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Ghost stories comments: Page 7

lady-glow in Hello Kitties
Hi Arturo.

Welcome to YGS and thanks for reading my story.
Our Pets have a big impact on our lives and I'm sure they come to check on us every so often. Their visitations are always a bittersweet experience.

What was the name of your previous kitty?
Hi Linjahaha.

In my opinion, it's possible that Ruthie thought of you at the moment of her passing and finally found a chance to thank you for your friendship and all the things you did for her.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful experience with us.
Hi Kent,

Sorry it a while to respond to this reply. I didn't think anyone would reply after this long.

The sexual thing, I don't know if I can call it that now. I think I covered this is my update. Just because it said it was a sexual thing in a book doesn't mean that's what it was. At the time I didn't class it as such, it was only after someone told me about this book which described what I experienced that it said what it was. I now think it was something much more specific which a spirit can produce.
Don't get me wrong, it was amazing and all that but thinking about it more deeply even more, sex isn't part of a spiritual encounter because it s a physical thing, right, in the real world. I wasn't in the real world. So I am fine calling it something else, I just don't know what to call it, all I know it was very special and I feel extremely fortunate to have had that privilege with, what should I call it...

How about, touched by Angel, no, that's not right either. This is real time stuff, I'm trying to think of a better word.

10 minutes later... I am still thinking, I got it, I had a spiritual awakening, yes that sounds more akin. A awakening that touched every cell in my body which was like nothing I've ever felt period (and since). Like it was a goodbye gift of sorts.

I never bring that book up now if anyone ever asks about this on Quora were I first submitted after staying silent for over 25 years and just last week actually, I shared this whole Lisa tale with my family, again, not some thing I've done in over 30 years. Yes mum knew about the beginning and she did help me, but nothing after that first time I was spoken to at the church.

I wish I had shared it now with mum before she died quite young at 64. But I wasn't the sharing kind back then. Mainly due to me being labelled in some way should it have gotten out of course.

But moving on, thanks for your kind words. I just wanted to put everything down in one place which I had never done before and where better than on this site for all to read. It's 100% gospel despite knowing how it reads with voice in my head or with that spiritual awakening I speak about. I know science says nope, can't be real, but I can't dismiss what was said by that first medium, that's what for me tells me this or was real. In a way, it would have been better if nothing was said by that medium, because it would have told me it was never real but somehow my brain tricking me.

But also the pub and little girl laughing. I don't care who if you are the least person alive who,doesn't believe in things like that, but if you heard what I did in that pub, there is zero chance you can say it wasn't a little girl laughing coming from the next room. No way.

So combined with the medium, the voice in my head telling me to visit that church, then again once I left the building and then a third time with this song which again, hand on heart, I had never heard before to knowing the entire song because I heard it through my head and then having conversations for easily 6 months plus the same way which once I was no longer freaked out by it, we just spoke but without talking, a kind of telepathic is the only way to describe it, without all that and I wouldn't of shared this ever.

When she took that mic and looked straight at me and said, I have a young lady here who is desperate for me to give you something, for me to hear that, knowing that's why I was asked to go, still leaves me with goose-bumps. The fact she didn't even say hi but came right at me with that, it just blows my mind end of. I don't care how many people say it's all bollox and I've called everyone of them bollox that spoke to me after that first time, because they were. That's how critical I am of myself.

I know I keep going on about it, it's just to try and let, not just you know, but everyone who reads this, I am not easily convinced of anything. So I know if was staged somehow. I even thought, how predictable would I be, to be there on a Saturday night, who is most likely to pick up in me and why would I, a young 20 something be at a church. Would I be there for maybe a dead girlfriend or wife or would I be there for a mum or grandma. But to come out with a young lady straight out like she did, I just can't imagine it being a scam medium, I just can't. She knew to much. To name my mate Martin was unbelievable who had died many years ago on a motorbike, wow, just wow and that's on top of everything else she said which was also bang on.

I do not care what anyone tells me, there's no way she knew that much about me. Even if they lied about a phone and mum called and said blah blah blah because mum didn't know about Martin. If she didn't name him I could maybe think how likely am I to of lost a friend on a motorcycle, prob 50/50 but to name shim, nah, not a chance in hell.

So again thanks for your reply and I hope you enjoyed it. It wasn't meant to be a story or novel. Trust me, I didn't mean it to go on quite so long, but I was always told, if you are going to do some thing make sure you do it properly.

Spooderman in Party Ruined
Hey there [at] lady-glow and [at] the_dark_soul amchi is probably a different person. It's not the same as the Amit here. Also I thought amchi was a woman.
Anyways, just a friendly advice from someone who has ideas about what to do in similar situations. Amit made the right choice. The creature which you guys have encountered is none other than a Jinn. Jinns are known to reside in abandoned places and forests as they usually don't prefer showing themselves to humans. Now I don't understand if that particular Mr nobody was a bad Jinn or a good Jinn. I would have started reciting verses from the Quran if I knew it was bad. However, there's one rule that applies for every single being whether you feel their presence or not. It's to never harm or curse a being. If you feel scared or threatened, just call your Lord. But do not and NEVER hurt them because it'll only make them more angry. May God protect us all. It was really nice your story:)
Arturo in Hello Kitties
Hello - I totally believe your cat is visiting you as this has happened to me too, my cat died few years ago and sometimes I feel it jumping onto my bed. We do have a cat now so I think "it must be Kira", but when I look, nothing is there.
lady-glow in Party Ruined

Amchi is an Indian member of the forum:

Profile for Amchi1986
Real Name:
Amit chitre

I thought that, perhaps, he could be your friend.

Back to your narrative, several stories from India have mentioned fire, including from cigarettes, as protection from spirits. I guess that's why Amit asked to keep them at hand.

You are good at multitasking if you managed to carry Deep and "praying and chanting continuously" whilst holding a cigarette in your mouth. Just kidding, your narrative it's not clear if you were smoking or not during the ordeal.
Hafi- no issues in using the story. Thanks.

Tweed - thanks for the comments.
Rajine // That's a good question.

The ghost was nothing more or less than a prankster.

If there had been no babies, they might have coexisted.

The baby stopped crying after cutting down the tree.

The prank that makes a child cry went too far, so there was nothing I could do about it. The warning didn't work at all.
Seo Scarlet2: What a fascinating story! I admit "I" would have a bit of a problem continuing to go to those particular classes.
I take it that the 'teachers' were able to see what you students could not.
I feel rather sorry for those teachers. I give them credit if they continue in those facilities!

Great Read! 😁 😁
The_Dark_Soul in Party Ruined
Thank you lady-glow for reading this story/experience.

And, Who's Amchi?
Tweed in The Candle
Hi Seo, I have an amusing theory. Some believe ghosts can use energy from the physical realm to interact within it. Perhaps this ghost utilised your home's electricity for some reason and accidentally blacked it out. The candle being a peace offering and way of apology.

Thanks for sharing. One of the first narratives I read on here was about a floating candle. Fire is energy so they're probably easy to lift or conjure. Fascinating stuff.
lady-glow in Party Ruined
Gosh... I wonder if we'll be reading Amchi's side of this story!
Rajine in The Candle
Perhaps it was just a passing spirit, trying to be helpful, although it doesn't seem to be a bad entity, it's still unnerving all the same.

Back in the day lots of people built their bathrooms away from the house, heard a fair share of creepy incidents from people who had to use it at night as well.
lady-glow in The Candle

"spirits are beings who have not been able to pass on to the afterlife due to not having a proper funeral or by committing suicide."

Actually, there are many reasons why spirits stick around, it could be because the person died suddenly and didn't have time to realize their death, or in the case of people that have some unfinished business or an attachment holding them into this side of the veil, regardless if they had a "proper funeral" or not.
And let's not forget the fact that our departed loved ones do not hesitate to lend us a hand when in need.

In this particular case, and in my opinion, the spirit could have been a spirit guide, specially since the OP has mention that their father "could see spirits so he's a bit of a scaredy cat".

It is not uncommon to read stories about people sensitive to the paranormal world not wanting anything to do with it, but unable to shut it down.

I'm not denying the possibility of an angel handing the candle to Seo's father though, in my opinion, it could have been a spirit not of angelical nature.
lady-glow in The Candle

Not so much the "minimum character limit"...but the "I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion."

But in case Seo_scarlet02 decides to participate in the discussion, I would like to know if there was anything special about the candle or if it looked like any other candle? In other words, if the helpful spirit 'borrowed' one candle from the ones the family kept, or if it 'materialized' from the ethereal world.

Also, if having an indoor bathroom helped the OP's father to stop seeing spirits.

Seo_scarlet, welcome to YGS and thanks for sharing this interesting experience with us.
Spooderman in The Candle
According to my knowledge spirits are beings who have not been able to pass on to the afterlife due to not having a proper funeral or by committing suicide. So they're basically beings who may show signs of presence, however they can't really do anything to other living human beings. That's why I think it may have been an angel since there have been plenty of encounters such as these. It was really nice hearing your story, especially considering the fact that angels usually accompany those houses which worship God and stay in the right path. ❤️
Your story was very fascinating, I liked it. And I want to ask for something if you allow, Can I use your story for my YouTube channel?
Plz reply
It would be a great experience to share it with with more people
RCRuskin in The Candle
I too think it was some helpful, benevolent spirit.

The wonderful minimum character limit again, Lady Glow?
lady-glow in The Candle
Some one being helpful.
Thanks for sharing.

Do you think that this was just a passing spirit, or has it been around for a long time, and why choose to haunt that particular tree? And not just the whole yard?
lady-glow //

Did anyone hear the footsteps when the baby was crying?
ㄴ me, my grandmother, my relative

Did the baby cry during the day and the night or only at night time?
ㄴ cried mostly at night, relative said that he heard footsteps very occasionally during the day. But I didn't hear it.
Of course, when those footsteps were heard during the day, the baby cried hard.

I got a bit confused about the timeline of the events, if all this began in early 2010, but you began working and, hence, wearing the derby shoes in 2014, - were the footsteps heard prior to you wearing this kind of footwear?

Relative say the sound was heard even before then.
But my relatives and grandmother passed away, so I don't know about the story before that.
But I will tell you what I know.
It is said that the first sound of footsteps was the sound of feet dragging slippers on the floor.
Then, one of my relatives lost his shoes on the "Daeboreum" day in Korea.
Losing shoes on this day means that a ghost took them away.
And it is said that the sound of footsteps changed after that.
However, the relative did not notice.
The time when that something made the sound of footsteps coincided with my time off from work.

Afterwards, my relative realized that the footstep sounds were not mine and the puzzle in his memory was put together.
1. "Daeboreum" day A relative lost his derby shoes.
2. After that, the slippers being dragged footstep sound around changed into the derby shoe footstep sound
3. Perhaps by coincidence, the time of day when the footsteps were heard coincided with the time when I got off work from the hotel.

Considering all the circumstances,

That being had a derby shoe that relative was lost on the "Daeboreum" day, and because of this, it was able to secretly change the sound of its own footsteps.

Plus, That being had the time it was footstep sound make was similar to my time off from work.
BeingStupid_666 in Ghost @ Matheran?
The whole story was based on 2 lines of the entity details...Wow
bryandavid019 in Houses Are Evil Too
Hi Spooderman, I can vouch for that, that houses do turn evil if something sinister has happened or is happening in the house. I did mention that the house was on rent. And the landlords used to go on the roof in the night, there was a room there and they used to be upto something. And they used to go there everynight around 12 to 02 in the night. They even had prohibited us from going on the roof. Also one of their sister had died in the same house where we used to stay
Hi Kim.

Interesting story. It seems like many cultures share the belief of spirits living in trees.
Just a question, or more:

Did anyone hear the footsteps when the baby was crying?
Did the baby cry during the day and the night or only at night time?

I got a bit confused about the timeline of the events, if all this began in early 2010, but you began working and, hence, wearing the derby shoes in 2014, - were the footsteps heard prior to you wearing this kind of footwear?

I'm sorry to learn that the tree had to be shopped down, but a person has to do what they have to do.

Thanks for sharing.
lady-glow in Hello Kitties
Hi Val.

Quoting Tamora Pierce in "Trickster's Choice":

"Curiosity killed the cat," Fesgao remarked, his dark eyes unreadable.
Aly rolled her eyes. Why did everyone say that to her? "People always forget the rest of the saying," she complained. "'And satisfaction brought it back."

I guess that's their way to say "thanks for the good times we had together".
Hello! I love your story and I'd like to showcase it on my spooky podcast if that would be okay? I know you posted a few years ago so hopefully you'll see this! Thank you!
I love your story. I have a spooky podcast that I'd like to showcase your story on, if that would be okay? Please let me know! Thank you! (Hopefully you'll see this, I know your original post is a few years old.) :)
Hi Midd and welcome.

Job well done to your dogs! I'd guess whatever was in the hallway would've become more and more aggressive as time went on. It really seems like PT got rid of it.
You mentioned the hallway seemed dark, like a gloomy day even though it was sunny, this is probably all the information you need to be sensing anything paranormal. Everyone has different ways of sensing the unknown, so I'd say this would be your natural ability kicking in on the day.

I don't know much about the Chow breed or their natural behaviour but I thought maybe Jess and PT were operating together as a small army that day. PT defending the inside of the house and Jess guarding the outside. Might explain why she didn't want to come inside and why both dogs returned to their normal happy selves simultaneously.

Interesting encounter, thanks for sharing.
valkricry in Hello Kitties
lg - I had to wait to comment because misty eyes makes for many, many typos. People say cats don't care like dogs do, but they're wrong. Oh, sure they do what they want but they'll give affection to those they deem worthy.
I for one think your kitties do come check in on you now and then. Perhaps through your dreams, just like human loved ones are more apt to, when are minds are not so cluttered with 'reality' it either goes unnoticed or is shrugged off.
Danvalter1 - We lived the other way - other side of Lackland, I think we were off Westlyn. I use to run through Lackland in my high school years.

Lady-glow - thanks for comment.

Rajine - The family experienced some things like I wrote in the article but the reaction by the dog and the crashing were the most "visible" along with the women with a baby dressed in old style clothes that visited by sister in her sleep. My Mother (from the South took it to heart and my Father just chocked it up to kids.
Spooderman in Staircase Doll
Ik I'm commenting this after 12 years but if anything like this ever happens just burn it. That's it just burn it in the name of God. It may sound harsh but that's exactly what you need to do in such situations.
Spooderman in Houses Are Evil Too
Hi there!

Spooderman here with a suggestion of possible reasons for the consequences you've faced in that house. In my opinion, it's not the house that's haunted, it might just be the previous tenants or the house's history. A house can never be evil unless someone has done something to it. I've heard many cases like this where certain areas and places have caused people several misfortunes. The root of these causes are mostly related to black magic and witchcraft.
A very common example could be the conjuring house, which to this day could not be cleansed properly. That house is considered extremely dangerous as it was once a lair of witchcraft and evil. The fact that the landlords were trying to sell your house in such a low price makes sense why it was haunted. So my advice would be to always be careful when buying things such as houses. May God protect us all. Peace.
danvalter1 in What Did The Dog See?
Hi Midd23,

I'm from San Antonio, too. If you don't mind, were you and your family living near what used to be Kelly air force base?
CrimsonTopaz in Hello Kitties
Lovely Ladyglow,
It's a huge deal when you lose your furbabies. They say time makes it easier, but I disagree with that.
I wouldn't worry about Grammer too much. You only have to read my posts to see I'm the royal highness of errors and bad grammer. Lol
It's hard seeing without my specs and even harder with them on because I need them for distance not close vision. Lol
lady-glow in Jinn's Block

" it is much clearly stated that there were human footprints, "then" cat footprints, which I think is a quite accurate sign of a Jinn's presence."

In my opinion, it wouldn't hurt if the OP had described these footprints more detailly.
Did they show an obvious transformation from human feet to cat paws?
Were they following the same direction or were their paths crisscrossing?
Are they sure the prints were not there prior to their visit?
Did they record and/or take pictures of their findings?

My point is, it doesn't seem like this paranormal team took the time to look into the condition of the place before starting their investigation or, if they did, the OP didn't mentioned it in their narrative.

And the fact that they decided to close their account once people began asking for evidence of their findings doesn't help their credibility. What self respected paranormal investigator wouldn't be eager and proud of sharing whatever data they had collected with an audience?

I'm not denying nor doubting anything the OP has said, neither expect everyone to be a professional writer, only think that the results of any investigation, even a paranormal one, should be carefully documented.
Welcome to YGS.

Hi Midd23.

This is an intriguing and fascinating experience. Animals are more sensitive to paranormal entities, it would be nice if pets could talk, though I think PT's actions said more than a thousand words.

It's hard to say if whatever was there had any bad intentions towards you, but you were lucky to have your dog's protection.

Thanks for sharing.
Hi Midd23

Animals have long been able to sense/see things we cannot, from your story what I can tell is that whatever it was, was passing by since you mentioned that this happened only once regarding the dogs, have any of your other family members experienced anything as well? And what was your parents reaction to your sister saying that a man hanged himself in that room?
lady-glow in Hello Kitties
Hi CrimsomTopaz.

Thanks for your lovely comment. I sniffled while reading my narrative before pressing the 'submit' button... Now I realize that there are some grammar mistakes my tears didn't let me see.
lady-glow in Hello Kitties
Hi Tweed.

Thanks for reading and commenting on my story.
As sad as going through these experiences was, there's something magical about them, since not only they have been a reassurance that death is not the end, but they've help me to go through a harder loss.

Sometimes I question if becoming a 'cat lady' was a good idea... I don't think I'll ever be ready to say goodbye to any of my other fur babies. In the meanwhile, I'm happy to have them around, even if they don't get along.
BeingStupid_666 in 2pm Terror
The people who are commenting sleep paralysis... I dint no that sleep paralysis comes in form a dark Figure.
Spooderman in Jinn's Block
[at] lady-glow the story may not be clear enough to understand full details of the surroundings and the jinn's way of shifting places. However, it is much clearly stated that there were human footprints, "then" cat footprints, which I think is a quite accurate sign of a Jinn's presence.
A Jinn is not a spirit with no abilities and it is in fact a living creature. Jinns are basically beings like humans but are mostly invisible to us. Their presence can be noticed only if they shapeshift. That is why it feels easier for me to accept this story's genuinity. I don't mean to underestimate you or your comment. It's just my way of perceiving things.
Hi Akin,

I believe it was an ole'higue. My neighbour was an ole higue and often time I used to see the fireballs when I was a child.
CrimsonTopaz in Hello Kitties
Lovely Lady, That's heart breaking to read. I literally sniffled through the sad bits.
May they all RIP. You gave them love, nourishment, warmth, and a safe place to live. They'd be grateful and take that memory of kindness to the next realm.
I'm so sorry to read your kittens have been put to rest. That must have been a heart wrenching decision to make. Positive energy to you.
Tweed in Hello Kitties
Lady Glow, tissue warning!😢 Urgh bloody cats really get into your soul!

Over twenty is amazing for a cat. Pets always break our hearts but I don't think that's really the point. The joy and love we share with them is sooo, soo important and I think that's the key in your experiences with all your cats on the other side. It really speaks to your bond and openness to communication from the great beyond. I don't want others to read this and think they're somehow defective for not having a moment with a passed loved one because it's unique to all situations and individuals. Point I'm attempting to make is a theme through some of your experiences have been dreams and I'm sure they're not 'just dreams'. I think our furry friends like to touch base with us, death is not the end.

Thanks for sharing.
Kksharp, I'm so sorry for your loss and what you've been through. The comments have been so beautiful to read. Thank you for opening up to us about your powerful experiences.

Also a warm welcome, I hope you stick around!
lady-glow in Hello Kitties
Hi guys.

Thanks for reading my story and for your lovely comments.


Quoting Euripides: "Come back! Even as a shadow, even as a dream".
Seeing and holding a departed loved one is always a bittersweet experience, regardless of the how and where we get the chance to be together.


I hope you get a chance to see your yorkies again. It's hard to say goodbye to a pet, but not even time can take away the moments we shared with them... If only they could live longer!


That's true. Ones heart breaks and hurts when a pet dies.
I did not need to know who uses your computer Travis. I just thought I would mention it.
ᕕ (°_°) ᕗ

Yup, no rules broken. I think the more merrier.

Rajine in Hello Kitties
If only our pets could talk, we'd never truly be alone... Losing a pet is no different than losing a family or friend, but they are in a better place now.
[at] valkricry, you are right that stronger memories, especially ones with a lot of emotion attached, do stick with us. Most memories get lost in the shuffle of new memories, including the new memories themselves. There is some fascinating neuropsychology research on this. There is also some interesting research on how to manipulate memories by retrieving them. Memories are complex, so I would much rather read an experience someone just had, or if from their past, read whatever they wrote about it at the time.
valkricry in Shadow Of The Devil
Just aside note, RC. I vividly remember things from when I was 5, and that's a lot longer than 22 years ago. I think it depends on how emotional the event was (very traumatic/happy). Ironically, I lost my son 22 years ago, yesterday, and that day is like lasered into my brain, every last detail. But following days are all blurry. The significant stuff is still there, but details... Not so much. But the event itself... Ok I'm going to sush about that. But everyone is a bit different I suppose.
Amchi1986 in Shadow Of The Devil
That time I was sixteen years old and my cousin sister 12 years. It was like a goat's horn. People used to say it was haunted as everyone who went to that room used to have the strange feeling of being watched in an angry manner and experienced a strange atmosphere there as it can be in cemetery. Later on that room was closed forever after some years. I want to clarify that when I saw the shadow, the electricity went off. Me and my cousin sister decided to sleep in that room despite people's warning just to know the truth. But the strange and unexplainable thing is that my cousin sister never experienced anything wrong in that room, while I saw the devil's shadow in that room.
TravisCannabis in Shadow Of The Devil
[at] KenS80. That's me, my mom, my sister and a friend that hangs out here some times. I don't think we're breaking any rules and don't care if we have to say who we are. 😊
CantunSEEit74 in Hello Kitties
Nothing worse than saying goodbye to our furry loved ones. Being there for that ending shot from the vet is heart wrenching but knowing the pain is gone now helps a little but doesn't stop our tears. We say our pets name out loud at least weekly that we love you and miss you, and that flashing picture frame where yorkies pictures flashes on many times a day. It's hard to read pet stories so thanks for sharing your family with us, all of them. I have had no dreams of my pets, but I hope they are playing in green fields. Great story
CantunSEEit74 in Shadow Of The Devil
When they spoke of the upper room being haunted by the same thing you encountered why would they let anyone sleep in that room especially having enough physical/ mental powers to turn off all power in the house. So, it had only 1 horn, was it a spike like horn strait up or was it a somewhat circular horn like a goat. Was this horn on top or a freaky side mount. Were you sleeping with the lights on so when it walked through the wall that's when you knew the power went out. Did you ask permission to sleep in the haunted room. You decided to test natures forces. What were the elders of this home thinking and how old was your cousin sister. Amchi please write you stories down and proof read them, I have to, and I still make mistakes. Thanks for sharing
RCRuskin in Hello Kitties
Twenty three, err, twenty one years is quite a long time! Please excuse me while I burst into song and then have a coughing fit because of nasal congestion.

Could be dreams, or shades of memories, but they are precious moments. Ghostly or just mundane, they are still special.
Fascinating experience. Thank you for sharing an experience of your own, Amchi.

Twenty two years ago is rather too long for us to remember any significant information. It is just how memory works.
How many ID's do you have Travis. I've noticed your IP address pops up on my firewall for yours and 2 other ID's. I will look into more later, but so far you have those 2 sharing the same IP addresses as you. I won't say their names as I don't want to disclose anything that is not public. Knowledge.

All that aside, Amchi this is all a bit spooky and perhaps a priest or religious person according to your faith should visit and cleanse as thoroughly as possible.

A few people seem to think that a house cleansing can also bring the house back in good form.

Toodles old chap and certainly write a follow up on this.
Spooderman in Shadow Of The Devil

I just want to say that it was either sleep paralysis like [at] lady_glow is stating or that the room was actually haunted. If it was haunted, I'm guessing it was just the being who decided to haunt certain people in the family. Nobody really has an answer to why they do such things but I've had instances where people experienced unexplainable events while the others remained totally unaware. So my advice will be to always pray and stay as much clean as possible. Please don't take my advice offensively, but it's just that demons are often attracted to impurities. Stay safe out there.
lady-glow in Hello Kitties
Wow, that was fast!
A little correction, we had Poem for almost 21 years, not 23. I'm not sure how old she was at the time of her passing, we were told that her age was two or younger when we adopted her.
Amchi1986 in Shadow Of The Devil
I was badly scared to death that's why I forgot to wake up my cousin sister, so sorry for it.
lady-glow in Shadow Of The Devil
Hi Amchi.

-Sigh!- As much as I'm glad to read something that has happened to you, I still think that you have missed the point and are providing too little information in your narrative.

When I asked "Did all your relatives see the same thing?", I was referring to your following statement:

"People used to tell this room was haunted and many people in my mother's household have experienced the same thing in this room."

What I mean is if any other of the inhabitants of the house had seen the same shadow you saw.
Also, I'm curious about the function of the room, - was it a bedroom? Was it used regularly?

" it suddenly disappeared into the wall and the electric supply of the house disappeared."

I don't know if by this you mean that there was a power outage, or if all the wiring, electrical panels, and other electrical elements disappeared of the house.
I want to think you mean the former, but don't want to make the wrong assumption.

I don't understand your reluctance to talk to your relatives about your experience if, after all, they were well aware of their house being haunted. In my opinion, they'd be in a better position to understand what happened to you and offer their help, than any of the members of this forum is ever going to do.

"I still wonder why my cousin sister never felt anything amiss in the room or anything strange, while I experienced a situation near to death in that room."

As I said before, and lacking any more information, this could have been sleep paralysis.

As Rajine, I too wonder if the paranormal activity ever spilled to the rest of the house.

Lastly, as obnoxious as TravisCannabis' comment may seem, I have to agree with him... You let your cousin down by leaving the room without waking her up.
TravisCannabis in Shadow Of The Devil
Oops! Sorry, I mean one horned devil!👿 Don't trust autocorrect 😜
Amchi1986 in Shadow Of The Devil
No I actually saw the shadow. Only me and my cousin sister were sleeping in that room.
I suppose when you tempt fate, it'll deliver. But why would only one room have supernatural activity and not the rest of the house? If you can share the experiences of your other family members it would be great.
lady-glow in Shadow Of The Devil
It might have been sleep paralysis.
Did all your relatives see the same thing?
I think you are exaggerating the event... Even if it was paranormal doesn't sound like a life threatening experience.
Vonakrolinas in The Dripping Wet Shadow
Since nobody seems to know this, or wanted to say this, B.S! Might have been believable until the helicopter. The police do not send out the helicopter because of some scared kids. Nice try, though. Also, that "ghost" in the picture could be literally anything other than a ghost.
Well, my honest opinion on this story is that the creature was none other than a Jinn. I understand that you're agnostic but that's what I as a Muslim believe in and I myself have heard various stories about them, might as well have had minor encounters with these beings. The Jinns are said to be creatures just like us humans, consisting of both good and bad. The bad ones however, like to disturb normal civilians and cause destruction. Hope this helps. Peace.
RCRuskin in Back From The Dead
Thank you, Val. There are some other comments on this story that probably deserve the same treatment for the same reason.
valkricry in Back From The Dead
It's painfully obvious that the commenting guidelines are not being read by some of you. "... People publishing their stories deserve to be addressed with respect so this web site can be a safe haven for people wanting to share their experiences. If you disagree with the authenticity and the veracity of a story, you can express your opinion, as long as it is respectful ("I have an another theory for what happened", "I do not believe this to be true because...", etc). However, you cannot be abusive toward the author ("your story is lame", "you're a liar", "you're wasting our time", etc)."
If you commented and it disappeared, I probably deleted it for those reasons. Your comment was tantamount to bullying and totally uncalled for. Here's a novel idea, if you do not like stories by a particular Poster, you just bloody-well don't read it. Questioning a story is fine, explaining WHY you find something difficult to believe is fine, but doing so cruelly is NOT fine.
CantunSEEit74 in Thinning The Veil
Kksharp71 Your alone at the kitchen table when in comes this horrible dude I can't stand. Please Tell us about your relationship with roger. I am happy for you that you are in a better state of mind now. Most of this seems to have happened in 2011, have you had any other experiences, visitations of that nature recently. When They said to you, you look like you seen a ghost, did you notice anything different about their looks, healthy, half dead, sounded like driver was being cocky, or did he say it in a caring way. How did you read their faces, up to no good. The very young seem to be put back into the system for reincarnation fairly quickly so if that driver that talked to you at the pump was in his early 20s and roger killed in his 20s in 2011 roger at the gas pump should be right around 40 give or take and killed young people. Did you hear anything about the deaths he committed. This is just my opinion of the afterlife.
Kksharp71 in Thinning The Veil
Thanks, all, for your never again thought of taking my was years ago. But thanks. And...I'm trying to address questions... I have no idea the murder victims age. No not at all. After my experience I no longer think people are crazy and I do listen to them! Lol... First song I played? The Byrds. Mr Tamborine Man
Hi Kksharp71

I believe that your dad is always around guiding you, it seems to me that you have/had some issues, I do hope that you are now in a good space, mentally and emotionally, but talking from personal experience and loss, I know that life can be really, really hard and some days you just feel like giving up, but remember that it's only when you at your lowest do you realize how resilient and strong you are.
Linjahaha in Thinning The Veil
Kksharp: Welcome to the site. This is a very touching account, but I honestly believe that your Dad would be 'very' upset, & disappointed in you if you take your own life. I'm sorry for your loss. Believe me, "I" know the feeling. I lost my dear husband some years ago, & just lost my father last year. I know 'that' kind of pain.
After the loss of my husband, I contemplated taking 'all' of his muscle relaxer pills-he needed them for a bad back. However, as I'm looking [at] the bottle of pills, I, 'very clearly', 'heard' him say "Come on Sweetie. You 'know' that's 'not' the answer. C'mon, you're stronger than that. I love you, & you'll be alright!". I heard him like he was right beside me talking. Honest.
It's tough being left behind, but 'they' would 'want' us to be strong, & continue on 'for' them.
I, like you, play my guitar in memory of my husband. We were musicians, & often played together. Every time I play, I 'feel' he is right there with me.
Keep playing. It will help you, & is very therapeutic. Trust me, I know.
As for the reincarnated victim. I dunno' about that. However, I have an open mind in regard to those subjects.
However, it would appear that something positive has come out of your circumstances. Just keep playing, & healing for your Dad's sake!

Sending you the
Very Best! ❤ 😊
CantunSEEit74 in Back From The Dead
On the first page of this site, it states share your ghost story. YOUR GHOST STORY, YGS. YOUR! Not everyone else's stories. There are many Immediate family stories here that are shared but do you really feel anybody should have over 10 stories that they were not present at or did not witness themselves. That person should join this site and participate in the discussions and share their stories.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
Ok people if I am going wrong I am sorry. I have just narrated experiences which I and people known to me have had.
lady-glow in Back From The Dead
Freakedoutfreddy has a point, - what was the cause of death?
It is not unheard of people waking up after being pronounced dead.

As for what the man did once he enter his house, there's no way to know. Neither the three workers nor the OP were there to see what really happened.

"people do correct me if I am going wrong. Sorry once again."

In my opinion, it's wrong from you to retell stories that you haven't witnessed without asking more information from the people who experienced them. And this has been brought to your attention more than once but you have done nothing to improve your work... And keep on submitting poorly detailed and incomplete narratives.

"who wants to read more stories from this poster."

Personally, it's not like I wouldn't want to read anymore stories, but definitely would like to see better quality on his work... You can do better.
freakedoutfreddy in Back From The Dead
The only spirits I see in this story are the ones the morgue workers drank. What was the cause of death? Maybe the dead body was in catatonic state, woke up and went home to pee behind the bushes.
I propose a social experiment, ask who wants to read more stories from this poster. 😉
CrimsonTopaz in Thinning The Veil
I'm sorry for your loss. It's always hard losing a parent. But please don't think of taking your life again. I'm so glad you are spiritually connected with your dad and you can play music through him. Music is very therapeutic to listen to and so enjoyable learning how to play.
You have so much ahead of you, and hopefully music will keep you company along the way. Be strong, and be everything you desire to be.
I'm sending you positive energy and a big hug.
CantunSEEit74 in Thinning The Veil
Kksharp71 Very interesting life experiences, 41 years a truck driver the things that man has seen. Very sorry for your family' loss and his last 6 months that would really hurt my heart. Maybe now you're a beacon of light for spirits and they want to tell you their stories so you can help them find justice. I throw people out of my house for this crazy talk. If they are not threatening you and they are not acting crazy, have you tried to listen and maybe try to help them or do they seem demonic or untruthful. Your father would be so mad you are sitting next to him in the beautiful garden, and you got a flipping hole out the back of your head and chunks of bone stuck in your hair. You have shown a weakness and now you must get rid of all guns. I own no guns. Please fill us in on the crazy stuff.
RCRuskin in Thinning The Veil
Hi, Kksharp. Welcome to YGS. I'm the open minded skeptic. I believe people see what they say they see but not always that what they say they saw is what was actually there. If that makes any sense.

So first off I'm wondering, how old was the reincarnated murder victim that approached "Roger"? I'm just guessing that 20 years, at least, had passed between the murder and the chat about the murder.

Did your friend take your advice and go to see her father?

Assuming you remember, what was the first song you tried to play on your father's musical instrument?
CrimsonTopaz in Back From The Dead
Lovely Lady Glow,
I take responsibility for increasing karma points to all kinds of comments, be it repetitive or containing a bit of 'tit for tat'.
I know my sister also does this, we read a comment, then we give it a karma point, minus or plus, whichever we feel appropriate.
That way we know we've read the comment, as well as it being our system of voting based on the substance of the comment.
Sometimes some posters get picked on, which is sad, and other times they post stories that are just that, stories which our loyal and knowledgeable members debunk.
Hopefully that explains my contribution to the mystery of karma point
Linjahaha, funnily enough I did a few days back. There was a bus crash back in the early 30s that killed twenty kids and the bus driver, and teacher, who were coming back from some excursion and went over a drop. The driver WAS NOT drunk, so where this drunk bit came from, I have no idea. It's a nasty bend I have to say. And I believe over the years there'd been several cars that crashed coming around that bend. Dunno if any fatal like the bus.
Happy New Year! I'm smiling. It is a very cute bathroom, but not that elegant, I just love "antiquing" as often times the old stuff (rewired) is much less expensive than the new stuff and more dependable as well! My bathroom is a shabby chic style, so lots of white wood and gold/brass stuff painted white.:)
AzeemahFJ in Fiji Night
I'm sorry, what country do you claim you went to? Fiji? Because I'm Fijian and there is no city called Jahovas San Clemente here. From the sound of it, based on description and names, this certainly isn't Fiji.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
I will help you my dear friend. Just keep on asking questions, whichever come to your mind. I will definitely reply.
RCRuskin in Back From The Dead
Thanks for your answer. I just read up on Hindu beliefs and practices about death, and now realize my questions are better directed to the deceased's family.

I'm pretty certain neither you nor your uncle could help further.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
They were hindus. And we hindu people cremate our dead bodies.
RCRuskin in Back From The Dead
Amchi, I'm still trying to figure out what questions I would like to ask your uncle. Some depend on answers to other questions, though. Happily, one of my questions was already asked and answered. As they neared the house, the corpse itself apparently got up and went to visit, but the occupants of the house reported no one came in. And this was the address the body was to be delivered.

What religion did this family practice? There are many religious and spiritual traditions in India, so I'm wondering what beliefs and behaviors were involved.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
See friends if you feel that I have angered you all Or hurt your feelings I am really sorry for that. My intention was not to hurt anyone. If you readers feel that I am going wrong somewhere, just correct me. Would be extremely thankful to you all. Take care. May God bless you and your families.
AzeemahFJ in Calls By The River
Hi there. I'm a local too and would be very eager for you to reach out to me so we can discuss some of your experiences. My email is on my profile.
AzeemahFJ in The Walkng Dead
Any idea which road it was? I'd love to go investigate other similar stories from the area.
I have to admit this story is really bizarre, I'm having a hard time believing it, I get that it's not your personal experience but do you think perhaps it's just a tall tale?
That's very strange and creepy, I wonder if what you and your gran experienced is the same entity.
lady-glow in Back From The Dead
Attention all.

It's obvious that we are dealing with a troll... Just look at the way good comments have been down voted while irrelevant and repetitive ones are getting positive points.

Sadly history is repeating again and unfortunately it has to happen again with a poster from India.

We have seen this pattern in the past, possibly created by a person or a group of people with too much free time and little to do other than trolling this forum.

I'm sure the moderators will put a stop to this circus.

In the meantime, please stop feeding the trolls.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
My intention was not to hurt anyone's feelings on this website. Sorry. It won't take place ever again.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
Friends I am really sorry if I have hurt you or hurt your feelings. I am sorry friends. This will never take place ever again. Sorry, people do correct me if I am going wrong. Sorry once again.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
Sorry if I hurt your all people's feelings. Really sorry. This won't take place never ever again.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
Cantun, please don't think this way and get angry for no fault of mine. We have a huge family background both from my mother's and father's side, so let me clear this fact. So don't feel angry at me, just clarifying my comment. Take care. May God bless you and your near ones.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
I have many uncles and aunts my dear friend, both from my mother's and father's side, since they both have a huge family background. Sorry if you mistaken me. Will answer all your questions
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
Ok I am sorry. Ask me now. I am free. Sorry if I hurt your feelings

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