My name is Stephanie. I am a 24 year old scared woman. Let me jump into my problem to see if anyone can give me some advice on getting my problem taken care of.
It all started like 4 years ago when I stopped doing illegal drugs. About 1 month after I had stopped doing drugs, things, bad things started happening to me in the day and night. In the day I would hear things and people that were not there. At night things or people would touch me and leave marks all over my body, my clothes would be torn and bloody, but I would not have any marks that would bleed. My hair was riped out and placed at the foot of my bed. I never found out what was happening to me at that time, it finally stopped after going on for about 1 year. Now here it is 3-4 years later and it all it starting again.
Two nights ago I fell asleep as normal then I woke up in the morning with my panties off and sitting on the table next to my head. They also were damp. Now last night I fell asleep as normal, then woke up this morning with 9 scratches on my body, I do not have long nails and I do not wear rings to bed, and there is nothing sharp in my bed. My face felt like it was on fire, then I looked in the mirror and saw 2 scratches on the right side and 1 on the left.
If there is anyone that can help me please feel free to post any advice. I wish to not have hateful comments or rude things said on here. I am open for any kind of advice.