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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 13
Was the Deceased Angry with Me? by Shelley Kong
After I had finished my studies at San Digo State University, I returned to my native city of Hong Kong in June 1979. From time to time, I visited my married sister who had 2 children, a 5-year-old boy and an 8-year-old daughter. During one of these visits, my sister told me that her husband's uncle...
Repetitive Voices by canadian123
My cousin (I can't tell his real name and, I will call him Bryan for this story.) was in Pugwash N.S. cutting down some birch trees because he makes wooden chairs and sells them. He had a non electric saw and started sawing and he started hearing all these different voices talking. Then he stopped s...
Night Time Visitors by Kwazimoto
When I was young boy living in Australia I was a very light sleeper, very sensitive, too. If someone entered my room while I was asleep they would wake me up even if they were trying to be quiet. I would also somehow know whether it was my Mum or Dad or one of my two sisters, I mean as soon as I wok...
The Dean's Visit by asje
This happened today. The Dean Head of the Board of the Faculty where I work died last month after a sudden illness. He was very loved by his students and we all were devastated. This morning, a month after his passing, the cleaning lady opened the door to the Board room to do some cleaning. She said...
The Basement Dancer by ScottRuiz
The year, I think, was 1992 in December. I was 8 years old. On this day my mother and father had gotten home from shopping. I was excited to find out that they had gone Christmas shopping! So as I was looking through the already wrapped gifts, I saw that I had less then everyone else. Being a kid I ...
Pioneer Ghost Lady of Newcastle by PaulDaleRoberts
I hate doing ghost investigations on weeknights, because the next morning I have to get up and go to work. But, this is one ghost investigation I had to check out. I was meeting up with Shannon 'Ms. Macabre' McCabe at her home right after work. We headed out in her black VW sports car affectionately...
Small White Ghosts by kitty162
The encounter was nine years ago, the time was between 3:55am-5:00am; I was begging my mother not to leave me by myself because I was afraid of being left alone. She reassured me that my father would come within one hour. Despite my begging and sobbing, she left me at the doorway of our home. I was ...
Devoted Parents by El
I was spoken to by ghosts, only they did not reveal themselves in a visual form and they did not speak with voices, instead they spoke with energy. When I was working on my undergrad, I did a paper about cemeteries. I decided to go to the oldest cemetery in my tiny town, dating back to 1814. When I ...
The Man in my Bed by Soma
I grew up in an old haunted farmhouse, every week for 7 years some weird unexplained thing would happen, such as people seeing a tall shadow of a man, my dead dog scratching the door, the tv turning off whenever there was swearing (gotta love the Victorians lol), etc. Being in this environment I bec...
The Funeral of my Mom by ChrisB
I live in Poland and just about 4 years ago, my mother died. I was 19 at the time. My mother had cancer and a family doctor told us she was going to die in a couple of months, but she kept on fighting for a year. Her funeral was on april 1, just 4 days before her 50th birthday. The whole family was ...
Walking on the Roof by akaglowboy
This took place in San Diego about 6 or 7 years ago. I lived in a two story house with with my mother and stepfather. The roof of the house was angled steeply on both sides. To get an image of the house and where I was at, the front door opens right to a small tiled area with the door to my bedroom ...
A Visit from Dad by KimSouthO
On January 1, 2006 at 5:57 AM my father passed away. All of my family was there as we had been keeping vigil at his home for several days knowing the end was near. He had been pretty much unconscious for about 2 days and kept weakening from that point on. It was very difficult to have him go, but he...
Man in the Basement by Tim
I was 13 at the time and at a friend's house. His sisters room was down in the basement and there was an entrance at the end of the living room. She was showing us how her horse ribbons kept turning upside down. She turned them right side up and tried to move them by waiving her blanket. They didn't...
A Messsage from Beyond by paul heffernan
I have always been hugely skeptical of any carry over once our physical bodies are deceased, but my whole outlook changed after contact from the spirit world. The story started in Plymouth shortly after my sister in law passed away from cancer, leaving behind two young children. A couple of weeks la...
Grandpa Checking on Me by Cassandra
When I was 10, I used to sleep where my Great Grandfather's office was. My brother had the extra bedroom my Grandfather would use and my parents had the room that him and my Grandmother would share. My Grandmother is still with us, but my Grandfather passed away when I was 5. I had trouble sleeping ...
Little Girl by Jenna
I had just moved into a new house on the border on new south wales. My father always wanted to live on a farm, so we brought a little crappy house and a big land. When my family and I went to look at the house, I felt a cold sensation on my body. I thought never the less, and kept my thoughts to mys...
Andy by ladyannne
This is a shorter version of what happened to me, you can read the original version here. I have dealt with "things that go bump in the night" most my life, making we always wonder if I was a bit of a strange child, but never did I dream I would live day to day with an entity. It can be just as spoo...
The Woman in the Smoke by Lyn
I grew up in the states, not knowing the mysteries and hauntings that took place in this dark country, until I saw it with my own eyes. It all started on a hot sunny day, in the Province of Laguna Philippines. My cousin Gena and I decided to take a dip, in a resort called Agua Vida (not to far from ...
Black House by Athena
As in Sirius Black. Reading Harry Potter was amazing, but if you ever wanted to see the fictional Sirius Black Manor jump into reality I know the place for you right here in the capital of California, Sacramento, 2131 H street sits in the heart of downtown, amidst the businesses and wealthy victoria...
Beverly Mansion by Heather
I've always heard that Beverly Mansion was haunted, but I never actually believed it until I saw it... One night me and my friends decided to take a trip there, and wow, were we in for a big scare. It was just the four of us, going up to this vacant mansion in the middle of no where... But it had fr...
Hand on my Shoulder by Anonymous
Not "Revelation"-'tis-that waits, but our unfurnished eyes -Emily Dickinson I was in my early 20's and far from the city that I grew up in. I didn't have a family really. My parents had loads of problems of their own, for starters my father had molested children, other than me, and after I report...
Dead Man Coming Back Home by Mynessa
My husband's brother and his wife has recently moved into a new place. We went to visit them on Tuesday and had a good time not realizing that anything was wrong. Yesterday while my sister-in-law and I were talking, she told me what they have been going through in their house! I was totally freaked ...
Black Figure of my Lost Fiancee by Afa
I have read other people's stories in this site and at least, now I know that I am not the only one who experienced these kind of things. I've lost my fiancee in a car accident 7 months ago and since that day, it wasn't easy at all. I remember in early days of his death, I had this strange feeling t...
Ghost Breaking In by James
I don't really know how old I was when this happened, but I know I was young. There was a man that lived across our street. He was poor. Well, we would always make BBQ for him. He gave us a boat for thanks. But who would think this would happen. He was in his house one day, around December. It was v...
Awful and Long Weekend by Hawkgirl
Let me start up by briefly explaining the background. My mom's a singer and she often has to travel out of town (we live in Tijuana, Mexico). During last summer, her band was hired by a resort near the beach and they would perform almost the whole week day and night. The owner (which is also the may...
Vortex in a Bank by Kris
This ordeal happened two years ago when I was in my freshman year of high school. My mom has always had stressful jobs, but one year right before Thanksgiving she got laid off from her government job because they were downsizing staff. This dealt a heavy blow to her because she was dealing with fals...
She Saw a Clown by ScottRuiz
This happened in the same house as in The Basement Dancer. It was 1989 I believe at around 9:30pm-10:00pm and everyone in the house was was already settled in except for my two oldest sisters (13-14) they were getting ready for bed and were the bathroom which had a connecting door to the basement ne...
The Floating Head by monica5
I was visiting my dad in Nevada and were speaking of the time he found a human head in the trash can in front of his house. We were talking about hauntings and the weird experiences that we had all experienced in our life. I had always known about this strange find since I was much younger. It wasn'...
Two Spirits, One Good, One Bad by paggark
Hey everyone, I submitted two stories that happened about me and my aunt back when I was young (and as usual I'm not good with my english) one about Tanniq and one about the Evil Entity, here's one when we lived in a two story house in Rankin Inlet (a town we are currently living in). For about n...
Haunted Castle Leslie by BellaMorte
I am 26 years old now and this incident happened on the night of my 20th birthday, in Castle Leslie, Glaslough, County Monaghan, Ireland. At the time this happened, Castle Leslie was a small hotel featuring, I believe, eight bedrooms. Each room had a theme and was decorated accordingly. Our room for...
If I Had Said Yes to the Ghost Nurse by blessed
This amazing experience occurred when I was about three or four years old, years before what happened to me in my other story, The Presence, and in a different apartment. We lived in a pretty bad neighborhood at the time. Many people died there from shootings, stabbings, and the such. This is a bit ...
Sensitive Brother by paggark
Hey everyone, I submitted maybe three stories already in this web site. What I would like to tell you is about my brother JD (nick name because his name was kind long so I kind of gave him the nickname) that experience most of these things then any of my family. When my little brother JD was youn...
The First Time I Saw a Ghost by sammyd
I remember the year our Father died, 1976, and the family rode the greyhound bus to Louisiana from North Carolina, our Mom, my twin Sister, and two Brothers. There he had lived with our Grandparents up to his death. After his funeral and, fresh out of high school, it was time to think about my futur...
Something that Follows Me by victoria wolanek
When I was younger I thought I was different. I would dream up things that would happen years later. As I got older I started feeling as if someone was always walking with me. When I got married, I lived in Brooklyn at 301 Cooper Street. One day me and my husband were talking and I was telling him t...
Karma by Michelle
My name is Michelle Copelan. I am 17 years old and have recently discovered a little south African looking boy hovering around my house. It's really scary, I have tried talking to him but everytime I go near him, I get a weird vibe. I was too afraid to stay at home so I went to my boyfriend house & ...
Headless Man by ikristine27
I was in the philippines when my story happened, but I'm now living in chicago. It was a rainy, dark afternoon when my sister and I were watching jeepers creeper (I still remember the movie!) and it was only me and her because our parents were both at work. I was young probably like 8 years old. The...
A Father's Sign by Shane
This story happened shortly after the passing of my father. It was a very stressful time for my family and I. I was only 12 at the time and had to take over as the man of the house. Watching my younger brother and making sure he ate and bathed, things like that, while mom was at work, you know the r...
A Thing on a Bridge by Tom Coates
I live in the rural town of Port Hedland, Western Australia, and this is what happened on my walk. It was two Saturdays ago, on the 12th of August. I was walking alone at about 5:30 in the afternoon. I would normally have been walking my dog Charlie at this time, but she'd had an eye infection that ...
Thirsty Ghost by Mynessa
I was 9yrs old when I got sent to boarding school. We were Catholic so naturally the school of choice was a covent school in a little farming town about 2hrs away from home. The school was beautiful at the foot of a mountain with plenty of space for young kids to run around! It was pretty strict, we...
Black Magic by Gujral
This has been the most dreadful experience in my life. I had never imagined I would see such a day. Me and one of my friends used to go to private tuition in a quite remote place. I have always heard of black magic stories but always took them for a joke. My grandmother and my mum always said that m...
Friendly Ghosts by Melissa
Hi, name is Marie, I'm 24 and I live on an island in the Mediterranean called Cyprus. I've had many ghost encounters, so here are a couple. I was about 10 years old, I was sleeping with my night lamp on, as always, because I always used to be afraid of the dark. I opened my eyes and at my door there...
Group of my Experiences by Ryokoie
Hello there, I'm 19 years old and I'm going to tell you all of the experiences I've had so far as much as I can. Birth A very strange thing happened when I was born, during that year we had a drought, if anyone is from indiana reading this, ask around. It's true at least that's what my mom tol...
Woman Outside my Bedroom Window by IndianaJonesFan16
I just recently moved from a rancher house in the middle of the country to the middle of a widely populated area. In fact, this is just about a month since I moved in. One night last week, I was getting ready to go to bed, and I just happened to look out my bedroom window (which is on the second flo...
Return of Jerry by CenterCore
I'm centercore, and it's been a long time since I posted anything on this site. I've just been having lotsa fun the past handful of months with my girlfriend and had no weird experiences lately... until tonight. Around 12:00, I thought I heard my mom upstairs messing with the trash to take it out...
A Ghost that Holds You Down by amakajaku
It was about a month ago when it happened to me... It was 11:33pm, I was already asleep, the room was so dark without a light peeping in, it was really warm that night. When someone or something got on the bed. It stopped moving for 3 minutes thinking that I was awake. It moved again now it was cree...
The Unknown by Chris Burczynski
Hi it's me again. I wanted to write about some things that I heard of. When I was at my grandma's place we were watching a TV show about ghosts. I decided to tease my grandmother about ghosts. I actually did not believe in them (then). She kind of looked at me and said "I believe in them". I started...
The Two Little Boys of Williamsburg, Virginia by TryToFigureItAllOut
Hi, I haven't been on in months because I was sooo scared of these 2 ghosts, so it took me awhile to get over it. I live in New York and I go to a traveling camp. We went to in the beginning of the summer to Williamsburg, Virginia, as some of you ghost hunters or experts know, that's where the "Scar...
Uncle Rocky part 3 by Bellissima
Hi, I thought maybe I could add a little more to my experiences I've had with my brother-in-law who passed away about 6 years ago and hangs around, keeping us company. Maybe it seems I've got an awful lot to say about it but it's an ongoing thing so maybe I'll have stories to tell for years to come!...
Helen Cemetary by cupcake10132
I have way to many experiences! And one happened today. August 27,2007, after I got off the bus, I happened to look, and I saw the shadow man I've been seeing lately cross the dang corner of the house as if he was going to the backyard! Oh and I could see fine on the corner and gate, so once he turn...
Spitting Demons? by Mountaineer63
I am 44 years old. When I was about 4 or 5 years old I had an experience that I have tried to make sense of ever since. I had just gone to bed on a summer's night. I know it was summer because it was still light outside, probably about 8:30 p.m. I had not been in bed long and I looked up to the t...
Evil Dream by alison
Well I'm not really sure how to explain all of this but here it goes... Lately I have been having horrible dreams probably for the past 3 months, but last night was the worst yet. I went to bed around 11:45 pm or something... And I had a dream that I was walking down a stairway and on the baniste...
Guardian Angel? by Jin
I have an incredible story that occurred very recently too - I would like to share it because I believe in guardian angels. I decided to go racing against my friend in his WRX late one night. He pulled up next to me and told me to follow him to a spot he thought was suitable for us. Now, me being th...
Dreams of Spirits by wendymneil123
I don't know whether this is spirits contacting me or what! But I have the weirdest dreams, I dream every night and always remember them in the morning. I have got book after book of dream meanings but never does it tell me what my dreams mean. I always have dreams about being chased by spirits, ...
A Ghost Boy in the Car by amakajaku
It was 8:30 in the morning, we got all up to go grocery shopping and buy supplies for my cousin's birthday. When we were all ready to leave, I was the first to get in the car (2nd hand mitsubishi Pajero) since I don't put on make-up. I was silently enjoying the car music. I didn't notice my aunt goi...
Is It Trying to Tell Me Something? by Melissa
I moved into an old house about 5 months ago, it was pretty damaged and the walls needed to get painted and all, it seemed so abandoned but I always love a challenge so I decided to take it and see if I could turn it into what I had visualized - a beautiful home for me and my boyfriend. The first...
The Pig by ScottRuiz
My father told me this story a few years ago about when he was younger. They lived in Waco Tx at the time out in the country. He told me about this pet pig he had out in the farm that his parents had. I would say he was about 14 or 15 at this time. He would tell me that he would come home and feed t...
The Scariest Haunted House in America by TryToFigureItAllOut
Like I said in my other story, The Two Little Boys Of Williamsburg, Virginia, I live in New York and go to a traveling camp. We went on a ghost tour in Williamsburg and went to the Scariest Haunted House in America. We just stood in front of it looking at it while our overly dramatic tour guide told...
Under the Stairs in the Basement by poltergeistfan
One time my grandmother was looking for an old trunk full of her high school yearbook and diplomas, so she went downstairs into the basement. Her house didn't have a light in the basement at the time so it was fairly dark when she reached the bottom of the stairs. I remember she told me that there w...
Fingerprints on the Shower Mirror by hellosailor87
Even though I grew up in an old house, I haven't had any ghostly experiences of my own until a few months ago. I have lived alone at my Madison apartment for almost a year, and this is where my first ghostly experience occurred. One day in March, I was taking a shower before I had to go to one of...
My Midnight Companions by Jack Swagger
This is the account of a series of happenings that occurred in a small basement apartment in Fredericton, New Brunswick; the various encounters with the paranormal are spread out over several years from 1998-2006. The home was quite old, having been built during the 30's with two confirmed deaths in...
Strange Happenings in my New House by meg
I have moved into a house on 8 acres and is about 15 years old. Firstly I had my beautiful dog hit by a car out on the road, then a week later my love bird died without warning. I was very upset by these happenings but moved on. I was standing out near the garage watching my husband chop wood and I ...
Soft Cry of a Chicken by Kevan
It was the dead of winter when me and my friends, Adam Harris, Josh Craig, Ryan Wells, and Cagle decided we would go up to the old Pig Silos located on the top of York Mountain. The Silos have been closed for well over fifty years, but that doesn't mean anything has stopped up there, as we all found...
H-E-B Ghost by Janice
Hello everybody, it's been a while since I've been on this site, due to school and stuff, I haven't had the time for internet but I have a story to tell that happened recently over the past few weeks. I was with my mom in the car, we had just picked up a pizza from Little Ceaser's and were heading t...
Someone's Upset by Lexiluca
Update on my house happenings: Over the past couple of weeks, we haven't really noticed much other than a couple of digital pictures we took one night at our house party - there's two pictures with clear orbs in them. Since then not much has happened until last night. We had som...
Bed Bugs by steven
When I was in 1st grade (1990/1991?) I remember this one night I had fallen asleep. I woke back up sometime late that night. I wasn't scared or anything. Then, I felt like something might have touched my arm or my side under the blanket. I think it didn't worry me because nothing was there. The room...
River Trail in the Jedediah Smith Wilderness Area by Athena
The Jedediah Smith wilderness area and bike trail cuts a transverse swath through one of America's major metropolitan areas, within it lies 32 miles of parkway, and is one of Sacramento California's most beautiful attractions. It is also one of the most haunted. An ancient stave of trees can be ...
Violent Entity by rebekah
I was about 7 years old when it all started to happen. I was thirsty and decided to go downstairs to the kitchen to get me something to drink. When I reached the tops of the stairs a hand shot out of the darkness and grabbed my throat and tightened around it. I stood there fearing that if I made a s...
Ghost Soldier Comforting Me by amakajaku
It happened in my traumatic childhood. I've only got shocked and remembered it when I saw someone on the ground with his face covered with blood after a traffic accident. I was about 6 years old when this ghost visited me. I really wasn't aware of the fact that he was a ghost soldier smiling at m...
Dreams of Spirits 2 by wendymneil123
I woke up late for work this morning so I had forgotten I had a dream, but it came back to me, I had another dream last night! So I thought I would write and tell you about it! My dreams jump a bit so I hope you can keep up with me. First off I was in a seaside town somewhere, like Brighton or So...
Something Calling my Name by asje
This happened to me a few years ago. Not really ghostly, but it scared me nonetheless. I was living with my partner in a new neighborhood. There weren't many people living in my street and there were no street lights yet. My partner never took the keys to the house with him when he went to work. ...
Violent Little Boy by Summer
I'm 12 now, so I can remember this pretty clearly, when I was 2, I remember I was at my grandma's old house and I was in the room where all the toys were. I saw the door open and then close a little boy was standing right in front of me, he looked about 10, he had blue shorts on a green shirt and a ...
Grandma's Birthday by Brittany The Strange
Let me start by saying me and my bestest life long friend are closer then sisters and we go to all of each others family events because that's just how close we are, her family is like my family my family is like her family and a couple of years ago, my grandma passed away due to cancer and every ye...
Evil Granny by Ghostlyfigure6857
One night, I was at my grandma's house with my mom. My mom was in bed and me and my brother were staying up late. It was like 3:30 am, when me and my brother were getting tired. So I decided to get a glass of warm milk to help me sleep while Courtney, my brother, went to his room. When I was don...
Steve by Delaney
It was around 1:00 am and I had this strange feeling, so I turned over in my bed and opened my eyes. There was this white figure, five feet away, it became clearer by the second and soon I was able to make out eyes, nose, friendly smile, and most of the figure. It smiled at me and left. I told my...
Summer House in Madrid by SkAlArIaK
After reading here for a bit I felt like sharing something quick just to know your opinion. I am 19 and used to live in my mom's house in Madrid (Spain), now I live in England, but still come to this house during summer... mainly because most my friends live in this area. It is not really an old hou...
Big White Light by meg
I have another story which happened in 2000. My partner and I were in the kitchen doing the nightly dishes after putting the kids to bed. I was standing at the sink looking out of window where you can see other people's roof tops. About three or four houses down there was a white round fuzzy light (...
The Haunted Hallway by The_Sweetest_Thing
This story takes place in victorville, Ca, at a house in The beautiful Spring Valley Lake (on cresta blance court). I had moved to Victorville in late October 2005, and I knew NO ONE. The first day I had started school a girl named Michelle approached me and ever since we've been best friends, also ...
My Office Building by HALEY
I work for attorneys handling real estate. The company is made up of two separate buildings and houses all of 150 employees. The buildings that we are in are rumored to be an old hospital of some sort. The main office is said to be the actual hospital, and our smaller building off to the left was sa...
Seeing Ghost Only Through Reflections by The_Sweetest_Thing
As a child I had experienced many deaths of people in my family or just people who were close to me. Before they died I always would get a feeling or dreams and images and from that I was always scared of supernatural things or ghosts and spirits and wanted to be ignorant towards it. My mother had d...
Ghost Soldier by Josh
Every since I was a little kid in california, I've always seen, heard, or felt weird things. When I got older I looked back into my past as a child and decided that everything I had seen, was just my overactive imagination. But I was wrong, I started to discover a whole other realm to all these happ...
My Granny by Linda
When I was 15yrs old my granny passed away at my uncle's house. About two weeks before she passed away, I was getting ready for school in my bedroom, looking in the mirror. Over my shoulder I saw my grandfather who had passed away eight months before. I never thought anything of it because I have se...
Children who Play with Ghosts by The_Sweetest_Thing
While living with the father of my child I've experiences several haunting occasions. The first and scariest happened at the first house we lived in, eventually we all got enough and moved into the second house. I didn't not live there in the beginning but before they moved again I had for several m...
Not Alone in my Dreams by CFT
I don't know where to start... Does anyone else hear that sound? The one that seems to pull you into your dreams, electricity maybe... Like an eerie buzzing you feel and hear when you realize that your body is not falling asleep and is not in a normal dream state. I know this sound so well. I welcom...
A Sign that He Can Still Sense Me? by ThaiFemme
In 1998, one of my best friends (Billy), passed away from a car accident. We met at work and we became close friends after my boyfriend (Dave) of 6 years passed away from a car accident that involved alcohol. About 6 months after his funeral, I decided to meet up with a friend for a drink after work...
Very Little People by jeya
For many of the people who come from Mexico you know that Mexico is just filled with ghost stories and myths. For all of you who don't know... Well now you know. There are many many stories and myths told in the town where my parents are from. I have heard about many of them through my parents who h...
Group of my Experiences 2 by Ryokoie
Hello there, it's me again, I'm back due to popular demand, ha ha just kidding well here is the rest of my life's experiences so far. Also note this: I don't do drugs, or drink, I made that a personal life long rule of mine, but I am not a religious person, I believe if anything can happen, it will ...
A Knocking in the Closet Cabinet by Kevan
It had been a slow week for our little ghost hunting group, when one of our group members told us about this old cabin him and his family used to live in located in Jefferson County. He told us both of his great grandparents had died inside the house, but after he talked to his mom about it, we foun...
Jack the Ripper Tour by kate7721
When I was visiting my friend in London, we decided to go on a Jack the Ripper tour. So the next morning we decided to sign up for the tour. We decided to go around 11:00 p.m. At the end some people who were on the tour were talking about the restricted area. So my friend and I thought, let's wait u...
Ghost at Six Flags Great Adventure Amusement Park by Dirtyjerzambeez
My boyfriend and I went to Six Flags Great Adventure amusement park yesterday, when we came back to wait for our bus in the parking lot, we were early so we decided to watch Kingda Ka and the Superman coasters to take some pictures. After taking pictures, we were leaning on a white plastic division ...
My Haunted Holiday by chunkygut1
A few weeks ago me and my mum decided that we should go to my uncle's house for a week, because we didn't have the money to go abroad. My uncle lives with his wife, Samantha, five month old daughter Paige and very well trained dog Piper. In the living room they have a window seat at the foot of ...
The Four Shadows by bossymiss
My mom was working at a nursing home at the time. There was a very ill man. And three nurses were in the room. The man was restless and was talking to someone/thing. Sun light was shining through the window when my mom and her friends looked up, there were four shadows instead of three, but it could...
Office Block by SkAlArIaK
This is 100% true, it didn't happen to me, but I can assure you that I've heard if from various sources and think it's interesting to share. The office block where my mother works (I rather not disclose the company name, but I can assure you, that you all know it and have used their products if you ...
The Lady by beachhouse
I grew up in a house that was over 100 years old. It had been built from a pre-existing barn, so it was surely older than that. While I was growing up, my babysitters would mention that our house was "creepy", and that they'd heard strange noises late at night before my parents came home. I had acce...
I'm Being Followed by a Ghost by Cody Laws
I was in the 3rd grade when this happened to me and I will never forget it! I was in class and needed to use the rest room so I ask for permission from my teacher and went downstairs to the bathroom. When I walked in as I was passing the stalls I caught out of the corner of my eye a black shape abou...
Resolving Ghosts' Unfinished Business by Ghost_Whisperer
For as long as I can remember, I've dreamt mainly of people I don't even know. Some children, some adults, etc. They always came to just me (night or day) and would never leave me alone. At first I didn't know what to make of it all - maybe I was over imaginative or there was something wrong with me...
Crying Teddy Bear by Soma
Since I was about 14 until 16 (I'm 24 now), I slept with this teddy bear almost every night because I could always feel the presence of ghosts in my room so it made me feel a little less alone and a little less afraid. It might sound childish but loads of things happened that scared me, such as seei...
The Silent Watcher by Emma
My Aunt who lives in the outskirts of Britain, lives with her husband, daughter, and son and law. I go to her house every summer for two weeks. I am normally the last one to go to bed every night. I let the dog out, and while I am making sure he stayed near the house, I spot a light coming from the ...
Francis by Soma
This is kind of a continuation of The Man in my Bed. Just to recap from last time, I had a near-death experience when I was 14; since a few months before, there was about 6 good spirits who were frequently around me, as well as some bad entities from time to time. The group of spirits often "trained...
Derby Ghost Lady by KyPace
I was playing a video game one night a few years ago and around 10:30 pm one night in the living room of my house and I thought I'd take a break and get a bowl of cereal, so I went to the kitchen and made a bowl, and as I was starting back into the living room, I seen a figure of a person sitting in...
Ghost Attack in Dream by M Pirri
I had a dream last night where I was back in my childhood room and asleep. I was attacked by an invisible force. At first it was gentle - slowly pushing and pulling at my arms. Then it got more violent and pushed me around the room and held me down - pushed me up against the wall and twisted me arou...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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