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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 183
Shaking Bed by Davidlaw
At the start of the year a very close member of my family was taken into hospital and passed away five days later. I was very close to this person, they had no children and he was like a father I never had. Just lately I've been experiencing several strange things that I have no answer for. I wa...
Back To The Cemetery, Please by BettinaMarie
Near my home is a huge, old, lovely Cemetery. Big trees provide shade over beautifully carved headstones. Many of them have military and Masonic symbols, and the oldest dates of decease are from the 1910's. It is a nice, quiet place to be. During the day it is open for the public. I used to take my ...
Haunted Summer Vacation by the_superior
Greetings to my fellow YGS readers and friends, It's my second personal story. Its not all that scary but I'd like to share it. This particular event happened with me on early 2000s. I was living in Mumbai and every summer I used to visit my maternal uncle's place to spend my vacation. He is w...
I Don't Exactly Believe, But I Can't Explain This Away by MiloGal
Alright, so a little backstory here. I have never believed in ghosts or spirits. I believed in reincarnation to a point, but that is just science since energy can neither be made nor destroyed so it must go somewhere when a person is no longer using it. I also have always worked in the sciences (com...
Grandmothers Name by Piggy_
When I was young (12-13 years old), I "played" with the Ouija Board with my friends many times (more than 7 times). I know, bad idea, but we didn't know that it's actually real. We always asked silly questions (e.g. Does xxx have to pretend having an orgasm, or questions about the future, what they ...
Townhouse Ghost by katana
I would like to share my experience back when I was in college in Baguio City Philippines. This was back in 2004 and me and my sister were new (8 hours away from our home city), and we met new people who were into Ouija boards and ghost hauntings, back then me and my sister were never into that k...
Rhodhiss Lake Demon by Unknown828
This is not about me but one of my family member. He was a young teenage boy, who went fishing with his friends and cousin one night. From what he told me the sun was setting and he saw something from the corner of his eyes. A shadow maybe? From there I don't know if he felt scare or unsure of what ...
Sounds From The Basement by TrinityRae
I've been having a younger friend who is 11, over the last few months and that's when the sounds started. To be honest I'm terrified to be alone at home. The first time was a animalistic growl. The next few times is now animal screams like a mix of a pig and dog. Next it's the screams followed wit...
Indian Burial Grounds & More by Abhorred
I have no idea what I could possibly be experiencing and barely know where to start. I just turned 20, on the 11th. Ever since I was a boy, my mother always told me I got my "intuitiveness" from her and I started understanding what she meant as I had my first visual experience down in Florida when I...
Please Send Good Thoughts by msforgetmenott
This may be the most believable story you will ever read. Unless this sickness takes me before, I will, on the 31st of this month, at 7:00 a.m. Be undergoing a nine to twelve hour surgery. I feel it may be unlikely that I will survive and that is ok, but I am much saddened it will leave my husband o...
Something That Cried In Front Of My Bedroom Door by abyx
This happened in the late nineties, I remember I was around 18 years old and it happened during the night. The time was around 3:15 AM. I was playing a famous video game called The Need For Speed - the first one, and I was trying hard to make it on the last Alpine tracks, the snowy ones, when all of...
Moving Skull In Our Backyard by Hamza_arshad
I belong to a small village in the north-eastern area of Pakistan, adjacent to Indian border. Before Partition of Subcontinent, many Hindus used to live in our area. They continued to live side by side with Muslims for centuries without any strife. But after Partition, Hindu families opted to migrat...
The Man In My Bathroom by dh29
This all started a little over a year ago I believe. My house was built in the 1950s and was very retro when we moved in. We did renovations and made it more modern to fit us. I have a son who is now 3 and have had other family members living with us (they've moved out now). It started with my bat...
The Spirit Of Jeffrey Dahmer? by ChamomileSpiIls
My name is Camille. I am thirteen going on fourteen, and I live in Iron, Minnesota. Let me start at the very beginning. A couple years back, (maybe just a year ago), I was very obsessed with these online games, specifically MovieStarPlanet, which at the time, took up a great portion of my summer. ...
Birth Date And Death Date by CreoleEmpath
The most satisfying relationship in my life is the one with my maternal grandmother. She's my best friend, my first love and she holds a significant aspect of my peace within her being; I feel secure and unconditionally loved in her presence. And though, I moved to Atlanta years ago, I'd visit New O...
Helpful Spirits Or Guardians? by Minky
I have a lot of interesting stories to tell so I will tell you my first one. My first encounter with spirits or possible guardian angels was positive. I was quite young at the time but remember this encounter as clear as day. This experience could have been what set me up for the future in terms of ...
Chased Us Out by Haven
In my previous story I told you about being helped by an entity when I was living alone with my newborn daughter. Now I will tell you about being tormented by "someone" or "something" in the same apartment. I would like your opinion on whether this was the same entity or not. My daughter was abo...
Maybe The House Doesn't Like Him by Haven
Hope this is not too long, I will try to edit as much as I can but I feel that the information I leave is relevant to the story. My parents purchased their retirement house in Mexico almost 25 years ago; they lived in that house for about 20 years. My children, my siblings and I have very fond m...
Rest In Peace My Darling Brother by Sleeping-with-steve
Sunday night the 26th August 2018 I got a call from one of my brothers and he said, " pack an overnight bag I'm going to pick you up, we are going to visit our eldest brother." My eldest brother lives just over 3 hours away and was suffering with diabetes for the last 10years. When my mother and...
She Was Called "white" by Travel_Consultant
Disclaimer: All the names mentioned below were not their real names to protect their identity. This was my first ever encounter with the other entities. It happened during my first-year high school stint. Allow me to let you visualize how our hallway looked like. The first year hallway was loc...
The Princes In The Tower Of London by Smoky
Around 8 years ago, in 2010, my family and I went on a trip to Europe. I was about 8 at the time, but nonetheless excited to visit different attractions. I have always been somewhat interested in spooky/macabre areas, despite not thoroughly believing in ghosts or the occult. I used to be an extrem...
Not My Time Yet? by Aporetic
I often wonder why spirits 'choose to show themselves' at particular times - ranging from the mundane (my burned pies account, 'Daddy's Chirpies') to possible life-threatening experiences (valkricry's 'Big Brother Is Watching'). Why not all the time; especially in perilous situations? Is it perhaps ...
The Man I Knew But Never Met by LadySLH
I was around 4 years old when this spirit encounter happened. My Grandma was very sick and was sent to hospital, my dad took me and my mum to go and see her in the hospital. When we got there my dad told me to wait outside her hospital room before I was given the all clear to go and visit. Like mo...
Someone's Trapped In The Rv by BurningSnowflakes
It has been 3 years since I have posted a story on this site. The story I am about to tell is completely unexplainable and without a doubt, strange as the new property we live on has no history of hauntings. It all started when I woke up at 5 AM. My dad had been walking around and was doing so b...
Small Experience by Bewitching20
My house is very old, I'm talking 1930-ish and ever since I was little, I always had the feeling there was something in the basement. I would lock the basement every time it was unlocked, it was my way of 'keeping the ghosts in'. I never experienced anything in this house, except for the creaking o...
Anger Of A Dark Entity by DarkCloudVA
This happened in 2016 In 2006 I lost a sister to cancer. She's buried in my hometown of Mishawaka in a cemetery called Fairview. Now I've had things happen here before. But this cemetery isn't where this activity takes place. Across the street there's another cemetery. An old Catholic cemetery. ...
'the Rubber Man' by TheIrishRanger27
Now this took place some time ago so I wasn't present to witness it, more likely that I'm glad I wasn't there to witness it. So on Saturday night my aunty and I were at her house, having a few drinks and telling stories etc. She had mentioned a story and it involved the very small rural village of A...
Wall Crawler by Haven
About five years ago I was at my parent's house waiting for my kids to come home from a birthday party. I was sitting in the dining room facing the window, reading from my Kindle, when I caught movement in front of me. I looked up and saw this guy in the yard jump up and climb a 15' (guessing on the...
My Grandfather's Chair by Cuddlebear
My grandfather died in New Jersey in 1939; his daughter, my mother, turned 4 about a month and a half later. All Mom remembers about her father is that he would hold her in a rocking chair and read to her. There is an older sister who confirms this. In 1959 my parents were living in Arizona and,...
Q Station Manly by Veronquita
We recently went on the extreme ghost tour, at Q Station in Mainly. The whole night from the moment we arrived was strange. We were early for our tour and went into the little restaurant, I remember everything smelled great (food) my husband, and cousin's wife got a drink each and all I could smel...
The Engineering Building by chloe26
Somewhere in the Philippines, there is this engineering building I've spent most of my college life in. Now, I get to see it twice a week for my part-time teaching classes. During the day, the halls of the building are brimming with life, but at night, when everyone has left the building, the cold, ...
Keeping Watch by LJG2886
When we first moved to Concord, New Hampshire in July 1995 we lived in a small 2 bedroom condo near downtown. Really cute place, great for two adults (not great when we had kiddo #1 which is why we left - too small, no yard, etc.) The original building was quite old and had been partially destroyed ...
Mama Mia by Cups
My mother-in-law, Mia, was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's a few years ago. She was around 55 at the time of discovery. This past month she declined very rapidly, so we travelled 2,000 miles from the west coast to the North Shore of Chicago to see her & wish her a speedy passing... At this po...
Attached Entity Or No? by Stephanie16
Ever since I can remember I've felt to be sensitive to paranormal experiences. The house I grew up in was said to be haunted I was told it was built on an Indian burial ground, not entirely sure that's true or not since I've searched the properties history online and couldn't find anything to match ...
The Operation - Coma by Realistic
I am going to share with you all is a very personal experience and I had only told this to 3-4 very close family members. The first person I shared this with was my Mom nearly 8 years after it happened. This was something that occurred in mid 2009 when I was hospitalized for a fairly small operation...
A Creepy Night by MrsRizzo2429
A few years ago, a friend of mine that I had not seen in a while got in touch with me and asked if I would like to go over to their house and have dinner. I was happy that my friend got in touch with me. I had never been to my friend's house. My friend lives two hours away so I don't get to see th...
Adventure Gone Wrong by kimayakk
This is my child hood incident and occurred about 30 years ago;when I was about 12 years old. I was born and raised in Mumbai and had shifted to a small town in rural Maharashtra, the same year due to father's change of job. We rented a small first floor apartment in a very beautiful bungalow locate...
Something Bad by BeautInside
The events I am about to write about took place at work and during Spring time of 2016. I am not sure that they have any connection, and even though it's been 2 years I am still trying to swallow it. This is the main reason I only came to share them now, and honestly if any of you can come up with a...
Am I Seeing My Brother? by Haven
Earlier this year I received a call from my sister telling me Luis, our brother, had passed away. Luis had been sick for a while; he was getting dialysis a couple of times per week so I believe he had kidney problems. He passed away in January 2018, he would have been 51 in April, when he was younge...
Spirits In New Home by Hunter1188
I was living in GRENADA in 2015 and I was Living with my Family. So we decided to Shift to a new Home. My Father Searched for a home for a long time but he found one later on in Nearby Neighborhood. We decided to shift ASAP. We loaded all of our stuff and shifted there. My mum started to feel the...
The Old Man In The Car Parking by Aarti1988
This happened last year in the month of December when I was working in Sohna Road, Gurgaon. Like everyday I reached office at around 10:30am and entered in my tower's basement car parking area but, as I was late that day so couldn't find the parking anywhere. The guard asked me to go to the other to...
Crosbie Towers: The Face At The Window by MichaelM95
I'm actually an agnostic when it comes to ghosts, but if I hadn't experienced what I'm about to tell you then I'd probably be a fully-blown sceptic. Sitting on the Scottish coastline in Troon, Ayrshire is a nineteenth century villa called Crosbie Towers, beautifully crafted and in the Italianate ...
Noon Time Knocking (3) by bresys
Hey y'all. I haven't been around much, as I've started to have a few health issues here and there (nothing paranormal, because I don't think anything supernatural can cause kidney stones. Haha) Anyways, the sightings have dropped down, however something incredibly unsettling happened today, and it h...
The Cereal Box by Cole_Harris
Recently, I've been thinking about all of the paranormal experiences that I have had in my home. As far as I can remember, there are only one or two that I have not shared with you. One of them, I'm not even sure can be considered a paranormal experience. The one I am about to share with you howe...
An Unusual Ghost Sighting! by shourrya_cool
My name is Shourrya and this happened to me when I was 11-12 years old. I went to my native village during the Diwali festival which was in the month of November then. Just to give a brief description of my house in the village it is a two-storeyed house not much big. We had to climb the stairs t...
A Haunting In Fredericksburg by Quirky
My son (Cooper) and I enjoy visiting Civil War battle sites. We just returned from Fredericksburg, Manassas and Antietam. This represents our third year of visiting such sites. In the past, we visited Gettysburg, Cold Harbour, Sailor's Creek, Civil War Museum in Harrisburg, Petersburg, etc. The term...
Evp Session by TamaraMcKinstry
Since 9/11 I have been one of those that seek the truth on what really happened that day. I am always looking for any new information on the subject and watched pretty much all the videos out there on 9/11. So, last night, I have a ghost app downloaded on my phone that speaks words as energy from th...
The Operation - The Miracle Healer by Realistic
This is the second part of my story (the first part is The Operation - Coma). I don't know if this could be considered as a paranormal experience. For me, this was nothing short of a miracle. This happened once I came out of my coma, but was still bedridden with complications. A number of doctors...
Calm After The Storm by Aporetic
I used to be a terrible sceptic, but that all changed after my daddy's passing in 2013 - and for some reason, there's been a significant spike in my experiences since - especially these last few months. 20 August 2018 I had a heartbreaking argument with a friend who ended up 'cursing' me afte...
My Grandma's Ghost And My Dad's Cousin by BlackKnightGhost2003
My old family home is haunted at least that is what I believe, my grandma died inside of a room where me, my brother and where my sister used to, sleep in. Long ago before we were born my father took pictures of my mom laying down on the bed and around this time my grandma had passed away but in a...
Dad's Paranormal Experience by _Shiva_Singh_
Namsate readers, I am new to this site. The incident that I am going to narrate happened with my Dad, around 30-35 years back. It happened during his childhood. My Dad now lives in Mumabai but he spent his childhood in our native place Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. Being the only son of my grandparents, h...
My Family... Or Not? by AK24573
Dear readers! I am a regular reader of this site. I always got fascinated by horror stories. So, I decided to post my own one. This happened few months ago. My uncle, aunt and my cousins had gone to a relative's. I live with my cousins as here in Haryana, good educational opportunities are ava...
Do You Mind If I Sit With You? by msforgetmenott
I am Brian, msforgetmenott's Son. As many of you know she is hospitalized for an extended stay for a serious ovarian cancer surgery. As the day approached for this surgery, it became very hard for us as when ever in conversation with my Mom, she would mention some family item that we must take h...
The 3rd Floor Boarding House by Athena_Star
I read a lot of your stories and I am just looking for a good timing to share mine. This link is always open and actually bookmarked on my workstation's PC. This is my first time to write this true to life story so I hope all readers will enjoy. I am working in a BPO industry (call center) her...
Weird As Heck Visitation? by BettinaMarie
Back in the day, my two oldest brothers and I rented a flat in Boise that was the top floor of an older house, above the neighbor, Laney. The house was connected to a mineral spring for hot water and heat. It was usually hot enough on our floor that the windows all fogged, since Laney set the temper...
We Don't Mention Him by BettinaMarie
For the sake of privacy I have changed all the names in this experience. My little brother Corey lived for a time on a private bay in the Caribbean Sea. His landlady, MariAnne, had built her home and the adjoining batch of porches and apartments with her husband. She put up with Corey on account ...
Hair Raising Experience by chloe26
Some long time ago, my grandmother's brother passed away. A funeral service was held for a few days, followed by his burial services - all of which, I've attended. It is customary in the Philippines for the immediate family to hold a "reception" after the burial - snacks will be served at the me...
The Secret Of The Basement by Kiyana
I was 14 years old, when my father got posted in a small town near Pune and overnight we left out home and city to join him. We shifted on the first floor of a lovely cottage named "Gulab" meaning Rose. The cottage was owned by equally loving family, who welcomed us wholeheartedly in the cottage. ...
The 3rd Floor Boarding House Ii by Athena_Star
This is a continuation of my story "The 3rd floor boarding house". I was not able to include it since it was already a long story. Anyway, as mentioned, there were 5 rooms in the 3rd floor, one of the room was mine which was located near the stairs. This happened after the landlord had the 3r...
Heaving Breathing Spirit? by kandm
Just some information about me for contextual purposes: I am a college student in Virginia and I regularly work odd locations during the summers to pay for tuition. Last summer, the summer of 2017, I was living in Danville, VA but working in Richmond, VA (about 3 hours driving distance between the t...
Channel Surfing Or Poltergeist? by Sleeping-with-steve
I have a brand new TV from a rental company. I've had it just over a year now. The picture quality and features are amazing. I can look up programs for a day or the whole week. I can set reminders for shows I like. I can preset the TV to switch off on a sleep mode and it also records live shows so I...
Apparition Watching Me? by MK1
One evening around 11pm in November of 2016, I was hard at work in my recording studio, located in the basement of my house in Huntsville, Alabama. I was working on a mix session of a recording I'd produced earlier in the month for a band from the area. I'd briefly gone upstairs to make myself a ...
The Woman Near The Handpump by slim_shady
Namaskar folks. This incident, as narrated to me by my mother, occurred to my late maternal grandma, whom I would refer to as "nani" for the rest of the story. This dates back to the 80s, when my mom was still a kid. My mother's family used to live in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, in a locality where...
Hanging Lady Ghost by Vinayak16
This happened to me 2 years ago when I was 15 years old. I always had interest in the paranormal stuff and had an affinity towards why such things happened. I was with my family and we were having our dinner at 8:00 PM. We had shared some pleasantries and completed our dinner by 8:30PM. When I ...
A Few Weird Happenings by MrsRizzo2429
I am not sure what's going on but a few weird things have happened to me in the last few days and my husband was with me when all of this happened. My husband and I were in our bed room and it was night time, it was really really dark in our bed room and we both heard music play but only for a sec...
This Story Is Currently Happening Right Now: Shadow Person? by Bathrick86
I moved into this house about a year ago. Two weeks after moving in I was in the basement doing laundry when I saw something in the corner on the other side of the room it kind of look like a face. I freaked out and called my boyfriend he told me it was all in my head. After about a week I starte...
The Little Blue Man? by Creepy-Crawler911
I recently started on a painting to hang over my bed not too long ago of a little blue fairy. My mother, when she saw what I was painting, asked me what I was working on. When I said that it was a fairy she told me it had reminded her of the tiny blue creature she had seen while she was pregnant wit...
Ghost Friends (is This Safe?) by PurpleGhost
I'm struggling with what does it mean? Is it safe? Is there anyone else out there experiencing what I am, cause I feel alone. I've been communicating with ghosts with yes and no answers for about a year now. They touch me and stroke, mainly on the legs and feet but have pretty well touched everywhe...
I Think My House Is Haunted, I Don't Know What To Do Anymore by KatieOuO
I think that my house has spirits or demons, whatever you want to call them but, ever since I moved in I've seen things looking at me through my door way (when there was no possible way it could've been a shadow) they were pretty detailed. I'm always seeing dark figures walk towards and away from me...
Same Old Lady by Elina_ghostly
Greeting to all my fellow ygs reader. Its been very long since I have posted any story/incidents. This incident recently took place with me and my brother. There are 2 parts of this story. Apologies for the length of the story. INCIDENT:1 This was experienced by my eldest brother who lives in a...
Attacked By A Poltergeist by Aislin1541
It was March 18, 2016 2:15 a.m. I could not forget this date and time if I tried. It was a normal night until I attempted to read the tarot cards. As I centered myself and channeled energy from all around me I was suddenly filled with dread like I have never felt. It started in the base of my neck a...
White Demon by SoniaMary0023
I have put in a few stories regarding the paranormal experiences I have been having, all connected, might I include. I've been told that I've been haunted by a negative entity and for so long I believed it because that is what paranormal investigators told me. My gifted friend, who I trust with m...
Pressure, Tugging, And The Unsightly Bruise by Aporetic
Not too long ago I posted a comment that I'd thankfully never experienced anything spooky - except for the disembodied voices that may be seen as such - but that's since changed. The first thing I do when I get out of bed in the morning, unless I urgently need to use the toilet, is check up on m...
Can Anyone Explain Any Of This? by MarinCCC
My father passed away in February, 2014. We had a memorial service in his home in Helotes, TX, in which I was living, in May of that year. Strange things started happening immediately after the memorial. This story will contain highlights. All of these are true and completely unexplained events. The...
Could It Be The Doppelganger? by artis1337
This happened a few weeks ago, I'm not completely sure if it's an actual doppelganger or hallucinating. It's an normal day, I do my studies, hang out with my friends and classmates, doing my routine. I'm living with my aunt, since parents left me (divorce etc), me and my aunt are doing just fine...
It Lurked In The Night by bkash
This will be my first post EVER, regarding my personal experiences with the spiritual world. Only few know of this and the other stories I will tell in the future. ** Please be advised that names will be changed in this story to protect the identities who wish not to be named ** Back in 2014...
Repossessed Living Room Set Or Possessed? by CHRISTOPHERMOLTISANTI
My name is Christopher and my story takes place between the Virginia and North Carolina line, back in 2012. I worked for a furniture store delivering merchandise to our customers (living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms, washers/dryers etc.) On this day at work, our morning load consisted of two de...
Encounter With A Poltergeist, Perhaps? by Smoki_Tabu
I was about 14. I had gotten permission from my parents to spend a weekend at a friend's (let's call her Cindy) house a few hours away in Escalante, UT. I remember being driven through town, face pressed against the window, gawking at the beautiful old adobe houses. I've always loved places with...
Divorce Made The Fix by Pasindu
This was truly happened to me about seven to eight years back. I got married about 8 years back to a nice girl from Kurunegala and she did not had her father and living with her mom. I met her when I started working in a company after returning to Sri Lanka from my studies. She used to call an...
The Grim Reaper by AE89
I came across this site randomly a few days ago while searching for good ghost stories to read and I have been hooked ever since. I love ghost stories and things of that nature so I thought I'd share an experience I had with you. When I was around the age of 13 or 14, my family was renting a dup...
The Loft Of 303 by Shanie
My name is Shan Iwanicki and this is my true ghost story. I wanted to move from the city of Philadelphia to Downingtown, a suburb of Philadelphia, as it was an easier commute for me to my job. After careful hunting, I found the most beautiful loft apartment and for an amazing price. Prior to movi...
The Scary Evening! by vikas630
This incident happened a few days ago in the evening. My parents and my younger brothers were out for shopping, so I was alone in the house. I want to tell something about my house; we live in a small house (quarters) built by that company where my father works. It is too small. There are a total ...
The Bloody Face by Kimissk69
Good day to all, I hope that this is all a good read for you. And here we go. This all happened between awake and sleep until this day I do not know if I saw it or if I was dreaming. I was about 7 years old my parents and I were living in an upper duplex my bedroom window had not balconie or any ...
Is It Following? by Haven
This just happened to me last night: I was lying in bed with the lights off going through some emails on my phone when I hear a loud popping noise followed by something hard hitting the ceiling and then hitting me in the forehead. I sat up really fast and turned on the lamp, I sat there looking aro...
White Creature While On A Hike by yonatsume
I am not the kind of person that really believes in the type of thing where all beings that aren't of this world are evil. I feel like there is another side to things, where there are beings that live quietly and do not want anything to do with us. I like to think that not all of them are particular...
Kind Spirit In Our Mom's House by yonatsume
This story has about two sides to it. I would like to mention a kind of background on my twin sister, and then talk about paranormal activity going on in this house my mom has moved into about 9 years ago. Since the two of us were very young, for some reason, my sister has always had an interesti...
Heard My Name Being Called by Lylac_Tina
Just to specify, we speak French in my house so I will include what I heard and then a translation. I live at home with my parents, siblings and a cat. We live in my mom's childhood home (renovated of course, it used to be a bungalow with 3 very small bedrooms and 1 and half baths. We added a level ...
A Hug From The Other Side by Smoki_Tabu
A few weeks ago my husband and I went camping. His mom and her husband own a beautiful patch of land that is nestled up against the eastern border of Zion National Park. Tall pines, grassy meadows. It's a little slice of heaven. Being a pagan, all nature is sacred to me, but there is something extra...
Something Spooky Happened - Shadow People by MrsRizzo2429
Hey readers! I want to stop by, tell you what happened to me and my husband. This was not long ago. This happened in the last few days. My children where with their grandparents. My husband and I were tired, so we decided to lay down for a little bit and then get up and watch a movie. This was ear...
My Dead Aunt by no_name_face
This story happened a few years back as 2010 and has been told by my other tita, which is my dad's first cousin. We are residing in Bacolod City, the City of Smiles. This city is being heralded as the most liveable city by experts in the Philippines due to its affordable lifestyle and rising infr...
Phone Call From Deceased Brother's Number by MarinCCC
My brother, I'll call him M, took his own life in April, 2018. M had been terribly depressed and had not been well for a while, but despite all that my younger brother, J, his wife, S, and I did we could to help him. M had lived with J & S for 20 years on a ranch in Oklahoma and passed away there. ...
Great Grandfather? by koa
My story revolves around a flat that I moved into with my best friend a few years ago, in Auckland, New Zealand. The flat that we moved into was on the back of a building that has been in my family for years, it was originally owned by my great grandfather (who has since passed away and the buildi...
Old Hag Syndrome And A Cross Earring by ElizabethStafford
This morning I noticed in my right ear was a brass cross stud earring in the second hole of my earlobe that I didn't put in there. I wear the same silver stud earrings every day and change them out rarely. In the first holes on both sides I currently have sterling silver bees. In the second hole on ...
The Temple Ghost by ajonverge
This is a story I witnessed when I was 19 years old. It is about my cousin aunt who was pregnant at the time back in 2013. She was and still is a very religious person and used to visit numerous temples before marriage. Upon getting married and being 6 months pregnant she could not manage on her own...
Shadow Cat by EGhost
For probably about a year now I have been encountering a shadow cat in my home (learned that name tonight, it may not be the correct term). Most of the time it seems like a random trick of the eye or convenient shadow. Other times its just feels too real, also my mother has seen it once or twice. ...
Unexplained Event In My Grandfather's House by kentucky_believer
One the day before my twenty-fifth birthday my Maternal Grandmother passed away. She had been incredibly sick for several years, and on December Twentieth of 2017, she finally lost her fight, leaving our whole family devastated. For several days after my Grandmother's death, I stayed with my Aunt ...
Our Grandparents House Was So Strange by InTheTARDIS
While my parents, Allen and Natasha, were often away working with their Business (they ran an import company for various antiques and fine wines for many years). Because it was difficult to travel with three youngish children, my siblings and I were often left in the care of our Paternal Grandparent...
After The New Year by pessi_mystique
This is the first time I've ever written a story. So pardon me if I'm not creative enough for your expectations. I'm not really sure if this is scary or spooky or creepy for you. This is based on my cousin's recount on what happened while we were having a night out in our vacation home. Let's jus...
Ghosts And Dungeons by echospeckp
I have had many ghost experiences in my life and have always considered myself to be a very spiritual person. With that being said, I have always been extremely cautious when it comes to the supernatural. I won't even let a ouija board or tarot cards near me. I just don't like to mess with things be...
Supernatural Entity In My Home As A Child by Chris1989
For privacy reasons I will not share the exact location this took place, but I will state it occurred in a newly built house in Southern California. I currently still live in this house. This event took place in the late 1990's. One night when I was about 8 years old, I was sleeping in my sister's...
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- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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