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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 95
The Fog, The Dog, And The Man by Akumu9989
This is the very first encounter with a supernatural being I have ever had. I had a minor one before this, involving a small doll that I had laying on my bed (I left the room, came back, and the doll had been flung across the room.) When I was around 6, I used to have a small, wooden chest-of-dr...
My Sex Spirit by TheCollector
hey, this is my first post on this website, the reason why I have come to this site is, that I experienced the strangest thing I have ever experienced in my life on the 6/9 2011 / 4 days ago) I will start with a introduction My name is Alex, I am 21 years old, and live in Denmark. 4 days ago from...
My Grandad And The Girl by 101lollypop
I have been seeing a girl around school and my friend has actually seen her too. She follows us around, I have even managed to notice her body features. She has long blonde hair and she wear's a pinafore over a long sleeved pink t shirt. She hides a lot under tables, looking VERY scared. My frien...
Doppleganger Of My Brother by ChildOfTheLotus
This is another one of my experiences that took place when I was 8. I was living in my childhood home (mentioned in other stories) and I shared a bedroom with my brother who was 5 or 6 at the time. We had a bunk bed and I had the bottom bunk while he took the top. I started having sleep problems aro...
Hush Whispers by breezy5794
I live in South Carolina now, but this story took place in my hometown New Jersey. Anyways, I was about 12 years old (17 now) when I heard these voices in my room at before I went to sleep. Now let me rewind to what happened at the begining of that same day. My grandma usually has these Jehovah Witn...
Faces In The Daycare Window by SugarySweetGirl
This is the second story I have and is more frightning (imo) to me. It happened, once again, when I was in High School. Four friends (Melonie, Lauren, Freddie and Ash, my best friend) and I were being bad kids and ditching one of our classes. There was a day care right across the street that wa...
Not Afraid Of An Incubus? by Chevy
This is a true story of a couple experiences I have had. The first one happened during the summer of my Senior year (basically a couple of months ago). The only way I can fall asleep is if I'm on my stomach and one night I woke up around three in the morning. I was half awake when I heard an angry...
My Mirror Ghost by frozen_midnight
In my 24 years of life, I have had numerous encounters with ghosts and paranormal events. I have decided to write about each of them individually in chronological order starting with my very first experience which occurred when I was about seven years old... My mirror ghost. When I was younger (t...
Scary Reservation Experience by kibbles13
I live on the rez and these stuff happen and it is scary because I live in the middle of nowhere. I have lots of Skin walker stories, but this happen last night and it was so scary. My parents went to my Grandmas bingo. Me and my 2 brothers stayed my little brother Hayden and my brother (we are ...
Creepy Shadow Man And Little Shadow People by ghost_fanatic2011
My brother who is now 27 had just moved into his new house. He moved out for an unrelated reason. But, admitted that he was experiencing unexplainable things. Such as noises in another room, but stopped when he approached it. Shadow like beings seen out the corner of his eye. He saw quick reflection...
My First Experience At Work by DrDomVonDoom
My first experience all started about 7 years ago when I was a teenager, about 17 years old. I lived, and currently still live, in a little town of Fairbanks, Alaska, one of the first American settlements in the great north. I was working at the "Pump House", a local restaurant that is a historical ...
Jacob by LouSlips
Marie McIntire was widowed in 1831 at the age of forty-one. She was left with a 985-acre farm and four daughters. From the 1830 census it stated that all residents of the property were white, or Caucasian. Residing along with the family at their place of residence was a man named Edwin. No relation ...
Entity Is Attached To Me And Has Sexual Encounters by empty_elegy
So I know this is going to sound weird, however I have no idea what he is. I do know it is a male. Let me backtrack to when I was 8, around August: I was laying in bed, wide awake, hours after I read this book. I stopped at the part of this book (I forgot the title) where it read "Don't breathe it'...
My Sister, Dog And Cat In Spirit by Shenny
Having come from a long line of mediums, growing up with spirit was perfectly normal and I thought everyone else was the same. I would regularly see spirit animals and on the odd occasion see spirits to. At a young age, none of it frightened me that came much later. My eldest sister died at the ...
The Guy Who Visits Me At 3:30 am by Roshay
This is a very interesting and moving story about me. Ever since I found out that my current father was my biological dad, I moved away from him emotionally and decided to not like him for what reason I did that I don't know he hated me then and ever since then he use to curse me. It was Mon...
The Return To The Old Nick by Simplyghostnights
Prior to our return to Gainsborough Old Nick Theatre the Simply Ghost Nights team wondered if this lovely old building would provide as much paranormal activity as we had witnessed in our previous visits to this most haunted of buildings. In fact the paranormal activity we witnessed surpassed anythi...
Just One Last Kiss by Vanessanda
My mum passed peacefully in her sleep in April 2005. She was the glue that helped keep the family together. She was the most spiritual person in the entire family. My mum died in Australia where the family migrated to back in the late 50s. I was here in Athens, Greece when she passed. I got one of t...
A Special Bond by geetha50
I thought this over several times before posting this story as I didn't know what the reaction was going to be. But as usual, I would like to know what my fellow posters think. As usual, my story is long because I have added explanations. So here is my story: Recent stories on this site got me re...
Who Kicked The Dog? by Fanny
This story happened about 12 years ago. I think I was about 14 or 15 at the time. My older sister, who is a year older than me, and I were both afraid of the dark. I know 15 is a little old for that, but hey it happens. Anyway even though we both had our own bedrooms we both opted to sleep in the...
The Three Ghosts Brothers by nomzz
In 2009 we lived in this house that was kind of small but it kept our family together. My mom and step-dad never believed in any type of ghost haunting or ghosts in general. Well one day, I came home and I felt as if something was "off". My really active cat was being quiet and shy. My dog kept bark...
Old Family Haunted House by SaraBeth
I have told only a few people about the experiences in the old family house my grandparents owned. I wish I knew more of the history and the exact year it was made. I do know that it was standing in 1885 and perhaps before this. It started as a two room house with a detached summer kitchen, over the...
Shadow Of A Human, Lamp Gets Broken by ghosthunter14
This was years back when I was in elementary school, but I'll write as much as I can remember. It was in the middle of December and I was sleeping in the living room. I woke up in the middle of the night, I can't remember the exact time but I believe it was either 2 or in the middle of 3am. I was ...
The Dirty White Dress by Tempe_Toxic
As a child it is expected of us to draw pictures of everything we see. For example most children draw their families, pets, friends, cars, flowers. My favorites were rainbows, mermaids, and suns. The last time you read of my life I told you of when I was three years old and living in a funeral home ...
Dark Figure In Trenchcoat And Cowboy Hat by COWBOYJR85
So it was Oct 11th 2011. I am in my bed with my wife and 2 year old daughter. About 530 am. My alarm goes off. So I reach and turn it off and I turn and look to our doorway and there stands a dark figure. Now keep in mind that the bedroom is pretty dark. So this figure appears to be wearing a cowb...
Family Guardian by aussiedaz
When I was seven years old I'd shared a bedroom with my two brothers. There were three beds positioned side by side in a average size room, which made our sleeping quarters a little tight for comfort. My bed was positioned in the middle of the room between my two brothers and positioned directly und...
Working In Sarawak by legend87
My father work as Welding Master and he used to travel a lot for some company projects with his fellow workers. I still remember that time I was just finish my SPM and I followed my dad to Sarawak for a project. There are 5 of us including me and my dad. We rent a pretty small double story nearby ou...
Shadow People And The Witches by danigrl8484
My story is neither long or frightening or terribly exciting; it's more the type of story that gives you a few goosebumps and makes you wonder if you really saw what you thought. Only once in my life have I seen what I believe to be a shadow person, however it's not a typical shadow person based ...
Several Events - Connected Or Coincidence? by Lovely1
I have been debating whether to write a story or not, then thought that it's a tad hypocritical commenting on other peoples stories without giving you all the chance to judge my experiences. As the title of my story states, these small experiences I have could all be connected to what I believe w...
The Rude Awakening And The Growling Greeting by danigrl8484
I lived in Austin, Texas for about a year spanning Spring 06 to Spring 07. During the last few months of that time we lived in a cute little apartment off the 620 and never had any issues, until we brought an old portrait of a Native American chief from my boyfriend's family last time we visited the...
Pinned Down In Bed by danigrl8484
This encounter happened in an old B&B in the Old Town section of Edinburgh, Scotland. I lived in Scotland, about an hour and a half north of Edinburgh, for about 3 1/2 years (Summer 07 to sometime in 2010). Once while living there my aunt came to visit and we thought it'd be fun to spend the weekend...
My Great Grandmother's Old House 2 by jrthompson
Not too long ago, I posted my first story on this site about the weird thing that have happened since we started to live in my great-grandmother's house after we got in through her will. But at that time the haunting seemed to have stopped. But over the last few weeks, things have been happening tha...
Our Co-founders Haunted House by bigsasquatch
I am a member of a newly created paranormal investigation team based here in my home town. It all started when our group of about 10 or so friends decided to go to the Waverly Sanatorium in Kentucky. That's what got us started in the first place. Over the next few weeks some of our group members kin...
The Deeside Incident by Hanbobs
2nd October 2011 I first found out over Facebook that a local lad who I knew of had died that very day. He and his friends had left to go to Wales where they had taken their motorbikes to go off roading on a track known as Deeside. The young lad was pronounced dead at the hospital. The track is ...
The Godzilla Monster-thing Night by Saphira
The Godzilla Monster-thing I was between 6 or 7 years old. At one season my older brother went to the United States and I never imagined such a surprise. I only remember that I was a Godzilla fan so one day that my brother returned from United States he brought me a Godzilla doll and it was big a...
Demonic Haunting Mind Games by Rob27
Rob again, apologies for the delayed post, it's been a while. Things are still the same here at my end. This is just a brief update of what's been going on with me since I posted my last experience. Sounds crazy but I swear this 'thing' is in my head. A while ago I was sleeping on the sofa, I ...
Is My School Haunted? by LuiDesu
I know that the idea of a haunted school is very cliché-like. But please read this before you judge because this place really freaks me out and I just need reassurance that I am not insane. First of all, you should know that the town I live in has a really violent history, there have been severa...
Sad Airman by JoBee
I joined the Air Force when I was 18 and was whisked away into a new life. I went through the normal basic training as any other airman does, and then proceeded to Mississippi for my technical training, to learn my actual job. I turned 19 while at that location, which was easy to do because I was th...
Strange Occurences by AlexWazzle
When I was little, about 4-7, My great grandmother had this ballerina/music box. Well, one day, it's arm broke off. That's the day it wouldn't work anymore. We tried to turn the on/off switch, but it just wouldn't play. Then, one day I was sitting on the ouch with her, and it started to go around in...
One Of The Strangest Places I've Ever Lived by Acultofpersonality
I used to live in a house in South Omaha that was built in 1895. Rumor has it, that it was once a mortuary and a funeral home -but I haven't confirmed that yet. I was told that by one of the other tenants and also by a maintenance man. They both claimed in the basement there was still old embalming ...
Succubi Visited Me, But I Can't Communicate With Her, Help? by fishskywalker
So I'd like to start off by saying this is my first post. I'm a Christian and I believe in God, lately though things are difficult which probably why this happened. I am a 22 year old male, Name is Jon, I am from Seattle, WA. My story starts at October 9th, 2011 during the day. For some reason I...
The House That Didn't Like Children by Acultofpersonality
When I was 8 years old, my mother and father were going through a nasty divorce and I was staying with my mom in a house she rented from some friend of hers. I want to mention this; my mom's friend was an older woman who was married but didn't have any kids and she didn't really like kids and she ha...
My Dorm Ghost by Gleekgirl92
I have my own room right now at my college. I am not going to put my real dorm number but I am going to say 233. When I told people what dorm I lived in, (the older students or teacher) they said "Oh... Um okay." and one person told me to be "be careful." Well, I found out why they said it. In my ba...
What Did We Contact? by werewolfluv
So a few days ago I went to Toys-r-us and bought a Ouija board. The night I planned to use it I fell asleep. So I waited until a Friday to use it. When I first tried it nothing happened so I was like I wasted $23 on a board that won't work. Annoyed, I tossed it into the box and put it under my bed. ...
Someone Trying To Contact Me? by iamshannon
First of all I will start off by saying, I am 100% true to these experiences, and what I'm about to tell you is the absolute truth of what I have experienced in the last few months. We live in a house that was built over 30 years ago, but nothing strange has happened to it prior to that time. One ni...
Childhood Home by TIGERKING
This story is going back to when I was a kid. I grew up in a house that was over a hundred years old. It was a really spooky house and it looked the part. The yard was quite large and was full of trees. The weather boards were rotting and the tin on the roof used to bang in the wind along with all t...
Invoking A Demon by BritxBrat666
My fiance and I live together. Both of us share an interest in demonology but know better than buying an ouija board and getting into it. My father has warned me about them, saying if you cannot form a complete circle around it then it is not safe. I have practiced Satanism before, not Luciferism mi...
Be My Lover by Locrian
I have decided to post my story here after leaving a forum about the following subject matter due to their narrow minded and dictorial view. Before beginning the story; I should point out that these experiences have been happening off and on over the past few years. It pretty much began as others wh...
My Ghost Friend George by Sharks77
I have visited this website for a couple of years and finally decided to share some experiences of my own. I have always been interested in the paranormal. I do believe that some things can be explained and are not paranormal and others can not be explained and are paranormal. Here are some things t...
Repeated Hauntings In A Hotel by EnglishLad
This is my first story on this site! I have been a reader for a while now, and thought I would share some of my own (and others) experiences with you (I apologise now as this will be a long one!) A bit of background: at the minute I am 19 Years old, and I work at a bar/restaurant/hotel in the nort...
Holiday From Hell by CF
Me and my family decided to go to Europe a few months ago. When we arrived at our apartment, the weather was dark and stormy, with a light rain pouring down. However, we brought all our luggage inside the apartment and saw a bookshelf groaning with the weight of tons of old fashioned books all w...
Woman In The Wardrobe by Diskonnekted-X
My very first experience with the paranormal was when I was round about 6 years old. It took place at my grans house in the East of Scotland, Fife, Buckhaven. I was staying with my gran that night with my older sister Hollie. Hollie and I shared the double bed while my gran was on the floor. I wo...
Just Skip The Ouija Board Entertainment by Acultofpersonality
After my parents long and bitter divorce my mother lost custody of me for child abuse and neglect. The court awarded full custody of me to my father. After the dust settled on the divorce decree, my dad bought this old house in a small town in Southwestern IA population approximately 323. I'm convin...
It Didn't Leave Me Alone by lillithx33
The breathing still keeps going even after I gave away the cards. In my last story I haven't told the full story. Way before I started hearing the breathing and train noises I heard other unusual sounds. I don't remember when it started but I used to hear sounds like a hamster was sipping in its c...
The Shadow Figure by Redninja
I've always been interested in the paranormal but I didn't think I would actually see something. I didn't think I would be one of those people, but just the one to hear the stories. It was 2009 and it was early fall. I and my boyfriend Carri decided to go to the Buckroe beach. It had to have been ...
Four Ghosts, One House by KyleMM
This happened to my cousins and I maybe 7 years ago. One day after school we were playing outside as usual. My grandma lived on the side of a hill with some old ruined rock house on top. We were chasing her dog around when we all decided to climb the hill. Now we explored a lot but these houses look...
My Mother-in-law's Victorian House by anderk1987
First of all, I have many MANY stories about my MIL's house, so I will try to keep this on track and not add all of them in this one post. Located in Missouri, this house was bult in the 1800s and is three stories tall with lots of rooms and even maids quarters (now bedrooms and bathrooms I believe....
My Aunt's New House by Mercury93
I'm pretty sure this happened in '10 or '09. My aunt had bought her first house and Bella and I were helping unpack and she took us to a movie and all that afterwards. When we got home, I got into some trouble (like grounded for life trouble) and my aunt offered us to stay at her house for the night...
Once Grandma Dies, Everything Changes by only1mariah
Around the time I started middle school, strange things started happening to me. During the time that my mother was married to her second husband, his grandmother died. Though, this may not seem very important to most people, it is in this case. Once she died, my mothers CD player turned on by it...
One Little Girl by wantsonlypeace
So a couple of days ago, I began to feel what to me was someone watching me. Later on I would feel chills and then I began hearing a little girl talk to me. Her name is Carlie. She tells me that she has died in a car crash and isn't sure if her mother survied. She won't give me a date at which thi...
Ivy The Trailer Park Ghost by Redsoul18
My second encounter started back in 4th grade (keep in mind I am 18 now and graduated last June) Me and my parents were tight on money so we moved into a old trailer. My dad fixed up the trailer but got it running. So a few days went by and I started hearing about the person who lived in my trailer ...
Paranormal Influence Or Just A Coincidence? by ghost_fanatic2011
A few years ago, I was dating this guy, who is a devout Christian. I never really thought too much about religion, and I still sort of kind of don't but he and I talked about it, and I began to question the whole Christianity religion. I used to sleep all day and stay up all night so my experienc...
The Hand And Door by angleart
So it was about a year ago, when this happened. Now please keep in mind that I was NOT asleep and I was only like 12 or 11. So first let me give a layout of the room. You walk in the door and then there is a desk like thingy. My parents room is right next to my door and my bed is up against the wa...
Shaking, Banging, And A Strange Ball by Boston23
This story is short. I am a active miltary member and do not scare too easy but some things have happened, and I do not know what to make of them. For a couple of years now when I am half awake and half asleep some strange things would happen. I don't know if its just me or what. It starts out with ...
Haunting Greensleeves Song Musicbox by susi82
I work in a retail store in Shepparton, Victoria. There is a musicbox song that plays at least once a week and it seems to be around the same area of the store near the mirrors and curtains section, or sometimes it will follow you around the store and things seem to fall off the stock shelves. Most ...
I Feel And See Different Spirits by Smurf
Firstly I'm new to this site, and I'd like to share my personal ghost story with everyone. I'm a big fan of the paranormal, I've always read ghost stories and legends, I remember I used to see unusual things, I smelt something Odd when I lived in a flat in Campsie when I was about 7 years old. I had...
Lady In Distress by Dee21
This experience started about 1 1/2 year ago in a bar in an old part of Dubai where I go once or twice a week to meet up with friends. One night I went to the Ladies room in the back room which has two toilets. Anyway as I sat there I suddenly hear this woman crying on the toilet next to me. She was...
Could He Have A Connection To Me? by kaydwalls
My name is Kaylan, and I guess I should just jump into this story... I moved in with my mother when I was fourteen and have experienced "paranormal activies" ever since I lived there. And until recently I have been the only one. The first night I had experienced anything, was quite scary. I was l...
Friendly Blue Orb by SaraBeth
This is one of my first physical experiences with the paranormal that can't really be explained. When I was 15, my sister and I shared a room at one corner of the house. We decided to open our windows to enjoy the summer weather and listen to the frogs that were down by the river. Looking out the wi...
Djinns At Home by Hamza212
guess I should start with a little bit about myself. I'm 16 now and I live in Canada and I'm Muslim. I was 14 when this happened. My family and I were visiting our relatives in Pakistan, Islamabad, 2 years ago. My uncle's house, from my mom's side, is right beside my aunt's house, to the right of i...
The Football Player In PJs by angleart
This happened just a few nights ago. I was laying in my bed when I just woke up. I didn't know why, so I turned over to try and go back to sleep. It was about 3:45 in the morning. So any way, I turned over and then I see this guy. He was about 5 ft tall maybe 17 and he was just looking at me. He...
The Naughty Ghost by old_dude
This story tells of a good time in my life that I like to think back to and just smile. It was a time in my life when a lot of very scary stuff was about to happen. I will say that it is different from my past stories because it has to do with a lot of my personal relations with my girlfriend at ...
A Special Visit From Dad On His Birthday by weezyluva808
Just a little back ground before I start my story, I have 4 brothers and 1 sister. I and my sister were very close to our dad growing up. He spoiled us rotten! We lived with him on and off through out the years due to my parents divorce. The last time we lived with him was right before he passed. He...
Growls, Doors And More by abel92399
My wife and I recently moved into this house. We have seen people and shapes out of the corner of our eyes, doors open and close while we sleep, and our guests tell of things they experience while they stay in our guest bedroom. I have waken up out of a dead sleep feeling that something was wron...
My First Encounter With A Benevolent Spirit by believer21
This occurred this past weekend at a friend's house, it was our first visit there and it definitely made it memorable. I think the best part about this is that my husband and six month old son both saw what I saw. The area our friends, (I'll use the first letters of their names) T and C, live in ...
Is My School Haunted? 2 by LuiDesu
I already wrote about my creepy school in my last post. And when I described it, I got curious again and since there was a free period today, I decided to go investigate a little. Because I have a really bad feeling about the basements of the building (there are multiple buildings which were connect...
The Jenny Wade House by youdontknowme88
Wow... Haven't been on here in forever! I apologize for the wait of this story. I've been really busy these past few months, and I've forgotten my duty to post my experiences! Again, very sorry. If you haven't read my stories, "I Think They Wanted My Help" or "Haunted Hotel Room at Best Western," pl...
My Second And Last Ouija Encounter by Acultofpersonality
My second brush with an OUIJA board happened during my freshman year in college. I was attending an all female school and had a very adventurous party-animal like roommate who was an ex military brat; let's call her Jane. Jane had a best friend who was even wilder than she if that's possible we'll c...
Vietnam Prankster by JoBee
This story is about a ghost that haunts the building I work in. I wanted to share this with the group because it is a nice story and shows that not all of our spiritual visitors are evil in intention. If you read my other story, you know that I am in the Air Force. I am stationed at Keesler AFB righ...
Scared For My Son by Acultofpersonality
You know, being able to write about these experiences I've had in my life is somewhat cathartic. It's difficult to talk about these things with John Q. Public -the average bear who doesn't believe in anything unless they can see it. I found in life that it was just easier to keep it to myself and ma...
Miss, Could You Kindly Hand Me Some Tissue? by sylunedarkchylde
I am writing about several things I have experienced while working. This would be the first experience, and I will write about the others in another entry. One instance that I would like to share was when I was in the ladies' room in the office. I opened the door to the ladies' room with some ...
A Jealous Child? by DuhhMuffin
The following happened to me about a year ago. I only recently discovered the site, and have been debating on whether I wanted to publish my experience. I've been afraid to, though I'm not quite sure why. But I'm ready now, and here it is. The night it happened, I was sleeping over at a friend's ...
My Experiences With Spirits by sensitivetoenergy
My family moved to an old trailer home when I was just starting high school. From the beginning there were some odd things, but we ignored them for the most part. The doorbell would go off for no apparent reason, but we rationalized it was a faulty system. Things we couldn't explain were the feeling...
The Black Non-human Entity by ctillison
The year was 2007 I was 12 years of age. I was talking to my friend Kevin, on the phone. I want to note that I have always had an interest in the paranormal, but on this particlular night I was thinking anything but something paranormal. I looked at my phone and the time said around 10:30ish. Anyway...
The Ghosts At My Sister's House by applerose
It has been a while since I have posted anything, but a busy life will cause that. The story I'm about to tell took place at my baby sister's house and the events happened in a two year span. When my sister and family first moved in this house there were little things that happened such as cold s...
Basement Remains by rookdygin
I've wanted to submit this experience for quite some time now but three quarters of it belongs to my wife and she has just given Me permission to share her portion of it. It takes place in Middletown, RI on the sight of our Church's Chapel. When my wife first started attending she was 10/11 years...
To See Is To Believe by bidwellpinoy
We are a common family who rented an apartment somewhere in Quezon City. And luckily, we bought a permanent residential place somewhere in Fairview, Quezon City. Durung my High School years, mostly a decade ago. When we were still renting our aparment somewher in V.Luna, Quezon City. I really unders...
Just Leave Us Alone by nomore
It all started the summer of 2005, when my boyfriend's sister Jen moved from Ogden to a small trailer park in Centerville UT. Her boyfriend at the time would come down and visit 3 times a week. On the nights he was sleeping over he would swear he saw a face in the window at night. Jen would tell us ...
Little Guardian In North Carolina by ajnpw213312
I have always been sensitive to the supernatural. I started paying attention to it after my favorite great grandmother passed away. My senses became more aware. Throughout my childhood I seemed to have spirits following me and attempting to get my attention. Whether it was doors slamming in the midd...
It Found Me by girlwithwings
Almost 4 years ago I went on a family trip to Cancun Mexico. Cancun was still recovering from the hurricane damage and we stayed at a resort that was recently resurrected, there were no phones yet, no lobby furniture and everyday there was something new brought in. Despite not being complete, the re...
Ghostly Black Cats by netnix0
Having read many stories here about ghost animals, I thought I would share mine about my ghost cat. When I was a small child my parents and I lived with my grandfather in his house. It was a big Edwardian detached house in the south-east of England and had been in our family a while as it had been b...
The Imposing Man by DeviousAngel
My fiance and I decided a few days ago to spend some time apart while we deal with our individual personal issues. In spite of our separation we still see each other occasionally, and since we were best friends before we were a couple we still get along very well. On this past Friday afternoon he wa...
Podunk Poltergeist by Faustess
This is my first post on any type of paranormal forum page. I have always believed there are paranormal entities out there and have read many a story and browsed numerous collections of evidence. I have always been reluctant to post any experiences or discuss any with friends as they are all skeptic...
The Room by CF
I have no idea whether this entity is trying to help or not. One day, I was looking for spoons in the kitchen area, and a drawer opened with a hiss, and on looking inside, it was jam packed with spoons! I began to think that it was the ghost from the terrible holiday that I had, (read Holiday fro...
Shadow And The Ghoul by Preciouspip
This is my first story IT IS 100% TRUE! Warning: NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED! I remember being in bed at my mums house, and I saw a shadowy figure of my great grandy. I was very calm, and cool about it. My mum said must be seeing things, but... This is how I know! At my nans at night, I had ...
My Old Spirit Friend by cecil04
This will be a quite hard-to-tell story because there will not be a real "scary climax" inside it. I apologize for that in advance. Anyways I'd like to share it because it might be some kind of addendum to my previous stories - so please take your time to read it. To say the least, I am happy NOT ...
A Haunting Melody by little_love_lolo
This is one of many strange and unexplainable occurrences that have taken place at my childhood home. The history of the land on which it stands is rather well known, at this point: long ago, it was a logging camp, a camp for Japanese students, and a Boy Scout camp. Eventually it was purchased by my...
Did I Open Myself To Possession? by lblibpage
I found this site yesterday after having an experience just before going to bed. Two nights ago I was up late, it was around 2 am and I had just decided to go to sleep. I live in a studio apartment with my girlfriend so when I am in bed I can see pretty much the whole apartment except for the re...
The Men Who Mumbled by little_love_lolo
When I was very small, about seven or eight years old, my parents were renovating our house. For a short time, my sister (3 or 4 years old at the time) and I were sharing a bedroom. We had bunk beds, and I slept on the top bunk while she occupied the bottom. Even though we shared a room, we enjo...
Lady In The Hallway by TwstedWrds
When I was 4 years old (1985) my parents bought a house that was built in the early 1950's. Being as young as I was I didn't know the history of the house or who owned it before we moved there. My bed room was the middle room located along the long hallway in our house. My sister's room was at t...
A Ghost In The Girls Changing Room? by AhoyLorna
I'm Ruth, I'm 13 years old and this "encounter" happened a couple weeks ago to my friend Lisa and I. This seriously freaked us out so please don't mock or tease us. In my high school, the girls changing room lights hardly ever come on so we all usually have to get changed in the dark. Most of us ...
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