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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter M: Page 18
My Older Brother by xsmileystephx15
I'm one of 5 siblings. When my older brother Stephen was 4 years old he died of a pneumonia and my mother was completely heartbroken. A year later in 1993 I was born and was even named after my brother, his name being Stephen Michael and my name being Stephanie Michelle. I remember this one nigh...
My Older Brother Kept His Promise by Henleys
Before his death, my older brother invited the wife and I on an all night fishing/camping trip. Late that night, he and the wife began discussing the afterlife and had a disagreement on whether the spirits of the dead could communicate with the living. She believed that they can. He disagreed. Th...
My Oldest Son And A Possible Attachment by spiritwaiting
Very recently, my oldest son has given me an insight to some of his experiences. Our night began with my husband's newfound neighbors/friends coming over to have a night of hanging out. The guys playing chess, while enjoying a few drinks, and us ladies enjoying each others conversation. I'm not s...
My Ongoing Story by tlogan122812
It started when I was little. I can remember 6-7 year old. I use to chew gum and right before bedtime I'd chew my gum and watch whatever cartoon was on TV in my bedroom. My mom would tell me to throw my gum away and brush my teeth. I wouldn't throw it away (mind you I'm like 6 or 7) I'd put it at th...
My Only Subtle Paranormal Encounter by Jodiegatz37
Back in 2001/2002 I lived on an old army base in WW2 era housing. I was a military wife with a daughter 3 years old and a one year old boy. I had many little experiences but it took me years after living there to put the pieces together. It started when I was on a long distance call with my fath...
My Oppression by Veris28
I'd rather not disclose my real name, sorry. I live in Scotland, in the country, a small town that used to be all fields, marshland and farms. Now it's a rather large country town with it's own Supermarket and shopping centre. (nb: feel free to ask about any Scottish colloquial terms I use that you ...
My Origin Of The Paranormal by ethereal_friend
I wasn't sure where to begin and because I will be posting all my experiences on this website I wanted to make sort of like a "background" post explaining my most earliest experience so those that may have more insight can see what could be called the start of my paranormal experiences and those who...
My Other Family by vquinones5
When I was about 5 years old, my parents purchased there first home. After we had settled in I began to see a tall dark figure, which looked to be a man standing in the doorway of whatever room I was in. This only happened in the night, all he would do was just stand in the doorway and stair at me, ...
My Other Family 2 by vquinones5
Towards the end of my 7th grade year (1998) testing began and I had half days for a few weeks, because of this, my best friend, at the time, would come over everyday after school. Her parents didn't know we had half days and my parents worked until 5 so we would have the house to ourselves for a few...
My Other Mum And Dad by Thefox
I have written a story about an experience I have had of seeing a black dog in Scotland and mentioned my daughter giving me advice on how to deal with it. The reason I ask my daughter is that she has studied this phenomenon because of things that happened in her childhood. When my daughter was a...
My Ouija Board Experience by LizBC
I've been reading the stories on this site for quite a while now. The reason I do so is because I have always experienced paranormal activity. There are many stories that I could write about, but I decided to start with this one because I just read one of the latest stories and it is about a Ouija B...
My Ouija Board Experience by kelseynov
I had never done a Ouija board before and my cousin encouraged us to engage in this experience. I must admit, I was very afraid. I had heard many stories about spirits and ghosts and previously, I'm certain, had experience with my uncle who had passed away from cancer, just visiting, I'm sure to che...
My Ouija Board Experiences by October
To start off, I'm 14 years old. I'm from the Harrisburg area of Pennsylvania and have been pretty much my whole life. Soon after my 14th birthday, in October, I developed an interest into Ouija boards and the paranormal all together. For a while I was only interested out of curiosity. As I looked...
My Ouija Board Experiences Two Hurt Friends by RedWolf
I am always telling people not to use the O.B. Now I will tell you why. My mother bought one when I was around 17 years old. We were cautioned to ask for a white light of protection before using one. My friends would come over to ''play'' with it. I could always feel others push/pull the planchette ...
My Ouija Experience by FallenBeauty
In my previous story I told of the experience I had with the spirit of a man in my room when I was living with friends over Christmas of 2008, well my mates and I thought it would be "cool" to try a Ouija Board to find out who he is and why he can't or won't leave. I have "played" with Ouija bef...
My Ouija Experience And Possession by Kirkobezerko
Before I start my story, I would like to begin with this quote which, based on my experiences with the Ouija, is completely and utterly true: "Most often the spirits whom are contacted through the Ouija Board are those whom reside on 'the lower astral plane.' These spirits are often very confused...
My Ouija Experiences by SHOGUN_ASSASSIN
Preface: these stories are kind of cloudy for me they both happened between 1992-93 in my old house in Lakeville which I do not believe to be haunted. My 8th birthday party I had had a bunch of friends from my karate school since I was still relatively new to Lakeville over for a sleepover pizza ...
My Ouija Experiences by DanaAndersen
I tried a Ouija board for the first time around a month ago. First, I'll set the scene. Myself and several friends were at one of the friend's houses, in his living room as his parents were not home. I shall call these friends Troy, Markk, Kim, Toni, Alasdair and Joe. Markk bought out a cardboard Ou...
My Ouija Party by FattyAddie
My one and only experience with a Ouija board took place when I was a teenager, around 15 years old. I was hosting a slumber party so there was myself and my friends Cami, Tiffany, Nikki, and Cat (names have been changed). Nikki was getting ready to move to another city, so this was one last get tog...
My Own Domovoi Spirit by Zanzibar
I've read many stories of people encountering supernatural things or just something that can't be easily explained. For me most of them looked like stories about a house spirit. In Slavic mythology there are special protective house spirits or demons called Domovoi. They care about house, family ...
My Own Encounter With The Grey Man by Mountaineer
For those who haven't read my first story, the Grey Man is the apparition of a man wearing all grey, specifically trousers, a wide-brim hat, and a waistcoat. He has been seen by both my mother and my father, and we like to believe that he is a former owner of our farm who checks in periodically to s...
My Own Experience of Paralysis by Pangie
Last fall I moved to Poland with my parents into an apartment duplex. I adore horror movies and ghost stories but I never in my life experienced it actually until one night. (I have had some small ones but nothing big) It was a school night and I fell asleep around 10 or 9, sometime later I woke up,...
My Own Funeral by Akumu9989
I did as suggested and searched what a raven means to the cherokees as recommended by another user, and discovered they meant death. This concerns me. If you haven't read my first post, please read it before this. The man I described in that post appeared in another one of my dreams. I have a feelin...
My Own Ghost by MichaelAngelo
In August of my first and short summer in Clayton, New York I had stayed the night over a friends house until I had woken up the next morning at 8am. I had been very sick with the flu for the past couple days. The reason why I was staying with her was because she didn't mind, and began at that point...
My Own Haunted House by Ami
I'm Amy. I live with my mum, my dad and my sister in a house in England. We moved in a little under two years ago, in (ironically) October, so close to Halloween everyone already had pumpkins outside their houses. STATS ON THE HOUSE - The house was built in 1930, and it is positioned on the same hil...
My Own Haunted House 2 by Ami
Following my recent story about the ghosts I believe inhabit my house, I am posting this update about the situation. Thanks to all of you for the comments - they really have helped me. I took one suggestion and attempted concentrating then trying to talk to the ghost. I was alone, with the rest of ...
My Own Incubus by incubusoddid
I know some of you may think this is wierd but I am going to tell you my story which is 100 percent the truth. Ok so I'm 21 male I'm from Northern Ireland but currently living in England. It started when I was back home vistiting my mum and dad when I was on leave. When one night, I was lying o...
My Own Ouija Board Experience by shamby
My Own Ouija Board Experience May 2012 I've told you experiences from my stepdad's Ouija. Here's one of my own. In December 2011 my stepmom died. She basically went to sleep and never woke up. Doctors later confirmed it was a brain aneurism and no one could have done anything to save her. She wa...
My Own Poltergeist by Kaylie
This experience is not for the ones who are scared of ghosts. I was a teen, and my mom and I got into an argument. I told her not to close my door and turn out the light. She does it anyways. I am sitting under my blanket, and all of a sudden, it flies off of me. I pull it back on, and something hit...
My Own Reflection by luisma
I don't know if this is much of a ghost story but here it goes. I grew up in Dominican Republic and lived in the same neighborhood for a long time. I have experienced a few things but nothing has scared me like the story I am about to tell you. I have a very close friend. I have known him since I...
My Papa by Amber
Let me first start of by saying, there are many things that go on in my family. Like relatives calling after they have passed or scents coming in the room to comfort you or right before something happens. My mother use to tell me about these things growing up and when we were old enough to understan...
My Papa Said Goodbye! by AbbyRose
Friday, July 21, 2006, I was going to Wisconsin to visit my dad for a week. Now here's a brief history on that... I am 24, I never met my dad until I was 21, so this was the second time I went to Wisconsin to visit. My daughter was 11 months old, we stopped on our way out to see my Mom and Papa and ...
My Papa's Spirit by ciaracarr
I haven't really spoke about this to people other than my family, now that's its been 6 years I think I should let the world know my story. When I was 7 my papa died a while before Christmas. He was old and died while he was asleep. This is when it all started... Since his room was going to be emp...
My Paranormal Beginnings by tsmiti
My daughter and I moved into an older home (circa 1928) in 2004. At the time, my daughter was 9 years old. Neither of us had ever had any paranormal experiences, but moving into this house changed that very quickly. It began with my daughter refusing to sleep in her room. She kept telling me she was...
My Paranormal Encounters by SpookyStar
I am curious to find out whether anyone else has experienced any of the paranormal encounters I have... Most recently, I was on the bus and I could hear whistling, at first I thought it could be the wind or the tires but then I realized it was a tune, I looked around and no one on the bus was whi...
My Paranormal Encounters 2 by SpookyStar
I said in my last story I'd let you all know if any other paranormal happenings occurred. Firstly I'll start with a very vivid dream I had about 6 months ago, I dreamt that there was a demon of some sort attacking me and the only way it would go was if I let it bite me. I had a fight with it ever...
My Paranormal Experience by emb1983
When I was about 9 years old, my mother and I moved to a house in John's Island, SC with her new husband, my stepdad Mike. The house is extremely old and felt eerie the moment we moved in. A neighbor told us the previous occupants had experienced noises such as chains dragging and rattles, almost li...
My Paranormal Experience At Cook Islands by Castle14
Since this only happened about 2 months ago I thought I would share it. Me and my mom went to the Cook Islands (Rarotonga). There was an abandoned hotel so me and my mom ran into the caretaker and he said we could explore. It was so big it seems as if it would never end. When we stepped into one...
My Paranormal Experiences by chocolateliquor
I found this site through Google in search of real life accounts of paranormal experiences because I've been writing a novel about fictional letters from fictional people about their paranormal experiences. I wanted the novel to sound much more real and not fabricated and stale. So far, reading all ...
My Paranormal Experiences As A Child by Kaaaaaaaat
I've always had experiences with the paranormal dating back to 2 years old. My mother told me that when I was 2 years old I use to tell her there was a man in the bathroom. I was terrified to go in it alone, for fear of my life. My father committed suicide in the backyard of that house a few ...
My Paranormal Experiences Childhood To Now by graveyarddoll
I began to have experiences with spirits/apparitions beginning around when I was 8 years old. I was at my Grandma's house for Christmas that year and I had stepped into her side room away from the family for a bit. I was admiring a little ornament on the Christmas tree when I saw a very bright light...
My Paranormal Experiences In My House by anniexolivia
One night I was sleeping and it was pitch black in my room. I was laying in bed and I heard someone walking around in my room, like the sound of feet dragging on the carpet, so I turned my phone light on and looked around and I saw a shadow floating in my room. I didn't get a good look at it put I k...
My Paranormal Experiences In The Past by LeeChen
I have not been a member of Your Ghost Stories for a long period of time. In fact, I've only found this site 2 days ago! It was out of complete randomness. I have read many of the stories submitted here and, to be honest, my experiences are not as, how should I put this? Scary? However, I shall proc...
My Paranormal Experiences With My House by Rat_Queen
My house is pretty new, and nobody has lived in it before our family has moved in, but for some reason we've been having really strange paranormal experiences. We have security cameras in our house, and lately we've been seeing stuff from them. One thing we've seen would be glowing orbs. We would se...
My Paranormal Life by brogan_davis
I am going to tell you about a few ghost experiences that I have had in my life. I am 25 years old, and live in Greenwood, Indiana. My very first experience was when I was eight years old. A few weeks after my grandpa passed away, I was home from school sick. My dad and stepmom went to the gas s...
My Paranormal Life (story 2) by yomomma
After seeing the little boy (Little Blue Eyed Boy) I told you about in my previous story, nothing of great importance happened in our home for years. We would have an item come up missing to later find it where it should have been in the first place. Such as my kitchen colander, serving forks and sp...
My Paranormal Life And A Long Time Mystery by _edana_
I have had paranormal experiences since I was at least three years old (I'm 23 now). To start with I have 5 shadows that walk my walls when I get nervous or before something happens (such as the night my Aunt died of cancer). They look like shadows of men. I have never been afraid of them, I conside...
My Paranormal Troubles by Anika
I called my house phone from my cell to play around and see what I sounded like on the phone. As stupid as it was, I picked my phone up and a strange loud laughing came from my cell which was on speaker. I called my younger sister for help and ran out the room. We were home alone (this actually just...
My Parent's Haunted House by texasgal
I have been reading stories on this site for a couple of months now trying to put my own ghost stories in written form. I grew up with a ghost in my parent's house. This took place in a little west Texas town of Wink. We lived in the same house my whole childhood. My parents owned the house for 32...
My Parent's House by 8-bitDemigod
The house my parents and I currently live in was the house I grew up in. We moved there when I was 5. I moved out in my early 20s, but moved back a couple of years ago in a mutual agreement in which they get rent and highspeed internet and I get a place to sleep that didn't have a hole in the roof o...
My Parents Are Still With Me by opdep6
This is the first time I have ever put a story on the site so bear with me. We were raised in a military household, my father being a career Marine. He passed away in 1989 of heart failure. He may have left us physically but his spirit continued to watch over my mother until she passed away of l...
My Parents Bedroom by SashB
I currently reside in my family home with my husband and 3 sons. I have fond memories of our home as a little child. There are also many memories which I wish I could tuck away in a little box and store it at the back of my brain never to be found again. We moved into this home in 1988. I was on...
My Parents Don't Believe Me When I Say This Place Is Haunted by Crystal_Tears
About 6 years ago my family moved into this house. At that time, nothing bad happened. No paranormal stuff, nothing out of the ordinary. So I'll skip to the part all the fun (somewhat scary) stuff happened. Around 4 years ago, I kept loosing my (small) stuffed animals, and small collectables stored ...
My Parents Ghostly Experience by erin19
Just some information about where this story had happened. My parents were by the woods, water and old mansions. These mansions have had a lot of history, many different families and many of different owners. These mansions are about 100 years old so now they are abandoned and animals are probably l...
My Parents House by anu
My Parents house is located in a very sophisticated locality in india (Mumbai). It was built by my great grand father in 1936 i.e before indian independence. My great grand father was a lawyer and was employed by british but was secretly involved in the independence movement. So many meetings of the...
My Parents Saw Me, But It Wasn't Me by Juan_Doooh
I'm sorry this story will be quite short, in a way scary but most definitely curious. Years ago when I was a teenager like many I lived at home with my parents. One night I got home after visiting with friends. I went to my parents room to let them know "I'm home". My father woke up and asked why...
My Parents' First House by Bibliothecarius
After my brother and I were born, my parents got married and bought a very small house about 2 blocks from my dad's parents' home. This was a terrace house, just off the Uppingham Road in Leicester, which was built such that the fronts of all of the houses along that side of the street formed a sing...
My Parents' Home by laceye
I have always been fascinated with the paranormal and have had a few occurrences that have left me puzzled. First off my story is about my parents' home and the strange unexplained feelings and weird unseen being that scared my infant son. My parents moved into their brand new home in Pearland, ...
My Parents' House Was Haunted by RedWolf
One night I was taking a hot shower and had the bathroom window which was above the tub open a little to get some steam out. There was fresh fallen snow and as I turned off the water, I heard crunching in the snow. I looked out of the window and there was a teenage boy running through our backyard w...
My Parents' House: The Basement by Shadow-VII
My parents' house had all kinds of things happen within. This continues off from the first experience I had that I submitted here. My first experience with the paranormal is explained in my story "At My Parents' House." As I have said, things would happen at my parents' house, which was built in ...
My Parents' Place by converserebecca
My parents' home was built in the 70's in a secluded area of a small town. The home has always been quite creeky due to age, but I've always felt like there was something more. Ever since I was a kid, I never wanted to be left alone. Anywhere. I wouldn't sleep alone, wouldn't stay at home alone, ...
My Parents' Second House by Bibliothecarius
I recently submitted a story about an unseen presence which made me uneasy in my parents' first home. In a very slow version of what is now called "property flipping," my parents improved that house to make it more valuable, so they could sell it and move into a nicer house a couple of miles away in...
My Partner Saw A Ghost Figure Of Me by Fran2442
My partner messaged me this morning saying he woke up to grab his phone and saw me at the bottom of his bed, as if I had just woke up. I was crying apologizing to him and he said he couldn't hear me, so I used my pointer finger to write it in the air, spelling out I'm sorry and then, as I was crying...
My Past Ghost Experiences by gummybearbubblegum
I feel it's time that I tell you my experiences. It all started when I was around 6 or 7 years old. I slept with my mom then, because I was scared to sleep in my own bed, We always leave the hall light on for me because I was scared of the dark. My mom was in the basement watching TV and I was in...
My Past Life? Or A Childish Imagination by InsomiaDriven
This is my first submission and I hope to find some sort of help. I'm 15 years old and I'm autistic and I used to talk about my 'real' family when I was angry at my parents. I was only younger than 5 years old when I started speaking of this other family. I remember having arguments and awful figh...
My Past Potentially Paranormal Experiences by marvel_hero
I have only had two experiences in my life that I have thought could possibly be connected to something paranormal; my first experience occurred one night when I was sleeping on my bedroom floor - I had just switched bedrooms with my brother in my house, which I have lived in all my life - and did n...
My Past Spiritual Experiences by ristone667
My first encounter with the Supernatural was when I was between the ages of 5-7. I remember waiting with my mum and sister at my friend's house, waiting for them to get home. I was on the trampoline when it started to lightly rain, then a big flash of yellowish light (like lightning) formed in front...
My Path Has Begun by spiritwaiting
Dear YGS family, I have had quite a few new experiences within this house. I've grown quite a bit spiritually. I've opened up to new experiences and have found my calling. I have set up 2 different altars. One for my workings, the other for my ancestors. Both have grown significantly as I'v...
My Personal Chinese Child-ghost Wedding Story by thx11
Have you guys ever heard of a Chinese Child-ghost wedding? According to long time straits time news reporter Sit yin Fong's Tales of Chinatown of the Malayan Federation of the 1950's, this phenomena occurred when some family members in Singapore and Malaysia received a dream visitation from the neth...
My Personal Demon by xedocodex
I already know that nobody is going to believe me but figured I would try this out and try to get some answers. When I was about 7yrs of age, I hit a depression and I figured I would try to turn to religion. I pray to God and said "God, I need to know if I'm actually needed in this world. If I am, s...
My Personal Experience With The Paranormal by pvsdetailing
My experience started months back, when I had decided to go do some cemeteries investigations with another Paranormal Team. What we never did was pray for protection not before or after leaving any investigation cemetery or dwelling. I actually never thought about it. When I would get home my wife w...
My Personal Experiences by YouAreMySunshine
When I was 15, me, my mom, older brother and younger sister moved into a new house (the house wasn't very old) and lived there for a year before I experienced anything. It started with a bang on my wall which made my picture fall off, but something like that you kind of don't think much of. Next ...
My Personal Experiences At The Theatre by Fallen-Angel
I'm quite close to the paranormal world due to being brought up around it, I have had some experiences when I have been to haunted locations and venues I know that I'm quite young to get involved with the paranormal. I started to become interested at the age 10 due to my dad being a medium. One o...
My Personal Experiences With Three Separate Hauntings by lanius
I am a 19 year old college student in the United States. I live in one of the most haunted cities in America, or so I was told, shortly before moving here. I have always felt I was a hypersensitive, or someone who is more susceptible to the "other side." It all started when I was young, and I sa...
My Personal Friendly Ghost by pegina
My family moved to Pennsylvania when I was in 6th grade. About a two years after moving, I was woken up in the middle of the night by someone saying my name. It was a man's voice that I had never heard before, speaking from directly next to my head. He wasn't shouting or trying too hard to get my at...
My Personal Ghost by scruddud
North Manchester-Haunted Houses -At 104 East 2nd Street there is a big brick house that has apartments in it. We had the entire house as we had a big family. It was months before we discovered it had a second attic, behind a wall in the upstairs kitchen. It joined the upper attic by a passageway. I...
My Personal Ghost? by Bumblebee
I'm not sure if all of this counts as proof of my ghost - I have thought maybe I was going crazy but at my old house we used to have a lot of weird experiences. The whole house felt bad to be honest. It was just this uneasy feeling, and a feeling of being watched and not in a good way. I remember...
My Personal Haunting by Vellyth1990
My name is Vellyth. Ever since I was about 12 years old I have noticed that I'm never truly alone. I always got the feeling that someone else was there with me. Sometimes I would hear someone call my name then realize I was home alone or I'd ask my parents and they would tell me that they didn't ...
My Personal Haunting 2 by Vellyth1990
If you guys read my first story, here is where it begins...again. I now have two children, the ages of 34 and 6 months. We moved into a new home at the beginning of December. Ever since... Many things have started up again, maybe even have gotten worse. At first it was just little things. Scratc...
My Personal Paranormal Experiences by NiteowL
There have been unexplained events in my life that I consider to be paranormal. I cannot find a logical or natural explanation for these encounters. Here are but a few examples. I would say the first event happened when I was 8. I remember my father asking my sister and me to sit down; he had some...
My Pet Cat Krusty by tascha
When I was 19 I lived in a flat with my beautiful cat named 'krusty who I was very close too. He was my favorite cat ever' He use to play catching the ball, ha-ha just like a dog. He used to love sitting in the big window near the front door looking outside. One evening I let him out for some air...
My Pet Entity by Blaqwynter
I have had ghosts follow me throughout my life, none in which caused major harm to me, but pulling pranks and leaving me dumbfounded. When I was a child around the age of 12, there were two ghosts in the home that I was living in. One an older gent, who was murdered by a fatal shotgun blast to the s...
My Pet Feels a Presence by NightMaiden
I had just finished eating dinner. This happened 2 days ago. I was petting my rabbit and suddenly he froze. His ears went cold (when he's scared that happens to him) and he just stood in a place for more than a minute. I tried petting him and settling him down, but nothing would seem to comfort him....
My Pets Visiting From Beyond by Nikky597
I don't know if anyone has read my other story, Hauntings at Work, but this falls under a completely different category than that, and I would like to say a much happier one. My family has always been very pet oriented. At one point, we had seven cats and two dogs, not to mention the other variou...
My Phantom Mom by feonna1927
I haven't seen a ghost in my entire life, nor do I wish seeing one. I've experienced quite a few things that are unexplainable, but I don't really associate them with ghosts right away, because I don't want to scare myself. Such "unexplainable things" would be sliding windows opening by itself (no w...
My Playmate by Believer622
Living in a country where it is part of the culture to believe in the paranormal and the supernatural, it is easy to hear stories of ghosts or hauntings in every island in this archipelago. Some are stories handed down from generation to generation, some are true, some are for entertainment purposes...
My Possessed Lover! by silentvalley
Chennai, India: 14.04.2009 I was in my early twenties (now 31), and wished I had a girlfriend. My search for one, seemed like decades, started when I was 20 and was really lucky when I found one in early March 2008 (aged 23). I was so madly in love with her, that I wanted to be around her always ...
My Premonition Of A Suicide And A Murder by Centellitaendoki9
This story is based on a dream I had which happen to come true that very night. Now I know this isn't a dream telling website I PROMISE in order for you guys to understand my story this dream is very relevant to my paranormal experience, so here it goes. I have a very religious background, a religio...
My Protector by annie16
This is my fourth and final experience (to date) with the supernatural. I got divorced in 2006 and met my second husband and soul mate a few days before the divorce was finalized (We married in October 2008). In early 2008, my husband, J, told me of a house that we could rent but that the owner h...
My Protector? by KHFanForever
I'm a big fan of stuffed animals and always have one when I go to sleep. But I got a new one and something happened the very night I bought it. Please tell what could be some possibilites of why this is happening. This happened four nights ago. I bought this cute little panda bear plushie from T...
My Psychic Grandma by Filmbuff1234
Before I start this story, I would like to say that my Grandma in this account is in fact my stepmum mum - so I am not related to her by blood. My Grandma is definitely a psychic and there are 5 things she told me I remember most. The first was when my stepmum was little she and her parents went...
My Queanbeyan Visitor by cosmo48
In 1986, I was renting a small flat in Queanbeyan in New South Wales, near Canberra, whilst waiting for the sale of another property to be finalised. Even though the flat was fairly new, I had decorated it with antique furniture and indoor plants, giving it a cosy Victorian atmosphere; I also regula...
My Recent Move by mrsmla4ever
Until recently, my family and I lived in a "haunted" apartment. But, unlike most people, we got along with our ghosts. Whenever they did something we didn't like, we would tell them, and if we did something that they didn't like, they would let us know. Nothing truly scary ever happened while we...
My Recent Paranormal Experiences by Horrorfan85
Not too long ago I wrote about seeing my grandmother, 'nanny', at my grandparents' old house. Don't worry if you haven't read it, it doesn't apply to this. I was so pleased and blown away by the kind responses I received. I guess I'm so used to being called a liar or other things online when I try t...
My Regrettable Request by jewelre
Never thought I would have an experience in Berbice. It's an out of town countryside place I go every chance I get. My uncle and his family lives there along with my grandmother (mother's side of the family). My mother's youngest brother who used to live next door now resides in Suriname. His house ...
My Rings by nmg5789
I have three rings that are very important to me. 1 of them is my nana's engagement ring while the other 2 are ones that my boyfriend has given me. I never take my rings off except when I'm getting a shower or washing my hands. When I'm busy and running late (like always) I sometimes forget to put m...
My Rocking Horse And Its Invisible Rider by Shannonchikawow
I was about 4 or 5 years old when this happened in my grandmother's old house in Paranaque when I still lived there. And I will never forget it. My favourite toy then was an electric blue rocking horse that my dad bought for me. I could play with it all day. I even had this habit of dragging it arou...
My Rommate's Ghost by Miranu
This is my first time submitting a story of mine, so we will see how well I can tell mine. I never had much of any paranormal activity experiences until college when I met my roommate. This story is the experience me and him had together in our dorm room in 2013. My roommate told me that there wa...
My Room by DUnknown
Finally, I'm back with my experiences to share. Been trying to submit almost like "forever". I believe I have the gift although not fully opened-my third eye, which is. This will be my 2nd story out of all my experiences that which I remember. It was the year of 1997, the time when my country was...
My Room And Its Inhabitants by NellyPerks
I have written stories related to stuff happening in my room but never really explained why we see shadows in there. I'm not sure if this is the answer, but as it all started happening around that time, that is my only explanation. I was a very lonely teenager, my brothers were very popular but I...
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