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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 59
Aunt's Ghost? by pharmgirl
In 2005, our family moved into a new house. My husband and I were excited about the move since we lived in an apartment with our 2 year old son. We were looking forward to having more space and a big yard to play in. A few months after we moved in, we started having strange occurrences around th...
Floating Face by honey91
A couple of years ago, I was at my friend's newly built house. (This story happened in the same house as my story "breath on my neck and loud exhalation" happened in.) It was pretty late and us being the night owls we were, we were still awake. We had just come up from the basement from playing ...
August Soul Mates by aussiedaz
They got married in August and they both died in August from the same illness 10 years apart. There is no bridge in this world, or the next that will stop a soul mate from crossing it. The last time I saw my dad alive was just before he died. With all his might he raised his hand to my mums face and...
I Now Believe by ectorgirl
I am a grown woman in my 50's and I have to admit that I have never really given much thought to this ghost thing. Never really believed in these things, that is until now. My sister and I moved into an old house nine months ago and nothing strange ever happened until about two months ago. Our h...
Bedsit by clo-clo
Around this time last year me and my friend Becki were both having problems at our family homes so decided that we would move out and get our own little place together, nothing fancy but cheap. She got hold of a little double bedsit (not ideal but good for the money we were paying and right in the t...
Saying My Name by karla_08
The past couple weeks or so I've had four people I know pass away. Death is a natural thing and I accept that. But, ever since my Grandmother passed away things in my dad's house have gotten more active. When we first moved in here at night I could hear a person walking through the house. They'd wal...
Grandma's Little Haunted House by MidnightRose
I have been reading the stories on this site for some time now and I find them all very interesting. I find myself not only on the site everyday but also that I can't wait to read the stories that have been published. I really like this site! Let me start off by saying that I have never seen a ...
Alchoholic Ghost by crumpits1
My name is nadine, I used to stay at my auntsy place every weekend and go to parties. When I was there once my cousin (who I didn't like very much at the time but are best friends now) was in Whangerai, which is a four hour drive from where we lived, I stayed in her room while she was away. It w...
Shadows by Xx-vicky-xX
Excuse me if this doesn't make sense at some points, I tend to babble with my words a lot. These things I've been seeing and hearing have been going on since I can remember nearly 7 years back (I'm 14 now) when we lived in our house in Colorado Springs, CO. There was one night I remember quiet ...
A Friendly Visit? by Maria19
One of my good friends passed away a few days ago. He was only 19 and he used to take drugs from time to time, he worked a lot and studied hard, and he used to say that, he needed to "get our of this world completely at least once a month". Well, now he's gone forever...Or, maybe not completely... ...
Man In The Mirror by amac
I have lived in the same house in Auckland all my life. One day I was in my room and saw something out of the corner of my eye I looked but saw nothing. About 5 minutes later the same thing happened but this time I saw a ghostly face behind me in the mirror, I quickly looked behind me but saw no...
The Shadow Entity by Mikey01
My first experience with this entity was when I was young, maybe around 5-6yrs old and this is the most substantial of experiences because it was like sleep paralysis but I was standing up... I was in my father's kitchen and I remember he and my little brother were playing; my dad was trying to ...
Phantom Cat by amacniel
I'm posting this story in hopes of finding anyone else that has had similar experiences or may know what it was. I have had several paranormal experiences in my lifetime, but this is a new one for me. I grew up with cats and one of my favourite things about them is when they climb on to your be...
An Encounter With Aswangs by seventeen
Last December 26-28 2009, my family and I went to our beach in Quezon Province. Nothing scary happened on the first night although I saw some elementals there in the area but they weren't trying to harm us. They were just observing. On the second night, something strange happened. I thought this...
Tom by SinkingSun
My Mum and her partner moved into our present house around 4 years ago after her separation from my Dad. For most of this time I had lived with my Dad until he sold his house and moved away, and so it was not until quite recently that I came to live here with my Mum. The house she moved into wa...
Why Does He Keep Coming Back by Surya
I have been in my apartment for six years now. I moved in with my two children straight after I got divorced. The 13 years I was married weren't exactly what I had expected. The relationship with the in-laws was excellent in the beginning. I suppose things took a turn after the birth of my second so...
Half Asleep Feelings by ohcrayonsimdead
My name is Ashley Smith, and I'm eighteen years old. I would like to tell you all a little about my past experiences before I start into this. Ever since I was five I could see things that other people could not. Whether it is Auras or ghosts. When I was around six or seven I realized that when I...
A Handsome Spirit On My Bed Side by zeetha
Years ago, my best friend and I went to Bali for vacation. Before we departed, my boyfriend at that time (now he's an ex;) told me that he will give me his protection by sending "something" as a charm. He was a psychic, something quite normal in my country. Later on, when my best friend, her name...
The Keepers by bobogios
For years I have seen things that to me feel demonic. When I started going to church they stopped. Now, I have the same feelings as if they are my prison guards. They call themselves the keepers, there are four of them. I don't know what this means but if anyone does please let me know. I don't ha...
The Human - Like Figure In My Closet by cline1986
I never thought that I would be writing such a strange story. I moved from South Carolina to Texas two months ago and I live way out in the country in the hills. It freaks me out to live way out here because the closest town is eleven miles away! Now let me tell you my story; it takes place at night...
Is It My Dead Granddad? by Beanybaby09
This is all kind of new to me since I'm a teenager, so bare with me! Plus it's kind of long. My granddad died in September. My dad wanted to read but he couldn't because it was his dad so my dad asked the vicar if she could read. I heard about it and asked my dad if I could read instead. I added my...
The Thing In My Bedroom by Sway
I have plenty of stories about things that happened to me in my mom's house before I moved out to Virginia. For some reason, these experiences have been on my mind quite a bit lately due to recent new events where I live now. I was browsing the internet and came across this site and thought it would...
Was It My Grandfather by Miguel_17
Last summer, My Dad, Sister, and I, went to spend our vacation down in Durango, Mexico. We drove there all the way from Los Angeles, CA. We stayed at my grandma's house. My dad's afraid of the room we stayed in. He said that when he was around thirteen years old he always saw two men sitting at the ...
Faces On The Wall by The_Black_Claymore
How do you do? I shall begin by introducing myself. My name is Clayre Sans-Cour. I would enjoy telling you all about an experience when I was a child. When I was around Eight years old I was in my room with my older sister, trying to sleep, when I heard voices all around me. They were whisper...
The Ghost Lady by jackeline
In Houston, Texas I stay at my brother's house with my aunt Ceci, my cat Alfie, and a ghost lady. Before I moved to the house I learned of a tragic event that happened inside our home. A robbery took place and a lady was killed. The lady is physically gone, but her soul, spirit or ghost, however...
That Lustful Entity by white_roses84
This all happened when I moved into a new house in Mission. It was only about 1 month ago, and I'll never, ever forget it. The first night living in the house, I felt great. It was always sunny there, and I loved the brightly coloured paintings that were slung onto the walls carelessly, which I'd...
Slamming Doors At The Gas Company by jackeline
When my dad was in Mexico in his early twenties he got a housekeeping position at a gas company and to make things rosy it was a graveyard shift. As my dad revealed to me he was the only housekeeper the first night on his job and he thought he was alone, but little did my dad know, he had a buddy...
I'm Not Loco by fatthead
I am Fathead and I have always been interested in the paranormal. Although it scares me, I enjoy reading and watching anything that has to do with paranormal activity. I believe I have experienced some of my own unexplained activity. I would like to share with you a couple of my stories. One day...
My First Vision by honey91
My friend and I were talking a walk around the square, which is like a place with a bunch of little boutiques and shops in it. We passed an old antique store and I just had to go in. We were looking around at the dusty old things when I saw a little closet like room off to the side of the shop. I we...
The Person At The Other End Of The Room by hauntee
About ten years ago my parents, my two older sisters, and I moved into this house. I had to admit that I liked the look and layout of it and the corner lot it occupied was charming but I never liked one particular upstairs bedroom. It was the one at the back of the house, the only one on its side of...
Visitors by XscotlandX
My friend was staying over night and it was about lunch time. I had put a bowl of cereal in the basin with the spoon still in the bowl. The washing machine was on when all of a sudden I heard a loud smash. I ran into the kitchen and the bowl and the spoon were still in the sink so I assumed it was j...
My Invisible Nightmare by meaghen
My story actually started a few years ago, but we didn't connect it to anything like a ghost. It was little thing's, like the back door opening, and shutting. We heard something with toenails going up the stairs. Then, late last year, about mid December, I started hearing knocking on my bedroom door...
Matthew - My Son's Friend by Amrasmom
This ghost story is true, it is not owned or copyrighted by anyone, and I authorize you to use it as you see fit. My ghost story: The names and places in this story have been changed to protect those involved. This is a true story. In 1995 my family and I moved into a rent house in a small tow...
When Family And Friends Stop For A Visit by 2112lady
I just wanted to share a few personal and non-personal experiences. A lot of people in my mother's family have some sort of "gift". My aunt used to see spirits around her all the time and my mother and other aunts have frequent prophetic dreams that eventually come true. Not me. I've always been ...
The Poster In The Garage by Mercia
When people say, "don't go into the garage there's a ghost in there" as a joke, you don't realize until you go in there that they aren't joking. I was 14 and my mum asked me to go and get some posters for the wall out of the garage. It wasn't the best day either, things were going wrong all day, ...
Using A Ouija At My Friend's 4 by seb94
I can't take this much longer. I'm going to talk to the minister tomorrow, but I just thought I'd update beforehand. Things are getting too strange, and now I'm being physically hurt. Whatever is in my house has also been bothering my sister. But my mother remains clueless, or she hasn't said anythi...
Daughters Imagination Or Real by concernedmom
Let me start by saying that my daughter and I have been recently (in the last year) watching all those "ghost" shows on television. About a month ago she told me on her way home from school she was looking out the window of her bus and she saw a woman and described her in detail. She said she just s...
Vicious Truth by GhostMe111
If you read my second story that talks about my house, then in this one I will continue to talk more about it. Time has passed... Nothing odd, just footsteps there and now. But the feeling I get when I'm alone is haunting. Yesterday I was alone my parents were at work. Due to what happened las...
My Baby Daughter Plays With Ghosts by arnmama
My daughter has always seemed extremely smart for her age, and is most definitely advanced. She began saying words at 4 months, starting with the simple word, mama, of course. Soon after that, "Hi!" or "Hey!" is her new favorite thing to say. My daughter is a very grouchy morning person, the typ...
Mysterious Entity by sunshyneforever
Over the years I have been tormented by an entity. I know that this is not a ghost. I am an empath; I know spirits of the human sorts and can tell the difference of something else. I have helped others with hauntings by spirits. But this entity of mine I cannot get rid of. This thing has tormente...
Lily And Memaw by haleybug
I lost my mom June 13 2009, and it struck me very hard. Back in 2005 my mom was diagnosed with Lupus, and with that came painful flair ups all over her body. The flair ups started with her face and went from there eventually leading to septic shock, and a fatal seizure. Now when we found out that I ...
Extremely Cold Touch by charm
My story isn't really a spooky house ghost story or a haunting thing. I'm not even sure if it's a ghosts, but its there and I can't see it. The first time I experienced it, I was in my room trying to sleep. When I suddenly felt something extremely cold touch straight through my skin, it got harde...
9 Month Old Ghost Causes Car Accident by demetra0309
In August, my dad went to a random graveyard and brought home a tombstone to display in our basement, since we have lots of antiques and things like that down there. He thought it would be "cool". So he cleaned it off and put it out. It was of a 9 month old girl, I think her name was Roseanne or som...
It All Started With My Nemo by honey91
My "Nemo" or who I used to call her "memo" was like another Grandmother figure in my life. We were very close. My Grandma on my dad's side told me that when I was a baby, Nemo would hold me close to her with our foreheads together and we would giggle simultaneously. She would giggle, then me, then t...
Little Boy by hmward09
I live in New Bern. Forty five minutes south of New Bern is Jacksonville which is home to the marine base Camp Lejeune. In between New Bern and Jacksonville are two small towns called Pollocksville and Maysville. A friend and I were driving back from Jacksonville one night heading for her house....
Cats by Yurei
The story I'm about to tell you happened to my mother. If you may not believe it, I can assure that they really happened. Over the years cats have been known to be spiritual creatures and have appeared in many cultures. In Egypt, cats were worshiped as descendants of the cat Goddess Bast. In Euro...
Helpful Ghosts by TeflonBilly
A friend put me on to this site and urged me to submit so here goes apparently my experiences as she puts it may be interesting. Well I guess really I have had ghosts (spirits or whatever) my whole life (as long as I can remember anyway). It's kind of like I have people standing behind me all the t...
Hiding Under The Covers by Jasumi
An event occurred last year that I am still contemplating. I have always experienced some degree of paranormal activity (hearing voices, living in a haunted home, being touched by phantoms...), but this one was very different and almost surreal. It happened as I awoke one morning. Despite my suspic...
The Curtain Lady by icey
I am 26 years old now. I do not consider myself gifted with the ability to see spirits, but as I grow older, the encounters seem to be getting more frequent. The most memorable encounter though, is the very first I've ever had. My eyes still get watery when I remember. It's dumb to be afraid now, bu...
Cat Demon? by Jgresser89
I leave for work at 4:30am. My husband and daughter are always still sleeping. We live in a one bedroom apartment. Our daughter gets the room and we have a futon in the living room. At six o'clock the other morning my husband was woken to something holding him down to the point he could not move...
Super Market Ghost? by Hanbobs
Apologies for the very short story. Just before Christmas I was getting the last of my bits from my local supermarket. I had literally just walked through the sliding doors and picked up a loaf of bread from off the shelf. I crossed the isle (which is roughly around 3 metres wide) and opened the ...
The White Spectre by Martin_92
This story did not actually happen to me, but it DID happen to a very good and very trustworthy friend of mine, who I will only refer to as Daniel to protect his identity. One night in the late fall, sometime between mid-November and late October (no this is not a Halloween haunting), Daniel and...
The Rock by bigC
This happened when I was about 8-9 years old. Me and My parents lived at a place we called the rock. It was in the middle of nowhere and if you weren't looking for it you wouldn't find it. The rock was surrounded by forest and had bleach on it, and a cave and a huge hill. Shortly after we move...
What Did My Child See? by Kandz0405
First I am pretty neutral when it comes to the paranormal. Before I moved to my house that I am in now I had these odd feelings of someone/something watching me and it made the hair on my neck stand. But that was when I was a teen so maybe 10 years ago and nothing sense. Today maybe two hours ag...
The Rock 2 by bigC
About 3 months after the TV experience I was standing outside on the balcony looking out at the "yard" (way bigger then a yard) and in the middle of the yard there was an old Indian Medicine man looking at me and right when I made eye contact he disappeared. Skip forward a week or so, I was lying...
The Thing That Bumps Me In The Night by Tyffannie
Before I start my story I would like to give you all some background on myself with the paranormal. I have always been "attracted" you might say to ghost, sprits, angels, demons whatever you would like to call them. Growing up I have had MANY encounters. My mother whom was not a woman who thought th...
While I Was Pregnant by JJzMommy
When I was 6 months along in my pregnancy my husband and I moved into a new 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment. No one had lived in this apartment before we moved in. I've tried to get the history of the property but no luck so far. I remember it just being an open field when I went to the elementary school...
Dogwood Ave. Apartments by dragonwalker
The end of June in 2008, my now ex-husband and I separated. For two weeks I stayed in the income based apartment of a friend and then moved into the same building that she lived in on Dogwood Avenue in Palmer. The first day I spent in my new home, arranging my few belongings, it was deathly quiet. I...
Changed Man by tiger21
There are many things that have happened in my life and I would like to share them with you in the hope that I might find an explanation, especially with this story. I am no stranger to spirits I have been in contact with them for a long time, however this experience was different. Let me start by t...
What I See In My Dreams by GlamGirl
Since it is a new year I thought maybe I should share these experiences to see what everyone thinks. I have been keeping them to myself for years and years. These experiences are not your typical paranormal experience rather the things that I see or hear and experience are in my dreams. Now I have h...
Knocking At The Door At My New Home by silvervette
I recently bought my first home, and live by myself. A little over three weeks ago, right after moving in, I had a friend spend the night to help with unpacking, etc. She was staying in the guest suite, which is on the opposite end of the house from where I was sleeping. It was Saturday morning, som...
Playful Litle Boy by honey91
A couple of years ago, I was staying at my best friend's newly built house (See the story by me" floating face.") We had been watching our favorite movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" because we are both CRAZY about Johnny Depp. The movie had ended and I was thirsty from all of the popcorn we had eaten...
My Grandpa's Ghost by excecil3
I will never forget the day my grandpa died. It was tragic, for everyone that knew him. It was six years later after the incident that I began to notice strange things. I was about ten; however everything remains in my mind clearly. I would be scared to go to bed at night, because there would be...
Grumpies Ghost by The-Haunted-Teenager
My Grandfather had passed away on the 16 of December in 2007, he died of cancer, and to answer your question yes he was a smoker. That summer after he passed, I decided I should stay with my grandmother considering she had no one to sleep with, I slept in the guest room all summer, the first night, ...
An Experiment by mangadanga
March 2002 - Place Pune, India. Although I personally witnessed the below incident, I was not the driving force behind it. For me, it was always going to be more like an experiment and I had already decided to be just a spectator with an open mind and that is exactly what I did. Let me share it. ...
My Ghost Dog Lady by Tharagus
Like the majority of America, my family of five used to have a dog. Last June I believe I felt our dog named Lady rub up against me in the night. I was just dozing of on the couch after staying up all night (it was about 3:00am) and I had a blanket on. As I started to drift off into sleep I felt...
Playful Little Ghost Girl Or Something Else? by gnomegirl
My mother and I had always lived in a mobile home on 79th street and 32nd Ave in Miami, Florida. I had experienced a few "encounters" in that place. Not anything too elaborate. I heard knocking at my door when my mother was sleeping and no one else was in the house, but this story is not about those...
August Soul Mates 2 by aussiedaz
On the night my mother and I went to her doctor there were two things she mentioned on the way there. One was about her dream that a little dark person had told her she'd be better off in the spirit world and two if it was bad news about her chest x-ray she would tell her doctor thanks but no thanks...
A Fast Shadow On A Well Lit Street by Tarnat
Location: In Caboolture, QLD Australia. I often walk around my local neighborhood late at night. I generally enjoy walking at night just because it's heaps cooler than during the day and also because there's no-one around I just feel like I can wander about and think. I normally go out for my la...
Unwelcome Intruder by leeebling
It's been a while since my first story so I thought I would share this short one with you. I live in a fairly small town called Hemel Hempstead, in the County of Hertfordshire in England. My experience I share with one of my friends Dan and his house that he lives in with his family not far from me...
Haunted in Florence by Oxolilcaraoxo
I'm currently studying abroad in Florence, Italy with some friends. We share an apartment together and from the start there have been lights flickering, random voices in our ears, etc. We've been here for over a week and last night one of the girls felt as if someone passed through her and a wind bl...
My Mothers Ghost by vinod7780
This incident happened to be 3 years back when I was doing my Job in Delhi. My parents were living in Bangalore. It was on 03rd January night and as usual I came to my apartment late after a long days work. I was the only person staying in the flat. After having my food... I sat on the computer for ...
Weird Things At David's House by Wardo
I have been reading more stories and some recent accounts have jogged my memory to some other unexplainable events that took place in a house that one of my high school friend's lived in. Well, we were all in high school and David's aunt passed away and the family needed someone to stay in her ho...
I Think A Spirit Is Having Sex With Me by missdoll
I am a 48 year old female. I believe I have recently become aware of two spirits that I now believe have been with me since I was a little girl. I feel like I'm going crazy. It's as if I'm suddenly talking to myself and imagining things. Can anyone help me with this? Tell me if it seems real or what...
House On Soapstone Road by dragonwalker
Three month after I turned 14, we moved into a house about fifteen minutes outside of Palmer - towards Sutton, as a lot of locals say. Not even a day after we fully moved in and spent our first night there odd things started happening. Our second morning, it was early around six or so on a Satur...
A's Mom's Voice by ddesimd
January 10, 2010 The web doesn't seem to have enough information on the experiences of old people seeing ghosts. I had spent some time scouring the web, and came up with very little. I'd like to know more about this phenomenon. Why does it happen? How often does it happen? To whom does it happen ...
The Thing In My Bedroom 2 by Sway
I posted a story on here a few days ago about an experience, one of many that I and others have had in the house I grew up in. I'd like to share another of those experiences and hopefully someone out there who knows more about the paranormal than I do and can shed a bit of light on what may be going...
My Haunted Hallway by tommo
Although I come from a family who overall tend to be of a spiritual nature I have not really experienced much myself. I say much because of late I have certainly begun to experience the spiritual world first hand. My Great Grandmother was a spiritualist, my grandmother a firm believer and my moth...
Mean Bald Man by cookie90
My family and I moved to a new house in May of 2009. In this house I have not really felt a presence. I'm more sensitive than most and usually I would of felt something. Well I can't say that I didn't feel anything, I did feel "something", but it was not very strong so I put it of as just my own min...
Whisper In My Ear by Iain2127
Because this was my first ever encounter, I am not totally sure of what this could have been and would like for anyone to give their thoughts on this matter. So, I live in the UK and in a small terraced house in a small estate not far from town, so because of the amount of people around I have he...
Dc's History by justin102798
I went to DC during the summer. While there, I went to the air and space museum. I took a picture of the Spirit of Texas and when I looked at the picture, it looked like there was a face in the window. It looked like a man with sandy blond hair and a scratched up face. I still look at the picture to...
A Shadow With Red Eyes by shadowrj
About 3 months ago, I was sitting in my front room when I heard my dog barking so I went to see what he was barking at and then saw him come flying down the stairs as if the stairs had become a slide when I caught him (upside down) I saw a shadow with red-eyes at the top of the stairs it was looking...
Why Did Only I See It? by SunStar
This was one of the scariest moments of my life, scarier then when I was almost hit by a car. I live in an area with lots of forest, about several hours away from a large town. This took place two days before New Years 2010. (So pretty recent!) Me and my family decided that we were going to go t...
The Things That Make Me Wonder by if_only_if_only
At the last house I lived in, my family and I could tell there was something happening in there from the start. First, let me give you some background info. The house was just under thirty years old. The first residence was an elderly man and woman. The second residence was a man and woman with...
Howling Shadows by RubberBandBall
There are times in my life that I just get a feeling. I do not mean that I have premonitions or experiences I just mean to say that I have gut feelings. I'm sure that it is a universal thing; just imagine the feeling of falling on a roller coaster mixed with a car crash (that is the closet as I can ...
Lady In White In The Comfort Room by quest_girl11
I never had any paranormal experience since childhood. I'm just an ordinary girl who hears a lot of different rumors about entities encountered by my friends who possess a third eye. Way back in my college days, I began to experience different kinds of weird events, and here's one of my stories. ...
Lady In The Dinning Room by gonz76
I am 33 now I still remember that morning that it happened. It was a hot summer morning in San Antonio, Texas. I was about 10 years old. We lived in a very old house. Our living room was next to our dinning room. I remember I was watching cartoons and my mother was outside talking to my Godmothe...
Night Whispers Calling Out For Mommy by Intensedreamer
To understand my story I have to share some very personal information. It was back in late February to early March 2006 that I discovered I was pregnant with my 4th child. I suffered a missed miscarriage May 15, 2006 I was suppose to be 11 weeks 1 day but the ultrasound showed the baby passed around...
A Blue Dog? by neu
Now, since the last time I've submitted stories, I've still had episodes of sleep paralysis/hypnagogia. It's gotten a lot better though, I've managed to calm myself down just by taking deep breaths and thinking about how its all been explained by science, and that I'll be perfectly safe. I Hope that...
It Got Physical by dollface
Before I begin there are a few things I would like to point out. The following experience I had encountered is one I believe that had something to do with my father, whom passed away June 3rd, 2008. His birthday was none other then today, January 13th. I find it peculiar that out of nowhere I got in...
Standing Beside Me by OnlyTruth
This is my first ghost experience from when I was in elementary school. I've always believed in ghost/paranormal experiences as I have an open mind to everything. Over time, I have experienced some things myself, so here is one of my stories. One night I woke up because I had to go to the bat...
Footsteps All The Time by kevinsolis777
When I was little (like 12) I used to hear footsteps on the ceiling above me at night. It only happened in my room. Some nights I would wake up to this very heavy pressure on top of me and I couldn't move. One night I woke up to see what looked like a white face staring at me from the side of my bed...
Little Old Lady In Waterloo Ontario Canada by dooggie
As a teenager who grew up in Waterloo Ontario Canada I had many friends. 1982 or 1983 it was one of those summer where you call up everyone you know to see who has the most interesting weekend planed. I was 16 or 17 years old. I can't remember the friends name it's been 27 years it's been a long tim...
The End? by t3h_h0bbitz
My last post to this site was what I thought would be my last experience that I would record here. Even though I was sure that I would have more experiences in the future, I felt that I should live with them and just move on with life. In all honesty, I felt a bit strange and silly to be posting my ...
Floating Bright Orb by OnlyTruth
This is my second posting, if my other story got posted. This is my most recent experience that happened last year when I was 18. I also had someone witness this story as they were with me when I experienced it. If you have read my previous story, this story happened in my new house. In this h...
Amethyst Can Help Sleep Paralysis by xxjessica182
I always fall asleep with my door shut every night. I've had sleep paralysis a lot of times, but the only thing I have ever been able to see was my room. It's always dream-like and it feels half real, half fantasy, maybe a few things here or there are different, but it's recognizably my room. Th...
The New Years Ghost by CA_NJGirl
The period before the holidays was extremely stressful for my family. My husband had a major surgery during this time and the usual demands of the holidays and our busy lives seemed to stretch us to the limit. Around this time, I began to see glimpses in the corner of my eye of an individual outside...
Black Figure And Footsteps by courtneyOMGG
I was away on holidays with my boyfriend, Sean, and his family for three weeks. We spent one week at a place called Crescent Head, another week at the Gold coast, and the last week at Noosa. This event occurred the second night we were away, at Crescent head. I will explain what the house we staye...
Ghost Wakes Us Up And Lie Next To Us by mnic6453
I am submitting this story just to gather as many opinions and suggestions as possible, especially from people who had the same experience or professionals in this field who have solutions. This happened to me once about 2 years ago and to my wife twice (once last year and once just the other day)...
The Refrigerator Ghost by shadow_image
I used to live in an old 1970's house that was built on an old air force base. I have had encounters before but not like the one I'm about to tell you. It was around 1am and I was still up watching TV when I heard a faint noise. Thinking it was the fridge; I shrugged it off and went back to watc...
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