We recently (4 mos) moved into this house, kind of weird. My wife thought she heard a little child's voice in the middle of the night when she would get our 3 yo Grandson a bottle. I am a believer that anything is possible but nothing of the unusual really scares or bothers me. I have constantly felt like I am being watched, almost everytime I walk into another room of the house I always think that I see something in the hallway, nothing ever there. Occasionally my g-son would say he was talking to a man in the hallway, once he said that man's dead and pointed to the floor, but when I say what man he kind of goes off onto something else. I am thinking imagination.
Well my wife called me this morning after I left for work, she heard him screaming from our bedroom (where he always sleeps. The door was shut and she thought locked. She yelled, open the door, thinking that the boy locked it and was stuck. The door opened and our boy was still in bed screaming, "that man smacked me, make him stop," over and over again. She turned on the lights and he had what looked like a red hand mark bigger than his hand on his face. The last week he has been vomiting for no reason, not sick, wakes up and vommits. Just thought it was a bug. Can these things go hand in hand? I feel silly but I would do anything for that boy and cannot have him scared or hurt!
Also our CAT is always walking in the hall, hair straight up and back crunched up, scared! Plus all of the electronics in our house keep shorting out and phone stops working for no reason. My wife tried to take a pic of the marks on the boy this morning and our camera is gone! Seems weird. What should I do? Just play it by ear? I am lost, please help! Also though, please, honest advice!