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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 91
The Creepy, Mysterious Portrait by AngelDemonGhost101
My story begins on a beautiful day at Pine Ridge Cabins and Camp Site situated two hours from Ottawa. I had previously been in Quebec and Nova Scotia because I was visiting some relatives and also because my second cousin was getting married at a blueberry farm. The reason we were staying in a cabin...
Tarot Learning by rookdygin
This is more than just my 'learning' experience with a deck of Tarot Cards... I hope it doesn't come off as 'Preachy' but I give a heads up here at the beginning... I quote Scripture in this one to back up some of my points. And away we go... I received a gift the Summer of 1986... It was a de...
The Spirit Is Jimmy by hannahisabella
Everybody has a story and this is mine. I have always been into the paranormal and spiritual side I'm a strong believer that when you pass on, that your soul remains if you have some kind of unfinished business like saying good bye to your lover or family or your body is not at rest because somethin...
My Grandfather's House by clark200666
My grandfather's house is almost 150 years old. It has been passed to many generations in our family. Since I was a child, my family keeps telling stories about their experiences in that house. I didn't believe them first, thinking that it was just a story to scare my sister and my cousins. Until I ...
I Almost Slept Forever by magilune
This is my first story here; I hope I tell it right. I can't remember exactly how old I was maybe 7 or younger I am twenty five years old now. My mom tells me this story all the time. Let me give you a little of my background. I am from Africa. I have eight siblings. My family lived in the city. Eve...
Lucifer's Corner by Sharks408
It all started back in the summer of 2008. I was about 13 or 14 at the time. My friend and his family had invited me to go camping with them up in Northern California, almost at the border of Oregon. We had lots of stuff planned and one of those things was to go to some caves. When we got to the...
Sharon Is Always Around by manda85
I go to Savannah for my birthday every year. I had bought a book called Haunted Savannah. Well I was writing all the places I wanted to go the next day on a piece of paper on a clip board that had a pen hooked on it. It was getting really late and my boyfriend was asleep, and I just dropped my clipb...
Something Darting Across My Room by awoolf17
I've been coming here for a while now just reading the stories because I have always been interested in the paranormal. Anyway, I've noticed some changes occurring in my house recently. For about the past year I would think I see something darting across my room from the corner of my eye like a dark...
An Enemy Or A Friend? by hipxop
I would like to start off by saying that even though it is really long the events add up to one another and I would appreciate if you didn't miss anything. My ghost story began way before I was born. I do know that for some strange reasons my great-grandparents died at the age of 72. My grandmothe...
Is This A Demon Following Me? 2 by RosemaryKin97
Ok, so I thought that the evil presence in my house was gone but it looks like it hasn't after all. A few days ago I had a really scary experience that may have been a bad spirit or just my brain playing tricks on me because it was late at night and I was tired. Before I start telling what happened ...
I Think It Was An Entity by native_101
What I'm about to explain may seem confusing, I apologize, but I can barely remember anything. So last night around 2:30 in the morning I woke up out of a deep sleep. It was completely dark in the house, and it was me and my sister and my niece. I can't remember what woke me up, but as soon as I...
The Old House On Hampton Road by tanna8107
To start this off, it happened a few years ago when we first moved in (2-3 years). I was about 10 years old when we first moved into the house. It was over 100 years old and was the house of my mom's boyfriend's family for years and years. Almost his whole family lived here including his grandmother...
A Voice In The Woods by ghost_of_you
It was around February of 2004 when my boyfriend, Jake asked me to join him for a hike on a mountain. I never tried hiking before, so I was a bit reluctant to go, but, being a nature lover, I decided to give it a try. He told me that we were to go on a night trek, and that we will be staying there f...
New Orleans Ghost And Possible Possession by KudzuKristal
I am writing to share with you my experience since moving into a very large house in the Lower Garden District in New Orleans, LA. The house I live in was built in 1895 and looks like something straight out of an Anne Rice novel. It has two large galleries that are punctuated by eight large gall...
The Lore Of Texas Road by old_dude
As a young kid growing up in Amherstburg Ontario, one could not help but hear one of the many ghost stories about old Texas Road. Back in the early 90s we had a group of kids who decided to investigate all the rumours and happenings of the local area. One of our first areas to investigate was old Te...
Doppelganger In The Mirror by Roxanne090
I was staying at my Aunt and Uncle's house for the weekend. Upon entrance to the house, there is a small room. To the right is an entrance to the living room, while there is an entrance to the kitchen across from it. The kitchen has the only door to the backyard within it. If you look straight from ...
The Hooded Figure And Ghost Lady by BellissimaA
Hi. I'm Alexia, I'm 16 and this happened about 7 months ago, I think. I don't know what time it was or if it was a dream or not. But one night I opened my eyes, I had been sleeping, and there was this hooded figure standing in front of my bed. I somehow came to think it was a guy. Anyway, he was jus...
Voices In My House by Aurora123
It was May of '09. My grandmother has diabetes and her blood sugar went so high, she went into shock. The night she went into the hospital, my mother, my brother and our dog stayed in the house. That night we heard voices. Like clear talking and walking right outside the door. We were all in mom's r...
Our Extra Clients by Kelley08
In 2005 I opened a day spa around the corner from the historic district in Conway. We opened the first week in December. About a week before Christmas we started hearing items being moved around but no one in the room the noise was coming from. Now the house was built in the early 1900's so settling...
My Little Room Mate by Chella
2 seconds before he died my dad came clean about his affair with Judith. Judith had died from childbirth and so did the child which was my dad's. I was there when he died and my mum was on night shift with her work. That night I got woke up by screaming (I was 10 years of age) and I walked out of my...
The Little Girl Who Cried I'm Haunted by ox3vali3xo
Hey everyone. My name is Valeria and I am 13 years old. I had to publish my experience right away because I had no one else I could tell. I just woke up crying and I immediately got onto my laptop and started writing. All of this haunting stuff started about 2 years ago for me. I would always feel ...
More Farnsworth House Experiences by tedbear
In my last story I told you about Jeremy the ghost boy who died in the Farnsworth House B&B in Gettysburg in the 1800's. He was playing horse and wagon tag out front when he slipped and was tragically run over. He died shortly there after in what is now the Sarah Black room, under the care of th...
Comforting Me... Thanks Grandma by bri_bewitched
One night I was out hanging out with my friends at a school dance. My boyfriend was at the dance too, but he was with his friends. One of my boyfriend's friends came up to me and asked, "How would you feel if your boy friend broke up with you?" Then I said, "I wouldn't care, its his life." When the ...
Never Touch The Shadows by Night14Tales
My story takes place at my Grandma and Grandpa's house. As for a little back story to the house, it was built in 1943 in an old neighborhood. The house was one floor, and had three bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, a porch, and a gigantic backyard. The three rooms were located down a l...
A Disturbed Feeling by dmrw135
I am currently 23 years old and live in upstate New York and have lived here most of my life. The house I currently live in is a stone house and was a part of the underground railroad. I have never had any feelings while living here of unease, however in my old house I would always get feelings that...
The Spider, The Girl, And A Case Of The Blues by Hexotericka
In early 1999 my sister and I moved into a very nice duplex in Faerie Glen, Pretoria. This place was modern, good to look at and well-kept. This is also the place where I have experienced some of the most bizarre and unconventional spooky events of my life. Beneath the staircase was a little st...
Guardian Angel Incubus? by tsukieiri
For the past few years, I've had a... Well, not a problem, per se... It's more of a manifestation, though the word sounds unnecessarily harsh. It started three years ago, when I was in the seventh grade. It was a mid-February evening, and I was just getting home from the Drop In (officially HOME You...
Figure In The Corner by hiya_hayz
Before I start my story I would like to say that I know that what I saw wasn't just a trick of the light, or me just seeing things because I was tired, or anything like. I know this because I wasn't the only one to see this, I was just more affected by it then she was. I was in the eighth or ninth...
Woman's Face At The Window by curious44
This is my first ghostly experience which happened to me about six months ago back in February of this year. I'm currently forty four years old and I'm living in Sydney, Australia. My experience happened to me on a warm sunny day on a Wednesday afternoon at 1.30pm. I was walking along the foot pat...
Suspected Incubus That Visits Me by LadyLynx
Hey everyone, I was hoping someone could shed some light on what has been happening to me. I'm a 24 year old female and a few years ago I was lying on my side in my bed when I came to consciousness because I felt a body on top of mine. It was definitely a man because I could hear him breathing very ...
The Old Kentish Pubs by Dan_Paranormal
I've been on this site for some time now and I've read many stories on here and commented on some of them as well. I thought to myself that it's time to share one of mine. This isn't the most potent paranormal experience in my life but I thought it'd be good to write it down. I am a student who live...
Floating Fire by Mysticdream
About 4 years ago I moved into an apartment with my ex boyfriend who I was engaged to at the time. I was 24, I'm 28 now. He had been acting strange for a while. Like maybe he didn't care about me or want to be around me anymore, but I was in denial about it because I was in love so I ignored my intu...
Dark Shadow On Christmas Eve Night by deejayy53
I have had many experiences with the paranormal, but this story is the most vivid in my mind at the moment. It was Christmas eve and I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep. I was rather excited for the next morning. But then I started feeling very uncomfortable in my room. Now, my room isn't bi...
Indian Burial Or War Ground? by bri_bewitched
One night I was with my best friend Taylor. We were having a sleep over. We live in a complex of town houses and before they were built, the land use to be covered with trees. We also live down the street from a graveyard so old that some of the gravestones don't have writing on them! Anyways, back ...
Screaming Blonde by Losthopelessly
As promised in my last page, this is the story of my first sighting. I apologize, this will be slightly lengthy. I was born in Phoenix, and lived there until I was about eight. We lived in a big house with a grapefruit orchard in the back, a main floor, and an upper level. The uppder level had a lan...
Haunting In A New House by GhostGirl7
I guess it all started about 9 months ago. My house seems to be haunted, but when I found out that my house was only twenty years old, I thought that it didn't seem probable that a traumatic death had taken place in it. Since, that's how a lot of hauntings go, right? But, I did read on this one webs...
Touched... By What? by 808mama
My story is very brief and it happened a few years ago. My uncle and his family who had been living with us for a couple of years, just bought a two story house in Ewa. The story was that a family of 4 lived there before my uncle and family did. A mother, father, daughter and grandmother who were ve...
Ghost Impersonator by edward5385
Last night my best friend and I fell asleep in my room after a long night at the gym. At about 5 in the morning I got up to move to the room down the hall while my friend was still asleep. About 5 minutes later my friend came down the hall, tapped my foot, and woke me from my sleep. He said he'd tho...
A Dark Thing, Wish I Knew What It Was by lilymoncat
This is kind of old, but I've never come to a satisfactory conclusion on what it was, and I'd like some help in figuring it out and making sure it can never come back to me again. I was fairly young, maybe eleven when it first came, and it terrified me. I had until then always slept easily, but i...
Not Welcome At Hotel St. Marie by magsat
In searching for a hotel for another trip to the French Quarter, I almost fainted when I read the story from the girls trip entitled Our Hotel Stay Off Toulouse In New Orleans y Erte4879, because it confirmed what I felt while there with my gal friends. Being that I have friends in New Orleans, a...
White Man, Visions, And Whispers by Munsterx3
I want to get straight to the story, or well, stories. So all I will say to introduce myself is, my name is Dillion. I am 14 and I am atheist. To begin this: I was 4-7 and was alone in my room at my old house in Florida. I was doing the usual, laying on my bed staring at the ceiling. When all of t...
Ghost In My Room? by DarkMystery
First I'd like to say if this isn't actually anything then I'm sorry but I just want to know because I'm not sure. It really freaks me out. The creepy things only started happening last year. I've always believed in ghosts and felt weird at times but nothing ever happened before. Firstly, it's ...
Vision In The Mirror by metalmomma3
In the beginning, my very good friend and I were intrigued as to what was happening in her house. Intrigued, curious, interested, but never scared. It just so happened that we were never actually scared when things would happen to us in her house. We became determined to find out everything we could...
The Last Goodbye And The Night Guest by PrettyInPain
The following experiences are mainly my mother's. The first experience took place in Missouri, where my mother lived at the time. She was pretty young, about ten years old, and her grandmother was in the hospital. Things weren't looking too good for her grandma, so her mother was in the hospital too...
Granpa Saved Me From Crashing by Waggon
This is my second story on here, and I would just like to share something that happened to me last week which still gives me goosebumps to think about. I live in Scotland - it rains alot! So driving home from my new temporary administration job, the typical Scottish summer was in full swing - it ...
The Indian Girl by RosemaryKin97
This one is very weird and mysterious. It wasn't scary, but when it happened, I was very confused. I was at my grandmother's house when this happened, and we weren't doing much, just watching TV. I was just being lazy, laying across the sofa and I decided to go to sleep. The second that I closed...
The Flashlight by TryToFigureItAllOut
I have always believed my deceased father has been popping in and out of my house to check up on me. There are multiple signs to show that it is him and no other spirit. And to test this out, I got out a small flashlight from my kitchen's drawer. If you've watched Ghost Hunters, you would know this ...
The Shadow Man Returns by Vanessanda
Ive been seeing some sort of shadow man pretty much since I was a young girl. I used to see him back then only at night. I didn't know it was such a common phenomenon so I would call him a "stick man" because he was as skinny as a match stick and wore a hat but he was pitch black and I couldn't make...
My Grandmother: Psychic Abilities Or Coincidence? by Ski221
I have always been close to my grandmother and I know her to be a kind, funny and honest woman, but I can't help feeling there is something odd about her experiences. Let me explain; I believe my grandmother to be psychic. My mother is originally from Yorkshire and at the age of 19 moved to Londo...
A Touch by cherokeekydd
My grandma lived in an old two-story house in Oklahoma. My sisters, cousin, and I pretty much grew up there. The upstairs rooms always seemed creepy to the four of us. We never wanted to go up there, it always seemed that someone was hiding and watching when we would go up there. It has been tol...
My Australian Experience by geetha50
I'm sorry that I haven't been to this in a while. But I had to come back to the site to post this story while my memory was still fresh with the details. Currently, I am in Australia with my family for my cousin's wedding (already happened on August 20th, 2011). My family and I arrived in Brisban...
Tired Sorrow by DeanJones
Over the past few weeks I have been finding it very difficult to get a good nights sleep, there is no paticular reason for this at all, I'm not stressed or under any pressure at work, infact I'd have to say this is one of the happier times in my life as my girlfriend and I are expecting twins in 2 m...
New Again by Johnboy
My Dad had been sick with a lung condition for 2 weeks before he passed. It was all so sad and unreal that he was gone. He died on the 17th June, 2011. After the funeral, his ashes were put in the ocean like he wished. He had been an avid sailor and loved the ocean. I tossed the heavy jug like clay ...
The Smoking Ghost by TheMermaidsPurse
My experience takes place in Robin Hoods Bay, Yorkshire. I shall describe the house to you. The house is very old and detached. From the windows you can see the sea. It is a holiday home and previously the owners of the house's parents lived there. Upstairs, there are 3 bedrooms. One is a double roo...
What Could They Want? by CandiceSAPA
I have been getting touches all over my body for years now. One time in 2009 my body was completely stiff. I couldn't move at all, only my head. I could barely even open my eyes. My eyes were really heavy as if I had no power to open them when I pleased, but I was able to open them. Then I felt some...
Dreadful Experience On The Terrace by gtafais
This experience happened when I had completed my schooling and was waiting for the college to start. As it's common in India that summer holidays are spent in maternal grandma's house, even my case was the same. I was in my Grandma's house and this happened when I was sleeping alone on the terrace d...
Scariest Time Of My Life by Ebbcakez
In January 2009, my parents' apartment was being renovated so they let us stay in an empty apartment two floors above us. Before I continue, I must say, that I'm not a religious woman, but I do believe in God. My mom and her side of the family believe in spirits, saints and so on. I've always had dr...
Paranormal Vacation by CronishaxGurl
In May of 2011 me, my parents, cousins, uncles, aunts, all went to the The Outer Banks in North Carolina. We rented a really nice 3 story beach house that was very active with ghosts. The house was no more than 20 years old, and we weren't told of anything other than right before we left for our vac...
The Unseen by MandyyNicole
When my fiance and I first moved into the house we're living in now, I decided to center myself and meditate. I have a three year old son and it's very hard to get peace and quiet when he's awake so I waited until the house was asleep and started to meditate on the floor next to my bed, leaning agai...
Shadowy Black Dog by Therissa
I happened to speak to a friend today and for some reason we came to the topic of spooky stories from our life. It happened quite a long time ago and I haven't remembered it for a while, not that I had completely forgotten, it's just one of these experiences that get locked up in the depths of your ...
Girl In The White Dress by isabellahocroft
Ever since I was a little I remembered seeing a girl wearing a long white dress (almost like an old fashioned night gown) with long dripping dark brown hair, she had cuts all over her face and she was always humming the aero plane jelly theme song. When I was about 7 I told my dad, he told me I was ...
Graveyard Tour: River Canard Graveyard by old_dude
This is the first in a small series of stories telling of the events that happened as a group of kids decided to formally create a group to investigate all the paranormal history around our home town. As a kid I grew up in the small historic town of Amherstburg. In high school a group of friends ...
A Shadow Person Or Something Else? by Skye28
I have lived in this house with my parents for going on 23 plus years, and I have seen some crazy things in this house. My experience was I had been seeing these shadow people for going on 7 and a half years now. The first time I saw them was when my daughter was just an infant, they were standing a...
First Contact by chunkeylumpkins
This all happened when I was about eight; my family had just moved into a new one story house. In my room there was this full length mirror in the closet that absolutely creeped me out! And my parents had set up my bed so that if I lay down I could see my reflection in it. So I pushed my hanging clo...
Goblins? by Roxanne090
I have heard for goblins to be more commonly found in the Philippines, but I think I may have these creatures in my house. The first incident happened just a few days ago. My sister was carrying around a pair of winged, plastic horses. She was playing with them all day long, while I was on the co...
Night Visitations by Alyssa11
My name is Rebecca and I'm new to the site. I have been reading peoples stories and finally feel encouraged to write some of my own. Well, maybe I will just start with one and take it from there. I grew up in a small town in Northern Ontario: Timmins. I lived with my grandparents. They had a bung...
My Cold Bedroom by Satoshichan2
About ten years ago my family and I moved to Alberta from British Columbia. My parents had moved ahaed of my sister and I. Before they left I asked them to reserve the room the farthest down the hall for me, I had asked this before even seeing the house. A couple months later we arrived at our n...
Real Haunted House Story by emilynoel
This is a true story about a house that was haunted. 1980 My parents got divorced when I was 2. My mom and I moved into a house with her sister, Carol (divorced as well). It was an old white farmhouse with a silo and barn they rented from a local doctor in Huntingburg. It was located on Old Hu...
Freaky Incident - I Had My Proof by NpN4poisoN
My second publishing and I am very excited about this, especially after the great review I got on my previous story. Well I hope you have read my first before reading this because only then would you be able to feel the rush I went through when I passed this experience. After my first, I started ...
Something In The Bush And An Update by Morticia1
Now this goes back to the first few months that my (now recently ex) partner and I were first together, which would make it late 1994/early 1995. We had gone out for a couple of hours to the local pub (note here: we hadnt been drinking alcohol just soft drinks this night) and decided to go to our...
Granny Is With Me by Silvermoon
My Granny and Granddad both passed away years ago now. I'm not sure exactly how long, maybe 15 years for my Granddad and 10 years for my Granny. I was in my kitchen just making a bottle for my little girl when I opened the cupboard where her bottles are kept, and could distinctly smell my Granny....
Gust Of Wind Inside by ChrisHewitt
This event happened in about 1995 in the town of Great Yarmouth on the east coast of Norfolk in the UK. It was Christmas and some friends had gone to Yorkshire to spend time with relatives. I agreed to visit their house twice a day while they were away to check on the house and to feed their cat. ...
My Mom's Place by herohead
My story starts in 1995. My parents got divorced in 1992 and my mom had found a new man, and went to live with him. After a tough first year she got her own flat, which I was very happy with, because it was only 5 minutes away from where I lived with my dad and my sister. Shortly after she moved ...
Graduating Spirit? by red00292000
When I was in 3rd year high school, I notice this one student in my room who is very silent, he seemed to be very friendly but he's different from all his friend. Anyway, he has asthma. When it comes to his performance inside the classroom I would say he's pretty smart. On our 4th year, I've heard t...
Inhuman Scream? by caseyfish
Hey guys, I can use a little help with this. Its been about three years since this has happened, and I could never figure it out. I was 15 at the time. It was about 1am and I was the only one in our house. Its a one story house with an attic, which we had turned into another room. That night I was...
Poltergeist? I'm Not Sure by VictoriaEmily
The first things started when my boyfriend and I went on holiday to Turkey a few months ago (my boyfriend's dad owns the apartment, we had the only key and there are no cleaners). To stop the mosquitoes from getting in the rooms, we were closing the doors behind us every time and we were also turnin...
A Dead Man Or The Old Hag by Pickle-D
After living with family for years, I finaly had a place of my own. I thought about researching the history of my new apartment before moving in but I was too excited and thought "If you don't belive, it can't happen". Since I moved in I could hear noises coming from the apartment below, knowing ...
Spirits Among Us by WIslandGal
The one room cabin was built in the mid-1960s on land located on an island in the Pacific Northwest that has been in the family since 1948. The building was intended to be the garage, however after the fireplace was installed, the owners decided to do some remodeling, build on an addition and park t...
Harassing Spirit? by makaylaleanne
About a month ago I noticed something, shall I say, strange. My house has this negative energy about it. A little while back I was in my hallway going to use the restroom and something screamed the word Hello into my ear. When that happened I ran to my mother to see if she had heard it but she had n...
Little Girl And The Face Of A Mom by maddie152
When I was 12 I went to my friends house to stay the night (for the 4th time in a row). We went outside to play. As we were outside (it was during the night), we saw a white figure as if it was a little girl staring at us. We just looked back for a minute or two then ran inside to her room and start...
The Ghost Horse Of Texas Road Graveyard by old_dude
This is probably the most famous of Ghosts in our area and the one that I have seen the most. As a kid growing up in the small historic town of Amherstburg Ontario, you could not help but hear of all the folklore and stories about the haunting of the Texas Rd Graveyard. There is a lot I have to s...
Creature's Head by Chickenasaurus
A few years ago I was separating and matching socks on my mother's bed. The feeling of being watched came to me, so I leaned over to look through the big windows and saw nothing. There was a tiny window behind me but no one could possibly be looking through that, because it's so high up, and there w...
Face In The Curtains by Abshers
My family and I are Spiritual people that attend church weekly and try to live a good and honorable life. I consider myself somewhat of a skeptic on ghosts. That doesn't mean I don't believe in them, though. I've had an experience with something that defies explanation. It's taken me nearly 30 years...
Port Townsend Jail Cells by Artist1989
When I was nine or ten, my family and I took a ferry to Port Townsend; we walked along the beach and eventually began to explore the town. One of the first places we came to was a courthouse and jail turned museum, a single lady running it. I remember it being empty except for us and the lady. The...
The Disapproving Spirit by Cindi
I have lived in numberous homes throughout my life that were "haunted." Most of the time the spirits were harmless but when I moved into my first home away from my parents at the age of 20 I found one that was not as nice. In the fall of 1993 my best friend Amanda, her boyfriend, and I rented a m...
Broken Hearted Old Man by Tekuti
This story takes place over a couple years and it has a good "real" back story to it. It started in 2004. I was good friends with a kid that we'll name Sam. Across the road from his house was a creepy and abandoned looking house that we used to pretend was haunted. One day Sam got the crazy idea t...
Voices Or Imaginations? by unicorns_16
I did promise you guys another story. So here it is. This happened somewhere around 2010. I just got back from a long day out with my parents. We were home around 8-9. I was the first one to enter the house. I went into my room and closed the door, getting ready for a late night shower. My parent's...
Ghosts On The Farm by Mountaineer
I am fourteen and live on a large farm, about one thousand acres, in Tidewater Virginia. The main house on the property was built in the late 1700s and was added on to numerous times and is now 12, 000 square feet in size. This house is now abandoned, and has been for the last decade, since my gra...
Strange Symbol On Right Arm by reaper20
Five Years ago, I had a near death experience. I lay on a landing bleeding from my skull for 2 1/2 hours. When taken to the hospital (luckily) by a roommate that found me who happened to come home after fighting with his girlfriend, the doctors said I should've been dead. I saw a light temporarily...
The Little Girl And The Nursing Home by Magdalena88
I would love to share my short experience with all of you and say hello to everyone. Well to begin with I am a new baby LVN nurse and my first job of course is at a nursing home and rehab center (Most have some form of psychosis, past drug addicts, or were homeless people). I work the 2 pm to 10 pm ...
Things In My House by FillyBaby
So where do I start? Well, I guess I can start with my age. I am an 18 year old girl from Ontario, I have been reading on here for a LONG time, but this is the first time I wrote anything. I am not the best writer, so I apologize if things get confusing. I moved to Sudbury recently, we used to li...
Woman Calling My Name by Curiosity-1
To start this story off, I'd like to mention that this only happened when I was about 10, so I may have forgotten a couple of details but this is how I remember it. My house was built by my family, so there is no history to it, so I'm a little confused as to what had happened. So one night, I was...
Is There A Ghost In My House? by ghostlover6678
My name is Aisling. I am a 13 year old girl. Lately I have been feeling extremely uncomfortable in my home. Every second of the day I feel as if I am being watched in an angry manner, I have begun to see shadowy and clear white figures out of the corner of my eyes, my westy (west highland terrier) H...
Am I Paranoid? by m-reilly
Let me start by telling you a bit about the following. I have no idea of the history of my house although it isn't over 100 years old. My family does not believe in ghosts and give me explanations for almost everything. I do accept most things would have an explanation, but it's just the mass amount...
The Spirits Still Haunt Me? by Satoshichan2
This is a true account of what happened to me in my apartment which is haunted. It used to be the first jail of the city of Medicine Hat, or so I was told. I haven't heard any stories but I have heard from others that have spent time in this building that they have seen ghosts. It was in this ap...
A New Ghost? by ladycastlemaine
This is a very recent story, one that has happened to my boyfriend, first in July, then a second incident two days ago. Background information first: He has lived in his home since 1981 and it was built in the 1970s. He has had no paranormal experiences in the house before this and to my knowledg...
Haunted Toy Box by DansGS
I don't actually remember this story but I do remember the toy box and I know that it would not be a lie. This is my earliest experience with a ghost (I think I have had two others). It happened in my living room when I was around two years old. My living room which is a long rectangle shape has...
She Doesn't See Me? by red00292000
I used to work in an online company. Because we base our time to other country, I work in the afternoon until 12 midnight. My house is very far from my workplace so I reach home past 1 AM. I am insomniac, so whenever I get home I need to do something to be more tired and I could get to sleep easil...
Black Shadow At The Bed by diter
I wanted to share my experience that I would suspect to be a meeting with a spirit. Sorry about my English, it is my second language. My parents used to live on a farm in Denmark, were I also grew up. This farm was built in the late 1790's so it was old. I never liked to be alone in this house eve...
The First Of Many by SoulSeeker
It was a clear moonlit night in Oahu Honolulu, HI in the year 1994. I was about 5yrs old and little did I know that this experience would be The First of Many. Every night I would get up around midnight to get a drink of water or use the restroom. I've never had much fear of the dark as most chil...
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