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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter H: Page 1
H-E-B Ghost by Janice
Hello everybody, it's been a while since I've been on this site, due to school and stuff, I haven't had the time for internet but I have a story to tell that happened recently over the past few weeks. I was with my mom in the car, we had just picked up a pizza from Little Ceaser's and were heading t...
Ha-ha Very Funny, Josh by valkricry
Christmas. It can be rather an emotional maze for many of us. This year has been a bit rougher for me than others. Since my son's death in 2002, all the holidays are a bit bittersweet, I think is the term for it. I miss him and the rest of my still living family very much, but even more so during th...
Had An Experience With An Entity, Looking For Guidance by rockers_99
Recently I had an experience hard to describe. I had been through an emotional day, had just broken up with my boyfriend. I went to a friends new house, which was a new development of about 20 townhouses which had just been built. The property was very close to the beach. An old pub which was previo...
Had No Clue by skyler
I lived in my great grandma's house after she passed away and knew it was haunted because all of her brothers and sister would stay over there before she passed away and they would tell me stories of they're experiences and encounters with paranormal things. I didn't think nothing of it because I wa...
Hag Pulling My Quilt by Sleeping-with-steve
I've been living in this unit I'm in for just over a year. Prior to this place I was living with my mother because I went through a divorce after a long marriage. When I first moved into this unit I had bad dreams and couldn't sleep all the way through until the morning. To start off with when...
Haints At Traci's by Ramzey
Ghostly Appalachian Paranormal Professionals ~ Traci, Dustin, Greg, Olivia This particular Friday night was fun. The date was September Fourth of this year, 2009. My team (G.A.P.PS.) had scheduled an investigation at a home located in Sylva, North Carolina. The investigation was scheduled because...
Hair Being Pulled by peopleinthemirror
When I was 15 my friend Lisa spent the night with me in the Chula Vista house, Lisa was 14 and was my best friend that I met when I was 9. When we were younger she experienced a lot of the footsteps in the house. However this night was different, we were listening to music in my room and as I was...
Hair Bows by HannahLeigh
Last year I had encountered my very firsat paranormal experience. It was a weekend like any other, just a lazy day. Around Midnight we started shutting down the house. As I walked into my room, I remembered something, a question for my father I had forgotten to ask. I turned around and walked bac...
Hair Getting Tugged by msecrose
For about 2 or 3 years is how long I've really noticed this happening. It will start and then it will stop for a while but I haven't really noticed a pattern. Today I felt my hair being pulled again. I normally experience this only in my house. It especially happens in my room, home office, and kitc...
Hair Pulling by Paranormal_Seer
I'd like to start off this entry by explaining that this event happened at my best friend's house a few days ago. About a day or so after I posted my other entry, something happened that freaked not only me out, but it scared my best friend as well! I was staying the night over at her house, and ...
Hair Raising Experience by chloe26
Some long time ago, my grandmother's brother passed away. A funeral service was held for a few days, followed by his burial services - all of which, I've attended. It is customary in the Philippines for the immediate family to hold a "reception" after the burial - snacks will be served at the me...
Hair Tinkled By An Orb by roylynx
It happened during a summer during the time when I was Primary Five. I used to live in an apartment with my family near Liberdade. I joined a local swimming team and had a long practice. I went home late that day since the coach asked me for a part time job to clean the swimming pool. I came home...
Haleys Ouija Board by haleybug
The story I am writing happened to me between the ages of 11-14.I can tell you this will most likely have to be broken down in to several stories. This is the worst of my paranormal experiences, so enjoy. As a kid I was always the weird girl that nobody wanted to play with, so upon my fifth grade...
Haleys Ouija Board 2 by haleybug
So on with my Ouija board. By this time I was about 13 and in the 7th grade. I was really hooked on this thing, to the point I was blowing off every one around me. I would skip everything and go home to "play". Now my "friend" had a name it was Stu. Stu told me things that were true but he also ...
Half A Ghost by nima
This here is a story from not too long ago, it's been little less than a year. Before getting into the story I would like to fill in a few details which may give you a better picture but English is not my mother tongue so am sorry if I fail to describe some things properly. I am originally from D...
Half Asleep Feelings by ohcrayonsimdead
My name is Ashley Smith, and I'm eighteen years old. I would like to tell you all a little about my past experiences before I start into this. Ever since I was five I could see things that other people could not. Whether it is Auras or ghosts. When I was around six or seven I realized that when I...
Half Dragged, Half Gone by EchoBay
Before my grandpa passed away he told me a story that forever scared him. Even with me not being there this story gives me goose bumps. The location was in the woods to where he lived in the house that he passed away in. He stayed in that house for 36 years. And this ghost story happened 34 years ag...
Half Person Floating - What Is It? by dicombobulated
It feels wierd writing about this but here we go. When I was 13 I was with my cousin who also was 13 at the time. We had to go out the front of the house to get a camera from her parent's car. It was about 11pm at night. She was in front of me and started yelling at me as to who that was across the ...
Halloween At The Cemetary by HassaniSabbah
This happened on the Halloween night of 2008 and is not my own experience but that of my Brother, Sister and close friends. It is long so bear with me. I lived in Canberra during my childhood and Canberra is known to be the most haunted location in Australia given its history. Growing up I never to...
Halloween Prank by MOTHERPANN
I have submitted several stories about happenings in my home relating to my resident ghost(s). The last story was a recent encounter with a perfumed ghost. Last Easter, I wrote how the ghost stacked my shoes in the front of the door, two times, once during the week and the other on Easter evenin...
Halloween Pranksters by Nysa
This story begins when I was a child, probably about 7 years old. My mom & aunts threw a huge Halloween party for all the kids in the family, I think there were 16 of us at the time, ranging in age from probably 5 to 13. It was awesome but the coolest part came about the time it just got really dark...
Halloween Scare At Haddam High by rasenferno
This real story took place during Halloween of 2009. A friend, his 2 oldest sisters, his cousin, and myself were bored so we decided to go see the old school building. It was said to be haunted by a girl who was shot there during a school play that took place prior to 1950. We wanted to go see if it...
Halloween Terror On Captain Ellis Lane by virulentpeach
It was Halloween night and I was a small child of 8 years old, preparing to go trick-or-treating with a group of neighborhood children. I was going with my friend Jenny, her friends Haley and Allie, and Jenny's older brother who would be supervising us. We had just gotten our costumes finished and w...
Hallows Eve Ouija Experience by Jginkx94
This is a true story some don't believe me but I thought that I should share because I wanted a more vivid explanation of what happened that night. Note that I am 14 years old but this is a true story. It was Halloween, and I was visiting my grandmother and she is of Wiccan decent. She told me th...
Hallucination Or Reality? by luciddreamerxo
I just moved in with my boyfriend a year ago, and ever since I moved in with him, I have the feeling that our bedroom is haunted. Our bedroom is located on the "third floor" of our house, which really should just be called an attic. It's spacious and quite nice actually. But after only a few days of...
Hallucinations Or Illusion by dhariniraman
I am avid reader to this website. First of all forgive my English grammar. I am from Chennai, Tamilnadu. I have had this experience for a very long time. I had a hallucination of some being pressing my right or left hand. And I am unable to move them at a particular time. And if I am turning thi...
Hallucinations Or Spirits? by WillowTree
I am 15 now and you may not take me seriously, but these happenings are tearing me apart and no one will believe me, not even my parents. It all started when I was 5, in my home at Dubai in Jumeirah. I would get this horrible feeling, like something is filling me with fear and suffering, I got sc...
Hallucinations Or What? by podefui
I have lived at my current home since 2001. Nothing strange has happened until recent years. Three things have happened that are strange to me. The first experience was around 2006. I was sleeping down stairs my cousin was over and we just usually crashed downstairs where there is a larger TV. H...
Hallucinations, Coincidences Or Real Ghosts? by changerfett
I have always been interested in the paranormal and supernatural. When I read a ghost story, I can't take my eyes off until I have finished reading. But here are my experiences. But for some of them, I'm not sure if they are real. When I lived in my first house (I moved twice) I felt like I could...
Hallway Haunts by faerielike
According to my landlord, the house I live in was constructed around the time of the Civil War. At the time it served as barracks, and later as a hotel, and today it is split into four separate apartments. We live in the top left one, if you are facing the house. I have tried researching this ho...
Hallway Of Footsteps by luckdragon
This is my 3rd story. As the previous story briefly touched on my grandparents, I thought my next would be of my own experiences at grandma's house. Around 1980, when I was around 17 years old, I lived with my grandparents for about 6 months. I had spent the first 8 years of my life living next ...
Hallway Shadow Figures by TheLightFatedGirl89
One of my earliest experiences started with an apartment my parents moved us into. Just a regular two bedroom apartment in the suburbs of Portland, Oregon. It had a large living room with a long highway that connected the front living room and kitchen to two bedrooms and two bathrooms on the other e...
Hamilton Apartment Poltergeist by Kinger
In 2006 I moved into a high rise apartment building in Hamilton at the intersection of King Street East and Emerald Street North. The building was built in the 1970s and it served since then as a facility for government subsidized housing. Most of the tenants were on government support and many were...
Hamilton Forgotten North End Entity by robertbjgvch190
So as far as a complete manifestation of an apparition or spirit goes if that is what you seek then disregard this story but these events truly happened sometime in the beginning of my 20's at a time when I could barely keep a roof over my head. Me and Some friends had started renting the main fl...
Hand And Voice by Reallifeexp
One night I was lying in my bed, and terrably upset over something. I do not remember what exactly but I was just thinking about things and my PaPa. I remember turning off the lights and snuggling under the covers. I always love covers over my shoulders at night. So I threw them on over and closed m...
Hand Behind Head by Caitliiin
Earlier today, I was walking past one of my best friends' house. He was standing at the window pulling the finger at me (being his usual self) when I saw a hand from behind his head and it looked like it was about to grab or slap his face. I turned away at this point and quickly walked away, as I wa...
Hand Grabbed My Foot by Carisma_848
First of all I will give you a bit of background information on my house. Although I don't think that this spirit, whether evil or just mischievous, has anything to do with the history of my house, it might do and you guys could help me figure out what this thing was or where it came from. This stor...
Hand Grabbing My Ankle In Shower by kk3boo
So my family moved here to Utah about four years ago and ever since there have always been these presences. Some of them were kind and helpful. A couple of them I was able to talk to as well and they never did anything other than protecting the younger children in my household. However the other n...
Hand in my Hair by lupine_angel1688
When I met my friend Kristin, I'll admit I thought she was a little crazy when she told me she had a ghost "living" in her room. So I decided that I would prove her wrong by spending the night in her room with her. As we prepared for bed, nothing strange had happened so I thought that there was no w...
Hand In The Closet/wardrobe by sheld999
This event took place when I was young from memory between 5-9 years old of age. The season was around Autumn/Spring (can't really remember as I was young). It was around early evening/almost dark outside, I was just relaxing as a young kid does after a busy day. I had to put something away in my...
Hand on my Shoulder by Anonymous
Not "Revelation"-'tis-that waits, but our unfurnished eyes -Emily Dickinson I was in my early 20's and far from the city that I grew up in. I didn't have a family really. My parents had loads of problems of their own, for starters my father had molested children, other than me, and after I report...
Hand On My Waist by courtneyOMGG
Before I begin my story, I will give you guys some information about how I feel while I'm in my room. When I am in there, whether I am home alone or not, I always feel like I'm being watched. If I'm anywhere else in the house, I don't get the feeling. I know it isn't paranoia, because it doesn't go ...
Hand On Shoulder by gemmaxrose
I'm not one who has a very strong belief in ghosts but my family has had past experiences like light flickering before the death of my uncle and having an negative energy that gifted people pick up. I was at school participating in sports inside the hall and it was around 10am. The opposite team ...
Hand Print And Laughter by Wolfie234
This happened sometime today, I had just got out of the shower and was in my bedroom getting dressed. I had reached for my shirt that was on the bed, and happened to glance down; right there I saw a wet hand print on my bed below my shirt. It's not mine, nor my sister who is five because she wasn't ...
Hand Print On His Chest by rachael-lucas
I've been dating my boyfriend for two years, I had never had any sort of experience until I met him. For a while now we've had a lot of things happen to us. He's woken up with scratches, bruises etc. Those things never overly bothered me until something that happened the other night... This is w...
Hand That Grabbed Me In The Dark by ganda_cnd
Before I narrate my ghost story you must first know our family profile. This is relevant to my story. I have 3 sisters at this time, my two other siblings are not yet born. Basically my father is the only male in our family. We don't have any other relative living with us so it's just us staying in ...
Hand Touching Me & Other Strange Occurrences by nella1208
If you have not read my other story I suggest you do but you don't have to, it's just to get a feel as to what I've been through and thought I got away from. Well as you know from my first story I've moved to a new house and for the past 6 years nothing paranormal has happened. But I'm beginning to ...
Handprint Of A Ghost? by valkricry
This happened on September 23, 2018, around 10 A.M. Or so. It was a Sunday morning, and my roommate was at Service, so my cat and I were enjoying some uninterrupted TV time. I was enjoying a scary movie (my 'guilty' pleasure) with the drapes drawn and lights off for atmosphere. When out of nowhere...
Handprints by kristinarodriguez1980
In 1991 at the age of 11, my family moved into a larger house in a different city. I never had an all-American happy family. We were like any other dysfunctional family. When we moved into the 4 bedroom house (This time 6 kids) we were all happy. I remember walking in excited. Things were normal....
Handprints 2 by kristinarodriguez1980
In the 2nd story I put up in here I told true edvents of what's happening in my house. I posted that story over a month ago. My house then at the time wasn't too high with activity. I still see the figures from my hallway into the living room. Sometimes its quiet... Meaning no activity will happen ...
Hands All Over My Body by ant1111
A few nights ago I was lying in bed, watching television and trying to fall asleep as usual. It was late, probably after 2am. I have set my television on a timer so it shuts off automatically so it isn't on all night long. I was lying on my left side, facing the television, drifting of to sleep ...
Hands Around my Throat by Perushka
Four years ago, I started my university education and for the first time I was living away from my family. The university is about 650 kilometers from my hometown and I was living at one of the oldest residences on the campus. It was called Sunnyside and was a female only residence. I made many f...
Hands Off! by applerose
What is it about trailers? 3 years ago we moved into an older trailer (80's style) and right off I had that feeling that there were more occupants then those mentioned on the lease. About a week into our new home... I was backing out of the driveway (in a hurry to get to work) and I noticed a litt...
Hands on my Shoulder by Carl Mangum
It started when I woke up thirsty and needed something to drink so I could go back to sleep. I started to move and all that moved was my head, I then noticed that there were hands on my shoulder that felt strong, strong enough to hurt me if they wanted to. I laid my head back down and started thinki...
Hands On My Windshield by sarahmariacecilia
I drive a 2005 Honda Civic, and usually, it isn't very clean. I'm not only an artistic type, but I'm also always rushing from place to place, so in general my spaces are semi messy. So, when I had time on a lunch break to go wash my car, it was a big deal. That whole day I drove around enjoying my f...
Hands On The Mirror And Feathers On The Floor by Ashes_2_Ashes
My cousin passed away due to suicide at age 14 in August of 2007. Sadly enough, it was right before the beginning of the school year and her birthday. I have been shattered from this and believe many of my paranormal experiences may be related to her. A few months after her death, my Aunt, (her ...
Hands, Voices and Haunted Objects by Upsideout
I don't know where to begin. My mother and I both had similar encounters when I was about seven, but I only learned about hers last year. Now that I've put the pieces together, its even stranger than I thought. I always figured that my seven-year-old brain was just showing me what I wanted to see, y...
Hangers Hill by Geezy
I live in a small town, south of England. It's the kind of town where everyone is close knit, they help others out and stories are often exchanged about the history of the town, the most well-known story is about The Heath. The Heath is a huge pond, surrounded by acres of grassland and hills; it...
Hanging Barn by atownactor
This happened to me about 3 to 4 years ago. My friend Andy and I were at an old abandoned barn taking pictures and video of the place, just because we were bored. It was probably 2 to 3 in the afternoon when we were there. Andy had decided to go into the barn to check it out and see what kind of pic...
Hanging Jackets by starhallie
I'm going to be frank. I've never truly believed in ghosts until last night. My boyfriend asked me to come stay with him at his friend's house for a little bit (he had to feed the cat and the dog while his friend was away... Kind of like house-sitting). I remembered him saying something to the eff...
Hanging Lady Ghost by Vinayak16
This happened to me 2 years ago when I was 15 years old. I always had interest in the paranormal stuff and had an affinity towards why such things happened. I was with my family and we were having our dinner at 8:00 PM. We had shared some pleasantries and completed our dinner by 8:30PM. When I ...
Hangout With Mohini by sds
This incident happened some 10 years ago right in the heart of the city of Madras. In Madras, there is a place called Kodambakkam, which is quite popular for housing many of the cine studios for several decades. Over a period of time and due to advancement of technologies in film industry, some of t...
Hannah's Friend by kellyann87
This story is not of my experience but one I'm sharing of my sisters, Kristina and of my niece Hannah. They began experiencing strange things going on when Kristina, her husband Shane and their daughter Hannah moved into their new apartment about 2 years ago. At first nothing major seemed to be g...
Happened Again by Haven
I have been absent from this forum for about 6 months now. The last couple of months I've been dealing with a medical issue that has made me tired and a bit depressed. The depression and anxiety also have to do with the situation the world is currently facing, I guess a lot of people are going throu...
Happened In Dreams And Reality by Anam_1234
I'm a first time submitter, long time reader. I've had many experiences as I roam in dark alone many times to feel better and I like it that way being away from the world and sitting in silence. This happened to me for 3 months, I see someone in my dreams, I don't know why because I don't know an...
Happenings In Churches by RCRuskin
Two churches, actually, both in New York State. Over this past weekend, I attended a seminar/retreat/presentation at church discussing the development of worship, and the speaker mentioned as an important point, we should always be aware that in church we are in Heaven with all our loved ones around...
Happenings In My Apartment by DannX68
I put these experiences together in one post, since some of them are too short to meet the 1500 characters requirement:) They all took place in my old apartment which was located in a building dating back to the 30s. One night I had a rather disturbing nightmare of me running from something throu...
Happenings In My Apartment 2 by DannX68
Of course I forgot to put some things into my latest account. So here goes, it won't be anywhere near as long. I didn't only see black shadows at my feet, but I saw them on a fairly regular basis, everywhere in the apartment, all sizes. I never felt fear when I saw them, though. The next two ...
Happenings In My Childhood Home by CyanideDiamond109
I have a few stories to tell, this is the first I remember. I'm not sure how old I would have been but I was quite young (I'm 18 now) living with my mum, dad and brother in West Auckland. I HATED this house! I never felt safe here, there was always SOMETHING uneasy about it and I was pretty reliev...
Happenings In My Flat by Quinny
I have lived in my flat for nearly 3 years now and for just less than I would say a year I have witnessed several occurrences that have no logical explanations. I first noticed a different atmosphere in my home after my long-term boyfriend and I had split up and I became very depressed. I had a ...
Happenings In Our Home by Zorro
I never really understood why my sixth sense is slightly opened. I tried my hardest to ignore them but I could really sense their presence in our home. I'm going to share two stories that happened in our home. I was seating in our sala (living room) and watching TV. My brother was across the room...
Happenings In Our Home 2 by Zorro
I forgot to include this in the first part of the happenings in our home. There really shouldn't be a part 2. I've experience a lot in our home but some experiences are kind of boring so I'm just going to share things that stood out. I was watching TV and wanted to get a drink in the kitchen my b...
Happy Birthday by Maricris
When I was 9 years old, we lived in a 3 bedroom house that has a big front & backyard. Nothing was odd or weird going on at the first few months after we moved in. As the months go by, I started feeling that something is wrong or something is going on inside & around the house. I would hear footstep...
Happy Birthday Song In The Cemetery by SpiritusMoJo
Over 20 years ago as a young teenager, my friends and I would sneak out in the middle of the night and toilet paper other people's homes. One night we decided to walk or cut through a cemetery. More than halfway through, we heard something and we all stopped. It wasn't very loud. There were four...
Happy Birthday To Me by AppleSauce27
I can remember the first time, 30 years ago, when I had a feeling of pure terror hit me like a freight train. It was my birthday May 18, 1980. I was outside running around with my friends, playing freeze tag, and waiting for my mom to bring out my Raggedy Ann cake. I had just rounded the corner ...
Happy Fathers Day Dad by Cliney1212
About 9 years ago my daughter was invited to a birthday party from one of her school friends. The party was held on a Sunday morning in the upstairs function room in a pub in our local town. I had never been to this pub and I needed directions to find it although I did know of the pub because my Dad...
Harassed by an Evil Entity by jmj1987
Last night I was up late, I didn't get to bed until about 1 in the morning. I was lying in bed and thinking to myself a lot about life and I heard an unfamiliar voice in my head but dismissed it to being so tired and thinking so much. This voice as I recall, came along with a fluttering noise and se...
Harassed By Spirit? by Ribs1993
Hey, I am new to post something here. I have been an avid reader for couple of years. I decided to try to write my story and I need some advice or information regarding my experience. This started when I was teenager around 14 years old. I started to develop sleep paralysis. But I thought it was ...
Harassing Spirit? by makaylaleanne
About a month ago I noticed something, shall I say, strange. My house has this negative energy about it. A little while back I was in my hallway going to use the restroom and something screamed the word Hello into my ear. When that happened I ran to my mother to see if she had heard it but she had n...
Harbinger by Soccermom99
I've been reading the fascinating stories on this site for a while and finally decided it was time to share some of my stories. I have, for as long as I can remember, always had experiences with spirits. I grew up in a haunted house, and I will share those stories another day. In December of 200...
Harbinger Of Death by _Little-Miss-Skinny_
The "Black Lady". Others call it the Lady in Black. I only saw it once. But for me though, that one time was enough for me to know that this entity (the black lady) is the "harbinger of impending death". I was a 5th grader in QESchool at that time, year 2008. We always change classrooms in eve...
Hard Breathing by juju92
I was on a trip with couple of friends in London last year. We were in my best friend's old Grandma's house on a beautiful countryside. It's a big house and I didn't hear or see anything until one night my friends went out to a party. I was sick so I couldn't go I was lying on the bed in the guest ...
Hard Letting Go! by ajonverge
Today I wish to share with you something that happened in 2006. This is going to be a long account, so kindly be patient. I used to stay in Thane, Mumbai, India. The building was a new construction and the flat we stayed in was the only one built yet. The market road was just a few paces away an...
Hard To Say Goodbye by KayWeezy18
This is some pretty hard stuff to write especially when you still grieve but I'll try and cut a long story short. It's being two years since my cousin's passing. Earl only turned 25 and everyone had come back from Auckland back to Whanganui it had being a long weekend. On Sunday my cousin ran...
Harding Street by bette31
When I was 16, I was in an accident where I was turning into my boyfriend's house and a lady ran out of the road and hit me while I was in his driveway. Her front bumper was hanging off her car and she totaled mine. After the state trooper came and listened to both of our statements, I ended up gett...
Harlan, Iowa's, Haunted Funeral Home by dign4it
From the very first day I moved in, I saw the spirits walking the halls of this old funeral home. Back in time this was one of Harlan's main funeral homes. My Grandfather on my Mom's side had "gone through" here back in 1950. Now it's an apartment building, and in August of 2011, I moved into one of...
Harley the Ghost Cat by Crystal
I'm 16 years old and I live in VA. I had the same cat since I was a baby, his name was Harley. We were really really close and always together when I was home. Harley got really sick about 7 months ago and we put him on a couple medications but his illnesses were not curable. He slept in the my bath...
Harmless Haunting Just Got Scary by taffi74
My family consists of myself (I am 34), my husband, and our 3 sons. We have lived in our house for 12 years now. We knew almost right after we moved in that there were "other people" here. My husband sees things all the time and my 11 year old son has seen ghosts since he was very small. Sometime...
Harmless North Florida Ghost? by bayouboy
Hey, y'all. I finally got time to write about some of our more recent happenings. My wife and I live in Jacksonville, Florida in a wood frame house. Our previous home here was of similar construction and size of this one and with similar activity. About 5 years ago we moved into the first of these...
Harmless North Florida Ghost? 2 by bayouboy
Hey, thought I would put update you all. I haven't heard anything in about 7 months and although this is nothing major, I finally can say I have seen the unusual. No, I haven't seen an apparition. The other day I did see an object move. To start off you would have to picture the bathroom of my h...
Harmless North Louisiana Ghost? by bayouboy
Compared to some of the accounts I have read on this site, I am sure my story will sound tame or even boring. Yet someone may relate. When I was two years old my father purchased some land in West Monroe, La. He then purchased a home, which was moved to the land, where I lived until my 20s. I now re...
Harold's Story by Cdn_Tinkerbell
In November of 1984, my family moved into a new and larger home. I was 9 at the time. From day one there were strange things that happened in that house. My grandfather's rocking chair would rock on its own, doors slamming when there was no one there and no breeze in the house, the TV turned off and...
Harris Street Part 1 by vmolina9025
My home on Harris Street is where my family and I encountered the most unbelievable events of our lives. I lived here with my two brothers, A and J, two sisters, Val and V (both my sisters and my name start with a V), my golden retriever, and both my parents. We had many things happen to us, and in ...
Harris Street Part 2 by vmolina9025
The paranormal events later escalated from footsteps and voices to seeing shadows and having objects move around. Both my sisters would wake up in the middle of the night, hold hands, and walk around the house to make sure every door was locked so no intruders would come in. They told me sometimes...
Harrisons Graveyard in Kinston, Alabama by Cil
One night, my uncle took me, my sister, my brother, my cousin, and my other uncle to an old church graveyard on a long skinny dirt road way back in the woods. There, I witnessed things that I will never forget. I was only 6 or 7 and it was a full moon, you could see everything real good on the dirt ...
Harry The Old Ladies Visitor by bobbin1
Let me tell you a little bit about my self I'm a 30 year old male and I am still very skeptical about ghost/hauntings etc, but can not explain something that happened 4-6 years ago when I was working as a care assistant in a home in Yorkshire. I worked the night shift for 2 years and didn't feel ...
Harvey, The Best Dog In The World by roseinbloom
It's been over two years since I've posted a story, but I felt this story might be something everyone would be interested in. At first I was going to title the story, "Something Wicked This Way Comes", but after re-reading it, you'll understand why I changed it. About three months ago, our American...
Has A Demon Entered My Life? by aislinggreenan
My story began a long time ago. I have always picked on things others have not. For a few years, the haunting I had experienced seemed to have stopped. However, in the last couple of months things have started again. It started shortly after I began university. I'm staying with a relative in a very ...
Has My Baby Been Here Before? by lankyloo98
During a previous story I submitted I explained that I had walked in on my youngest daughter talking and playing with a ghostly lady on the bed. Well during the past weeks she has been telling me things that have made the goose bumps on my arms rise. My youngest is a twin (which may not have any t...
Has She Seen An Orb? by AhoyLorna
Today at school I was talking to two of my best friends, Sanna and Niamh about ghosts. Niamh dismissed it and said that ghosts didn't exist but my Sanna's head popped up (she'd been drawing) and she said very seriously, "Yes they do." She seemed to be really convinced on this so I asked her if she'd...
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Latest hauntings:
- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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