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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 4
Doppleganger by lshaffer
I would really like someone to give me an answer of what they think this is. This happened a while ago and I have never been able to figure out what or why this happened! I was at a sleep over, doing what all teenagers do at sleep overs. I went home in the morning and my mother said to me "why did y...
The Disappearing Hand by Shane
For those of you who have followed my stories, some of you will recall the one of the haunted home. For those who haven't, you can find it under the Ohio section of this site or by checking my profile. But to bring everyone up to speed let us just suffice it to say the house was haunted by some very...
Kelly Joanne Bishop by toastymarshy
Our school is called St.Barts. We are now in year 6 and have encountered a few ghostly happenings in our time in the juniors. We have seen a plaque in our hall saying "kelly joanne bishop whom we all loved", and so we assume she died, of what, we don't know. The girls toilets is where we have had th...
The Archeries Forest Haunting by miffy94
Me and my mate Casey were out at our regular hang out place, The Archeries, a place with a park and a dark forest on the right. We were out at the park and casey really needed the toilet. The quickest way home was through the forest. We had never gone through this way because of the scary stories th...
Haunted House by lshaffer
I would like to share a few stories of things that has happened to me. I don't know if we just move into the wrong houses or if some people are just more receptive to unearthly phenomenons. My mom and I lived in this cute little house. Nothing happened at first until a couple of months later. We wer...
Ghostly Happenings by Kirby
I was on the computer one night, my normal place. I was role playing when my glass of water slid right across the desk, in front of me, a few feet. It stopped quickly and I felt a cold presence. There was no watery trail coming from the glass of water, and no doors in the house were open. No screen ...
A Christian Perspective on Demons by tom
I did not write this material to make anyone feel indifferent or uncomfortable if you do not believe in the same beliefs I have on demons. Furthermore, I tried to offer resources that are available and where I got some of my information I just wanted to offer this to help anyone and I am hoping it d...
A Cat's Protection by TKO
This may be nothing, but almost every night for the past two weeks (12-1 am) my cat acts very strangely. He likes to sleep next to my leg usually but lately the minute I get into bed and lean over to call him to me, he sits at the end of my bed staring at an area above my head/past my shoulder. Ther...
Hooded Apparition by robynhoodwinker
I was about 31 years old and about 5 months pregnant, not drinking or drugging, in May of 1985, visiting my Mom and Dad in New Mexico. They lived in a brand new 2 story Spanish style home at the north end of Albuquerque. Everyone had retired to sleep and I was dozing off in the guest room on a daybe...
House of Many Hauntings by JamesKevenWeedmanII
There is a house in my home town where I used to live. And where one of my best friends used to live. We have both seen most of the same stuff at the same time, but some things we have seen at different times. When I lived there, I saw some things and when he lived there he saw some things. The f...
Mysterious and Unexplainable Things by rose
Ever since a child, I remembered living in an old apartment building in New York, where at night, when all had gone to sleep, I would see walking gray shadows, plasma is what they call it, from my room passing through the door and going to the living room. I was small, thinking it was normal. But I ...
Do Fishes Have a Spirit? by JoseDallinger
I'm struggling with this myself, to decide if it was real or if I imagined it. All I can do is write it down here, as it happened to me, and let you all be the judge. I left England, UK, to come and live in Argentina after a difficult time in my life. I moved to San Telmo, to get involved in the ...
The Apartment that Remembered by benja_the_lion
From August 2005 to late Spring 2006, I lived in an spacious old flat in Madison with 3 friends. One day I was home alone putting dishes away in the kitchen when I heard the loud sigh of a woman behind me. I hadn't heard anyone come in, but I wasn't startled because it sounded exactly like my housem...
Home Alone by emiley
When I was 10, I spent the night at my grandma, Crystals. She went to pick up my sister up and I was getting in the shower when I realized that I hadn't gotten my clothes set out. So I went back to my room and my radio was turned off, I knew that I had kept it on, so I turned it back on and went to ...
That Wasn't Me by Kirby
This happened to my mom. My mom (her name is Penny) was downstairs chopping lettuce or something, getting ready for dinner. She noticed how cold it was getting in the house, and asked me to turn on the fire. The fire flickered on and she said her thanks. My mom continued getting dinner ready when sh...
My Grandpa Sees Spirits by jessy
I have a couple short stories. My Grandfather tends to see spirits a lot. Him and my nana (nana is italian for Grandmother) live an a house that was built in the 60's. They are the only people to ever live in that house. It had just been built shortly before they moved in. Apparently, there is a guy...
Ghost Figures by Frank
The first encounter was when I was around 10 years old and I was sleeping. I suddenly woke up and it was midnight. I felt really hot at the time so I just took a glance around the room. That's when I saw a hooded figure on top of my bed. I was terrified so I just peeked through the blanket so I woud...
I Couldn't Move by Rose
I know other people have experienced what I have. So I'll just share my story. I grew up in this old house in Lynwood, CA. It was pretty creepy at times especially if you were alone. My mom was a good christian women so she always told me if I ever felt something meaning like an "evil spirit", just ...
Ghostly Encounters by Brittany1
My stories take place in my apartment. It's small, one bedroom, and is basically a big square divided into four rooms. There are a set of stairs that lead up to my living room, seven to be exact. When I first moved in, I always had a strange feeling about the place, but being out on my own for the f...
I Can See You by Simon Dean
I have never believed in ghosts. I've always been skeptical. I've read about sleep paralysis causing all sorts of weird things, and think that some people make things up. My story isn't flashy, it doesn't involve moving objects or ghostly figures. But something happened to me the other night that ha...
My Haunted Home by Daisy_Pink13
My house is probably haunted. I have a LOT of stories for it! It's only around 50-55 years old, but we have some old furniture in my room (which is what we presume haunted) that belonged to my great-grandma. Only a few months ago, my friend slept over and, around 1:30am, I had fallen asleep. She cou...
Blue Man by Emily
When me and my family moved into a brand new house about 10 years ago, my mother would hear me talking to someone in my room. Supposedly I was talking to a man in a blue shirt. I was three and I couldn't make out anything else out. A few years later my mother was mowing the lawn and briefly looked i...
Unfortunate Stay at Grandma's by TryshMaster88
When I was 15, my best friend took me with her to visit her grandma. She didn't want to go alone but she wouldn't tell me why. That night, when we were in bed, I was listening to the sound of silence, when I heard someone calling my name. I was completely scared because none of her family knew my na...
Ghosts and Channeling by Kevin
Sometime near the end of September of this year 2006 I went to my friends home in NJ. My friend "Mike's" house has claimed to have been haunted from him and his family ever since I knew him. When I was younger (about 10 or 12 years ago) my friend and I went into his dark and cluttered basement and w...
The Spoon Collection by annmuma
Have you been contacted by someone who crossed, someone on the other side? I have and I believe all of us have. Some simply recognize the contact, some choose to rationalize the contact and some do not even notice the contact. Read my story; it is not easy to rationalize it or ignore it! Indeed, for...
Ghost that Looked Like Me by Bliss006
I would like to tell you guys a small story that happened years ago in Mumbai. I was about 9 years old at that time. During the summer vacation my uncle used to take me and my other siblings to a nearby park to play. Every evening we went to the park, played on the swings, the slide and the jungle g...
Bloody Murder by tim
When I was in the pub, I was having a drink with a few mates, it was warm in far corner of the room. I was laughing and chatting away when I felt a hand over my shoulder and whisper something in my ear, it went very cold, I couldn't make out what the voice was saying but it sounded as if I was being...
Ava by Kayla
I had stayed at my mama and papas a lot of times but now, me and my dad are temporarily living there until we can get on our feet. Lately I have been having very strange and discomforting experiences. One night, I had put some polish on the tips of my nails and in the morning I woke up to find the n...
The Little Angels Called Susan and Jack by Leah Sanchez
A long time ago, when me and my sister were young, we went to visit my aunt. It was going to be her birthday so our parents made her a surprise party. My sister and I were so bored and we wanted to walk around her street to get some fresh air. I remember it was really dark and cold and nobody really...
Strange Things at the American Legion Building by QueenTas
My dad used to work at the American Legion at night, cleaning the building, he was the only one working, so sometimes I would go with him. One night, me and my friend (Ashley) went with him, and we were playing around in "the blue room". There was a bar and a lot of tables and things like that, I wa...
Ghost Manifesting as Fruit Flies? by Amy
I've never seen anything like this mentioned and hope someone can give me some insight. My ex husband wound up being a really angry, hateful, mentally ill man towards the end of his life. Even after 5 years and several girlfriends, one of them serious, he never got over me leaving him. He always ...
Computer Ghost by sammi
It was sometime around june in 2005, when I was in grade six. I was sitting at home on this very same computer, playing dress ups on a online dress up doll site. It was normal temperature that day, and all of a sudden, next to my right shoulder blade, it turned icy cold. Everywhere else was warm. I ...
Frightened by Brennenbs
One day, I was with my friends and we decided to go to our best friend's old house because she moved out. It was a very small house, 2 floors, an attic and a living room connected to a bathroom and kitchen. The house had been known to be haunted because a lady died upstairs in the attic in her wheel...
Little Blond Girl in my Room by andrea
I am andrea and I'm 14 years old. This story took place when I was about 10 years old. It was christmas eve, right before we went to bed, my little sister Madeline came in to my room and asked me if she could sleep in my bed with me, keep in mind my sister was only 6 years old and afraid of Santa. I...
There Are Others in my House by rose
I have a new relationship. My daughters, my new companion and I were searching for a new place to live. We saw so many houses, but this house in particular attracted me to it. Why? You will find out later as I go on. This house was very old. Two weeks passed while still searching. We passed the same...
The Bathroom Door by cynthia
I'm Cynthia, and my grandparents house has been where I've lived until I was about 11. My mother and I had lived with my grandparents in a wonderful house in Blue Bell. One day, I was around 7 years old, and I was sleeping in my mom's room because at the time, my room felt very eerie. In the middle ...
Chair Being Pulled by Elizabeth
I have had some events happen to me and I can't explain some. But here is one that I will never explain. It was a warm summer day and I was in my room minding my own business. My parents were at work and they asked me to keep an eye for anything in the yard and I agreed to watch over everything. My ...
Hotels and Death Spells by Kirby
First of all, hotels seem to be some of the most haunted places in the world. I have been in, not a lot, but a few. If you have visited a haunted hotel, post it in a comment. My story begins in an old Motel in Scotland. We were on our way to visit a friend named Sarah. My mom stopped at a hotel and ...
Blob of Smoke at School by jagz
I was in year 2 when this happened, I thought there was a ghost in the toilet so I was very scared, I was so scared I had to have my friends to go with me. The school was called Bryn Coch and it used to be a victorian hospital! So, I was walking to the toilet with my best friend Kelly, I went inside...
White Shadow by evilolivia
My friend and I were at this hotel. The whole school was staying there because we just won a soccer tournament and it was promised to us if we won. Me and her unpacked our stuff and got online. She plugged her camera in her laptop and it all went black. We figured it was just something wrong with th...
Mysterious Haunting by angeline newlan
It all started in a little neighborhood in Beverly, Massachusetts. My mom, my sister, our dog panda and I were just getting settled down in the new house when weird thing started happening. One evening, my mom and my sister went to grab groceries and I stayed home to work on my oral report. About th...
My Dad Saw his Own Ghost by jessy
If you have read any of my past stories, you would know that I think there is some kind of spirit in my Dad's house. One night, while he was sleeping, he had a dream that a huge weight was laying on top of him. He couldn't move because it was so heavy. When he finally got enough strength to push the...
Something Holds Me Down by Tasha
Something, a spirit, ghost, or orb, I don't know what it is, finds me, my mother and my brother no matter where we move to. I'm here in Australia, my mom is in New Zealand. The first time it happened, I was 18, laying in bed, looking at my curtains when suddenly I couldn't move breath or yell for he...
What We See in the Corner of Our Eyes by robynhoodwinker
As a child I was always seeing things. Growing into a teenager I was "spooked" by weird shapes and I always "felt" things. At times I have had a fascination with air particles in a stream of light. Or the floaters in your eye... They always have interested me and sometimes I would adjust my sight to...
I Saw the Ghost of a Little Girl by Alicia Cadell
One night I had awaken from a terrible dream. After a few seconds from awakening, I opened my eyes and saw this white figure that looked to be a little girl. I had closed my eyes in fear and when I peeped them open once more, she was in a different position! I was too afraid that if I opened my eyes...
Boxing Shadow Figure by blake
It all started in 2003, when I started boxing with my friend Matt, we always went to the boxing center and trained there for hours, every day the owner would go out the back to have a smoke and to take the rubbish out. Most of the time it was only me and Matt there. While we were on the bags, Matt n...
My 2 Years Old Sees a Ghost by phishin2hoist
My story begins a few years back, 10 years and 10 months to be exact. I was pregnant with my second child, a son, when my Papa passed away from an awful struggle against cancer. He truly loved my daughter and was heartbroken as he knew he would probably not meet his great-grandson. He had moved in w...
Boogeyman by orphans
This happened to me and my little cousin a few years back. I was babysitting for my aunt and I had just put my cousin to sleep. I turned around and began walking down the hall into the living room. I had just sat down when I heard my cousin screaming. I stood up and walked into the room where she wa...
Baguio's Chills by Angelli
I learned this story from my cousin. She visited Baguio last year. She told me that Baguio is not only famous and beautiful but also chilly. My cousin Angella visited a very luxurious hotel. I know the name of the hotel but I will not tell since the hotel might lose its publicity. One day when An...
While I Was About to Go to Sleep by The_Bijoux
At around 2:00 this morning (3/22/07) I turned off my lights and I had laid down to go to sleep. I had one arm above my head on the pillow and the other was down at my side. Both of my palms facing upwards. After about a minute I had started to feel a tickle, almost an itch. I decided I would move m...
Black Thing by xxCuterxByexThexMinuetxx
That is the name of our follower, The Black Thing. It haunts me and my three friends Shaz, Olivia and Tasha. Ever since my first dream, we have been seeing this thing pure black with red gazing eyes. In my dream it killed my mate tasha. Ever since it has followed us around. For example, when me and ...
Breathtaking Noises by Alyssa Hanner
I was staying the night at my friend's house and we kept on hearing strange noises and footsteps. I stepped outside the bedroom door to see if anyone was out there and there was nothing but darkness. I went back and tried to get some sleep. The second I closed my eyes the noises started again. So I ...
Knocking at my Door by Tina
I've been googling and trying to look up "knocking on the door and no one there" and came to this web site. I've found many interesting reads here. I would like to add my own personal experience. Usually my troubles come when I am sleeping and always at 3:00 am. There used to be a dark silhouette of...
Cat-atonic by M. Eleets
My story begins a couple of years ago. I'd just moved into my new apartment and was beginning a new life as a returning college student, working part-time as a bookkeeper for a grocery store. Two months pass and my life has pretty much settled into its new routine. One day, after pulling another all...
There Are Others in my House II by rose
Hi. Let me state first, my name is Rossana. I will continue what occurred in his rented old house. I heard it was 100 year old, it looked like it, but fixed a little. Here in Puerto Rico, a lot of houses, especially made in wood, do get harsh termite damage. But the paint covers it. Another occur...
Our New Home by D
I have a story that I would like to share with you. Make of it what you will. I just wanted to get it out. I live with my wife of three years. We have four children that range in age from 9-16. Two boys, two girls. We first moved to Marysville in august of 2004. We bought our home there right before...
Picture of Something Strange on my Shoulder by Wayne Willems
A friend and I were taking pictures of me with my web cam. I was trying to get a good shot, so I was taking several at a time. I think I took about thirty or so. Then after I took the pictures with the web cam, we started taking a look at them. We were looking to see which picture looked the best, a...
Too Many Occurences by Scared
There has been so much going in this apartment. We have lived here for 5 years and lately so many things have been happening. It seems that there are many more incidents and that it has escalated. My daughter and I used to sit in my bed to watch TV. Several times we would feel something knock agains...
There is a Ghost in my Room by Nopo
It all started when I was 11 years old. We moved into an old house. I mean old, it was built in 1898. I've always had a feeling about my room. Then it all started. I found my candle shoved in my game system. Then I found toothpicks shoved into the candle spelling out the word "Amy". Then myself and ...
Can Music Be the Cause of This? by Christian
This actually happened to me, that one night for some reason I woke up at 3 am or so. And I was listening to music, and all of the sudden I heard a deep voice say "Don't disturb the dreams of others or I will come for you", and I was scared to death, and thinking to myself "I'm not going to say a th...
Convict Ghost by A J Birch
On 19th March 2007 at A Birch, Brisbane, I was waiting for the sight seeing tour to begin at Port Arthur at the back of the main building. It was heading toward four-thirty in the afternoon, which is when the tour starts. I was sitting on the first bench near the tourist clock for the start of the t...
115 Years Old Slave House Haunted by Tiffany Mauldin
It all started when my best friend moved to a new house right behind a post office. The first time I went there was at her birthday party. The first thing she did was tell us the story of the house. It turns out that the house was 115 years old, at least. It had slave passage ways, most boarded up, ...
I Wish They Would Leave by Caleb
Here is a story that has taken place as long as I can remember. This story takes place in Hancock County, Mississippi. When I was a child I remember seeing different things in my grandmother's house. Throughout the years I have taken thousands of pictures and in every picture not one orb has shown. ...
Blonde Little Girl in the Mirror by Des1725112
It all began at my cousin's birthday party when I was 11, we went into my cousin's room and started to play and about 20 minutes later I looked into my cousin's big mirror and I saw a little girl with blonde hair and a white dress. She looked like she was about 7 years old. I know that I saw somethi...
Are There Really Ghosts in my Basement? by purplegerbil96
My dad had heard voices in the basement. He said that he had heard the voices saying things like how his life has been, sort of like a storyline of his life. Me and my cousin wanted to explore this subject further so we brought a camera downstairs. I took pictures everywhere in my basement. On t...
3:00 am Phenomenon by Valerie
I did have a bad experience about 4 years ago. But I think that I might have brought something with me when I went to that country where they worship demons (praying and giving them offerings so that they don't get troubled by them). I went to visit ancient sites when they had a lot of those worship...
In a Public Bathroom With the Devil ? by lshaffer
This happened along time ago, when I was 14 years old. I was hanging out with a group of "outcasts", the dopers was what they were called at school. I didn't care because I started drinking with them and having fun and that was all that mattered then. I lived with my mom across the street from a bow...
Unwanted Guests by Savannah
Before our family friends knocked down their garage to build a cottage for my mum, sister and I to move into, their two kids (my age) told me about the planks of wood on the ground containing the body of a murdered woman. Now, being 8, I was terrified but soon forgot all about it. After a year, w...
Possessed in Dream by Simon Dean
This is perhaps beyond the realms of the usual, given that it was a dream. However I feel it has a couple of similarities to my "I can see you" story, and maybe dreams can be influenced by the dead? It was the night of 23rd March, 2007. I was shattered from work and went to bed at about 7pm. I'm ...
The Floating Lady with no Legs by lovely
One day, as I was sitting inside of my room, I heard a sound and I didn't pay any mind to it. Seconds later, someone knocked at the door and I got up to see who it was. As I got up, I open the door and there was nobody there. We lived in the basement so there were stairs and a wall in my way. As I w...
The Haunted Art Studio by PaulDaleRoberts
What is the day today? Oh ya... March 17, 2007, Saturday. I'm sorry if I seem sort of discombobulated. I feel like I just came back from Disneyland. Disneyland of the Macabre. There was so much to see, so much to do and the added bonus is the fact that this art studio is truly haunted! On this night...
The Ghost that Followed Me by zezima
I was coming down from my room when I paused and saw a shadowy figure with a hooded cloak. Then it came to me and put its hand on my shoulder, but the weird thing was I didn't feel anything! It then just disappeared into thin air. Then the next day, I went down again and I felt a shiver down my spin...
Face Behind the Curtains by kimberly
This happened last night on 3/24/07. It was about 1:30 a.m. My cousin and I couldn't go to sleep because of the noises and things we saw. My uncle and aunt were sleeping. We were the only ones awake and we were alone in the living room. My older cousin was working. My younger cousin and I were telli...
The Night I Started to Believe by sarah
I was about 13 years old when this happened. My parents were out at a concert with some friends and I was at home watching my little brother. The first part of the night was fine but at about ten o'clock I heard a high pitch scream. I figured that it was my little brother having a bad dream so I wen...
Mayor's Hall Ghost: a Jesuit Monk by rose
This happened in 1985, in City Hall in Ponce, 'Casa Alcaldia'. My friend and I were attending an Art Exhibit. I saw a Monk, he had a long brown habit, a long rope like tied around its waist, and a long cross made of wood. It seemed like wood. His top head was shaved. I looked at him, from behind onl...
Opening Doors by Cindy
One night, me and my best friend stacey were home alone and we were watching the simpsons. We had both of my cats oreo and smokey with us. Before we made sure all the doors were shut. We were sitting there. All of a sudden we heard the door open so we got up and went to look. It was closed... Then w...
Spooky Encounters by toastymarshy
I know our house was bought from a widower, I'm not sure what happened to her husband, that might have something to do with these encounters. I often hear noises or feel a chill around me, I thought it must be my imagination until this. One evening, my friend and her twin brother came around my h...
Hanging Barn by atownactor
This happened to me about 3 to 4 years ago. My friend Andy and I were at an old abandoned barn taking pictures and video of the place, just because we were bored. It was probably 2 to 3 in the afternoon when we were there. Andy had decided to go into the barn to check it out and see what kind of pic...
What the Shadow People Want by unguided_traveler
Everyone remembers my story about those shadow people at the end of my bed right? Well, I've been working up the nerve to turn off the lights and confront them for awhile now, and last night, I decided that it was time. I spent as much of the night watching TV as I could, trying not to talk myself o...
Nanny's Visit by Tara
In 1976, my grandparents and two of their daughters bought a house in Nova Scotia (they had just moved from Newfoundland). The house was about 20-25 years old when it was bought, and is still standing today. I don't know any history of the house before my grandparents bought it. In July of 1991,...
Baby Crying and Basement Apartment by rose
Here's an experience told by my mom. Once, a friend of my mother told her, that a friend of hers, who moved to a basement apartment in New York had an awful experience. She had a child. When they moved to a basement apartment, as soon they stepped into their new home, the kid would cry and never sto...
iPod Glow by storyluver
My best friend and I spent the night at her cousin's house one night. Her house is haunted by several ghosts. Although I never new that until a couple weeks before. There are three ghosts they seem to be very close with by the names of, Jimmy, Martha, and Reggie. I didn't know about them until when ...
Whispering Blue Face by Forgotten_angel
I'm a psychic person, meaning I can see and feel the presence of dead people. My house can be silent at times and it also can be noisy. One day I was trading rooms with my now 16 year old sister, Steph. This room connects to the attic. I was fixing up my bed because it was totally late. I happened t...
The Man in the Park by vanessa rivera
One day, I was riding my bike through the park with my little brother and when I passed the bench, I saw a a strange man dressed in old rags and broken brown shoes. The weird thing about him was he called my name 3 times and then he disappeared! I was so scared that I ran all the way home and never ...
The Cat Coming to Visit by Tiffany Mauldin
Hi again. I'm sure at least some of you remember my 115 year old Slave House Haunted story. Well, I got another one for you. The first one happened about a year after that story. My friend Paige's mom has had a cat, Belle, for almost 13 or 14 years (I don't know the exact date, all I know was that s...
Gray Light Shadows by rose
I was reading the story What Shadow People Want, it reminded me when as a child, when lived in an apartment in New York, on the first floor. Every night I would see shadows, but they were kind of gray in color, the room was dark, I had my eyes open and that is what I saw, gray shadows, like people f...
Cry Baby Bridge by Shane
This is for those who often wonder if some of the things experienced can ever be explained away. Almost everyone has heard the tell of "Cry baby bridge", heck almost every state and some cities has one. Well here is the story of the one that happened in my home town. Location will not be given to pr...
Daughter Seeing Spirits by jackie w
I am a single mom of a three year old daughter. I have suspected for a while that she sees "things". I have been to a couple of mediums that have also brought this subject up saying she does. We recently started staying with my grandma while our house is being built. My grandfather died in the house...
Trailer Park Ghosts by cordelia207
When I was 6 or 7, I lived in a trailer park in Sunnydale WI. It was a small trailer but that's all my parents could afford. It had a small kitchen and small living room and only three bedrooms. A hallway was connected to all three bedrooms. I had to share a bedroom with my sister. We shared a bed a...
Old Haunted House by Hartzell_grl3
We moved into our 80+ years old house a little over 5 years ago. Our youngest son was 2. He refused to go in the bathroom alone. He said he saw "black eyes" in there. We brushed it aside thinking that he didn't want to be potty trained and/or he had a very active imagination. Not too long after we m...
True Encounters at Work by Mathy
I'm one of the true believer in paranormals. 2 months back, after reading a ghost story from this web site, I went down to the ladies room. My office's (connected with factory) ladies is located just outside of the office building. We have to walk down and there is main door and small door inside. W...
Sleep Paralysis and Out of Body Experiences by JackEdwards
My name is Jack and I'm nineteen years old. I first had one of my dreams about a year ago, I can't remember exactly what happened but I know that I couldn't move and there was a disorientating continuous buzzing down the side of my bed which I could not turn to look at because I couldn't move, I str...
My Cat Sees Them by Morgan of unknown
Ever since I saved this cat... I have seen ghosts. The cat's name is Kelly. The first weird thing happened when she sits and relaxes. She always focuses on the kitchen. My other cat doesn't but she does. She stares at it for hours, watching something. My mom says that she's looking at the window sha...
The Experience by quianas
I started seeing shadows at 4 years old, and at 9 years old it progressed to people. I was 8 years old when my 6 years old cousin died and by age 10 years old he came to me. Physically walking towards me, and I tried to wake my older cousin so she could see him, but only I was able to and she didn't...
The Little Girl and the Three Men by kim
Hi my name is Kim and I'm from New Sudbury. I am a young girl being haunted by more then one ghost, but this one little girl is still trying to contact me. When I first started living in this house, I have noticed an uncomfortable feeling in the room upstairs as well in the bathroom, like being watc...
The Voice in my Daughter's Room by rose
I was going to sew in my daughter's bedroom where I had my sewing machine and to finish a dress I was making. Suddenly, as I walked in the room atmosphere changed. I felt like the inside a close closet where there is no air. I felt the air of the room was being sucked out. Then I heard a voice sayin...
My Daughter's Crib by magicwhisper
I was getting ready to settle down in my bed after putting my first born daughter in her crib in the next room... A few moments later I heard "Oh look, a baby" in a male's voice, coming from my infant's room over the baby monitor. But my husband was laying next to me, my father and mother were alrea...
My Haunted Apartment Used To Be a Funeral Home by danawood9
Years ago, we lived in an old building that at one time was a funeral home. It was not uncommon to hear strange noises and things at all times of the day. The first summer we were there, my daughter was just a baby. I had just laid her down for a nap and laid down on the couch for a quick nap, after...
There Are Others in my House III by rose
There were many times I felt so at peace in this house, I loved this house, But then it kind of change. We moved in April of 2005 and moved out in August 2005. There were times, when alone in this house, I would hear children crying. Two it seemed. But it was not frequently. I followed these cries a...
The Man in the Window by night
Now, some people call me a liar. Others tell me that I was too young to know what I saw. I wasn't. To me, a 9 year old kid doesn't make up something this big. It all started one day in our hotel. I live in Illinois, but I was staying at a hotel with my parents in Colorado. The hotel was very new; no...
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- Henrique, We Miss You
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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