You are here: Real Ghost Stories :: chronological order :: Page 79
Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 79
My Angel Showed Up In This Picture by vloles
Before Christmas, my sister passed away unexpectedly. We cancelled Christmas and went through the motions of getting through the holidays. I tend to go for long walks or hikes when I'm stressed but was unable to at first. I finally got my strength back this week and went to my favorite hiking pla...
Unknown Apparition by Richard9944
I have recently been photographing lots of orbs and other paranormal phenomena at my house as well as many other places. In September 2010, I attended a spiritual meditation workshop intended to raise my vibration with the universe and the instructor told me I had successfully shifted my vibration t...
Troubled Childhood In California by Imprisoned_Butterfly
I want to let you know that I am a young woman with the hearing loss (meaning I'm partially deaf) so please bear with me and my English skill since I am only using the Sign Language but I will try my best to explain my ghost experience. Ever since I was a toddler (about 5 or 6 I don't remember), ...
The Thing Inside The Ring by christensens
My wife and I have never been inclined to jump to conclusions. We have always opposed the possibility of the paranormal. It seemed to be the type of thing that happened to others and not to us, and as a result held no validity. Before we begin our story it is important to note that my wife and I are...
Ghost Radar And EVPs by Rebelboy1987
It has been a while since I've posted anything on here, but I couldn't help but share these EVPs that my girlfriend and I captured while we were messing around with my recorder. She has this application on her phone that is called Ghost Radar. At first I thought it was ridiculous and was just some r...
The Many Ghosts Of My Life by HazMan_III
II wanted to submit all of my stories in chronological order, and I have done so with the last two, but this story leaps across a few years. It is a compilation of the paranormal experiences I've had at my parents' home. I'd first like to describe the setting. I will not provide the name of the city...
Ghost Cat by themiss
I said in a few of my other stories on this site about my housing possibly being "haunted" or having a "presence" in it. Well basically I'm starting to think that there could really be something living here with my family. This isn't really one "story" but rather several experiences my family has ha...
I Thought It Was A Break In by flipflop
On Saturday just gone (15/01/2011) I had what I believed was a burglar in my house, thankfully I was wrong, but what was it? I had gone to bed at about 12. 30 am on Saturday night and was watching TV with the sound turned down hoping to fall asleep, when I heard someone walk up my stairs, which w...
She Cried In Front Of The Closed Door by Fireflies101
Now, I'm sure everyone has those nights where you just wake up randomly and can't go back to sleep. Well, I was having one of those nights. I usually don't have these kind of nights, so as I lay on my bed I thought about what I should do. I decided to pick up a good book I had been reading for the p...
Granny's Funeral Home by Ally_Logan
I have been seeing things since I was a little girl. The farthest back I can remember would be when I was 6 years old and I was awakened by small whispers and opened my eyes to be face to face with a dark shadow figure. I was always told that if I had a bad dream to just close my eyes and it would a...
Living With Spirits by believein_god
I am going to keep this as short and as direct as possible, we moved in the house that we are currently living in for 7 years, there is definitely 1-2 spirits living here with us. A couple of years ago early in the morning, I was still in bed, it was around 6:00 a.m., and there was no one else in th...
Something Is In The House by catsnook
Before I begin telling you my story I just want to state that everything that I'm going to say is the truth. I wouldn't waste my time making this up. You can believe what you want but I know what I saw. I was 19 when I moved into an apartment that will soon change my mind about ghosts. I was goin...
My Strange Experiences by Christmullins14
Alright just to give a background I'm an average 15 year old boy who lives in a small town in Massachusetts. In my life I've had some experiences with the paranormal. Just wanted to post it up to see what you guys think. This all goes back to when I was about 11. I lived with my mom in a small apart...
Confederate Officer On Horseback by markj7
Being a native Virginian in Civil War country, I have been lucky to have a few encounters and this is my favourite. It was the fall of 1988; I was driving in the northern part of Fauquier County Virginia approx. 45 minutes outside of Upper vile. I was in a very remote area where the hills rolled...
Glimpse Of A Shadow by Reggieaz20
I think I have finally figured out how to start this story. I live in a 3 bedroom town house with just my wife and her cat and my dog. Neither of them will go upstairs by themselves. The cat will sit on the stairs looking down (it's a "U" shape stair case if that makes any sense) but not go all the ...
The Scarred Memories Of The Shadows by Soul_Break
I have no way to explain my experience other than supernatural. I was small I can't remember my age but I can remember the shadows. I will never forget the shadows for as long as I live; whether I want to or not. It was summer and I had to go to my grandparents' house to visit. I used to love goi...
Through The Toughest Times She Was There by freddysgirl1984
This is some-what of a recent story since it happened at least six months or so ago. It's been a difficult year for my mom and me. My mother, myself, and my grandfather had to take care of my grandmother who had a stroke in March of 2009, and died later that year the week before Thanksgiving Da...
Indian Boy by seeing_things11
This is my first story, and I feel a little bit nervous (probably because it's at night, and I usually forbid myself to read ghost stories at night) about sharing it. It first started on my 11th birthday. Strange, because for me, 11 was an unlucky number. Our living room and kitchen are connecte...
Radios And Sleep Talking by seeing_things11
The first story I will tell you about is about a radio. I woke up and took a quick shower, like I usually do on school mornings. I got out of the shower, and my sister ran up to me, really excited for some reason. "Jenna! Jenna! Guess what!" she said. I asked her what. "School is delayed! For 2 hour...
Guardian - Blessed To Cursed by golden_swastika
This happened in the business property we own. This property is rather a big one for a small business, it is building surrounded by big yard. The place where this property is located is not a safe place. It is surrounded by slums. This place is very popular for thieves, gangsters, drugs and every ba...
A Clockwork Haunting by mephisto
As a child living at my parent's house in Australia, my grandmother died in the hallway. The bedroom that she had been staying in at the time eventually became my bedroom when I reached my teens and needed more space. For years after moving in there I was constantly disturbed every night by footstep...
Did I See My Own Ghost? by KellzMelis
I cannot tell you exactly how long ago this happened; only that it was a little chilling. My story does not include any ghosts, although I do quite often see them. This story is about another paranormal experience I had roughly three years ago. I don't know what to call it, but I suppose it was an O...
Did You Call Me Mom? by AndreaRC
Before I start let me explain the layout of my parent's house- it's a split-level with a living room upstairs and a den downstairs, and down stairs there is a hallway connected to the den that is fairly short but has my old room at the end and a guest bedroom on the left side. About a year and a...
Why Do Things Always Happen In Our Houses? by AndreaRC
So, just a little backstory... In our old apartment in Vancouver, strange little occurrences were a norm that we become accustomed to (details in another post), and I thought they'd stop when we moved but they have not, and I find it interesting. I wonder sometimes if the thing followed us, or if it...
Outskirt Of My House: The Ghost Victim - E Avenue 37 by Imprisoned_Butterfly
After the weird events in the apartment in my other story, my parents gave my cats to the shelter for an adoption and my father got rid of the ancient clown doll [I found out when I was twelve]. I made a diary about my dreams and experiences [I still am writing them] and decided to share them with y...
The Mad Ghost by LuZhong
It started when I and my two sisters went to California to visit my uncle and relatives. My Uncle and his family just recently moved there for about a month, but bad stuff kept happening. It was a really big house to. He decided to call my mom and ask her for advice to move out or not. He said he ...
She Still Stands By The Window 2 by Roxanne090
This is the second part of my other story," She Still stands by the Window". In order to get a better understanding of this story, please read the first one. I was packing up my stuff for college. I just needed to go ahead and get the rest of my things from the attic. I began packing up and occasio...
Cabrahombre by Roxanne090
I was staying for five days at my grandpa's house in Mexico. Everything was great; we all LOVED to sit around a good old camp fire and listed to one of our grandpa's collection of great ghost stories. The third day of my stay, grandpa told us kids one about a horrible beast with fangs, goat horns,...
Disturbances With In My Thoughts by envolga
When I was 11 years old, I grew a 6th sense. I was able to see the dead and the future. I met several ghosts daily and was quite trustworthy of them. When I went into the 6th grade I began to encounter demons. One in particular hasn't ever left me alone. It gets into my mind and sometimes it has pos...
The Girl Of My Dreams by 4d
It has been a while since I have been back to this site. My daughter was born and all of my attention was placed on family! She is indeed a special girl to me and I have loved watching her grow. I wrote a story previously on this site before we, wife and I, knew what we were having and it explains h...
My Sister Calls It The Man by Horseexo
Last year a family member was murdered and we were all so upset. My sister (who was two at this time) couldn't understand why we were so upset and we preferred not to tell her nor explain it. A couple of days after our family member's death Charlee (my sister) started to say, "Sissy who's that man...
Funeral Home Incident by 510mot
This is only the second telling of this tale in almost forty years. In 1973, at the ever observant age of four, I had my first brush with the paranormal. On a hazy autumn morning, my mother unexpectedly interrupted my routine when she dressed me in new "going somewhere"clothes. She explained t...
Spectres Paths by kbordkaos
I started seeing spectres as a teenager. I want to call them spectres instead of ghosts, as such, because they just appeared and disappeared and didn't seem to see me or recur. Still, they had a strong impact on me and made me alert to my surroundings-so thanks spectres. The first one was my Gr...
The Ghost Door by Melime
I thought I would share with you my very first encounter with a ghost or a ghost door, to be specific. When I was a child, my family and I used to take this trip to a castle (Called Tidö Slott) about 2 times a year. It contained a toy-museum, with old toys from the royal family and such. Before...
Dad's Vdeoke Bar Once A Morgue by marzie
This is my first time to share my story here on your website... I'm not good in storytelling, so please bear with me. Way back in 2007, my dad owned one of the vdeoke bars in our province... They said that that bar was a morgue before. I remember when we were in high school we avoid passing by t...
Knocking by anzac_biscuit
My name is Conor. I live in a 2 storey house and my room is on the top floor. There are 3 other rooms along the hallway outside my room. A spare room, my sister's room and a bathroom. I'm going to get straight to the point. This happened about 10 minutes ago. It was just past 12 and I was on my l...
The Corners by Tabbie
This happened just a few weeks ago, before Christmas. We are a normal family. My mom, dad and me and our two cats, Trouble and Shadow, and one dog-Ammo. I have been suffering from terrible headaches and no medication seems help. Because of these headaches I have been home a lot, with all of our anim...
Haunted Auto Parts Store by turfster
The first time I submitted this story is was rejected, so I will add more details and other things that happened. I used to work at an Auto parts store in Syracuse NY. This store I found out later was haunted by who the managers believed to be the spirit of a teenage boy that died in a fire year...
Mobile Home Ghost by marley
My adult son and I have rented my brother's girlfriend's mobile home for almost 8 years now. The things I will describe have happened over the course of these 8 years. I have tried to put them in the order in which they have happened. I've tried to give as much detail as possible without intentional...
An Astral Incident by snakemansnakes
This is a true story that happened to me and my family back in 1959 when I was 15 years old. I come from a family of 7, Mum and dad and 5 youngsters. (4 boys 1 girl). We lived in a terraced house in Liverpool, England. Each Saturday some of us Kids would take a bus ride and visit our maternal g...
Strangled By A Ghost by Tay-Tay-
Ever since my family and I have moved into my aunt's house (Who had many Japanese and Buddhists figures in the house), we have been experiencing unexplainable things. But I will just focus on the two biggest ones. But first, I would like to tell you about the little I know about the house. My grandp...
Things Are Escalating. Is It Back? by worried
My story began so many years ago. From a very young age I could see, talk to and hear ghosts. Only when I was young, I didn't know they were spirits. There are a few I remember very well. They were my friends. There was a younger woman. She had long, 70's style straight hair. Pretty and friendl...
Just Some Weird Stuff Happening To Me by MyNameIs
I wanted to know if you guys could explain these sequence of events. This has all started in the past couple of years, but my house has never shown any activity before and we're not built by any place that is haunted. 1. I was upstairs watching a movie and the stair light started flicking on and ...
The Red Stained Handprint by PestilentPixie
I remember staring out the window of my Aunt Linda's red Jeep into the vast Texas starry sky. I was eight years old and we were headed to "the country" far from the city lights of Houston. During the week we lived in a crowded neighbourhood but Fridays were special. Fridays were the days that we loa...
My First Encounter With A Spirit Was On Board The Queen Mary by Scribs
I have always been enamoured with the idea of spirits. Most Haunted, Ghost Hunters, etc., always fascinated me when they were on television. But a strong sense of, self-preservation, for lack of a better phrase, kept me from actively seeking out the paranormal. I was always of the mind, 'If a ghost ...
Manifestation by Annabel
I was around four-teen or fifth-teen at the time. I was in bed and sound asleep. My room at the time had two widows that where in one corner of the room. My bed was facing the door way that lead to the hallway which was small. My room was next the rest room. Also from my room you could see the livin...
The Mysterious Pillion Rider by sds
The experience was really chilling at that point of time when it happened. The year was 1986. I was just recruited in one of the banks of the country and was posted to Coonoor branch, situated in the Ooty hills in Tamilnadu. I was enjoying my stay in Nilgiris Mountains and was having great fun among...
Phantom Pets by Kayorii
I can't remember exactly how old I was, but I was roughly around 11-13 years old. We'd always had pets growing up from mice to hamsters, chickens and later on a rabbit. This story is about my dog Elsa (Rottweiler) and my sister's cat Meow Meow, who was white with one green eye and one blue eye. E...
My Dogs by Alex99
My names Alex... I have recently put down my two dogs Ben (Labrador) and Josh (Border collie) after they attacked an alpaca on a nearby farm, both dogs slept on my bed and I was the person who spent the most time with them. Josh loved tennis balls, he would always have one. After his death I kep...
Great Aunts Goodbye by Tabbie
This happened years ago, but I felt like I needed to share it. I was having a sleepover, and my friend and I were staying up late (of course) and the cats were sleeping down in the basement with us. We had just turned off the lights, and we were getting ready for bed. All the sudden we started h...
The Blue Ribbon by shadowspirit
This story takes place about 2 months ago in November, before I had this dream I was feeling a presence of a female spirit (subbucus). I felt like I was being followed around my house and have has a few encounters when I was in the bathroom things had fallen off the shelves above the bath and toilet...
My Sister's Old House by littlemama07
This is my first time sharing a story, so here goes. I used to spend a lot of time at my fiancé's older sister's house. I always had a weird feeling when I was there, like I was being watched. She had told me she had a ghost, and being I was/am a huge believer in the paranormal I believed her, but...
A Royal Encounter by Lark
It was the second day of my first trip to New Orleans, and one I had looked forward to for a very long time. Being originally from Georgia, I suppose I felt a sort of kinship to the sister city of Savannah. The streets of the French Quarter felt familiar, even though I had never been there before. I...
Biz Nonna Came To See You by rachie
This is my first story submission and by far my craziest experience of the few that I have had. When I was a very small child I spent so much time with my grandmother. She is amazing and I loved to go in the garden and make sauce with her, and she never had a problem letting me muck around and get d...
An Orb Hid From My Mum But Played With Me by ghosts1999
I am writing this to you as I have been terrified of ghosts since the age of eight and I know ghosts are just dead people but I am truly scared and it all started in a hotel in Bulgaria. One day it was too warm to walk about so we stayed in our room for a while and cooled down when all of a sudd...
Ghost Knocking Me Senseless by markj7
As mentioned before, I am a Civil War enthusiast and enjoy learning of the courage and bravery of the Civil War period. With respect to land owners and the past, I have relic hunted in the past. This encounter occurred January 1993 in Fauquier County Virginia. My hunting partner and I obtained p...
Everything But The Bottom Floor by AllieGraz
Ever since I was about 5-6 years old strange things happened to me in my house. It started one night when my parents and I awoke to the sound of our kitchen cabinets being opened and closed. As we started going downstairs the noise stopped. After looking in all the cabinets we realized nothing had p...
Tales From Apartment 6 by zombieinthemorning
All of these accounts are true and it was the worst seven months of my life. I was living in my own nightmares... When I was 18 my mom got me an apartment an hour away from home. I was excited growing up in a very small town I was so ready for the life away from home. I got a small one bedroom a...
My Haunted Room by Melime
Even if I moved out from mum a while ago, I keep my old room the way I left it, and I always sleep in there when I'm visiting. I do believe that the room is haunted. Well, the whole house is, but I have heard/seen most of it in my room. Anyway, first thing I experienced was one of the first nigh...
Unexplained by Sharp3003
I have never talked about this with anyone since it has happened. About 20 years ago I went with my brother and a couple of his friends to an old barn just outside of town that was supposedly being used a satanic church. There was nothing but cornfields on the right side of the road. On the left...
The Haunted Restaurant by golden_swastika
Three years ago I used to study in France (Lyon) and I worked part time at a restaurant in winter. This is a very old restaurant and an expensive one. My job was to clean the whole restaurant before it was noon. So every day early in the morning around 5 am I used to start my job and it would take a...
The Ghost In The Hallway by Scribs
Like my first encounter, my second encounter with the supernatural world came aboard The Queen Mary. It came about a year later and was not nearly as 'gentle' as the first one. My roommate at the time and I decided that we wanted to go down to the Queen Mary for the day. I had seen a dress in one...
She Still Stands By The Window 3 by Roxanne090
As I mentioned in the previous story, I found some belongings that are, apparently of the ghost girl I've been seeing. I took the burned items along with me to college and experienced something that very night, in the dormitories. My roommates were sound asleep, but I had trouble sleeping, for some...
Not A Happy New Year's by AndreaRC
So, this is the story I've been waiting to post, since the submissions page has been closed for a while. I believe it may tie in with all of my previous stories but I'm not sure... Some input would be wonderful. And yeah, I should have posted this one first, it probably would've been smarter, but it...
We'll Never Sneak In Again by AndreaRC
This story takes place in my hometown of Sandy,OR. I had just started dating my now fiance, Matt and was living with my parents, as I was still in high school. My parents would work during the day, so the house was empty. On a particularly cold day, we decided that we should go to my house to han...
What Went Bang In The Night? by Simplyghostnights
As a psychic medium and founder of simply ghost nights, a ghost hunting event company. I frequently get invited to private houses where the occupant of the house believes there may be paranormal activity going on in their home. Obviously paranormal activity is not present in every house I visit, ...
Connected To The Unexpected by healer
What if a ghost story wasn't just about the spirits, but a meeting with someone who you know who has passed, the minute you lay your head to rest? I became involved with a story of a boy who lost his life too early, yet lived his life to the fullest. The more I thought about him, the more it became...
Blue Orb In The Night by Bioweapon
Based on my own experiences I would say that out of all the houses I lived in as a child my father's house had the least paranormal activity so to say. Normally when I stayed at my father's house I wouldn't see, hear, feel or sense anything of that nature. I guess that's what makes this a little...
Strange Apparition In My Room by saronamith
It all began when I was a kid; I lived in a small house in an estate with my mother, father and my baby sister. I'm not sure what age I was but it would have been when I was in school in junior infants. My mother used to always say to my father that she thought I was possessed jokingly mainly becaus...
Demons? Nightmares? Hormones? by urbanhillbilly
My wife and I recently purchased a home... And for the longest time we always suspected that there was something else in the house with us, not necessarily a dark entity, there has never been any maliciousness towards my wife or me, or our children... Worst thing this "being" has done was in the mid...
Ouija Djinn by Rustum
This is a real account of some events that took place in 1992. At the time I was 16 years old and I and some friends were experimenting with ouija boards. We never actually had a real board but made our own out of paper letters and numbers etc and used a glass tumbler as a planchette. One time we ...
Voice Unkown by NightmareChills
These are true events, I have had several strange experiences in my life most of them from when I was a teen growing up. These occurances started after I had moved to my families newly built home. Back then I didn't really believe in any of this stuff until it started to happen to me. Unfortunately ...
Activity In My Home by markj7
I will try to keep this short but there has been a lot of activity. My family and I purchased a 15 year old home in March 2008. About 9 months after moving in, my 8 year old daughter said she hears some one breathing over her shoulder while on the computer. I say, stop goofing around but if you hea...
Grandpa Is My Guardian Angel by lizziek80
My very first experience was when I was 8 years old. My family and I lived in Texas and just received news that my grandfather had a heart attack and passed away. We left to head to Mexico for his funeral. I remember the funeral was sad for everyone and my grandmother was devastated. After the fun...
Demon Guardian by Frost13
I have a demon watching over me. I don't know how he came to me or who he is exactly. He is very strong, strong enough to have saved me to death multiple times. Every time I was close to dying I kept seeing what looked like an angel but not quite. His eyes were solid white and his wings and halo a...
Prom Night Ghost Car by tyx2010
It was prom night and the dance had just ended so my girlfriend, Nikki, and I left to go to her friend's house. On the way there, we saw a car up ahead coming towards us. We had to turn left and it was far enough ahead so I could turn before it got to us. Looking in my rearview mirror I noticed that...
Strange Happenings At Grandma's House by nyannyan87
My Grandparents live in a small two story house in Livonia, Michigan. It was built in the 1950's. They have lived there ever since my Mom was 7 years old, and she has experienced many strange and unexplainable things there. Ever since I can remember going there, I have gotten strange feelings li...
My Room Never Felt Safe by Jrox123
I moved out of my old house a few months ago. That house has been in my family for a long time. My dad grew up there, and I grew up there. So I said that I would keep the house once I got older. I'm 16 years old. And in September 2010 My mom Moved to British Columbia. And I stayed (alone) in Ontario...
Phoenix Is Saving Me by susu17
I am currently 20 years old and 5 months pregnant. The chosen baby name is Phoenix, and I seriously think Phoenix has been protecting me from all the horrible things I have experienced in the past. Ever since I can remember I always loved hearing my grandmothers scary stories, they were mostly about...
The Mystery With My Girlfriend by Concerned
I have lived closely with my girlfriend, whom I will call Ann, which is not her real nam. She is the person of my life. For 3 years have I spent my life with her, we have shared sorrow and happiness, mostly happiness if I am to be honest. I registered on this site just so that I could write this...
Ghost Hunting In Heiau by 4d
I have been involved with a group that promotes spiritual awareness for the last year and it has been amazing! I have learned so much during this time about myself and ALL those around me. We take field trips, we do talks, we help people understand, and we seek haunted places in Hawaii. We had re...
A Guardian? by shamby
I have told you my story of a friend, D, that died in a car wreck and came to visit me in dreams, this is an update. Last week I had another dream with D in it. I would like to say at this point (as I'm pretty sure I've said before) that I do not have reoccurring dreams, I do not have dreams wit...
Paranormal Life Just Got A Bit More Active by CDubber
My story begins practically right from when I was born. My whole family is very spiritual and a majority of them are psychic or have had paranormal encounters. First of, I'll start by saying all of these events have occurred in various places, as my family and I tend to move around a lot but all...
The Plaid Blanket by PestilentPixie
Mine and Clint's first house together was a two bedroom one bathroom trailer house that was beyond old, it was ancient. It didn't even have the equipment for central heating or air. The house was furnished, which was great because we didn't have much furniture. I had left mine in Texas at my Dad's h...
Mirror Image by Ami092
I remember sitting on my laptop in the kitchen one night maybe around half 1 in the morning despite my mum telling to be off by midnight. It was the middle of the summer and I was just enjoying having a lazy night in talking to friends over facebook, just the usual. As half an hour seemed to dra...
Did He Find Me? by Chica22
When I was younger I went to this school that wasn't in the town I lived in. Everyday when my mom would take me to school or take me home when school was finished we passed by this really creepy old house. It was abandoned, and it looked like it had been for years. When we would drive by there would...
Message On The Mirror by elvis213
My girlfriend and I have lived in our apartment for over a year now and nothing has really happened out of the ordinary that couldn't be dismissed by reason. My girlfriend's cousin died almost 2 years ago and never lived in this apartment but we have both always felt as though she may be here wi...
My Ghost Derek by Codd2712
This is my second story. These occurrences have only been happening since May 10. I moved into an army married quarter with my husband in May 2010. At first all seemed normal. My husband went away on a course and it was quiet until the night before he was due back when I heard footsteps upsta...
Visions by Tracie
Since I can remember I have the ability to see, hear and feel spirits. At first it was scary but then I realised it was a gift I was given and become used to the idea. The only vision I don't like is when I see crosses as in a death cross. If I see 3 within a short space of time then I know it is go...
Lookie Loo by Tabbie
This has just bothered me, I'm not sure if it is paranormal, but nothing has happened like this before. Now for almost every girl, or at least me, her bathroom is her safe place. So the world of the paranormal was the last thing on my mind before I went to take a nice bubble bath. Now just like...
2 Year Old Grandson Seeingtalking To Ghost by Kojak
My Grandson just turned two in November. After Xmas he began having conversations at both the day care and in my home. Our house I bought new, no one has died here. He is not afraid. He follows this "entity" around the house... Then sits and has conversations with it/her/him. Then will come back...
My Friend The Succubus by shadowspirit
Before reading this story, I recommend you read my story "the blue ribbon" to get an insight on my demon My story takes place on Sunday morning (30th of January 2011, between 6am and 9am GMT). I had not been feeling very well in the upcoming days and so I decided to stay in bed after I couldn't s...
The Old Man by bobdylanrock2244
This is my first experience and my first story so it might not be as good as some. I am very scared of ghosts and have never thought they were this scary but, I always try and be brave so let's start. I have a king-size bed and it fills a lot of my room. One night I was just falling asleep when I...
Room 11 by Magarac
My friend and I were heading into another town (Ballarat, Australia) to meet a friend; it was about two hours by coach. We were planning to stay the night and after we had the day with her we chose our hotel and received the keys to room 11. For the first hour it was quite. My friend decided to have...
From The Corner, He Watched by angelia
A majority of my stories stem from the house that I grew up in. My parents still live there, and it seems that every time I visit I have a new story to tell. This past summer, my husband and I were in CO. Attending a baby shower for our new baby to be. We were staying at my parents' house. My hu...
Tapping In My Dorm Room by spiralsoutof
This actually happened to me last night/this morning. I was lying in bed around 1am, surfing through my random thoughts and trying sleep when I hear a vigorous tapping coming from my backpack, which was on the ground next to my bed. It stopped after about 7 seconds. The whole thing was quite ran...
I Think She Misses Her Mommy by angelia
My eldest daughter who is 13 and I have a special connection, I have yet to figure out how this works but even when she is not with me, we can feel when each other is sick, feeling depressed, elated, confused. She can read me better than anyone else and vice versa. A few months ago, we were in th...
Evidence Of Spirit Communication That Will Amaze You by Simplyghostnights
Evidence of an afterlife, through spirit communication Hi my name is Stuart Dawson I am a psychic medium and run a ghost hunting company called Simply Ghost Nights in the UK. On a recent ghost night on one of our events we were using one of our Frank box's, (ghost box). There were seven of us in ...
The Strangest Things by Sk99
Ever since I was little from when I was eight years old, I have never really talked about them too anyone as my mum has only started believing me now. But after reading some stories on here I can, share my experiences. And believe me there have been many more than the ones I am about to share with y...
Demon Face, Possed Dolls, Haunted House by Tonksy
Me and my then Boyfriend, now Fiancé Ben, had just started dating. I warned him about the things that had accrued in my mom's house that I lived in. I told him about how I'd be woken from my sleep and not being able to move, hearing things etc. One night we sat together talking, all alone. When ...
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