one more experience that I experienced but it happened like a recording three different nights over a 2 week period, it was the same except ONLY ONE THING EACH NIGHT.

Don't say "SATANIC" lol, but my niece supposedly played with a ouija board years ago. She swore she'd seen 3 demons on the property before. U never experienced them!?

Yeah, the number 5 doesn't click with me on anything personal.
I'll probably write that one tomorrow. I just finished almost all my fence work today, and living at Lake Texoma, it's hot and really humid today! I'm old, lol, so going to shoer, did on my butt, and read y'alls (you can tell I'm from Texas! Lol) experiences tonight I I'll I pass out!

lwgrn4real66 in U F Orange
You hit the nail right on the head! It's hard to tell until after the fact! One may not know whether real or not until the next day, maybe not even then.

Yeah, CantunSEEit74, that's a hard one to say. I saw a weird dancing light in the daytime, looked out, it was gone.

But, standing exactly where that light (bright as the sun but small) had started, was what they portray on tx, etc for aliens to look like.

It was only one. Looked 6 to 7 foot tall, medium solid tan in color,skinny, long necked, and only the outline with the solid tan.

No features such as eyes, ears, nose, or mouth. I shut the curtain, looked back out in a few seconds. It was gone! Real? Paranormal I think. But, who the heck really knows?!

Also, I have what I consider a credible person (female) to tell me once that she had a male guy in her family that was dying. She said he worked for the government.

She said on his "death bed" that he told her there are six (6) different types of aliens that truly exist.

Who really knows? I can vouch ONLY for what I do or have experienced. Thanks for sharing your personal experience with us!

Linjahaha in Historic Haunt
Zander: Sorry, but the book was placed on the table in such a way that we could not see the title, & neither one of us were going to climb over a metal gate. Especially in our mini-skirts.
However, the book was lying on the table next to the humidor. It wasn't there previously. All the books were in the bookcase. Thanks for reading!

The Very Best! 😊 ❀
Dreambird, & Rajine: Yes! It was a very enjoyable house to tour as well as beautiful.
Zander: By all means. Do check out the book. Thanks to all for reading!

Best Regards! 😁 😁
Hi Moonxchild,

Maybe whatever was in that room moved near where you were in the room, on the bed. Selene may not have been looking at you directly, but whoever was there. Don't mean to freak you out, actually intend the opposite! Because cats don't give that reaction without a really good reason. The bond you have with her, it doesn't make sense that she'd be having that reaction at you directly. Sooo glad you got out of that room! There be some really nasty stuff there. Wonder if anyone else has had similar experiences in that room. I suspect it doubled down on you because you and your cat could sense it. Sorry it happened, that sounded absolutely horrendous.
Tweed in U F Orange
Cantunseeit, wow, just wow! I was watching this UFO program a while back and it's just fascinating what people have experienced. It's great that government attitudes have started changing and more people are feeling heard when they speak out.
So intriguing that your visitor/s seemed to be hiding. So many unanswered questions with these encounters.

Thanks for sharing!
Hi Theyluvdea,

Had the exact same thoughts as Rajine and Giffy about astral projecting. There are quite a few accounts on here about similar weird moments. Interestingly they all seem to involve loved ones perhaps you could see your father because of the familial closeness. Pretty terrifying for sure, but not actually anything to be afraid of. But ah yeah, still scary!

Thanks for sharing.
OK so this story confirms what I asked in your previous one, I believe that certain places that are haunted by a "specific" type of ghosts/spirits, usually attract more sinister, malevolent beings and an asylum for the criminally insane would be the perfect feeding ground for such entities.
This experience does not sound good at all, do you think it's an angry spirit or something else, something malevolent?

I think you should look into doing some research and possibly a cleansing.
Hello, Thanks for the interesting story. I agree with Rajine: my thought was that your father was unconsciously projecting his spirit. It seems not uncommon for people to have these glimpses of someone they are close to when that person is asleep, or on their way home to them. The event seemed harmless, if strange.
Rajine in U F Orange
Difficult to say whether it was supernatural or intergalactic, come to think of it, how does one tell the difference πŸ€”
Rajine in House Haunts 2
Seems like you have a seemingly harmless spirit, whether it's a resident or passing by, time will tell.
Hi Aquamari

When you drove past them, did you see if they were still there or had they disappeared? When you sped around them did they acknowledge you as well?
Hello and welcome to YGS

I've had a few experiences where I've questioned my own sanity over the years, and it can be very unnerving.

Here's a outrageous thought, what if instead of a doppelganger or skinwalker, what if perhaps it was your dad subconsciously astral projecting? But that's just my speculation, I think I've read somewhere that people do it unintentionally while asleep, like something out of the Insidious movies 🀦🏻
Tweed, these past few years have been really hard on everyone. Like many others, Rex and I lost family and friends during the pandemic. It's taught us that life's too short to dwell on the dark side. Let's leave all unpleasantness and misunderstandings in the past.

I just noticed that my link about the Monarch butterfly didn't turn out properly. So, here it is again for anyone who wants to know what the butterfly looks like:

Rex thinks the beeping sound at the time of the outage was from something with a battery backup, probably the smoke alarm, which is connected to the mains. He's the technician, so I'll take his word for it. Though the idea of a ghostie playing a prank on us sounds more fun.
Hi Linjahaha

As very interesting and intriguing account, going back to ancient times, one can imagine what it must have been like during those times and the experiences people went through.
It's unnerving to have to go through that while you alone, this is the first time I'm reading about a random supernatural incident that has the number 5 attached to it, usually it's 3's, perhaps numerology will help explain the meaning of the number 5?
I would check for Bigfoot sightings in your area. There is an online database by state and county. BFRO
Does it sound like a person whistling? Or more like a train whistle? I ask because the Cherokee say that the "Hairy Man" - their term for Bigfoot, periodically makes a sound like a train whistle.
Sounds like a portal, possibly. Do you think your family would be willing to have a medium come to investigate and try to close it if need be?
Zander in Historic Haunt
WOW! That was him, surely! Just curious ~ do you happen to remember the title of the book that had shown up by the chair? Another great story! ❀
How fascinating! Another great story! I'm going to check out that Renner book! ❀
Hi Linjahaha,
Thanks for another wonderful account! That house sounds amazing.

DreamBird in My Dad's Story
Hi Rajine and Tweed,
Thank you both for your comments. From what I've learned, the ancient belief of animals not having souls is because they believe animals couldn't praise God. I read somewhere that the current Pope is trying to change that.

Yes, what my Dad saw was crazy. It didn't sound connected to the land either so I would have to say it was some type of guardian watching over two young boys during their camp-out. Thanks for the well wishes,too!

Hi lwgrn4real66,

Just read both your experiences. I haven't heard of paranormal occurrences happening in number patterns but that's not to say it doesn't happen. For example some people believe hearing knocking three times indicates a loved ones presence and there are many instances of this happening. I believe all paranormal events are unique and there's no one answer fits all. The significance of five could mean a lot of things.
Five wounds of Christ maybe, are you or your family religious? Five points on a pentagram, Wiccan or satanic. Five appears a lot in nature and natural structures. In numerology it's associated with a midpoint, balance between opposing forces.

Just spitballing here, maybe something will resonate with you. If you're noticing a pattern to a haunting, like the fives, maybe it's a harbinger. I look forward to reading more of your experiences if you'd like to share them. I was very interested in your other experience with all the dogs and voices. I've only heard of that happening once, it was to a family member but it didn't last as long as yours did.

Thanks for sharing.
Jubeele, so glad you're still active on here. I owe you such a big apology. A couple of years ago I was going to send you an email about my less than crappy attitude towards you but I never did because there was a bunch of stuff happening and I was busy BUT that's no excuse really. As you know there's a quite a few idiots who like to waste everyones time on here and I lumped you in with that mob. As time went on I could tell I was so wrong and just because someone is really nice, doesn't mean their hiding something or over compensating for dodgy behaviour. So I am sorry I didn't bite my tongue and give you the benefit of the doubt. If any good has come of this it's that I'm now a bit less cynical and not so quick to jump to bad conclusions about people in general. So, ah I guess you taught me some humility. Looking back I've been a bit of a know all cow to quite a few people, mostly offline, and I've been working on changing that. A big part of that change has been you. You've had a big impact on me.

Okay, I think that's enough sickly sweet back peddling and sucking up from me!

The monarch butterfly, that is the one I was thinking of! I don't know if it was them but it looked like them. Haven't seen any since that day, unfortunately. But so many cabbage moths this year, don't know what that means. I know gardeners hate cabbage moths but I kind of like them.

Don't get me started on the housing crisis. Ugh capitalism at its finest. I grew up in rentals and we always had good landlords and well maintained housing so it wasn't always this way. Seems over the last twenty or so years 'investment properties' have turned people into the step sisters from Cinderella. It's less and less about profit and more and more about arrogance and a struggle for dominance.

"My mother believes that every home who has ever housed the living, will develop a certain awareness." THIS! I've always felt homes and their gardens have some kind of soul and I really love your mother's take on this.

I don't know what to make of the power outage coincidence. Oddly I was half expecting it to happen, though not at the time that it happened, unlike with the previous place. Do you know what made the beep sound at your place? Never heard of anything like that.

Thanks for your insight, all the best to you too!
I'm not trying to alarm you, scare you, or be negative. I was staying with my dad helping him out. He was 81, and had a leg amputated,

He went to the rest room one night around 8 or 9 pm. He used a walker in the house. He had a prosthetic leg.

I was in the kitchen. All of a sudden, I heard a walker around 3 steps away so I look up.

What looked like my dad came within 4 ft of me, passed me going to the living room. I looked away and only heard the walker sound fade out in about 3 sreps. Same clothes and it looked as plain as I were looking at you physically right now.

He never looked at me or talked. Usually, in the physical world, you hear a walker getting louder as it's getting closer to you, and as you know, you hear it fading away as the walker gets further away from you.

I went towards the living room like in ni more than twenty seconds to tell my dad something, but he wasn't there.

I went to the restroom door, he was still there and said he'd never left the restroom.

I know whatever passed by me never passed back by me to go back towards the restroom.

I saw his doppelganger. He didn't. Long story short, I'm nit trying to scare you. But, my dad passed away 8 weeks later.
Just please be careful. Get rid of the motorcycle if it's a daily driver. They're very dangerous.

My dad was a fireman for over 30 years and he told me of slot of stories of picking up people as a paramedic (pieces o of them) after having a motorcycle accident.

I really don't know what doppelgangers represent nor does anyone else know exactly. Be careful but don't live your life worrying or walking on egg shells.

Be careful. Let go of what you saw and don't "look" for it again. I've heard,"if you look for it, you'll find it! DON'T!

My sister doesn't think she had abilities spirit wise. My niece and I experienced most things there. My brother in law never experienced anything there he said.

And my sister felt touching same time as my niece once and saw an old lady in the kitchen.

Word is my niece did a Ouija board years ago. She said she's seen 2 demons inside the main house and one outside. I never saw that when I was living there.

I was wondering about the dogs barking in 4 even directions.

I haven't read on it, but I've heard that Indians would pray or whatever to the north, south, east, and west.

That's all I could try to relate that to. But I heard one foreign language person, sounded maybe from England, and all of the rest of the voices were American.

Wow, I didn't know the drought exposed graves! I don't read up on this stuff, I just tell what I've experienced. It's crazy though... When something like this happens, in a little bit, you realize it's not physically happening and then, even if back to back experiences, the next experience still gets the benefit of the doubt that it's real, but, lo and's not physically happening again! What a trip!
"However, I kept walking when I felt like someone is walking behind me. I turned around but no-one was there. I continue to walk when I saw in some distant there was a woman in saree (Indian tradition cloth of a woman) that seemed like my neighbour aunt. I was relieved thinking that now I don't have to walk alone on that creepy road.

I shouted, calling her name but there was no response so I started to walk faster towards her but however couldn't get closer to her, so I started to literally run towards her still calling her name and she was still walking in a normal speed but somehow the distance between us kept unchanged."

The details make no sense... She was behind you and you started to walk towards you while she continued to walk towards you but there was no change in the distance. You need to take more care when you compose a story... Get the details straight.
Hi Tweed,

I think the orange-and-black butterfly is the Monarch butterfly, also known as the Wanderer. They are mainly found in North America, but have been known to be seen in Australia. Wanderer Butterfly - The Australian Museum.

The housing situation is pretty bad in Australia these days. It is good that you managed to find a place. My mother believes that every home who has ever housed the living, will develop a certain awareness. Loving households will have a loving house spirit, and the same will apply to unhappy homes. If the previous occupants loved the house and the garden, it is likely that there is a house spirit that is protective of the home.

We've also lost power recently at our place on two occasions. Each time, there was a loud beep and a complete power outage for a few seconds, before coming back on. It happened to our neighbours as well, so ours could be due to a momentary interruption in the power supply. But your power outage could very well be your house spirit or a visiting ghostie, trying to get your attention.

Thanks for sharing your experiences. All the best in your new home.
Hi DreamBird,

I really loved reading yours and your dad's experiences, thanks for sharing! I wasn't raised religious but one of my uncles married into the catholic faith. I was really upset to learn that a lot of catholics don't believe animals have souls when I was a kid, still don't understand it today. Well, I don't mean to throw shade on other faiths, I just love animals is all and I think they're a lot more intelligent than us most of the time. When you said the apparition looked gelatinous it did make sense but I don't know why. That was an amazing thing to have happen. It must have been maddening to have your sister not believe you and WOW how your dad surprised you with the most amazing experience! Honestly, I'm gobsmacked at his apparition. I too would like to think of this man as some kind of guardian.

Thanks again for sharing, wishing you and your dad all the best. ❀
Did your sister have any abilities. Some people have a line of spirits waiting to be heard. When Lake Texoma was filled many cemeteries were not relocated and were flooded over. There are some pictures from the 2011 drought from the Oklahoma side showing grave markers from the 1880s still standing in a flooded cemetery. It looks like property is around 20 miles from lake, did Iron Ore creek go through her property. Very interesting but also kind of disturbing encounters there with a group moving around. Also, Choctaw and Chickasaw and others were roaming this land before being forced onto reservations. Between the lake dead and Native dead who knows what's moving on that property. There sure is a lot working cemeteries on your side of the lake. Take Care
One last thing! I promise (fir tonightanyways! Lol!). There will be three experiences of mine on the five's issue. One's already posted. One's still waiting to be published.

(I sent it in yesterday morning around6:15 am), and the third experience of the "five's" issue will probably be written tomorrow and sent in. That second experience is taking them longer to approve than the first one.

To everyone,
I do have another experience still waiting to be published. It was one of my experiences that happened in five's. It happened in town at my dad's house. Something followed my from my sister's I think.
I really appreciate you taking the time to read about my experiences that mid day. I've had very few other unexplained experiences ever happen in the daytime. Thank you and you take care too!
I apologize for taking your comments wrong. I'm new to this site.

Also, for everyone... I have three more experiences that happened in five's at my sister's (used to be her property). I have many other ones. Just nothing else in five's. It repeated itself 3 different nights. It was like a recording. Sound by sound. I'll probably post that tomorrow.

I've been putting up fence today out here at my place on the lake. I'm old! Lol! Well,57. Anyways, going to shower and go to bed early. Thx for everyone's input and questions. I really appreciate it!
My sister and brother in law sold the house about 3 years ago. Someone bought it to "flip it". She told me she has heard footsteps and seen an old lady in the kitchen before. And my sister told me my niece was being touched a lot and my niece was around 16 years old at the time, very immature.

She sister said my niece was being touched a lot and she said my niece would go sit in her lap and my sister said she would start getting touched also with her in her lap. I was touched only one time, outside one night, during my living there.

It felt like a finger tip and it was on the side of my upper left arm like where you'd get a shot at the doctor. Firm pressure but not hard. Only lasted enough to push, then quit. Nothing else happened that night. Oh, my brother in law never experienced anything so he said.
Lady-Glow ---
Yes most of the spirits I had encounters with were playful jokers but I also had a couple of bad encounters as well including my husband and our cat. I'm going to post those stories on here shortly. I know the spirits try to communicate with my cat the most. I have a sage smudge stick but I can't light it in the hotel room. I've been wanting to smudge my rooms for a long time but there's smoke alarms in every room.
Seems like there's a lot of ghostly activities going on there, perhaps the history of the place would help in understanding why it's so haunted, and by the experiences you has, it sounds like there's more than one ghost there.
Considering what it was prior to the hotel that's there now, it's not surprising that there will be supernatural activity in and the surrounding area.
The activity seems harmless enough though, my guess is a few playful spirits are trying to have fun even in the afterlife.
Rajine in My Dad's Story
Hi DreamBird

I personally believe that every living being, from humans to the tiniest of creatures all have souls, that's my belief and I understand that not everyone will have the same opinion.

I remember when I was a teenager and I had this pet maltese/poodle and she unexpectedly passed away, it was very tragic and I was not fine at all, and a few days after that happened I saw an apparition of her (height, size, tail length, everything) just walk past me, it happened in the blink of an eye, but I know what I definitely saw and I stood frozen in the spot for a few minutes looking at the spot she walked to and vanished.

It's interesting what your dad had experienced, from the way you describe it, it doesn't seem bad, more like a guiding spirit rather.
Hi StarBird

You know the sounds and sights around you best, when you rule out the reasonable and logical then it's safe to say that what you experienced was supernatural, also I think it's a good idea to ignore the whistling sounds, should you hear it again in the future.
RCRuskin, nothing else weird happened after it seemed to calm down about an hour after the eclipse ended and stuff was back to normal so at least there was that.

Valkricry, Rajine, Linjahaha, it wasn't a bird, or a chipmunk. I'm familiar with the birds around the area here and it didn't sound like a bird, it sounded more like if a literal person was whistling to get your attention? The property is private property so no one else should be on it. We have little monitors that alert us if someone walks past them, and there's only two ways in and out of our wooded area. The entrance near the back of the property in the woods and the trail I came down on. I could see both from where I was at the time and I saw no one around me.
Jubeele in Wth Case Files 2
Val, you've got visitors! Your house probably has absorbed enough energy over the years to allow the occasional visitor to manifest. Plus, you've got the Sight to see them. I suspect the reason why most people are oblivious to the spirit world is probably for our collective peace of mind.

That man could have stepped through a glitch of some type. Perhaps a crack between worlds or time periods? A friend who taught quantum physics once explained to me about space-time continuum theory, in that space and time are interwoven, and time is not linear the way we usually perceive it.

The shirt button and plastic ball seem to be something that a cat might play with, and leave behind. If not Kirb, maybe another ghostie cat? Didn't you and Kirb once watched little white paws reaching up from under the table?

But no idea about the black goo. Except that it sounds quite icky. Like some ectoplasm or dark matter by-product thingy. Yep, that's a very technical term.

Sounds to me that someone is curious about the books in your place and is having a quick peek at them. Sometimes, I see a shadow flit by the corner of my eye (which could be an optical illusion) and get that prickly feeling that someone is peering over my shoulder as I type or read. Other times, I get the odd smells that tell me I have a visitor. Like smelling Estee Lauder's 'Beautiful', Miriam's favourite perfume after her passing, which I still do on occasion. Or the baby lotion scent last year, when I was knitting a jumper for one of the teddy bears.

Whatever the reason, it certainly reminds us that there's more to life than as we know it.
Sorry lwgrn4real66, I did not all intend on casting any negativity or doubt on your account.

I said that it veered into new territory, and it did, but I meant it in a positive way only. I truly enjoy reading most stories on this site but yours stood out with some new types of experiences such as the chorus of dogs, the multitude of voices outside, etc... And all in the daytime. Stories like yours really keep my interest.

With few exceptions I take these accounts at face value. The whole field has already "veered" from the "norm" so who am I to cast my doubts on these experiences. Besides all that, I have had my own occurrences that defy the status quo.

You lived it and were kind enough to share it and I thank you for it.
lwgrn4real66: This is a truly fascinating account. Apparently, your sister has just grown accustomed to it, I guess. I, certainly, wouldn't be.
Has she ever offered ANY explanation at all to you for what could be happening there, or why it could be happening? I look forward to any additional posts you submit to this site. Incredible read!

Take Care! 😊 😊
Her reaction at the time? Nothing! She's lazy.

She didn't get up out of the recliner to go to the room where I went into to experience that part. Not everyone present sees the activity. So they say.

I don't know any facts about who, what, or why about these kind of experiences. I just know EXACTLY what I've experienced. I do apologize for the last comment.
My sister's reaction? She knows her house is haunted. She told me she's seen and experienced things there before. An don't try to "Shrink" what I experienced. And veering to new territory rapidly? Guess you're just a skeptical. Who knows why these things make or don't make sense. But, Rhanks gor your input! Follow my other experiences I've had. All I know is what happened to me. I don't go off anyone else's experiences. Please let me know where you saw the experiences you're insinuating I copied. Thank You!
TheNewBritishMan in Graveyard And Bike
Hello there SJn85
Could you have inadvertently engaged the brake before you considered going into the graveyard?

Good story, I'm just a bit of a skeptic.
Many of the accounts on this site have similar themes to each other. Yours certainly has a few of those elements but then veers to new territory rapidly.

Wow! Very strange.

You say that your sister was present in her house at the time. You did not, however, mention her reaction. Was her experience the same as yours while in her house?

I am looking forward to your other accounts.
Welcome to YGS.

In my opinion, though unnerving, none of your experiences seem to be harmful or negative, perhaps one, or more, resident/s from the past are only following the routine they used to do while still alive.

Does your cat react to the activity?
Do you think any of these presences are trying to communicate with you?

Have you performed a blessing or a cleansing of your room/apartment?
I'm not sure if it would be possible or if you would be allowed to bless the whole hotel, but it would be worth to protect your living quarters, either by yourself or asking for religious help.

Thanks for sharing.
lwgrn4real66 in Haunted Encounter
I truly believe, "if you look for it,you'll find it"! I've had many, what I call "unexplained experiences" off and on through the years. No demons. Nothing ever tried to hurt me. But all of my unexplained experiences, I've NEVER, EVER messed with any of it! Meaning, what happened,happened. I never pursued any of it. I couldn't tell anyone what's out there, I just know what I've experienced.
lwgrn4real66 in Wth Case Files 2
Yes. Alot of experiences are overlooked due to being so unexplainable. You realize even though it may have seemed so real, and then you realized it wasn't. They're easy to get blown off... At the time!

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