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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 28
The Basement Incident by moonpie_peaches
The basement is split up into two large rooms, it's not that dark down there, but it's pretty cold. Dani and I were halfway across the first room, when from the corner of my eye I saw a bag, with something in it, land on the bottom step with a loud boom. We both screamed and Dani asked what was that...
Did A Demon Kill My Grandma? by Fallen__Angel
This is a true story and I think it was a demon, and it killed my grandma. One day I was home alone. I live with my grandparents and my grandpa was taking my grandma to the doctor. I was on the computer and I heard someone open the door. It was locked but I thought it was just my aunt Sherry beca...
The House Next Door by TheSpiritOfElvis
I've lived In the current house I live in now for 17 years, but The experiences I'm having are not coming from my house, but the house next door. It has recently been moved out of, for reasons that are unknown. The family that lived there was quiet and kept them selves to themselves. The night a...
Burning Tragedy by Hawkgirl
This story takes place in the city of Tijuana, Mexico. The tragedy happened on December 22, 1951. There was a big Christmas party for children living in poverty and they were to receive gifts, food and everything that a Christmas party implies. This was taking place at a multi-purpose room located ...
The Green House by Carlos
This happened to me, when I was seven years old. Here in my country, we have a rich folklore. Mainly, all stories and myths happen to be with encounters with the dead and demons. I didn't believe in these things, until I moved to the green house. In the beginning, everything was normal, although...
Strange Night Light by sscandalous
I was at home last night with my two children. I put them to bed and watched TV for a while. After quite some time of staying up late, I decided to go to bed. My husband was out with his friends. When he is gone I always seem to hear more noises. It seems like I am always awakened out of sound sleep...
A Strange Phone Call by Kirska
This didn't happen to me, but happened to my dad, and he still can't explain it to this day. I have 2 older siblings including a brother that is 5 years older than me. When my brother, Billy, was 14 or 15, he was on the swim team at the high school. He had a best friend, Dusty, whom he'd been ...
She Floated Down From The Ceiling - Literally by Stacers
When I was about 5 or 6 I had just started taking showers instead of baths "like a big girl" as my parents put it. I was thrilled. I mean come on, I was in 1st grade already it was time for the next step. Well one glorious Memorial day weekend I believe it was Sunday I was showering up sing alon...
The Story Of Three Generations by gruntman
To let everyone know, this is my first time writing a ghost story. To start off the story, I was very young (4-5 years old) so I do not remember a lot about what went on in the house. All I know is mostly from research and stories from my mother and grandfather, and a few experiences of my own. ...
White Light And Mist by teri912
My story is about my friend that has recently been seeing a white light/mist as she walks into her bedroom. It is from ceiling to floor in around the same area each time. She did in fact have two of these white light/mists just last night as she walked into her bedroom. They were in two different ar...
The Shadows by twilightmary13
So this happened a couple months ago. I was riding the bus to go to school. The bus driver was picking up the kids and when he turned around a curve, I saw a shadow that wasn't on the ground or anything, behind a tree. At first I thought that some people were probably hiding behind the tree but ...
My Ghostly Memories From When I Was Young by InhaleExhale
When I was younger, ages 6-8, I lived in an old house rented by my aunt at the time. I am not sure of the year the house was built, but I do believe it was sometime in the 40s or 50s. I shared a downstairs bedroom with my sister who was 2 years older than me. Although it was the first floor, the ...
Poohbear's Pitter Patter by MNPROPHET
I would offer a different prospective to a true haunting. A nomad theory, a lost soul entering and exiting our plane of existence like a nomad. My belief is all souls are a ghost, spirit or entities at the time the body ceases to exist and that they flow through us and are environment because that i...
The Dark Cloaked Figure And Nightmares by TwistedWispersNeko
Back in January of this year, 2008, my husband and I moved into our first apartment. Being a country girl, and not a big fan of the city, I was hesitant about it. He was currently looking for a new job, and I was working overnight at Super Target, so I would always go to bed, about noon, and wake up...
A Dream Hurt Me For Real by ominousnyxx
Over the past few weeks I didn't have any paranormal or unexplainable events happen to me. I did go to the friends apartment again and yes I did see the blob, but nothing happened. This account has nothing to do with that but a dream I had on Sunday. It was quite an unusual dream, the way it fel...
Creepy Things Happening by canadian123
In 2006, my sister had a very strange thing happen to her. She lives in a duplex with her family and her children were all sleeping at the time. She was laying down on her couch in her living room and she was trying to go to sleep. There is this heavy door just across from her that leads to the base...
Was It My Imagination? by ChrisB
This is a story that happened when I was seven years old (maybe younger). It is not a scary story but it is something that makes me think. I was very young then but I remember what happened. But I still want to know what you think. Was this my imagination or was this an entity? I lived in a town...
This Is Martha, My Angel Of Death by osyka
I used to work as a care worker with the elderly in an elderly home. This home is a private one and has 3 floors and on the third one there's a sort of specialized unit. In it patients with CVAs, CAs, Alzheimer's and Dementia reside. Once I was on night shift on this particular ward and I knew t...
A Strange Experience At A Fred Meyer by Megan_Dawn
This is by no means a spectacular story (and I have read some wonderful ones on here!), but it was the most recent experience I've encountered and a bit creepy all the same. About a month back, a friend and I were on our way to a party and stopped by our local Fred Meyer (in Bellingham, WA) to pi...
The White Light On The Central Strip by osyka
It was a summer's day about 2 years ago and it was around 11PM. It was so hot I couldn't sleep so I decided to get my car out of the garage and take the road. Something told me to drive through this particular by pass where about a year before there had been a terrible MVA and 2 girls were killed, i...
Mothering Ghost? by misfitsdoll
I have tried countless times to find any information about the paranormal activity at Ingestre Hall in Staffordshire England, but sadly to no avail, I can only provide you with the experience I had as a child. I have visited Ingestre Hall twice as a child with my school as an activity week, my first...
Marbles From The Attic by Jasmin314
This is a story told to me by my sisters. My brothers and sisters had many paranormal experiences individually. This story is about my sisters, Ana and Rosa. Ana was about 12 years old and Rosa was about 16. My bio has more details about my brothers and sisters. One morning, at about 6:30 a.m., A...
Signs Of A Ghost by givemeaname
I thought that I should first let you know that I am very interested in the paranormal. I have always wanted to see and feel a ghost around me. At my house I have had some really odd things going on and I want your opinions on if it's a ghost or not. I'll start off as to when I thought there mig...
Abigail: The Adventure Continues by FRAWIN
After Miss Abigail's appearance and sudden disappearance in my living room, I did some serious contemplating. It wasn't that I didn't believe such things were possible, it just didn't fit my way of thinking. I always thought that such things were random, you see something, and then go for years befo...
David, The Communicator by Adventure_Ms_Aqua
After all of the research and previous confusion, I discovered a black figure, David, might have been communicating with my friend. I won't tell which one. My friend hasn't talked to me all summer, and as a matter of fact, not for a couple of months now. The most recent happenings are conversati...
The West Coast Road by trau
Maybe some of the South African members or some who know the history of our country can help me with this one! About a month back, a couple we (I and the husband) are friends with, popped in one Saturday to tell us they were pregnant - to celebrate, we suggested we go for lunch. For some reason o...
Human Spirit Or Demon? by JustMe2008
Summer vacation started, and I live in town, close to school. I walk with my friends as usual, and there's a house we always see in when we walk by. The house looks very old, and nobody has lived there for 4 years. I was wondering why nobody would buy the house, because it's nice and big. The entire...
Hypnagogia by Cazouillette
I'm a newly minted member to this site; all in all, I've found a lot of the experiences told here to be entertaining, scary, and even a bit funny (in some cases, not all). This is my experience. (And I have to preface it by saying that I'm NOT a believer in the supernatural, even after what happ...
Modern Home Haunting by OceanxGoddess135
When you think of a cellar or an unfinished basement littered with ancient clutter, sprinkled with dirt from the cracks in the walls and spiders that always come out to play. Or the type of unfinished basement where there is absolutely nothing in it at all but a 60-watt bulb hanging from the ceiling...
Protecting The Slaves by DaveH300
This is a story that occurred in the summer of 2006. It was a very hard summer for my parents and me. We just lost the house I have lived since I was two to foreclosure, and we were getting ready to move into my uncle's house-he was already moving his family into a house he just built and we we...
Mystery Cat by JustMe2008
It was October 12, 2004. I was 10 years old at the time, and lived in Columbus, Ohio. My mom and dad decided to move in a big house in a small town. I really had a bad feeling about the house, it just wasn't that I didn't like it or anything although the house was really old, and it did need a new p...
My Grampa's Haunted House 2 by Darj
This is the continuation of my last story "My Grampa's Haunted House". So I insist you should read that first because it has all of the description of the house and the people who live in it. If not, well then just bare with the stories I'm about to tell you folks. This time, the story I'll be telli...
Kid By The Bathroom Door by pattykim
This happened last 2005. My ex and I used to live together and we just transferred to another condominium unit on the same village. We used to work together so we left and came back home together. One day, when we got home from work, we smelled something disgusting like a dead rat of some sort so...
Strange Pictures After A Concert by scathach16
Three years ago, a group of friends and I went to a concert at what is now my college. We were all excited on our way to the school, except we realized that no one remembered to bring a camera. We decided to stop by a gas station to buy some disposable ones. Once we arrived at the school, we beg...
Is A Ghost Following Me? Need Help by bce360
This is the first time I have ever written or talked about these incidences, but I was scared enough today that I realized I need some other people's opinions. I went to college in Philadelphia and lived in a very old home with a number of other people. We knew the history of the house, and a num...
The Beast On The Road by Carlos
Six years had passed since the events from "the green house". I knew that since that experience, my life was going to change for ever. Now, getting into the story, I was on summer vacations-my father has a house on Puerto Cayo-so I went with my sister and my dad for a week. Puerto Cayo is locate...
Spirit Ghost by lilblackpom
This is my second story on this site. I have seen my aunt's spirit-ghost. I don't know what to call it because it is the only time I ever experienced this before. My aunt was a beautiful lady. Our family and hers, you could say grew up with each other. If she and Uncle Pete weren't visiting at o...
I Am Coming Back To Haunt You by lilblackpom
Since my first ghost story was published on this site recently, I am submitting another story which happened two years ago at my home. I reflect and think about these events, but it wasn't as scary for me as my recent out of town visit. My husband and I built our home 12 years ago and it is bui...
Bizarre Dreams, Spitirtual Warfare by Sunsetdream711
I moved into a new apt about a year ago, and the first time I entered the place the whole "demeanor" of the place seemed rather off. I have always been rather in-tune with the spirit world, although I have never experienced b4 (what I'm experiencing now). The price was right with this apt plus locat...
Monks Walking Up The Stairs by misfitsdoll
I cannot remember the exact age when this happened but it happened at the house I had lived in since I was born. When I was a child me and my sister shared a bed at home, even though I had my own little room, my sister who is three years older than me would always pick me up out of my bed asleep...
It's Something I Don't Want To Encounter by signedkate
I am working in a company situated at a 4th floor of an old building. There are stories about the building that it's haunted by a white lady and a kid. I myself had not encountered anything so haunted until last July 24, 2008. It was already 6:00 in the afternoon when my friend and I decided to ...
The Mcloughlin Haunting by NightWrestler
When I was in the 6th grade, I had to go on a field trip to the Mcloughlin House and when we got there, we were just standing outside of the house looking at the graves next to the house of Dr. McLoughlin and his wife. I got this weird feeling of being watched. I looked towards the house and I saw a...
Ghosts Where My Nan Lived by misfitsdoll
I will always remember Chattersly Court where my nan lived, not only because of the memories but of the experiences when I stayed there overnight every weekend. It's very hard to explain exactly what the place was like. Inside the building, it was set out like a lovely little street of apartment...
A Loving Auntie by misfitsdoll
I am writing this story on behalf of my mother who would kill me if she knew I was writing this as she is very skeptical about anything paranormal, but this is a genuine experience she had four years ago when my great Auntie died of mouth cancer. My mother and her Auntie Joan were always very cl...
We've Come To Say We're Fine by osyka
My grandparents from my father's side died a year before I was born and those from my mother's side died about 4 years ago. My father's dad was a soldier and even though I never knew him, I always had an interest in his life as I have a huge interest in military stuff. I used to ask dad loads of ...
A Presence by Surya
During my pregnancy, I suffered a lot of lower back ache. Really chronic pain on my right side. I had stopped washing my hair whilst having a shower as I was loosing a lot of hair. So I would shower first, and then wash my hair bent over the bath. The minute the water would touch my hair I would fee...
French Beach House Hauntings by ailya
Over the summer, my Husband, my two Kids and I spent our summer at my husband's Grandparent's home on an island off the west coast of France. Their home is a charming little beach house, built in the early 50s. It is located in a tiny fishing village. There have been no deaths in the home, or on the...
Was I Simply Losing My Mind? by Anonymous21
I came across this website recently, and I thought that I would share some recent experiences that occurred when we moved to Utah from Boise, Idaho. I transferred to my company's Salt Lake City office in June 2007, and we didn't know where we wanted to live yet, so we decided to temporarily rent a h...
A Ghost Tormenting Me For 2.5 Years And Still Is by TormentedSoul
I'm currently 15 and am a girl. Here is my story... In 2003, my family (sis bro and parents) moved into a new condo we never really noticed anything wrong or unusual. Shortly after we moved in, my mom sent me to a boarding school in another country and I was 11. I came back when I was 13. So thi...
Maybe They Left, Maybe They Didn't by mlc13
I did a background check of the house. There are no deaths on the house, but the land is a different story. Before the university bought this land it belonged to a man named Jose Diaz, he was married to a Russian lady named Katrinka Chevchenko (sorry if I spelled it wrong) they had a daughter na...
My Grandparent's House In Europe by P0B0X99
I've gone to visit relatives in Hungary every year during my summer vacation, and have never experienced anything paranormal. I was a Christian until I reached 13, but since then, I hardly ever go to church. Here is my story of the house here in Budapest, Hungary... Every year when I arrive to ...
Sometimes They Come Back by hungaryhyena
My grandfather died from complications of having a stroke about ten years ago. After having the stroke he was unable use the left side of his body. He spent the last year of his life living with family members. He would spend a month at my house and then the next month at my cousin's house. Becau...
Unwelcome Ouija Visitor by Hoochler
In 1989, I was 23 and in college. I had a roommate, who is still a great friend. We lived off campus in a 2 bedroom apartment in Duluth, MN. I was curious, and still am, about all things paranormal, so my girlfriend at the time (who did not live with us) and I experimented with my roommate's Ouija b...
My Aunt's Haunting by OjosDelAlma
My aunt is not really into the supernatural but respects it. When she lived with my grandma she used to be visited by my uncle Joe after he passed away. Soon she got the strength to move out of my grandma's house and get an apartment of her own. She lived there comfortably for about two months u...
Keepers Of The Lodge by troyarn
I am an American currently living with my Bosnian wife in Sarajevo. Not long ago we became interested in mountaineering and on February 9, 2008 we joined about seven others for a hike up a nearby mountain. We took a train to a village at the base of the mountain and from there went by foot. Besid...
I Think My Daycare Is Haunted by rstahley
I work in a daycare in West Chester, Ohio. The director of the daycare wants us to keep these things on the "down-low," because they are afraid that the parents will pull their children out of the daycare, but I am so interested in everything that has happened that I have to share. The first odd ...
Short Tales by unaturalfreakyobject
I don't have a long in depth experience, so I'll tell you shorter ones. Over the years the room behind mine has always felt haunted. I've heard doors open and close (and seen them) heard knocking noises, seen shadows, and saw what I believe was a ghost in the hallway. More recently I was freakin...
Unexplainable Events by NightWrestler
The next events that you will read here, I personally didn't experience them, my father did and he doesn't even believe in anything supernatural until threw the years it got weirder in the house. The first happening was before I was even born. My parents lived in the house for 3 years and to make...
Native American by nightmare0308
My house is built on a hill in the woods. It's only 23 years old so I know the house it's self is not haunted. But in the back of my woods were a once Native American tribe settled. Now it's not a burial ground or anything like that, but they just settled there. I know this because my history teache...
Female, Snake Like Voice 2 by Twilightkiss
I'm sure at least a few of you have read my story, Female, Snakelike voice (as stated in the title), lately more wierd things have been happening, and I have since told my mother about it. She does not believe me. I thought I'd put things as simple as I can. 1. Last night I heard people talking ...
A Haunted Antique Coat Rack? by lilblackpom
This past Sunday, July 27, 2008, my younger brother, his girlfriend and I set out on a little ride to an Antiques Store in a little town outside Windsor. We always see this store from the highway because of the bright red roof and it looked pretty nice. I thought it was great, maybe I would find ano...
A Malevolant Presence Was In The House by Anonymous21
Submitting my first story, "Was I Losing My Mind?" was something of a cathartic experience for me. It felt good to tell it to somebody, and it felt good to get reassurance back from everybody out there. Thanks again! I would like to tell another experience that happened at about the same time as ...
Our New Dorm Room by scathach16
My roommate and I moved into our new dorm room this past year, excited that we were going to be living in a much smaller, quieter dorm from the year before. I should mention (since it will be relevant later on) that this new dorm used to be an office building, so our doors had tinted windows on the ...
The Temple by Surya
The temple in what was then my marital home is next to the kitchen. I'll give a brief description of the house. You walk into the house and straight in front of you is the staircase leading to the second floor. You walk into the house and on your right is the front room. To the left as to walk on in...
Ghostly Phenomenon by Dejael
GHOSTLY PHENOMENON - 1950s Haunting of the Long Family in Inglewood, California, time frame 1956-1960. A Summary Overview: There were several paranormal events that happened to me and my family back in the 1950s when I was a boy. First was a fire demon which appeared to me in the dark when I ...
A Resident Ghost Or Two? by trau
After reading a story on the site - I related to a lot of the examples. I went home and told my husband - who does not believe in anything paranormal - the story which focused on negative energies in the home they occupied. My husband and I still consider ourselves newlyweds - we got married last...
Knock Knock by Surya
This happened to me Saturday just gone, 2nd August 2008. My partner has been away for a week and my youngest has gone to his grand parents for the summer holidays. All last week it was just me and Inca our kitten. I actually thought I would end up sleeping on the sofa all that week as I hate ...
The Devil Of Death by Hullabulu
Once when I was 11, I was in bed. Then, I suddenly woke up. I was 100% sure I was awake because I could see every little detail and pattern on my blanket cover. I could see the pattern of the wood on the wardrobe, then I heard this weird voice, it was a very low pitch voice. Just like a demon or dev...
His Grandpa's Room by Jasmin314
First of all I just want to say that I cannot believe I forgot about this. My pregnancy was pretty much a blur to me and I can't really remember much that happened during my pregnancy. What I remember most was the beginning of the pregnancy. This story takes place in my ex-boyfriend's house. I wa...
Gray Lady, 25 Years Later by KimSouthO
As the flowers started to bloom, I realized I had not had an incident with the gray woman in a few months. I was glad and grateful. If I didn't see or deal with any thing like her ever again, it would be fine by me. My Mom found a new apartment, larger, brighter and in a bit of a better neighborh...
Haunted Antique Coat Rack 2 by lilblackpom
Today, Sunday, August 3, 2008 Amber called me. She was out of town from Friday night to early afternoon Sunday. She called me right after she got in. I asked her how her little trip was and she said fine. She went to pick her kids up in Forest, Ontario where her mom has a summer home. She asked ...
La Cienega by Carlos
"La Cienega" is a Spaniard hacienda built on the province of Cotopaxi-Ecuador. Two hundred years ago this hacienda served as home of Spaniard conquerors, they had thousands of indigenous people working on huge fields. These haciendas were the heart of the economics in that time. Now, this hacien...
Ghosts Of The Limestone City by lilblackpom
This is the one and only story where my husband had ghostly activity happen to him. My husband I went on vacation for two weeks to Kingston, Ontario (the Limestone City) so we could go on a boat trip to see the Thousand Islands, Gananoque, and the sites in Kingston, Ontario. We heard it was beautifu...
A Joker? by Nightgoddess
I'd like to share this story becuase I haven't had anything like this happen to me before. It's a change from what my exsperiences have been. The other day I was home alone, well my brother was there but he was that the neighbors house skating so I guess I was alone, doing the dishes when I heard th...
In Nan's Memory by laurenemmam
My nan died in July of 2007, and we were very close. She was the only one who would talk to me about ghosts and spirits as if they did exist. My nan believed in everything, and this is what made people think she was a bit barmy. However, I believed her, especially about the ghosts. I have never b...
My Daughter's Guardian Angel? by Melisande
In 1997 I had just moved in to a new apartment with my two week old baby girl. I was going through a rough time, a couple of months before I had separated from my husband, we had been married 9 months and I was 7 months pregnant. I had had a c-section and it was pretty hard for me to move around...
A Visitor In The Park by laurenemmam
I was walking home from school in July this year with my friends Rebecca, D.J. And Harriet. To get to the town, you have to go past a park that it known for the people who are often in it: lovey couples, emos, chavs... You get the picture. It's a bit dodgy and I'm not that keen on going in there. At...
The Museum Of Witchcraft And Wizardology by laurenemmam
This is an experience of when I was in Stratford-Upon-Avon in May 2008 for my coursework. I was with my friends Rebecca and Chris and we were a group having to do a lot of work! We had already completed most of it from our first visit about a month ago, so this time we were allowed basically to d...
Native American 2 by nightmare0308
This story actually takes place before my last one. This story is what really started me in realizing that the ghost in my woods can be rather hostile. Okay, I used to have a small camcorder. It could take pictures in negative art. On previous ghost hunts with my friend, Kevin, he had a camera th...
Haunted New Home? by Jimna
When we first moved into the home I currently live in, my friend had to leave right afterward to go out of town for her job. I had never lived in a detached home before and never in one so far away from other people. The house was the first one completed on this block of the subdivision and there ...
It Felt Like Someone Was Watching by rainbat
I'm not sure were to start... I moved in this house about 4 years ago, I was about 11, and from the first time I stepped into the house, it felt like this was the house my mom was going to buy. It's an okay sized house, my room is the attic. Good sized room, closet, big window, ceiling is curved ...
My Two Experiences 2 by sittingonthefence
Since my last story I have had more weird stuff happening around the house which I am now quite open to calling paranormal experiences. Following on from the presence on my bed and the guitar playing by itself I can now add doors opening of their own accord (maybe wind), footsteps, whispering and...
Who Has Taken My Abba Cd by celine
This is my second marriage. My first husband died in 1992 and I remarried in 1995. My current husband and I live on the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia. Ever since my first husband passed away I have felt that he is still around;things being moved around, my new husbands photo lying on the carpet...
Held Down And Abused By A Demon Figure by dario
I'm kind of embarrassed by my experiences. Well this has happened multiple times. I'm new to this but I've read stories and similar things have happened to me. I'll be sitting on my bed in the dark but not too dark and I'll feel something strange, hard to explain. Next thing you know, there woul...
The Roaming Condo Imp 3 by alex323
This is another update on Bart... I think he's brought another spirit to where I live. I just get the feeling that there's more out there than just Bart. As you know Bart was a very mean spirit when I moved in, but he (or she) has done a complete turn around. But recently I've been experiencing thin...
Frozen In Fear by CuriousDave
When I was little (around five or six) I had my first encounter with the paranormal. The incident is a little foggy in my mind since it happened over a decade ago, but I'll do my best to recall. I remember waking up some time in the night and I wasn't able to move; except for my eyes. I was lying...
Static Spirit by alex323
I've given you one experience that has to due with Victoria. That was the whole deal with the roof top voice and etc. She has gradually gotten obsessive about ghosts and spirits as we've gotten older. Needless to say the roof top encounter did nothing for her curiosity. While I was talking to h...
Natalia by ailya
This story happened when my son was about 3 and a half and I was pregnant with my daughter. It was 1995, and my son would spend his mornings watching the Ninja Turtles on Nickelodeon. He was very lonely; being home schooled, and did not have any friends that were his age whom he could play with. ...
My Imagination... Or Something Else? by AnimeLover4ever
This happened 2 days ago. I was setting up some blankets in the living room so I could watch a movie (I didn't feel like watching it in my room) and my mom was in her room about to go to bed I think. I grabbed my stuffed bunny, Bun-bun, and set him down on the little bed I'd made for myself in front...
Haunted Texas Road by lilblackpom
When I was 15 years old, my dad built a new home in River Canard, a little community before Amherstburg, Ontario and this is where we relocated to. We had over an acre of property and were surrounded by woods and farmland except for a few homes in the area. At present, this area is heavily developed...
The Big Haunted White House On Kinloch by Nikki1990
When I was about 3, my grandmother lived in this big white house. I lived with her and my mother. My mother and I shared a room and my grandmother had her own. One night my grandmother heard a voice say "Can you hear me now?" so she got scared and went downstairs to the couch. The same night a littl...
Evil Music, Evil Demon? by early16
My name is Ian and the story I'm about to tell you was very weird and scary to experience. This happened when I was about 11 years old. My family and I have lived in my house since I was 3 years old and it's almost a 200 year old house. Growing up my brother Tommy was a big fan of death metal. I ...
Two Of My Experiences In My Old Home by Krista
I'm going to tell you some past short experiences that happened in my home when I was a child: When I was about six, I had to sleep in my brother's room as my room was being decorated; my brother was sleeping at a friend at the time. I'd fallen asleep and I remember waking up and seeing this man...
The Love Of The Ancestors by racemustang
Many of you know that my partner has gone through a great deal very recently. We had thought, at one point that she would leave us, but she is still going strong and thanks The Great Spirit daily, while singing in the day. Up wards twenty years ago we met while working in a working farm market. I...
The Floater In The Hallway by laurenemmam
This happened just last night when I got out of my bed to go to the loo. If I'm honest, I do get scared when I go to bed at night. It is something that has been happening ever since I have looked at/read about ghosts and posted my own stories. It's not that bad, don't worry, all I mean is that I ...
My Nan's Bedroom by laurenemmam
I went to my Nan's house this morning because my mum needed to get something from my aunt (her sister). My aunt and I went upstairs to get what my mum needed, but my aunt needed the loo so I waited for her upstairs. I began to wonder around the spare room, which was full of arts and crafts bits ...
Whispering, Knocking And Other Weird Happenings by bettysightless
I'm a completely new user here and I thought I'd share my experience with the supernatural/spirits and etc. My mother's side of the family has always been prone to weird things happening, seeing things, and hearing things and to put it bluntly... I really think there haunted by something or someo...
Did It Follow Me Home? by scaredshitless14
First off, thanks for the comments on my previous story, My Neighbor's Haunted House. Now for you people who have read that story will know that my neighbor's house is haunted. For those who haven't read it you will need to. This story is something that has happened to me in the past week. For t...
Late Night Touch by BloodFest
This happened just recently... I decided to stay up late one night because I had to transfer some video and music files into my friend's USB flash drive. It was right about 2:39 in the morning and I was getting really drowsy, so I thought of just sleeping for a few minutes. I set my alarm for exa...
Haunted Lake by Believer1101
My mother, sister and I recently went on a weekend trip to a private lake front cabin. For the most part it was a great trip. Although I didn't get much sleep at night. Both nights of our stay we heard several noises such as knocking, creaking, and footsteps in the loft and on the deck. I had a very...
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Latest hauntings:
- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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