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Ghost stories from Louisiana, United States: Page 2
Careful What You Wish For by 510mot
2010 has been a hellascious year for the hard working folks of Louisiana. The oil spill and subsequent moratorium imposed put a lot of people, me included, out of a job. Ironically enough, many of us have found temporary work in jobs related to combating the spill. I was lucky to find security work ...
The Plaid Blanket by PestilentPixie
Mine and Clint's first house together was a two bedroom one bathroom trailer house that was beyond old, it was ancient. It didn't even have the equipment for central heating or air. The house was furnished, which was great because we didn't have much furniture. I had left mine in Texas at my Dad's h...
A Royal Encounter by Lark
It was the second day of my first trip to New Orleans, and one I had looked forward to for a very long time. Being originally from Georgia, I suppose I felt a sort of kinship to the sister city of Savannah. The streets of the French Quarter felt familiar, even though I had never been there before. I...
Funeral Home Incident by 510mot
This is only the second telling of this tale in almost forty years. In 1973, at the ever observant age of four, I had my first brush with the paranormal. On a hazy autumn morning, my mother unexpectedly interrupted my routine when she dressed me in new "going somewhere"clothes. She explained t...
Any Explanation? by VictoriaElizabeth
The Story about to be told is not in the exact words it was spoken. NOTICE: I am Extremely Young and don't know what could have caused the strange event, and the weird feelings. Do not judge me harshly. I am just seeking Answers. Here goes nothing; I was in the living room, Playing Xbox Live Con...
Was That My Step Uncle by dreamergal72
This is a recent experience that happened to me. This October I believe I saw my step father's late brother. It was 11 AM and my mother, step father and I were leaving to go get something to eat. I walked out of the house heading to the car when I saw a man who resembled my step uncle sitting in ...
Ouija Ouija Ouija by lauren318
I guess I should start from the beginning. Since the age of two I have always experienced ghost, spirits and so on. The first experience I can remember clearly and precisely was at the age of six while sitting outside on the swing set in my backyard. I remember having a conversation with my deceased...
Ghost Of My Backyard by telamarie73
One night my husband and I were sitting on the back porch with no lights on. I told him someone or something was on the property. He said it looked like what seemed to be a deer. Which is not uncommon here being I live in the woods. I let it be just that, a deer. On another night sitting out back t...
Ghosts Of My Past 2 by StephanDragon
It has been awhile since I last posted but I decided to continue my story. At last ending I told of the creature that lived in my old home. Well things happened and my Mother got divorced and we moved back to my grandmother's place. She purchased a trailer for us to live in and we settled in quickly...
I Have An Entity Attached To Me by StacyH
I have a peculiar but very true story. I used to run a paranormal group until about 10 months ago. Approximately a year ago, I was involved with a family who contacted me via email regarding a request for a paranormal investigation in Virginia. The lady who I was communicating with (to protect her i...
Who Was My Toddler Playing With? by 104
I can't stop thinking about what happened yesterday... I was home with my 2 year old daughter alone, my 11 year old was in school and my husband was at the office. I was in the kitchen and I could hear my little one playing in the dining room/hall area. She just turned two, but can speak very we...
Lady by beautiful_rain
I guess I should start the first time I ever saw something supernatural. I was six years old, so I was in kindergarten. It was bedtime and my sister and I were in our bed. We shared a room, and a bed. She was only two at the time and had very bad separation anxiety from me and my mom. Anyway, she wa...
Was It A Poltergeist by Schwarze_Witwe
I have been interested in the paranormal for years, but my story leaves me a bit baffled. Well here's my story. MY friend Renata adopted her husband's troubled daughter she was 2 at the time. Since the adoption she told me of the things that began happening, but I'm going to submit the things I ...
Freaky Footsteps Heard By All by mistydixondesigns
I woke last night to the sound of him running towards me. I flipped on my light assuming my son was coming to get in the bed with me as he often does sometime around the 3:00 hour. A door creaked as well, so I went to meet him at my bedroom door and called his name. As I stepped out, I realized no o...
Not So Friendly Ghosts 4 by hannahbmarie101
I usually wait until I have a few encounters before I submit a story, but this one alone was so bizarre to me that I couldn't wait. It happened the night of May 19. Before I go to bed I always look at the clock just out of habit to see what time it is. I went to bed at 10:53 that night. A few hour...
Not So Friendly Ghosts 3 by hannahbmarie101
A few weeks ago, I submitted a story. I would like to add on to it, because I feel that I left out some very crucial information. In the last story, I suggested that what I am seeing now, is some of what I experienced at my old house (Which is explained in my first story). I can understand why th...
The Screaming Black Figure by thescreamer
I was at my grandparents. I was maybe thirteen. It was Thanksgiving and I think everyone was in. It was about 1:30 and I was watching TV in the camper. While watching TV I heard the dogs start to bark and chase something around the back. So I got up and went to the window to see what it was they wer...
Not So Friendly Ghosts 2 by hannahbmarie101
You may want to read my other story first. It explains what I think I'm seeing now, 8 years later. I am now 16 years old, and until a few months ago, I thought I had escaped whatever was haunting me at my old house. It all started the night after my friend got hit by a car. He wasn't killed, but ...
Little Girl Is Following Me by chubstribes
I am beyond myself in attempt to blame this experience on some sort of delusion or delirium, but I am unable. I had not believed in anything paranormal before, being that I'd been told by my science professors that paranormal activity is absurd and fake; but I'm beginning to think I'm either going i...
My Uncle's House by Ashlee
My great-uncle has been a widower for about ten years now, and he often gets lonely and needs company. My sister and I would go see him when we were younger, and sometimes we'd spend the night. My great-uncle lives in a three-story antebellum home in the heart of "bayou country", south Louisiana. It...
Myrtles by mforbess
We live in north la about 3 hours from the myrtles plantation, so getting there for a weekend is pretty easy for us. Our first visit we stayed in one of the garden rooms. I have read some reviews that really complain about the accommodations, but, like most people interested in the paranormal, that ...
The Silent Stalkers by Emily-TheParanormal
My name is Emily and I am from New Orleans. About 5 months ago, my husband and I had just settled into our new home. It wasn't until about one week later that I had started to sense unusual activity. I have experienced these unusual occurrences three times. The last occurrence was one 6 days ago. I...
Harmless North Louisiana Ghost? by bayouboy
Compared to some of the accounts I have read on this site, I am sure my story will sound tame or even boring. Yet someone may relate. When I was two years old my father purchased some land in West Monroe, La. He then purchased a home, which was moved to the land, where I lived until my 20s. I now re...
Our Hotel Stay Off Toulouse In New Orleans by Erte4879
This will be a rather interesting story, or at least I hope it will be, because it happened to me and another friend without us knowing it and were told about it by another friend who saw the whole thing as it happened. We had stayed several days at this hotel with no incident. About an hour bef...
Lingering And Confusing Paranormal Experiences by DL
My initial story with the paranormal begins in New Orleans, Louisiana where I was born and raised. The family dynamic is fairly typical... White trash upbringing with a much too young mother from a dysfunctional family of her own which gave her little guidance on how to make appropriate choices in l...
Paranormal Plus by DeborahLeBlanc
When I started delving into paranormal investigation years ago, my adventures were done alone and with little more than a disposable camera, compass, flashlight, and a set of brass balls. Over time, I collected more sophisticated tools of the trade, like an EMF detector, infrared cameras, etc. The s...
Late For School by ReduxDebunked
During the time when I was in high school, about 15 years ago, I remember sitting on the couch in my aunt's family room as my mother told an eerie story to her sister. The story goes something like this... Mid-morning at around 9:00am my mother dozed off on the sofa. She was awakened by me kissin...
Can A Homemade Ouija Board Haunt You? by Ibelieve83
I am not sure where to begin. I guess I will start from the beginning of it all. When I was in the 5th grade my cousin had a sleep over at her house. It was the usual thing of a bunch of little girls screaming and having a good time. However, when my cousin's step sister made the comment about makin...
Figures Around Bed by MercuryMax
This experience occurred when I was between the age of 5 and 7 years old. I am now 25. I am a logical minded person and don't know what to think about what happened. However I am completely certain that I was not dreaming. When I was a kid, I grew up in a house in the town of Minden, Louisiana. T...
The Monsters In Ariel's Room by AnonymousUser13
My friend Ariel is a Wiccan and what some people might call a Crystal Child. For those of you who don't know what a Crystal Child is, it's a child born in "another dimension" and brought to our world for a purpose. Ariel is as beautiful as can be but so tormented by actual demons. One thing about Ar...
My Aunt's Experience by dreamergal72
I see that you all read my three stories. Mother told me a story about my aunt who lives in an old house in New Orleans. My aunt was ready to go to bed this particular night. She was about to lay down when she noticed there was a shadow of the little boy. The little boy seemed lost and confused. ...
That Beautiful Boy With His Dogs by Absolute_Zero
Alright, this happened a few weeks ago. I was doing some heavy yard work with my mom and sister, carrying saplings and potted plants from the front yard to the back, planting, digging, etc. I was digging a couple holes in the front yard for trees, and it was very hot at the time, needless to say tha...
The Myrtles Plantation by dreamergal72
It was May 2009 this year and as a gift from mom as a get well since I was in the hospital, Mother and I went to The Myrtles Plantation. After we got there it was great and I took pictures. When we got there and got out of the car, to my left I thought I saw a shape of a person but it was not the...
Ever Since The Birthday Party by AnonymousUser13
Ever since my birthday party in '06 things have never been the same in my aunt's house. That's most likely my fault because I pulled out an Ouija board. We we're all being stupid with it and asking dumb kid questions, and then we got on the topic of how many people were in the room. 5 girls, an answ...
Am I Crazy Or Is This Real? by ilovearcher
Every so often, strange things happen in my house. This is the first year I've ever seen a spirit or heard unexplainable things. No one else seems to see what I see, and they think I'm crazy! When I was brushing my hair, before I went to bed, I saw a small, cat like figure. It was white, and foggy...
The Giant Light Bug by hannahJ
I'm Hannah. This is one of my first stories/experiences to write about so please, bear with me. This incident was around 2 years ago, but the memories are still vivid. I used to live in double wide trailer all of my life until up to a year ago I moved. I always had an interest for the paranormal...
The Nice Ghost In My Life by midnightdreams
This was about 2 years ago. One day, me and my cousin Charley, went to our school on Saturday to play at the school play-ground. I heard a small, child-ish laugh coming from inside the school. Charley looked at me," Did you hear that?" She whispered. I looked at her and walked up the school stairs...
Was It My Daddy Smoking? by dreamergal72
The last first story I wrote was about my daddy's death and hooded figure. This story is about my daddy smoking. My Step-father smokes cigarette brand Western. My Father smoked Marlboro. This is significant to my story. It was last year before summer time. One night as I was sat in front of the ...
The Overbearing Shadow by iibelieve
I want to share my story with you guys. Well, here goes. I remember this like it was yesterday, although I don't remember every detail. This happened about 4 to 5 years ago. It was me and three ("M", "T", and "S") of my cousins. The story behind it is my cousin "T"s husband died in a car acciden...
The Myrtles by ABFine
My wife and I left Natchez, Mississippi the morning after my encounter with Madeline. (This story is related in my first post-entitled "Madeline".) The next stop on our road trip was New Orleans. We were traveling south on Route 61 and not long after entering Louisiana I saw a sign for the city o...
The Reason I'm A Ghost Hunter by spi_71104
I get asked a lot, "How did you get started?" or "Why did you decide to be a ghost hunter?" The answer is simple; experience. When I was 16, I was like a lot of people, a skeptic. I am originally from a small town in central Louisiana named Jonesville and there is a house there that is all boarded...
Lingering by lolysophia
I have recently (07/30/08) purchased a house for the very first time in my life, when I first saw it I fell in love, it is located on a side street to the Manhattan blvd. In Gretna, LA in New Orleans, cottage style in a great location. Once in, the house is more a problem than I had bargained for...
My Daddy's Death And The Hooded Figure by dreamergal72
It was 1990 and I was living in a trailer. My parents were divorced and I was in the room where I could watch TV and do my homework at the same time. I was 17 that the time. It was evening after supper. I was feeling something was not right but couldn't put my finger on what. I was feeling somet...
A Friend for A by motherofsix
I have a niece J that was pregnant with her second child L and his heart just stopped beating. She went through labor and delivered him. She got to hold him even though he was not full term you could still see he was a baby. Her first child A has an imaginary friend she has had even before J bec...
Ghosts in my Closet by motherofsix
I am writing this today to tell you of the ghost and things I saw as a young child. I think I must have been around 4 years old. I'm not sure, when I had my 1st sighting. It took place in the house my mother still lives in today. If I was to sleep with my bedroom door or closet door open, I w...
A White Phantom Dog by Phyreblade
This tale isn't so much about me but my children, actually. At the time this occurred, they were 7, 5, and 4 respectively, all girls, and utterly determined to share the same bedroom, no matter how much space we actually enjoyed. The girls are close, love each other a lot, and are never far apart fr...
Little Girl in my House by Tino
Let me start by saying that I grew up in New Orleans, LA... And from living there for all those years, I can tell you that there isn't much I haven't seen. When I was 13 years old, my father, my brother, my grandmother, and I moved out of the apartment we were living in, and into a house on the outs...
Hands, Voices and Haunted Objects by Upsideout
I don't know where to begin. My mother and I both had similar encounters when I was about seven, but I only learned about hers last year. Now that I've put the pieces together, its even stranger than I thought. I always figured that my seven-year-old brain was just showing me what I wanted to see, y...
Haunted Ranch House in Shreveport by Donna
I lived briefly in a ranch house on a 2 acre lot in Shreveport in the 1980s. The house was in a disputed estate of a man who'd shot his wife and then himself a few years before. I didn't know that at the time I moved in. From the minute I moved in, I had a bad feeling. The very first week I was t...
Animals that Have Passed by enjolee
This isn't a scary story at all! I actually look forward to these things, every now and then you can feel the brush of what would feel like a dog or cat snuggling up to your legs. All you have to do is just look down and reach down there and it stops. But I think it's real cute. In the house before ...
My Closet by Enjolee
My Closet scares the ever loving heck out of me. I'm always scared when I open the door or step inside to make my choices. I put my dresser in there so that I could have a little more room in my bedroom since my closet is a walk-in it wasn't a problem. Well my fear started when a few years ago a boy...
Love Gone Awry by cassiperry
My boyfriend Rob and I have always been open-minded and believed in the paranormal. We have lived together in a small two bedroom house in Louisiana for just over a year. Rob lived in the house for a year before I moved in, so for him, this makes just over two years. Upon moving in, Rob had an A...
My New House by enjolee
We moved into a new house the summer before my freshman year of high school, I am now a freshman in college. Friends of mine had moved into my old house and before they moved out we were told that a few weird things had happened to them in that house also. Nothing scary just weird, things that they ...
My Mother's Voice by enjolee
This story isn't that long but it's kind of creepy to me, because of what happens. Just read and tell me what you think about what happen! One night I was in my old house and I was in my room doing something, I was about 9 to 10 years old at the time, give or take a few years. I was busy when all of...
Me-Maw? by enjolee
This is my first time writing about my experiences. I have had many experiences not only in the house that I live in now but the previous house that I once lived in. Here are a few stories that I remember and tell to people who don't believe. When I was 7 years old my grandmother who I called Me-...
A Scream from Beyond at the Myrtle's Plantation Haunted Tour by Redsea1979
It all started when me and my girl friend when to the Myrtle's Plantation to take the haunted tour. I have never been there before and after hearing how haunted it is supposed to be, I was more than eager to go. She has been there and spent the night with her mom and told me that she didn't have any...
Dad is Home by AmyGunn
My dad passed away in December of 2005. He was 67 and seemed very healthy considering he was a heavy smoker. When he was taken to the hospital, he told us he knew he wasn't coming home and that he had laid out the suit he was to be buried in along with his will. I told him he was being silly and tha...
Myrtles Plantation Tour 2 by Missy
This is my second story about my stay at The Myrtles Plantation. The first one included pictures of what I thought was a face. The first few comments on my page agreed they see a face but think it might be nothing more then wanting to see something there. I have to agree that is probably the case, b...
Myrtles Plantation Tour by Missy
I have always been interested in ghosts. I don't think I have ever seen one but it was not from a lack of trying. That's probably a good thing because I get spooked easily, but for some reason I insist on doing things to try to scare myself. Growing up I heard lots of stories about a Plantation i...
Strange Figure by Sense
There were many times when I have came face to face with a ghost. In my old house I used to always see this ghost looking figure in my hallway. My family used to always bring up ghost stories about the house, but I didn't pay it any attention because I thought that was the past. But one day I was in...
The Transylvanian Spook by aimspader
I have had many supernatural encounters over the years, but this one is the most interesting. This story takes place in a little town called Transylvania, Louisiana in early 1993. Transylvania is located on Hwy. US 65 S, about 44 miles N.W. of Vicksburg, Ms. There are cotton fields all around in thi...
The Neighbors Ghost by superscary9
My neighbor and me were very close friends and we did a lot of things together. When she moved I was pretty sad because she was my best friend, but I still have my sister, brother and my parents. One day, on saturday morning I started hearing strange noises from the house like... you know when you d...
Jinn in Childhood by Dahnxi
Here's a few of my other encounters that I've had a while back. All of them mostly happened in my younger days, but I almost always had a witness. When I was younger I used to spend my weekends at my cousin's house. During one of my first visits there he said to me, "Weird stuff happens here around ...
My Office Building by HALEY
I work for attorneys handling real estate. The company is made up of two separate buildings and houses all of 150 employees. The buildings that we are in are rumored to be an old hospital of some sort. The main office is said to be the actual hospital, and our smaller building off to the left was sa...
The First Time I Saw a Ghost by sammyd
I remember the year our Father died, 1976, and the family rode the greyhound bus to Louisiana from North Carolina, our Mom, my twin Sister, and two Brothers. There he had lived with our Grandparents up to his death. After his funeral and, fresh out of high school, it was time to think about my futur...
Ghost Motorcycle by Dahnxi
My friends and I were hanging out and one of them told us the usual haunted story about a road. We were all bored so we decided to go check it out. We got about halfway down the road and decided to turn around, but right as we turned around the car went dead. I didn't think it was too spooky, but wh...
My Grandmother I've Never Met by Alyson Cina
This story happened when I was eight years old. I was laying in my bed with my mother. My room had no door because it used to be my grandma's room. My grandma died before I was born. So my mom was reading the newspaper and I was watching tv. I just happened to be looking into the dark hallway when I...
Fallen Farmer by Mystic
This story takes place in 1992, in springhill, louisiana. I was 9 years old. My mom, dad, and I had moved into this cute little house on some beautiful land in the country. The lady who owned the house had told my mom that the old man who lived there before us had walked in the door, one day after w...
Screaming House by Mystic
This story takes place back in 1988. I was 5 years old. My family and I lived in a big white house in Cotton Valley, Louisiana. My sister always told me stories of the house being haunted. I would always run to my mom and get my sister in trouble. My mom had given my sister her own room and I had my...
Not So Friendly Ghosts by hannahbmarie101
When I was a few months old my family moved from Texas into a beautiful home in Louisiana. It was out in the country, and there were few houses that were close to us. At first we were just renting it, but the man that owned it later sold it to us because the house went into bankruptcy. As far as ...
Ghosts Are Real by trisha777
It was a warm summer night in mid July, and my cousin and I lay snuggled in bed together. The crickets were chanting outside; I could see the lightning bugs flashing through the air as I lay quietly gazing out of the window into the darkness. Suddenly, as I was absorbing the tranquility, I heard foo...
Bristol Bay by Laurie Seton
I'm not really sure about where to begin this story, there is really no climax, just some strange experiences. My best friend and I had just moved to our new two bedrooms apartment that we were sharing. I guess we were there for a couple of weeks when strange things started to happen. The first thin...
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- Might Be An Ainu Ghost?
- The Nightmare That Only Gets Worse
- Echoes From Victims Of The Sankebetsu Seki Incident?
- Cursed Bike
- Reflection Of The Unknown: A Glass Door Incident
- "simon Says" I'm Here
- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
- Getting A Sak Yant In A Haunted Temple
- Always Close Your Portals Kids
- What Is 10:36 And Angel Numbers
- Waikumete Cemetery
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