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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 150
The Uninvited Follower by augiegvc
Everything was back normal at home. Or so we thought. It turns out that something followed us from our visit to San Bernardino. Actually, something followed my daughter, Sharon. (For background, see Sharon begun to suffer...
Strange Happenings At New Home by augiegvc
The condo we lived in was sold so in 2012 we moved into a really nice apartment located in the same city. While living there we had many strange happenings, many that couldn't be explained. Our first night was scary yet funny. Their dad stayed in another city so we were by ourselves and quite ne...
Yellow Eyes by iambec
I was seven or eight years old at the time and even though I had my own room, I preferred to sleep in my parents' room. My parents had a queen-sized bed. My mom slept on the right side, and my dad slept on the left. I usually had a mattress on the floor on my mom's side. My dad was president of ...
Shadow Man Brings Knowledge by SeriouslyConfused
Ever since I was about 5 or 6, I used to see this shadow man. I would only see him out of the corner of my eye, so I passed it off as my eyes playing tricks on me. One day, when I was about 6 or 7, I was sitting in the living room that overlooked my kitchen. I blinked and saw the man standing in ...
Short Ghost In Our House by Kshaya_SL
This is my first story on this site; therefore, I would like to tell few things about my family and our house. I live in Colombo in Sri Lanka. For the people who does not know about Sri Lanka, it's a small island in Indian Ocean. If you check in a world map, Sri Lanka is right below India. Our h...
The Possession by suman_4141
This is a true incident that was told to me by my father. It happened back in 1992. My mom just got home after giving birth to me. My dad took care of all the household chores as my mom was very weak. I was a week old. My mom's health began to worsen with time and it made my dad worried. He consu...
Girl In A Mirror by noctilucent_cloud
We used to live in countryside, my father started to build a new house for us to live in there, as the original one was quite bad condition. Well, we lived in old one and the last owner had died in the biggest room. I then slept in the little bedroom. In the night I would see the doorknob being push...
Grandpa's Presence by dxm04
My experience happened when I was in high school. We went home after visiting my grandfather's grave who just died. When we were about to leave the cemetery, our car won't start, thinking that grandpa won't let us go yet, my dad said, "Pa, we will visit you again next time..." After a few attempts, ...
The House That Is Older Than Me by dxm04
Our house was older than I was and it hasn't been blessed ever since. My grandpa was a faith healer before he became a bookkeeper and did not believe in the teachings of the Church albeit he was Catholic. My mom shared her experience with me. It happened when I was 2 months old. Dad was away that...
Our Haunted Apartment Unit by JaniBoy
Last August 2014, me and my wife decided to move to an old but cheap apartment here in Manila, Philippines. The unit that we rented is really old, but fully furnished, with one room and just 500m away from the manufacturing plant where I am working. By the way, I am working as an Engineer while m...
Are My Experiences Paranormal? by LittleWriter
May 2014 I went to South Africa for an internship and I stayed with a host family. They had this really big house and there were two guest bedrooms opposing each other. One of them didn't have lights or anything, some kind of leak and there was only a towel on the bed, so I stayed in the other. ...
Shadow Person Or Ghost by littlemiss
This is my first time posting my story and its everything that has happened so far in my life until I moved countries, from Bulgaria to England. (And please excuse my english, as I don't know how to say a lot of things.) It all started when I was a young child. My mum and my dad had a small apar...
Childhood Hauntings On Margaret Street by robindockree
This is the first post that I have made on here, please don't judge it lol. Most of my experiences with spirits and the paranormal are from when I lived in my old house, and so I was 12 years old or younger. Please only good feedback, but feel free to submit your thoughts opinions and explanations. ...
Little One by melissa1122
I'm a sixteen year old from Sunny California I have been able to see the unexplainable, as many people say, since my first days on this planet. There has been many events that have happened in my life involving the supernatural but it all comes down to how it all started. Raised by a young couple...
Haunted Ozark Church House by Mama22bratz
I have shared some of my stories several years ago on another (less entertaining and far less professional) site, in case they seem familiar to anyone. Please allow me to point out that some of my stories are also included (with some fictional embellishments) in a children's book I am in the process...
Cemtery Prank Gone Wrong by Mama22bratz
This is another story about my experiences in the Ozark Mountains of Northwest Arkansas. As you may recall from my previous submission, "Haunted Ozark Church House", there is an old cemetery (Ft. Douglas Cemetery) adjacent to the church house. This story takes place in that very cemetery later that ...
Different Sounds by spooky221
This is my second story on this site. In my previous story, I mentioned that I used to see something, shadow type figures, in my old home which has totally stopped when I lived in my new home. But here, I can clearly hear different sounds, mainly at night time. One night, almost midnight, as I w...
Weird Experiences All My Life by SonnyBurnz
Firstly, I would like to start off back about 16 years ago when I was 3 years old. My parents told me that I used to complain about an old woman who used to stand halfway up my stairs. They thought it was just my imagination and that I was just playing about. Few days later prior to the incident...
A Doppleganger Or Something Else? by Luna2000
I have another account on here but I forgot my details so I'm logged out and I've had to make a new one. On the other one, I put two stories up, I think. They were both my mum's as she's seen ghosts since she was a baby. The reason I post them on here is because it leaves us confused and curious and...
Holiday Haunting In Donegal by kirgeek
My dad is from Donegal, a rural county in the republic of Ireland, and my family have gone over every summer since I was born. Normally it is a fun, family filled affair, all of my aunties and uncles and many cousins join us and we spend a fortnight or so on the beach and enjoying the "Mary from Don...
Haunting At Guildwood Inn by Honshu
This is my Ghost Story; It was on the cusp of the new millennium, while I and my girlfriend decided to stay the night together in a hotel. To celebrate our 1 year anniversary and New Years, it was hard to find a good romantic hotel that was not full or had a waiting list. I wanted one in the City...
Visit To Summerlin Nevada by rxxxone777
4-2-2015 I went to Summerlin on a business trip, stayed in room 5233 at jw Summerlin. After a dinner meeting I decided to go to bed, it was around 10:30, I know early for Vegas. I watched a little tv until around 11- 11:30. I decide to go to sleep so I turned the tv off and turned off all the lig...
Spirits Mimicking The Living by sarahpea7
So, I'll give a little inside on the background of my home. The original home was built in 1917, the previous owner was a lady, she lived here I want to say around the late 1970s, she was in an abusive relationship and was separated from her husband. She began seeing another man. The husband got ang...
Evil Jinn by Irshaad96
First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Irshaad, I'm 18 years old and I am from the island of Mauritius. The story that I'm going to narrate is something which happened last year, during the month of March and I witnessed the whole incident. So to start, it was a fine afternoon (around ...
The Ghostly Double Of My Aunt by batchiebones
She's definitely free-spirited. She easily laughs her hear out even at the lamest joke. She's my aunt, the coolest woman you'd ever met. Yet, behind her laughter are stories that tested her faith and courage. I don't know, but I admire her for that matter because living in a haunted place (The one I...
Seeking An Explanation by SamCat
Since I was young I would tell my parents stories about things such as "the ghost tickling me". I moved into my new house at age ten, a fairly new house built in the fifties, and ever since then I have had multiple experiences. Nothing I experienced ages 10-14 was threatening, but always scared m...
I Saw His Father by Kshaya_SL
Am so excited now, I saw a non- human, few minutes ago (07-04-2015 at 2.45p.m). This is my 2nd story to this site, am really curious to share what I saw. I'll start the story with a bit of information where am I right now. Am working in one of the best Printing Companies in Sri Lanka. This is a buil...
A Lifelong Haunting In Florida by Angeli
I've lived in the house I live in now literally since I was born, it's the only place I've ever lived. And since I was a little girl, I've had experiences here, but I won't talk about ALL of them in this story or it would be 100 pages long! I can tell you that when Anton my fiancée moved in to my h...
The Ghost Cat by NeraDama
I've been around this site for a while, reading other people's stories, and I finally decided to share my own experience. I had rarely shared this story with others, because all I've got in answer were laughs and skeptical stares. It happened a lot of years ago, when I was between 7 and 10 years ...
Waiting For The Bus by specialized2001
My story takes place three years ago in the town of Bethany, Connecticut. I lived in this town for 3 years before I moved to upstate New York for college. It is an extremely small rural town with lots of farmland, trails, and livestock. Horseback riding is very common; you see people riding every da...
Grandad Or Something Else? by PerfectInsanity
My grandad isn't really my grandad, he's my mum's boyfriend's dad, but to avoid confusion and because he's the closest I've ever had to a grandad I call him that. In the same way I'll call my mum's boyfriend my dad because he's been in my life since I was four and has been more of a father to me tha...
The Girl From Nowhere by Axear22
My Name is Brendan. I'm 14/15 and from a small town in NSW called Nimmitabel. There is only one place in Nimmitabel that people say is haunted. My family and I live in a cottage near by that place. Anyway every night I usually read a book. But every time I go to the toilet I get this feeling that I'...
An Attached Spirit by ZombieHugs
I come from a long line of empaths so for me seeing ghosts is a normal, if not natural thing. But, this is the first time I had ever met an evil ghost. I believe it has attached itself to me. I move around a lot, for various reasons, and this same sort of thing (only not as bad) happened in the l...
The Snake Man by terranigma
This event happened sometime after my story: The glowing fire eyes. About 1 year after I had that encounter with the glowing fire eyes my mum decided to admit herself into a drug rehabilitation program as she was using illegal intravenous drugs. I have never seen any evidence of this as she kept i...
Shadow People Or Guardian Angel In Home? by asumm96
A couple months ago, my girlfriend decided to let me know she's been seeing things around our home. I've lived here over a year and she's been here for about 6-7 months. We both believe strongly in the paranormal and spiritual. Her, her sister, and her sister's boyfriend all have gifts of seeing and...
Doppelganger Causing Me Sleep Paralysis by bhebhe
This is my first time to submit a story. Sorry for the grammar I am not good in English, hope you understand my story. Year 2012 me and my partner rented an small room located at second floor of the house (it was the only room there) the owner and her husband with their children was in the first ...
Phantoms In The Service Department And Uni Ghosts by JohnnyG55
It's been quite a while since I've last posted, as life has gotten in the way. I've moved away from my house out in the country, and started working as a mechanic for one of the big automakers in Brisbane. Because I'm an apprentice I often arrive at work earliest to prep the workshop before the t...
Demon Doll by Furbymonster00
Just about a year ago, I had a glass doll; She had blonde curly hair, light brown eyes, and she wore this white dress. Usually during night she would look really creepy. I don't know how to explain it but she just had this unusual look to her. I just ignored it, and didn't really care about it. So, ...
Help Me I Live Right Here by Peachesop
I recently took a job in Missouri, on march 9 2014; which consumed a lot of my time being a travelling job for a marketing company. Because I got this career near where I grew up, my Parents loaned me a house they had inherited but were not using. This house has been in my family since it was built ...
The Debacle Ouija Board Created by suman_4141
This incident happened when I was in school, probably in grade 6. I and bunch of my friends were really obsessed with paranormal stories and we had a complete fascination towards Ouija boards. Now, we didn't know whether it was a ruse or it really worked, so we decided to try it out. One day at s...
The Dark Lady 2 by ashar123
Two weeks before I posted a story named ''The Dark Lady'' and now I am going to tell you about other paranormal happenings that held to me. One night I was lying on the bed to sleep. It was I think May, 2013. I suddenly closed my eyes and remember I was not asleep. I saw the same lady in burka ly...
The Girl Who Fell by suman_4141
Over the years, I have become really sensitive to anything paranormal. Even the occasional cold spots or the feeling of someone watching me freaks me out. But this particular incident brought me close to death. I was a freshman in an engineering college. I was living in a dorm with my three room...
Childhood Terror by SaltnVinegarChips
These are numerous ghostly things that has happened to me since I was 5 years old in the house I lived in pretty much my whole life in Thunderbay ON until I moved to Vancouver two months ago (currently 23 years old). The very first thing I can remember was every single night me and my sister had ...
Maybe He Is Not At Peace by suman_4141
I began sleeping in my parents' room because it made me feel less scared about everything that was out there. But it didn't help. One night, I couldn't sleep. I felt like something was wrong. I still remember the time. It was 3:02 in the morning when I woke up. I thought of waking my mom. But then, ...
The Brotherly Love by batchiebones
Before I recount this experience of mine, Let me say thanks to Mitotakatori for appreciating the stories that I post here and for the moderators in YSG who never get tired choosing my tales of horror amidst the fact that a lot of contributors are sending their write-ups. Anyways, this story that...
Road With Voices by AngeLeeS
(I'm using my brother's name as Jay and his wife's name as Ren.) Last month my brother celebrated his fifth wedding anniversary in his wife's hometown of Tekhuba near Kohima in Nagaland. Nagaland is a state in the North Eastern India which is famous for its World War memorial and Hornbill festiv...
Bruising And Terrifying Night Noises by allybally11
I have always believed in ghosts. Always thought that they exist and even believe that I have been visited by a family member who sent me a bad message. I've been dubious of the more evil spirits and never really believed these farfetched stories I sometimes read. I've been having a bad few mont...
Old Lady Under The Bird Cage by terranigma
This story happened a few years after The Snake Man story. I was about 18 and I had started to work in an old retirement home as a nursing assistant down the central coast of NSW. I worked there for a few months before I saw anything paranormal. The nursing home was a huge, single story place bu...
Doctor Grandad by ambo137
So this is a story my mum told me, she is a Catholic woman and quite superstitious, but doesn't strongly believe in ghosts although many of her friends who have the "third eye" tell her enough stories to make her consider the possibilities. So here it goes. My mum told me that since I was only a ...
Guardian Granddad by ambo137
My mum loved her dad very much and she was absolutely devastated when he passed away. So this is why she believes in good spirits, because he seems to always be watching over her and she often dreams about him around the time of his birthday or death anniversary. (She tells me about her dreams and h...
The White Lady's Bedroom by ambo137
I don't live there anymore and I'm not sure if I believe in it. In my family there are 7 of us and we used to live in this 2 storey house. This house was situated in a cul-de-sac (which many people believe to be where most ghosts would haunt as it is a 'dead-ended' road for them). Anyway, so we live...
Paranoid? by ambo137
Here are a few odd experiences I have had. They've always freaked me out and I'm not really a strong believer of ghost or the supernatural. But, because of my mum, I am quite superstitious although not entirely sure where I really stand on those kinds of things. - When I was about 9 or 10, I use...
Shadow In Train by shiz98
It happened with me 2 years ago when I was travelling with my parents in a train. It was around 11:30 am when we boarded the train. Passengers were very few and all were asleep. I took the lower berth, dad on the upper and my mom on the next upper berth. The last one was empty. We closed the cur...
Certain Strange Incidents by PariS24
This story is about my mother's house, one where she grew up. It is in Rajasthan and houses there are kind of huge more like a haveli. And this house is also built in same style. Our house has a bit of reputation. Few neighbors claim that they hear noises coming from terrace usually at night. But we...
Finally At Peace by Aria14
My story began about two years ago in a quaint suburb of Durban, SA. I have been residing in this suburb for nearly 22 years. Being such a small suburb, all of our surrounding neighbours had become like a family within a family. One family (house directly opposite to mine) in particular was a bit...
Nightmares On The First Floor by suman_4141
I loved visiting my uncle's house. In summer vacation, it was my favourite thing to do. I don't have summer vacations any more (post grad student here!). But this is not about how I miss summer vacation; this is a story about how I grew to hate to go to my uncle's house. Their house consisted of ...
Was That Something? by elnoraemily
I have complained for years on this site about nothing happening in my life that could be deemed ghostly. Now, I am not sure if I actually experienced something or if my mind and I are just not getting along. This was about a week ago (and brought me back to this site after a few months' abse...
Irvington Indiana Ghost Tours by mtjr
My name is Michael Geis and was on my very first ghost tour this past fall. Irvington, Indiana was named after Washington Irvine. Now, it was the second to last stop of the tour: the H.H. Holmes House famous for America's first Serial Killer. The leader of the tour was a paranormal investigator. Sur...
The Ladies With The Anklets by justmeD
This is from my recollection, which I might add, is quite good. I was a kid then. The most favorite part of this whole universe used to be my maternal granny's house in Naamti, a village in Assam. So it was the winter vacation and my folks were just to busy with their professional commitments to...
Hauntings by hafsu
So I have a lot of paranormal encounters and I have come across a lot of people who have had paranormal encounters as well. I am from India and live in this beautiful city called Pune. I will start with the small and relatively harmless ones. I love painting and well anything creative. Once I was...
Ghost On The Roof by gaurav_in
I am a 19 year old student. I live in a house away from my parents because my college is far from there. My house is in a street consisting of 8 houses, all are attached with each other. One month ago, a half-aged lady living next to my house, died due to some disease. She used to live with her ...
The Mysterious Figure In The Passage by Aldred
It happened at my mother's house, on April 2015. I just came from school and I was home for the Easter holidays. I suddenly woke up at around three in the morning because I needed to use the bathroom. Well, in my room there are three beds, one for me, the other for my eleven year old sister and the ...
My Mother's Anger by angusd
A few years ago my oldest son and his wife moved next door to my parents. My mother has always been a rather controlling woman. My dad is complacent and accepting of her control. But my son thought that he'd be ok living there since she's always been kind to him. It hasn't worked out, so he'll have ...
The Strange Sound In The Night by omgovind
The incident happened when I was studying in the Jhalawar P.G. College, way back in 2005. I was completing graduation as well as doing some home tuition also. I was living in a rented room in the big house, along with some of my college friends. The house owner was an aged widow in her early fifties...
Help Me I Live Right Here 2 by Peachesop
Taking some suggestions, I found a paranormal group near where I lived. The woman I talked too happened to be intrigued by my story and was excited to attempt communication with this girl. She answered a lot of my questions. I learned that this girl might have latched onto me because I used to medit...
The House Ghost by scaredycat15
This is a story that took place a couple of years ago at an old 3 bedroom house. We had a couple of experiences in the house and uneasy feelings and by we I mean me, my brother, my mom, and my stepfather. My stepfather and mom's room was all the way in the back of the house and me and my brother's r...
Haunted Bungalow In Hill Country by Kshaya_SL
We don't have 4 seasons here in Sri Lanka, If we want to enjoy a cold climate we have to visit Hill Country, so me and my family used to visit 'Nuwara Eliya (NE) 'every year. So this happened in December, 2012. We visited NE in December 2011 too and accommodated in a Bungalow which was owned by ...
White Man Under Peepal Tree by shiz98
This is actually happened with my mom when she was nearly 10-11 years of age in a village of Bihar. The house in which they lived was very big with 6-7 rooms around and in the middle of the house there was no roof. It was open. At night, my mom along with her other siblings used to sleep outside...
Shadow People And Ghosts For 15 Years by bretta_walker
I have been experiencing what I call "visits" since I was 8 years old (I'll be 23 in a week). I was born in caul* so from a young age my mother has always joked that I am witch, but according to myth I supposedly have the a "deeper awareness and understanding of the world in which we live." I do...
My Very Scary Morning by scaredycat15
This is my second story about my scary paranormal encounters, and I want to know what happened. This story just happened this morning. I've been staying with my grandma because I was sick. My grandma was at work picking stuff up while I was at her two story house. It is a freaky house when your ...
Strange Presence In My House by 6ix2wo
I feel weird writing a submission however I have no one to really talk to. Anyway, my dad bought his house back in 2008 and the first time I notcied something strange was within that first year. Long story short me and the cat I got were in the old computer room. The door was wide open with my d...
A Boy And His Footsteps by tdmeyer
I have never had any paranormal experiences before or perhaps I had never recognized them as one before, until about year ago which I believe was a true paranormal experience. Now as I start to write this story you need to know that I suffer from an illness that can sometimes give me hallucinations....
Kenneth by Bob-the-Great
I have come here to share my story and also ask for advice. I have been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years now. Occasionally he gets this rage, where he gets mad for no reason at nothing particularly. It has never been a physically directed at me, but we have had our screaming matches. It's not al...
Demons Inside Me by Clifford96
I grew up in a very religious family and I on the other hand had my doubts of the existence of god and the devil this will lead on to later years growing up. I was about 6 or 7 years old my mother and I would always visit a family member since we lived a couple hours away and every time we were at t...
Figure In My Room by AliciaFaye
As a teen, my uncle did automatic writing and had been speaking with an entity. Strange things happened often. I would wake with candle wax on me and no candle in my room. I woke soaking wet from water poured on me and no water in my room. This went on for a while. I lived in the country and the...
Brahma-rakshasa Grabbed Grandma's Hand by AnksCutie
The frightening experience I am going to share with you isn't mine, it's my grandma's (mom's mother) story. My grandma was the coolest lady I have ever seen. I loved her so much and whenever I used to visit her she told me a different story every night. Once, when I was sleeping with her, she talked...
Bumping Into An Old Friend by Tweed
This is about a ghost I think of as a guardian. Over the last 14 or so years I've learned ways to communicate with him and we have a good understanding of each other. Outside of intentional communications I've had many unexpected moments with him, many small, few major. These are the few major unexp...
Strange Things Following Me? by gravityballoon
I'm writing this to know what these things are and what to do if I see them again. It was when I was a young. Me, my sister's and my dad were all out on bonfire night. It was nothing special, just a walk, and it was getting dark. Me and my sisters saw a small bonfire going on near the forest, so ...
My Afternoon Delimna by ladymoira
This is a story to share my experience at a family friend's home when I was younger. We were all very close and we lived just a few streets away so their home was like a second home to us. The family consists of the mum, the daughter (who is my very good friend) and the son. I, my sister and brot...
An Early Morning Scare by ultimator03
This is my first real story I am sharing with you. I had this experience two years back when I was doing my 12th standard in Chennai and, as usual as every kids of 12th, I had to attend daily morning tuition from 5:45 am and I used to go by cycle for about 6 km. There are two roads which we can use,...
Something Under My Bed by Standingbehindyou
When I was 15 years old I was admitted to a well known hospital in Mumbai, for an operation to be performed on my leg. I stayed there for around one and a half month. I used to stay there in a dormitory on a last corner bed near the window. In that same dormitory there was a man, 40 to 45 yrs, w...
Sleep Paralysis Or Reality? by AnksCutie
The incident I am going to share with you happened with me a year ago. First of all I want to tell you that I have a problem of frequent sleep paralysis but it wasn't that frequent when I was a child. This problem grew after that horrifying dream or reality that I faced a while ago. I used to liv...
The Midnight Visitor by madman62200
I was hanging out at my friend's house with my friend, we were watching his little siblings while the parents were out on their anniversary. My friend and I were in the living room, and his two little siblings were running amok in my friend's room and the living room. My friend told me to stay in th...
My Great-grandparents' Recollections by Aimeisafox
My family is a big, loud and festive family of Italian descent. When I was around ten and my great-grandparents were alive, we used to gather everyone at holidays and birthdays. Then my Great-grandfather would start telling stories of his youth, when they lived in the country. Those stories always g...
The Red Baron by Mace
Last fall my mom and stepdad offered to let me move into their new house, rent free, while I saved some money before moving to Europe. Since it was a beautiful Indian summer, I took the opportunity to do some garage selling to look for furniture for my new room. I saw a small garage sale and d...
Should I Give In? by SegaGK
Lately I've been having a lot of Sleep Paralysis and bizarre sensations while I'm either very close to falling asleep or already asleep and waking up to a spinning/vibrating feeling. This happens almost every night and I'm starting to get kind of scared of falling asleep sometimes. I've read on...
North Garden, Va Ghost by Hhlt1991
I grew up in North Garden, Virginia. Until I was 21, I lived on a farm off of Plank Road (*Editor's note: Name of farm has been withheld due to privacy reasons). When I was younger (in middle school) I had one of the most awesome experiences ever! I was playing Nintendo 64 with my father in my r...
Something In Our Hotel Room by yumagirl
For our 15th wedding anniversary me and my husband wanted to do something different than the classic romantic weekend in any beach. This time we wanted to be adventurous and do something more exiting. We decided to rent a room in a haunted hotel. The Copper Queen Hotel in Bisbee, AZ looked more a...
Dad And The Cow by smacrocknash
It wasn't that long ago if said the word ghost to me I would automatically "say your crazy, no such thing, go smoke another one " That was until the following had occurred. Living where I do, you seldom ever get an unexpected visitor. Just me, my family, and the cows. It was late October and I had s...
Associate Ghost by sushantkar
Here I am going to narrate an incident which had taken place during the summary of June 2005 with my elder brother and me. We all had gone to attain marriage of my maternal aunt's daughter at Satna, Madhya Pradesh (Central Province of India). My elder brother works in a Pune based MNC (Multi Nationa...
Getting Over My Fears by ChrissyMoon
I'm new here and really nervous about posting but I figured I would post anyways. Just to be fair I honestly don't think I can upload the picture and video that goes with these experiences I'm truely sorry but my computer broke and I can't upload with my phone. If you want to see them ask and I'll m...
My Wonderful Spirit Guides by Hecate0
This is my second story here. My first was about my father, now deceased, and how I still feel him near me. I have been spiritual since I was a child. I meditate, and am an energy healer. I call on energy help from what many call spirit guides. I feel them around me (when I tune into them). Three...
Ezekiel by Hecate0
Here is one of my most powerful ghost/spirit stories to date. I found I could move energy through my hands over 20 years ago. I meditated and asked what it was for but it took me several years to calm and balance myself to find that this could be directed and controlled for healing. I have studied s...
The Ghost Child by bloodshoteyez
It is my second time to share this story online but on a different site. Probably you had heard of this. This happened three years ago in my friend's apartment where I decided to sleep over twice. After my first night I noticed I had difficulty sleeping in my own apartment. When May visits there wer...
The Final Goodbye by skepticsu
This was my father's experience. I have no personal experience in paranormal sightings and am more of a skeptic (hence the username). But, even though I have studied science and work in Information Technology, and somehow come up with explanations for most things, I kind of want to believe in the ex...
What Do They Want With Me? by Courtenay
My name is Courtenay and I will be 18 years old next month. I have been no stranger to ghosts. I have seen them and heard them from being very young. My first experience was at my Granddad's house. My Grandma had died not long before this event. We were on the upstairs landing running around and ...
The Start: Man In The Chest by StardustedLuna
For as long as I can remember, there has always been things that happen to me without any reasoning to them at all. I've never wrote about anything that has happened to me, due to the fact that most people would probably think I'm crazy, some people think I might have a third eye, those who believe ...
Haunted College Apartments by GForce09
This is about a year and a half ago now, but I felt I should share my experience. I was living in an apartment complex in a college town with 3 roomates, though there was really just two of us (my best friend and I). The other two guys always were gone back at their parents homes or work. After ...
First Sighting by msscarygirl
My name is Abby. I moved into my house last May. And before I tell you about the haunting I should tell you something. The woman who lived the house before me died in the house. She had 2 granddaughters who died in the house. A 4 year (Lana) old who leaned over the railing of the stairs. A little to...
Forty Days by iambec
In 2006, my parents rented a house near the high school I was going to attend. Luckily, a friend of theirs knew someone renting out space. We were renting the front half of the house, and an old couple (landlord's parents) lived in the back half of the house. When you enter through the front doo...
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- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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