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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 131
Ghost In The Kitchen by daveslod
While I was stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas while serving in the Army, I lived off post in Junction City, Kansas. My family and I lived in a house that was build around the turn of the century. My son, who was about two years old at the time, would frequently wake up in the middle of the night a...
The Yelling That's Not Really There by Beeccaayy
I really need help on what this is exactly, so please help! My name's Bec, I'm 15 and you're probably already reading this thinking that it's going to be a fake story but I promise that it isn't. It isn't just me that has experienced this in my house, many of my friends have also and I'm just cur...
Black Figure Following Me? by GabbyHunny
A few nights ago I went out to see a movie with my friends to just hang out and relax because we've just finished our exams and wanted to have fun, but the whole night I found it hard to relax when I kept feeling that there was something following us. It first started when I was on the train wit...
It Growled by antone
I'm 19 years old and a guy if anyone's curious. Anyways, I've never written down what's happened to me while living in a particular home. I've only told friends and family. Well, my father met a woman by the name of Maria when I was 14 (my mother passed away when I was 7). Soon after, we moved in wi...
Sleep Paralysis Or The Real Thing? by Redheadgal2013
It all started when I fell asleep. And what was weird was that I fell asleep on my SIDE not my back. Then somewhere at 6 am I woke up but couldn't move. I surprisingly didn't freak out that much as you would expect me to, but I still did have that feeling like I was being stared upon. (Keep in mind ...
First Investigation: Conclusion by Nephylim
As per my post "First Investigation", I promised to write up the conclusion of our investigation once my team and I had had a chance to go through the evidence collected. Sifting through, all in all, around 24hrs of hand held video footage, E.V.P sessions and static cam footage, I must say that the ...
What's Happening? Help by LivyB123
Every house I live in I get a horrible vibe like I'm unsafe or like something's there. No one believes me ever, but I know what's happened. When I first moved in I woke up with a dark shadow beside my bed looking at me. It had no face, it was like the grim reaper. Recently at 5 am I woke up ...
Family Ghosts And Other Odd Occurences by Burrrandii
Myself and my family have had some odd experiences over the course of my life and I thought it would be interesting to share them with you guys. The first that I can remember is when my grandmother passed away, around the time that I would have been about three or four years old. She was diabetic...
My Dogs, Me And My Haunted Home by Charmsdes
As a child I always had a vivid imagination, I was always making up stories to entertain my parents and friends. I could come up with stuff at a drop of a hat. Stories, absolutely fictional stories solely for entertainment. At times people didn't know whether I was being serious or just coming up wi...
Lady With The Blue Neon Eyes Pt 1 And Pt 2 by blue-flamed-phoenix
I had this experience at the beginning of this year. This is the first and only time ever in my life seeing something paranormal, and boy was I excited and freaked at the same time. My stomach had that feeling of being on a roller coaster. Anyway let's get to my story. On that day I was just waki...
I Saw My Mom, I Heard Her Sing by Charmsdes
My mom died quite suddenly. She was ailing for a few weeks and as suddenly as her terminal disease came on, she was gone. Another death to add to the list of deaths in that house. I knew she fought death and she was not ready to die when she did so I expected some paranormal activity from her. I...
My Bedroom Closet by Sbutterfly83
We have lived in this house for the last 7 years. The room that is my bedroom is the former garage. It now has carpeting and everything functional to be a bedroom. The people that lived here before us made it. Anyways, before it was my room, it was my parents' room. My mom used to always tell me...
Shadow Creatures by blue-flamed-phoenix
When I was living with my granny, I had my own room. We live next to an abandoned house, it was creepy; at least the cold draft feeling of it was creepy. I had a window that was right on the same side as the house. I had an air conditioner in the window, I didn't mind having a window next to the hou...
The Man Who Died For His Family by chia6251
I was posted in Fob Anaconda during my deployment in Iraq. I was one of 24 soldiers who manned one of 4 entrances into our base. We covered the north entrance where locals would enter and go through our security scanner, be checked for illegal substances and be routinely verified by our canine divis...
A Man Standing Over My Bed, Girl Playing With A Ball by Nativegirl101
I am a current student at Boxelder Job Corp. We have three dorms and within at least two of the dorms there has been physical activity of a little girl or a man. My own personal experience just recently happened. It all started on a Monday night. I woke up at 4:30 am and its always at 4:30 every m...
Derek Williams by MonicaFreeman
I recently lost my best friend and confidant, Derek "Durty" Williams, in a tragic motorcycle accident in the early morning hours of August 10, 2013. Many days I've spent blaming myself for his death because he had asked me to come see him the night of his accident but I had blown him off because I d...
How It All Began And How It Never Ended by Toxmax
When I was 4 years old I had my first paranormal experience. I was playing around in the cafe which my mother and father were running at the time. We heard a ring and my mum picked up the phone. She stood as still as still could be and began to cry. I had no idea what it was about at the time but I ...
My First Experience At Hardmoney by Miiri_Vaughn
When I was very young and living in my old house in Hardmoney I had my very first paranormal experience. Since I was under the age of 10 at the time I wasn't quite sure what it was that was happening and I just knew it wasn't something that SHOULD be happening. First I will tell you the backgro...
The Stomper by Lady_Bug81
When I was in the seventh grade I didn't want to go to school because I hated it. So, despite my mom begging me to go to school I just ignored her which I learned was probably not a good idea. It was a work/school day. My mom was babysitting about five toddlers in our home, we were all in the livi...
Waresville River Retreat Haunted? by nwilmot
On Oct. 10-14, 2013, we took our yearly girls' cabin trip. There were 10 ladies on this trip and we stayed at Waresville River Retreat in Utopia, TX for 4 nights. This house is over 150 years old and we thought it might be haunted. The land has been in the family for 161 years and has lots of hi...
The Attic Ghost by karirosepink
My husband and I moved into a house in 2010 in Bend, OR that sat empty as a foreclosure for a few years before we moved in. The first photos I took in the house had a bright floating orb that moved strangely in the sequence of photos, which was my first inclination of a possible spirit. After th...
Paranormal Experience In My House by JBrophy92
My name is Josh, I'm 21, and have lived in the same home my entire life. I live with my family which consists of my mother, father, brother, sister and my grandma from my mom's side, who actually owns the house. The is located in a modest suburban neighborhood in Long Island, New York. Throughout...
Haunted Plantation by girlie
This happened to me about a year ago, and I will do my very best to get all the fact straight for you guys, so you can understand it all. My parents and I took a trip to Virginia and went along route 5 (between Williamsburg and Richmond) to take tours of all the old Plantation Homes. It was amaz...
Black Faceless Figure by Myboringusername
This happened when I was younger primarily but still happens to this day. I used to always tell my mother, "Daddy's going to call in a few minutes" or "Grandmas going to call in an hour!" It didn't matter who it was, I would usually inform my mom ahead of time on phone calls and I was always right. ...
The Ghastly Gunslinger by not_a_believer
It was spring in Sierra Vista, a small town in the mountainous southern desert of Arizona. Sierra Vista is a town with a lot of history. A mere 15 minute drive away from Tombstone, site of the Earp Brothers' legendary gunfight at the O.K. Corral, Sierra Vista is steeped in the mystique and intrigue ...
A Message From My Granddad by CheekyLizzy
Sorry for the long-time-no-see period. I have had a hectic few months recently, and haven't really had time to share more of my stories. This is because about a month ago my granddad passed away, and I'm writing this about him today. Not in a disrespectful way, but lately something strange and c...
The Stairs by Bobgrow
I bought the old house in Smithfield, Virginia in the fall of 1976. Smithfield was a colonial seaport town on the Pagan River -- a tributary to the James River -- about 15 miles downriver from Jamestown. The house is a Tidewater Colonial of Georgian design the oldest part of which may have been buil...
Unexplained Events by Confused619
I am a 21 year old woman now, but my experience happened when I was 14 years old. My mother, her boyfriend, and my three sisters all lived in this two bedroom house that has been in our family for three generations. My occurrence happened there in the little house in San Diego, CA. I have different ...
The Ghosts At My Friend's by disturbedretribution
My friend and his family live in Potts Camp, Mississippi. Perhaps important to note is that his sister-in-law's family formerly owned a plantation near the trailer. In fact, there is an old, run-down slave shack just across the road. From the time Dakota and his brother and sister-in-law moved in...
My Guardian Ghost by Prosperina
My story began in the early hours of a chilly (but not too cold), January morning. I was having some difficulty getting to sleep. This is not unusual for me, as I often have bouts of insomnia during stressful times in my life. I was at that time going through what my doctors call moderate depression...
Dwellers In My Grandmother's House by freakout
This experience happened December 4, 2012, when the Philippines was struck by a very strong typhoon Pablo. We evacuated to my grandmother's house because our house were built beside a mountain and we are afraid a landslide may occur and besides, our house is vulnerable to any calamity. Back to my st...
The Ghosts At Marinda's House by Fergie
Monday 29th October 2012, found us at Marinda's stately home in the northern suburbs of Johannesburg. Ray (my hubby) was there to do some carpentry work in their laundry area; I was there just to chat and catch up on events. Ray had picked up a few snags along the way, so we were still there as even...
My Father's Home by shhh_im_sleeping
My Mom passed away in January 2011. I stay with my Dad just about every night. He's afraid to stay in the house alone (he worries about burglars). I sleep in the living room on the couch. One evening about a week after my Mom passed away I was pulling into the driveway with my car, stopped at th...
Could It Be A Spirit? Or An Angel? by love2rhyme
This is my first time posting here, and I don't really know how to go about this. I was never the one to believe in ghosts or spirits. I believe once people die, they go to Heaven or Hell, and that's the end of it. I was young when things started. A friend of mine from school had passed away in a...
Dopplegangers Of My Family by lin66127
My family live in the other part of my house. One of my granddaughters sleeps in my bedroom because she doesn't have a room of her own. One morning in September of 2013, I awoke when I heard my doorknob rattle. I looked up and there in the doorway was my son-in-law standing with a blank look on his ...
Was It My Uncle's Deceased Collie, Prince? by charpam893
In my last story I spoke of myself being followed by my Uncle Doug. When he was alive he had a Collie called Prince. He died a few years before my Uncle, who he used to follow everywhere he went. Now it didn't cross my mind that Prince could also be following my Uncle in the afterlife as he did ...
The Lola by abelievermetalfan
If you've ever talked to someone who served in the military, then you know that we all have a story or 50 to tell. You will also know that military members can relate to just about every story told to us in some way or another, either from personal experience, or by proxy (a friend's, cousin's, brot...
Foretelling Minor Life Events by abelievermetalfan
In one of my other stories, I mentioned that I have had some other experiences with the paranormal. I'm not sure that this qualifies, but I wanted to share anyway. The earliest that I can remember having one of these experiences was in the 5th grade. What is that, 11, 12 years old? I went to bed ...
Strange Happenings At My House by superwholockian12
I've read several stories on this site and I figured I should contribute my story here. One thing you need to know is that I am slightly psychic, I have visions and I can sense paranormal stuff to some degree. With that being said, I am only 13, so I may have a heightened sense of the paranormal due...
Unknown Entities by JudgeMeNot
It's a bit hard for me to admit being in trouble by something that I have no idea how to deal with haha. But I've been seeing multiple black silhouettes, some big some small, in an abandoned house down my street that I've played in alone a lot when I was small. I've recently just moved back from yea...
Is This The Beginning Of Astral Projection? by Lesleighra
I have been experiencing strange happenings lately. But most of all, I am concerned with this particular subject. I work shift work so my sleep schedule is completely messed up. I basically sleep when I can. Sometimes, however, it can take me a while to fall asleep. I am sure everyone has had in...
Half A Ghost by nima
This here is a story from not too long ago, it's been little less than a year. Before getting into the story I would like to fill in a few details which may give you a better picture but English is not my mother tongue so am sorry if I fail to describe some things properly. I am originally from D...
Black Hooded Woman by liezelleroux
When I was about 20 years old, I went with my boyfriend to his family farm house in Piketberg. It was a very old farm house. They once found an old painting in the attic worth R100 000. One night when I went to bed, I asked my boyfriend to leave on the computer's screensaver for me so it wouldn'...
The Ghosts In The Houses by nimzaye
My grandparents ran a newsagents shop. One Sunday afternoon after they had closed the shop they got ready to go out. My grandad was upstairs setting the video to record when all the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and he turned around and stood in the doorway was a man with a long black coat...
Unexpected Figure At The Table by Arwen1957
Some background on what I am about to tell you. I work in a midsized nursing home in Northeast Illinois. The nursing home was built in the 1950's and has always been used as a nursing home. It is in a commercial zone in the city it is in. Before the area was commercial it was fallow farmland for yea...
Strange Chanting From The Light House by LoveParanormal
This is my third story on this site. I have experienced this kind of strange phenomenon long back in 2004 when I was out for morning walk with my maternal grandpa at around 4:00am-4:30am. I would firstly like to tell about the area where my grandpa resided. The area was actually industrial and ve...
The Premonition Of Death Encounter With The Devil by MissJoy
Let me start by saying I'm new to this site, and to posting of any kind on the web, really. I found this page ironically by searching for info on "the true tooth fairy tale", and only after reading several posts did I decide to share my experiences. Although I haven't seen a ghost, per say, I've had...
Night Terrors And Demons by AmyDickinsonCampbell
Got a question for those out there in paranormal land. On Sunday night, 10/27/2013, my youngest daughter woke up in a fit, crying from a bad dream. My oldest daughter said, rather plainly, "She had a bad dream from a demon attack." When I asked why my oldest daughter would make her think or s...
When Jerry Attacks by luckygirl8387
I believe in God. I believe there is a heaven and hell. I thought because I believed in God and prayed every day that nothing could ever enter my home. Little did I know... A little about my house first, the house we live in is my husband's great-grandmother's and has been in his family since 194...
Lifesaver? by cardoso2127
I'm not one to really believe in ghosts but there were a few unexplained experiences that I had in the house I grew up in that I can't put a finger on. When I was about 10-12 years old, I needed to climb a pile of clutter that reached the ceiling in our garage. I started by climbing on top of my ...
Stationary Ghost Or Am I Seeing Things? by Lemon_Sack-1
This is my first post on this site and there will be plenty more to follow as I have had many different experiences. Ever since I had my first experience at my grandparents' house (which I will explain in the future) I have been interested in the paranormal and everything involved with it. Although ...
Kindness Turned To Angel by zimmygirl
Back in 2009 my boyfriend at the time got sent to a work house in Anoka County, Minnesota. He had been there before and stayed for a long period of time, so the guards got use to me being around a lot. Once in awhile they would let me stay the night if I promised not make a lot of noise or become a ...
The Child Who Follows Me by AngelofDarkness13
It's me, AngelofDarkness13, again and I will start of with thanking all of you for your really sweet comments. It really helped me a lot. This time is a bit different from my last story. It started a couple of years ago (around 3 to 4) and has kept bocking me a bit. I began hearing a childish lau...
The Old Lady At The Gate by Indie101
Just a quick sum up - this story has been told to me on a few occasions by my grandmother and it's her story. This does mean I know the story well and won't miss out on anything. As a young girl my grandmother lived about a mile away from her school in a small town in East Anglia with her grandmo...
The Big Blue Orb by Indie101
As a small child I would normally be left in the care of my elder brother while my parents went out on a Friday night. My brother was 16 at this time and always had friends over, not just one specific type either, the goth, nerd, prep and a few chavs. At the time I was 5 or 6 but this specific m...
A Danger When Driving At 75 Mph by fetterska81
While living in Metro-Detroit and dating a man, I found out who my guardian spirit is and this is about an experience I had when driving with said guardian spirit. I have only had about 3 to 4 or so total experiences with him, mostly of him being angry with me because of my finding his grave sto...
Very Freaked Out, Need Advice by Theres_People_Everywhere
This month I decided it would be fun to occupy my time by volunteering at a haunted house. I have had a very fun time doing so, as I am an actor, and I have been doing this all month. When I first started working, other workers kept telling stories of how they believed that this haunted house wa...
You Are My Sunshine by KittykatSpade
So when I was about 9 or 10, on and around there, we lived in this house. We, as in me, my 2 brothers and my mom and dad. I used to wake up in the early am before it was even daylight out, and every time I woke up there would be this little girl sitting at my night stand. She looked to be about ...
Paranormal Times by Amiya
I lived in an apartment with my brother, mom, and dad. We have a basement and attic. Me and my brother were in the attic watching TV and laying on the mattress. My mom was at work and my dad was playing 2k13 downstairs in the living room. As me and my brother were watching TV, we heard children ...
A Man Appeared To Me by Ell_Annabelle
If any of you read the story I posted first, you will know what my first ghostly experience was like! At the house I lived in as a child, I had many experiences there after that one! I remember I was having a sleep over with my best friend from school. Mom let us sleep in her double bed. I can't...
First Encounter - Drowning Lady by SplyZe0315
This encounter happened when I was 11 (I am now 27). Our family owns a compound in Mandaluyong City, Philippines. This compound was an old hospital during the Japanese regime and was sold to my great-grandfather. There was nothing remodeled except that all the ward have now been rooms we let peo...
Unknown Companions by bluemer04
This story is about the experiences we had in my apartment somewhere in Pasig City. I am living with my cousins (1 male and 1 female) and sometimes my parents will just visit me anytime they want. By the way, we live in a compound, which means we have neighbors. There are 6 other units, 5 are being ...
Could It Have Been A Pram? by Charne35
I am new to YGS. I have been reading YGS for a couple of months and I really love all the stories. Although sometimes some of the stories do sound a bit over the top and maybe made up, I guess. I am not sensitive to the paranormal and have the biggest respect for it all and I often wonder if gho...
The Second - The Watcher by SplyZe0315
This was in the same place as my first story. Our house which was a hospital in the Japanese era in Mandaluyong City, Philippines. Every night, when I felt the need to pee, before I fully open my eyes, I see a silhouette of a lady looking over me, not doing anything just standing in the corner looki...
10 Years Of Reality Or Insanity? by CreepyGirl13
My story begins when I was just a little girl, around the age of 4. As a little girl I was really fascinated by 'ghosts'. I loved to hear ghost fantasy stories, like Casper or haunted castle. But when I was little I could remember seeing things in windows and mirrors, I could hear tapping on the wal...
The Third - My Sister? by SplyZe0315
I am the eldest of my family, I have one sibling (younger sister). Though there were supposed to be 3 of us, the one who was supposed to be second to me died from sepsis when she was a baby. One night, 5 of my cousins decided to sleep over to our place. We played Sega the whole night and I told ...
I Scared The Ghost by Slreed2013
This event happened 4 years ago and I can't seem to understand what or why. My husband and I bought a house in Cottonwood Heights area of Salt Lake City. We pretty much remodeled the entire house. It was July, so nights were very warm. We hadn't installed the central air system yet, so I would somet...
Grandma And The Man In The Hall by zomilove
I am 19 Years old and have had experiences happen to me since I was just a toddler. I remember my mother telling me that when I was about two or so, I woke up from a nap and came waddling in to the living room. My mother asked me how my nap was and I told her it was okay until my Grandma Jo woke me ...
Green Glowing Little People by Skittles29
This happened in 1983 when I was 11yrs old. My family and I just finished moving into our new place in Nuevo, Calif. My sister Reanna and I shared a room together and her bed was closest to the door. I must of had childhood insomnia (if there is such a thing?) because I always had a really hard t...
It Is Growing by Orpeus
Some of you may have already read my recently shared story. Since sharing it I have been encountering a number of stronger and more obvious visits during the night, and in some cases... The day. A couple weeks back, I was laid in bed. I had only been laid there for about 10 minutes at the most. I...
I Felt A Hand Yanking My Hair by cmarie31
I was lying down in bed wide awake. I could not sleep at all because I was depressed. I have always had long, thick hair, and I was lying on my left side with my hair flowing down my back behind me. At that particular time I was sleeping in my dad's bed and he slept downstairs because my bed was bro...
October Weirdness by valkricry
October has been a rough month for me since 2002. It was the month my son was born. For 20 years we celebrated Halloween together. Then in January of that year, he passed away. I only tell you this, because I think it has some baring on things that are going on. I believe a person's emotional state ...
Still Waiting To Have Her Blood Pressure Taken by Arwen1957
Another story from the nursing home I work at. In the late summer of 2006 a new resident named Bert came to live there. She was very anxious and became at times very confused. At one time she even got on the phone at the nurse's station and called 911 saying she had been kidnapped. In spite of h...
Children In The Bedroom by 50ftqueen
This story happened earlier this year, around May 2013. One weekend, my friends and I decided to have a slumber party at one of our friends' condo in Mandaluyong. We didn't drink but just stayed up late to talk, catch up and eat pizza. We decided to sleep at around 2 am. Some of our other friends...
The Dame by clarencetuvera
I am writing this story shortly after I responded to Luce's post on the ghost girl that appeared at the CCP Main Theater (Who's that Girl by Luce.) This story did not happen at the CCP, though, but at an older theater house along Lawton, right across the Manila Post Office bldg. It's the old...
Haunted Apartment 2 by GottaWonder
Continued from Part 1... As Rick told me this, I felt a cold shiver through my whole body. I went upstairs after awhile and told my wife and her eyes just got so wide; she was shocked. She stood up and faced the kitchen, then said something like, "We don't wish you any harm. We're nice people and...
Child's Imagination, Or Tall, Dark Shadow Figures? by Lesleighra
In my first story, I had mentioned my fear of astral projection due to the possibility of coming in contact with negative entities. I want to tell this story and provide an explanation behind this fear to possibly read what some of your thoughts are. I don't have anyone in particular that I feel com...
Someone Telling Us It Will Be Ok, Or More Sinister? by AndyK
At the time of this happening, which would be almost 3 years ago, I had sustained a back injury from playing rugby, and my fiancée (whom is now my wife) was undergoing various forms of cancer treatment and surgery for malignant melanoma. To try to get away from the stresses being put upon us we ...
The Glowing Orb And Talking To A Dead Family Member by Kirsten83
This is my first story on this site. I have had a few weird experiences I my adult life, but they are not concentrated around one period or one place, so I hope you don't find them to mixed-up. They are not the most crazy or wild accounts, but here goes. The first time I really experienced someth...
She Could Hear Us The Whole Time by AudreyJay
I joined this site because I wanted to submit my story about what happened this past summer, on my trip to Florida. I have had numerous encounters with the paranormal, so it's not new to me. It is, however, new to my husband. I hope you enjoy my account of what we saw. My family and I were stayin...
Fourth - The Guardians by SplyZe0315
My grandaunt Elo (Lola Elo) and her sister (Lola Encia) were "Espiritistas". They can summon, banish, interact and bind spirits. It is in the family's tradition to bind the so-called "Guardians" to each newborn. These guardians are meant to protect, test, and strengthen the person they are bound to....
I Can Feel It by AARisTHEbest
For a while now I have been able to sense a presence of some sort, I don't know if I am imagining it or if it may be true. I can just be simply walking up the stairs and I feel unwelcome and an awkward atmosphere I would run into my bedroom and I would feel like something is staring at me. A coup...
Paranormal Witnessed by Brandon76
So, this all started about June of 2012. At first, it would just be an object missing and then it would turn up or a small noise like the door creaking. I thought nothing of it and continued with my life. Eventually, this past summer came around and it all started up again, just this time it was... ...
My First, But Not Last Ouija Experience by DarkFlames95
Let me just state that, I have always had paranormal experiences since around the age of five and have been interested at the age of six. (I know weird, but I ignored all of the experiences until I finally opened my eyes a year later). So anyways here we go. I was ten years old, living with my br...
My Unborn Brother by misssaxobeat03
This incident happened last year during December. My mum works works as a representative in a tour operator agency and this job enables her to come across many tourists. In the previous years she has befriended some of them and they are still good friends. Like this she befriended "Maria" (I would p...
She Talked To Me Through My Partner by Jen359
Both my partner and myself have been living in a small property in Western Australia for about a year now. The house was built in the 1970s, but other then that we haven't looked into any details of previous owners. This happened one night about 3 months after we first moved in. I came home from ...
Strange Figures In The Dark by jessiedamnation
Hey there, this is the first time I've really come out with my paranormal experiences, I rarely speak about it. I am a very strong believer regarding spirits, demonic possessions and the like. I have photographic evidence, and most of my experiences have been witnessed by others. I assure you that t...
My Boyfriend by Rishi
I am writing to see if I can possibly get answers. I will tell you about some of my experiences but I mostly want to see if someone could help me answer about my boyfriend. Ok, I never really had any scary type of situations but I remember the first time I had ever seen anything was when I was a...
Mad Man by JordynLyn
Because I was so young, I don't really remember the start of something haunting me. All I have from my early childhood is the stories my mother and grandmother have told me. My grandmother never believed in anything paranormal because she thought that there always had to be a logical explanation for...
I Can Feel Ghosts by Piedpiper
I never really believed in ghosts. But I am starting to change my mind. About a year ago, when I lived in my family's old house, I was laying in bed. The lights were odd and I was just dozing off. That was when I felt it; a cat, jumping onto my bed and curling up beside me on my blanket. I don...
Scent Of You by RoMaNzQ
It has been four years since my ex (Robz) passed away. Our relationship began through sheer luck when neither of us were actually looking. The chemistry was undeniable and we were drawn to each other like magnetic poles. It was almost as if the Heavens had opened up and welcomed us on a journey o...
The Other Me by Meg086
Just sharing a personal and very real experience from a few years back. It was New Years' celebration time. I was suffering depression at this point and felt like my life had taken a turn for the worst and even worse, it felt like a one way road. While my family was watching the fireworks on TV ...
Prankster Ghost by Natalya
This will be my first time posting anything like this online. I usually don't like to share these experiences with anyone but my mother, but what happened today had me really stumped and I feel a great need to share this story. Even though it may seem a bit trivial, in comparison to other experience...
Paranormal Perhaps- Is My House Haunted? Or Am I? by thatdarncat
I'll start off by saying that although the idea of the paranormal scares me, I am a sceptic. I enjoy the thought that ghosts may exist but have never seen one myself, with my own eyes. A few nights ago, myself and my partner went to bed. He went to sleep nearly straight away but I stayed awake. I...
Haunted Veteran's Hospital by RcX1215
I think I should start by saying I have never been overly superstitious nor have I ever experienced any type of contact with paranormal entities. I do not typically scare easy and I have a very rational way of thinking. With that being said I will continue with my story. Late last year I had been...
Is There Something In My Brother's House by mylittlerabbits
This is about my brother's place where I used to live. His place was built in 1908 and my neighbor said a woman who used to live in the house died, not in the house in the hospital. This is located in San Francisco, CA. Before our family moved to the house my brother bought, we had it renovated ...
Terrace Horror by Shady4u
This happened to me when I was around 17. I live in a 4 storey building. My building shares its rectangle shaped terrace with another building and together it forms a society. Both the buildings have their respective entrances to the terrace for obvious reasons. When my building was under constru...
Ghost Spying On Us? by Smexy123
I never had a really scary ghost experience. I had this experience but I really don't believe in ghosts, so I really didn't care or somehow I always find an answer to it. This is how my experience starts. I moved in with my boyfriend to a small apartment upstairs. One night my boyfriend and I got...
The Fan Blinked And Paralysis by vicky5203
Before the story let me introduce myself. I am Vicky and from beginning I used to live in urban areas, but as I passed my 10th class my mom and me shifted to my village in Haryana. In villages the people are usually very sweet, specially relatives. I had a habit of staying out of my home with my...
Great Grandma's House by spiritwaiting
First I will say my Great Grandmother has lived in the same house for over 50 years, and this took place in this house just over a week ago. My mother and dad came down from Missouri for an important eye appointment and decided to stay at my great grandmother's home while she was away. I decided...
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