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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 140
No Logical Explanation by Riarocks
I came across this website back in 2012 when my fiance moved to Dubai from India. I have always been a fan of real ghost stories and I wanted to read up a bit before moving to Dubai myself. Little did I know that I would be writing one myself from my own life. I am a Gemini and being an air sign...
Shadow By My Bed by The_Dark_Knight
This is a more recent story that I would like to post here and see what you guys think. I have other stories from the past that I will be posting at a later time. Just a little background I have identical twin girls that will be one year old in a few days. My parents had just built a new house aroun...
The Candle Woman by zacideno
I live in the southwest of England, in a little town called Penzance that is in Cornwall. In Penzance I live on a estate where kids are always out in the street playing and has had experiences to with this woman but only some actually shared their experiences. So anyway in the year 2012 I went in...
Photos by Justthatgirl
In my old apartment, one which I have moved out of about 2 months ago now. Some really unexplained things would happen. As I am a teenager I love putting pictures up on my wall of my family and friend e.c.t, however I stopped doing that after these two incidences. The first was a picture frame of...
I Will Always Love You, Uncle Will by luckygirl13
Since this is my first story, I thought I should tell you a little about myself. About a year ago I moved with my mom and my brother to the Dominican Republic. My whole family is from here so I pretty much got used to it. I lived my whole life in New York and never had any kind of experience with th...
An Entity Or A Demon Or A Ghost? by ron_lesser
I'd like you to acknowledge that I'm only 14. That being said, it's not very easy to contact paranormal investigators or a priest to cleanse my house. My parents are non-believers in many things involving evil and afterlife on earth and demons is only three of them. However, that does not hold me ba...
Shadowman In My Apartment 2 by eden319
A few weeks ago I posted a story on the spirit or whatever in my apartment. Http:// Since then there's been a fair amount of activity, but nothing threatening. I actually have a question. We have a receiver hooked up to our TV, with speaker...
Great Grandma Disapproves by allisonbeckert23
I had a familial spirit encounter at the home of my maternal grandmother. This woman behaves like a spoiled teenager, though she has all her faculties. It's not like a mental infirmity that makes her unable to tend herself, she's fully capable, but her personality is the spoiled teen. I've never...
Shadow Man Everywhere by kirstykarla
I am 16 years old and have been seeing a large and tall figure for many years now. He is rather slim and has no facial features. I can barely describe what he is wearing because he is so black and bold, I can't really tell. I have read other stories about shadow people having red eyes but I only see...
Bits Of A Mess by probs_conjured_it
To start, we moved into my current home two and a half years ago. At first, I thought it was creepy simply because it's rather small. It was built in the 60s, so it's rather dated. After we (mom, dad, brother and I) moved in, it was fairly normal and dull. A few months later, summer came and so ...
This Old House by theshedcrew
In 1972 my grandparents bought a house in South Attleboro, MA. The records show that the land was owned by a Peter Martinson and his wife Anna starting in 1890. The records also show that Peter built a house in 1902. This house was owned by the couple until their deaths and was left to their daughte...
Seeing Dark Angel As A Child by RosemaryLynnMay
When I was younger, I always told my friends that when I was little I had seen a dark figure in my room. And I had. The dark figure never hurt me, he (the figure had broad shoulders and was tall so I assumed that he was a man) just stood there at the end of my bed. He didn't have a face, he was more...
Laboured Breathing In The Night by Bump
I'm hoping in posting this I can get some help. I'm real scared even though nothing bad has really happened yet. You see, for the last 3 years I've been hearing a strange breathing noise. The only way I can describe it is almost like someone on a ventilator. I don't remember exactly when it start...
The Little Girl In White. by cc_dylan
(I didn't realize how long this was going to be. Sorry if it's too long to read, I understand. I'm a writer, so I tend to get carried away with all the details, even the boring ones. But this is all very real and I had to let it out.) I've never truly believed in ghosts or spirits until recently...
The Fog In The Attic by therealdill96
It was the summer of 2010. Me, Travis and Matt, my friends from school, were all excited to be leaving middle school and looking forward to starting high school in the following weeks. We had all decided to get together at Matt's grandma's house and play a little football and watch some TV. His G...
A Voice That Came From Nowhere by chinmayag11
I would like to share one incident that happened to me when I was in school. This experience was a matter of just a few seconds yet I remember it very clearly. So here I go with my story. Due to some sports activities, there was some change in our school timings that day. We were all enjoying our...
Growling And Nightnoises by Piedpiper
Wow. It's been quite awhile since I've posted amything here. I've been waiting for something more unusual to happen before I actually posted another story. A few things have happened, but I'll start with the scariest. It was about an hour ago that this occured. I was lying in bed, browsing this ...
Woodsford Castle by Erinjanesx
I've had a few weird experiences but this is the scariest. Me my sister, my parents, and my grandparents all went and stayed in a natural trust place called Woodsford Castle. It was really old fashioned with the decapitated stags and stuff, mounted on the wall along with chandeliers. In the visitors...
Awakening by chaividarlyle
I have been a follower of this site for a while now. And I just thought of sharing my stories,yes, my stories because I have lots to tell. Thank you so much for this site for I will not feel different now. It all started when I was about 9 or 10 years old. Every Christmas we usually spend it at ...
Scary Experience In Brittany by Brocky80
My partner and I have just returned from a week's holiday in a gite in a rather remote part of Brittany. The property was next to a railway line, being the former home of a signalman. Although the gite was cute to look at and reasonably comfortable, I felt rather ill at ease when we first arrived, p...
There Is An Entity In My House by MyNameIsBill
Hey, I have read stories from this website for some months and I decided to make an account and write my experiences and you could possibly give me some solutions. Also, I am a strong ghost/demon believer. By the way sorry for my spelling, I am from Greece. So everything started since I was 10 ye...
Premonition Through Song by sherm784
Last night I had this song on repeat, a rap song about you never knowing when it's the last time you see a person before they pass, so say what you have to say now. I forget the title and artist. It had been years since I heard the song and it stuck with me when I was asleep. Especially the last par...
Footsteps And Sounds by Spiritseverywhere0425
One time I was in bed and I heard footsteps. I kind of just brushed it off, because this happened ever since I was little. It started out small and quiet steps and grew larger and heavier like a giant was running after me. Well, this time my nightlight was on (I share a room with my little sister...
Unknown Smoke by MissKawaii83
I am writing this 'story' in the hope that the experienced users on here can shed some light on the matter for me. A few weeks ago, I was sat on a chair in the living room playing on my iPad. I suddenly saw what looked like thick grey smoke come out of my wrist (?!), rise up and disappear. It la...
Protective Grandmother by Iwant2believe
My ex-girlfriend and I used to go to a Thai restaurant on the other end of town every now and again (we went maybe three times during the course of our 1.5 year relationship). She had two relatives buried nearby; her grandmother (whom she missed terribly) and her father (whom she regretted having no...
The Woman In The White Wedding Dress by Kay_Copple97
It was the end of January (2012) and I had to sleep in the living room next to my little brother's room because of the cold weather. It was late and I woke up to go and use the bathroom. I normally don't have to check on my little brother, but I had a feeling that something was not right. I looke...
My Older Brother by xsmileystephx15
I'm one of 5 siblings. When my older brother Stephen was 4 years old he died of a pneumonia and my mother was completely heartbroken. A year later in 1993 I was born and was even named after my brother, his name being Stephen Michael and my name being Stephanie Michelle. I remember this one nigh...
Ouija Is Not A Game by KennedyM
I have always been interested in the paranormal, ever since I was a child. I would scare myself half to death by watching shows on television about ghosts and demons and I would always be reading books about them as well. I have been fascinated by the Ouija board for as long as I can remember. It al...
Finally Making Contact by MissAngelaA
Let me begin by saying that although I have great respect for the paranormal and DO believe in ghosts and life after death, I am NOT in the least bit psychic. I do not have anything at all of what can be regarded as a sixth sense or ever get premonitions or signs or anything. My mother does. She oft...
My Cat by Ami1355
Almost about 2 weeks ago, my housemate and I bought a black and white 2 year old male cat. Everything was fine until almost about a week ago when we noticed some strange things. Our cat Jaspurr started to lose his appetite and wasn't as cuddly as he normally would be, his meow changed and he has...
That Little Boy by Aniruddha
I'm Aniruddha from West Bengal,India.I live in a little city named Rampurhat. Its really smally and not well advance also! Anyway here's my story starts: Its about 5 months ago when it happened. It was about 10:30pm, I was returning from tuition. It was a rainy day and my daily route was blocked...
My Child Hood Homes Part 1 by Perfecttime687
I was born in West Virginia and moved to Ohio with my mom and my step father. In 2005 we moved back to WV with my sister Carmen. This house was one that my grandparents rented out. It was a small 2 bedroom home in which me and my sister shared a room. One night I was about 5 and my sister was around...
Family Connections by ms_st0308
I've submitted a really nice, heartwarming story but this one is not so much. I said in my first story (He Watches Over Me), that I've never had a real live ghost encounter; but once I started thinking about it, I have had some strange experiences that I can't really explain. Maybe more about that l...
Family Beyond The Grave by allisonbeckert23
I'm convinced that spirits manifest themselves around loved ones they're concerned about, and I've had several experiences that seem to confirm that. One of these happened at a meeting. It was business, and one of the young men who had just been working at a new leadership position was speaking....
Closure From Dead Cousin by Jess_1997
About a year ago I came home to bad news from my mother. She explained to me that my cousin Danny died in an accident on his motorcycle late the night before. I hadn't spoken to my cousin in years, which only made me more upset about the current situation. Later that night I was sitting on my be...
The Ghost That Helped Me Sweep by Iwant2believe
This story may be a little bit lame and it is not at all 'scary' but it is somewhat interesting so I thought I would post it. I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia. During the first world war, on December 6th 1917, two ships carrying ammunition collided in our Harbour (the second largest natural harbou...
Need Help, I'm Getting Scared by SummerinCali
A few years ago me and my family moved into an old house. Everything was fine until we redid the back section. I started noticing, especially when I was alone, footsteps and quiet knocking. I am 13 and live with my parents and two sisters. My room is the coldest in the house ever since I moved in...
The Lady With The Red Lips by cfelix1422
When I was 14 years old, I always had a recurring dream at night. The dream lasted over a time frame of about a year. In my dream, I would see the picture of a young woman (whom I did not know). She was pale, with long black hair, dark brown eyes, and bright red lips. In my dream, I saw her as a pic...
Obscure by rebbrosh
To start off would like to say that I'm never a believer of paranormal stuff. But yes I do agree that ghosts exist. From my teenage I have been a lot into these ghost films, encounters, books and stories. I have had a couple of incidents which still remain unexplained. 1. The first thing is th...
Noises, Waking Up With Scars And Feeling A Presence by pinkie99
I recently moved into a bedroom upstairs. It used to be an attic but we converted it into a bedroom. There is now two doors leading to an attic in my room, one right beside my bed and one above my bed. At night time I always hear noises coming from the attic doors, but mainly the one beside my bed. ...
Shadow Standing In The Corner Of The Room by Kyuu-Doeke
When I was 12 and my small cousin was 4, we lived in St. Francis, Arkansas. I'm now 20 and just got into this site so now I was starting to just wonder about my experience when I was 12. We used to sleep in the living room where we used to live because our house was so crowded. One day really ear...
Old House On Campus by allisonbeckert23
Creative writing majors have a home on Arizona State University campus. And I don't mean a dorm, I mean a literal home, like a house. It's been there for almost the whole history of the school. Virginia Piper and her husband built this Victorian-style, 3 bedroom home and worked out of it. They hoste...
Was This House Haunted, Or Am I Just Crazy? by Lani12
So there are a few things that happened, all in the couple of years I was living in Virginia. We were living on base- my dad was in the military at the time. I loved it there, it was a big, two story house with three bedrooms and a downstairs that was huge. It was all well and good before some diffe...
A Skeptic Turned Believer by tcaroline
When I was in the fifth grade I went to my best friend's grandma's house. It was a half day at our elementary school. Her grandma was working at the school until later that day, and her grandpa had gone into town with a friend, leaving just the two of us in the home. My best friend began telling me ...
Followed By An Evil Entity by maxpower
Let me just say, I'm happy to have found this site, because I have been dying to tell someone these stories in hope to get answers to what is going on. Ok, well our house was very, very old about 300 years old to be precise. It was always haunted, and so was the property. Everybody in my family a...
My Supernatural Child Hood 1 by a2h2hemingway
I am Asep and I am living in a city called Bandung. Actually, I was adopted by a little farmer family. My family consists of only three persons, me, my mom and dad. Here is the story. I was 5 years old at that time, my house is really small, you can see the main bedroom from the kitchen through t...
Restless Grandmother by mimerkki
This story takes place when I was approximately 11 years old (around 1986). I don't have that many paranormal experiences and many of those I have are a bit vague, more like feelings and such, but this one is a bit more difficult to explain away. When the story took place I lived in middle Finland w...
They Don't Like Vacuuming by Wish-Not
Greetings YGS members and guest. This is my first time to post, however I have been reading stories and comments for years. This first story is of my first personal experience with the paranormal and life has been an adventure ever since. In the beginning I was both curious and skeptic. I would t...
Another Of My Father's Stories by elnoraemily
A little while back, I posted a story about my father's experiences with an entity that he believes has followed him for the past 30 years. This is another one of his stories and this one happened about a week ago (much less intense than the first story). My father lives in a 150 year old hou...
Strange Happenings In My House by catluv
This isn't really a story, but several scary things that have happened over the years in my house. The house is about 40-45 years old and we do have Holy Water and blessed Crucifixes (we are Catholic) in some of the rooms if that helps at all. I think the first thing that happened was the scaries...
Weird Dark Shadow by juelchenn
This is my first story I post here, but after reading many of the ones posted, I thought someone might be able to help me figure out what we ran into in Savannah. A couple of years ago my mum, sister and I went to Savannah for our spring break. We joined one of those ghost tours and ended up eati...
Devil In The Asylum by tayto
I reside in an apartment building that, from what I was told, used to be an insane asylum long ago. I've been living here for the past nine years, and I've had some very ''paranormal'' experiences here over that period of time. Here are just a few: One night, there was a bad storm resulting in a ...
Many Experiences by WhySoSerious
I have had many spooky experiences, but I suppose I will share one of the freakiest in my mind. Two of the few I have actually seen with my own eyes, another couple my mother reported to me. Last year, my niece, who was about four at the time, was visiting my mom and I at our trailer along with ...
It Was On The Stairs by Miss-Echelon6277
When I was about 7 years old, my aunt and her partner were looking after a two floor apartment just above a shop in the town highstreet for six months while the owner's wife was away on a business trip and her husband was away doing something for the army (I never found out what). So when my aunt's ...
Open The Door by Alaviya
This happened to my elder sister many years ago. I was in my early teens then and she in her early 20s. My sister is what we call a hypersensitive personality, she has a natural flair for clairvoyance as I always tell her, but she doesn't like to dwell in territories she knows she doesn't have the h...
Family Connections 2 by ms_st0308
This story is sort of a continuation of my previous story, Family Connections. I had talked about some very similar but separate experiences that my grandmother, her brother, and my mother had all had about 30-40 years ago. I am sort of remembering things from my childhood as I write these stories, ...
Creeper At The Door by allisonbeckert23
Negative spirits or experiences are, thankfully, rare for me. And even when they do pop up, they're brief and I leave them behind quickly. Really, I just want to know if others have had an experience like this because it's pretty representative of the handful of times it's happened to me. I was i...
Haunted Farm House by LanYow
My name is Landen and I am 16 years old. My family moved into a farmhouse 20 miles out of town just over a year ago and everything had been going fine until this past week. It started when I was researching a paper in my room when I had to use the restroom. I got up and walked across the hall and lo...
Negative Energy Brings Negative Entities by Maryanne_storme
It started just a few years ago. I used to have to share a room with my parents and my brother. After a while they built an extension and put one big room in there for my brother and I, and later on they would put a wall in between. I was 10 at the time. I always had a hard time sleeping so I'd alwa...
John, My Conscience Or An Entity? by Heratti
I'm sharing this because I hope to seek out some advice or ideas. I'm 19 years old going on 20 this November. To give a little back ground information, my parents were never married and they split up when I was very young. I lived with my father who kept to himself most of the time and for my whole ...
I'm Scared by Doll
It's been 2 days that I have been in a trauma actually it all happened when I got a fight with mw fiancee and I was alone in my room with him and I kept on crying as that's the only way to make me feel relieved. And he always hate that and on that day to make me stop he looked at me differently only...
Basement Haunting? by KaalaLilee
I have recently developed an odd suspicion of the basement in my house. This might sound a little bit strange, but I honestly don't know how else to word it. I have had a weird experience down there before involving a cold spot on the floor and the scent of campfire smoke around that area, but that ...
Just A Handful Of Smaller Things by Wish-Not
After my enlightenment to this type of things I have had a lot of what I call cute, fun or interesting moments that was shared by close friends and family. At this point in life my close friends and family will roll their eyes and say something like "seriously?" when something goes bump or falls. Mo...
A Haunting In Southern Thailand by Putheara
A Haunting in Southern Thailand: Part 1 This experience occurred not too long ago, still fresh in my mind. But before I begin the story, I would like to give a little background about myself. I have been fascinated with the paranormal since my first experience in an old apartment at a very young ...
A Tired Dwarf Possessed My Aunt by aysen100
This is passed onto me by my mother. She never lies, and this story haunts me. Back where we lived, it was a rural are. Greens everywhere, wildlife. I have always had weird feelin or always uneasy feeling inside the house. It was an old rickity house. Made by the local people around the area. I have...
The Man In Black Suit by tanya771007
There are some new events in my house, so I decided to give you an update. After a long massive search on the history of the house and the land, I found zero information. My landlord couldn't (didn't want) to tell me anything also. So I just stopped thinking about it all and nothing happened for ...
Mysterious Hauntings On Summit Drive by kingofstrings92
Apologies in advance for the length of this post. I figured it would be best to get my whole story out there. Some of what I will say will seem outlandish, but when I say my house would give Amityville a run for it's money, I wish I was kidding. As I write this, I'm currently in my 20s, but this ...
Unexplainable Experience by 21914
So, my friend and I were bored and he told me about an abandoned hospital in my town. I am a big fan of ghost hunting shows and I believe in all of the paranormal stuff. We entered the building pretty nervous because, I mean come on, its an abandoned hospital after all. We were recording our whol...
The Shadow Of The Family by lornadixon95
I was around 16 at the time of my experience, and many people within my family had already had an encounter with some sort of paranormal activity. For example according to my brother one night he was awoken by a strong icy gust of wind, so strong that he was unable to lift his head off his pillow or...
Is It Poltergeist Activity? by doe-eyedharu
This is a story which I have been hearing from a very young age. It was experienced by my maternal uncle. First of all, he is a very bold person. When there was a rumour of ghost sightings around my house, he was awake all night to find out. He never believed in ghosts, until he had this particular ...
The Forgotten Man by luisma
I have posted here before, a few years back, since then paranormal episodes in my life have not completely stopped but I have not kept a journal or written about it. Today I want to talk about what has been happening for the last four years but first, a brief story of my neighborhood. I now live...
Small Body, Big Soul by notjustme
This is a short story and definitely not scary, but I wanted to share it. I've always been a pet person and has had all sorts of pets growing up from bunnies, cats, dogs, reptiles and rodents. This story is about my bearded dragon. She was my first beardie and I loved her lots. Some people may b...
Scary Experience At Tipaimukh Road by mryogi
Friends, this is my first submission to this site. I'm a doctor working as a Medical Officer at a village known as Thanlon, which is 150km from CCPur, in Manipur State. I was never a believer in paranormal activity before this encounter. It was in early 2014 and I was assigned polling duty at Th...
Haunted Basement by XxVikkixX93
During one summer it was me my older sister and my cousin Eric. He had come down for the summer and the basement was our little hangout at the time. We were just downstairs in the basement playing cards and talking then out of no where everybody had gotten quiet and I did not know why. A second ...
Cruising With The Boys by JohnnyG55
A few months ago I got my provisional license, and my dad gave me his old 1989 Ford Fairlane. Everything was fine, and I was enjoying my new-found freedom. I decided to try to spruce the car up a little, so I went to the closest wreckers to try and find some parts for my car. I wandered around...
House Wight? by SparklinBurgndy
I live in an enormous old farmhouse in West Central Indiana. The house is surrounded by 2000 acres of grain fields, interspersed with old family cemeteries. I outlined it with more detail in my story 'Not So Quiet Neighbors'. Someone asked in the comments of that story if the activity could have ...
Walls by depitong
I was 12 years old when I first noticed something weird in my house. My parents and grandparents often told me stories about how they experienced paranormal activities but I didn't thought I will witness something myself. I was having a sleepover with my friend and we were alone. Everything seeme...
The Big One by Wish-Not
I left my last story "Just a Handful..." with the late night visit. Whatever it was came into my room and stopped on the other side of my bed. This story will pick up from there just a few weeks later. I had been on my guard since the last visit. It was the first time I felt threatened/scared. At...
The Curious Incident Of The Cat In The Night-time by IzzyC
I believe I recently had a paranormal experience, though I honestly can't be 100% positive. You'll have to tell me what you think. I live about two blocks away from a 24-hour CVS pharmacy in West Philadelphia and it's not too much hassle to run over there for random snacks or articles at all hour...
Lights In The Dark by IzzyC
I don't know what these are, but I first began to see little lights around me when I was in high school in the 90's. Just to describe them, they only last for a second, and I mean I can look directly at them. They're usually white, but they can be any color (even black once, which looks like little ...
Strange Feelings Ans Doppleganger? by aysen100
I remembered back in my old house in the rural Phillipines that I was always being watched by someone or something. I was told that as a kid I used to see paranormal things. I was waving at someone at the open field with apparently with nobody. Back home it didn't bother me about this strange fe...
Emma by Honey_bee42699
When I was about 4 years old, I lived in a house owned by my grandfather. It was a small house, two bedrooms. And my little sister had just been born. I had a best friend, his name was Brett. He was two years older than me. Him and I often played in the front yard of that house, and since the entire...
The Man In The Red Hat by CcLoves2Write
When I was about 3 years old (two years before my mother would explain to me why I had a lack of a father), I used to have my aunt watch me while my mom worked. According to her, one day I was outside on the swing set. I was singing, laughing, playing like any normal 3 year old. Except, that I seeme...
My Brother And I by Nadiri
This happened when I was a little girl, around 4 years old. It was late at night and my brother visited my room because he wanted to play. So I got out of bed (very quiet because my parents were downstairs and I was supposed to sleep) and started playing with my brother. Then my parents came upst...
Hello Mary: Story Up Until Now by HauntedChildUK
A long time ago when I lived in my home town, and I was just a little toddler, I used to always sit in my parent's bedroom and laugh at a certain corner, the truth was: I was looking at my grandmother, but the problem was that my grandmother died years before my birth. I wasn't the only one who has ...
What Was Annoying My Dog? by Blackkey
My story isn't the most horrible, eye-opening ghost story ever, But it's still something weird. I can't really explain it and I'm not sure if anyone can... Maybe if you're the next dog whisperer you may simply be able to ask my dog. Well good luck with that, I've had him for about 3 years now and I ...
Wierd Occurences by mimip54
When I was little my grandmother, who is deaf, asked me if I wanted to go with her to her other deaf friend's house since the lady had kids I could play with and a dog. Of course I said yes, thinking nothing of it. The house, from what I remember, was I think two stories and like light green mint co...
Encounter With Unknown by sushantkar
I am sharing this story which I had experience in the past when I was at my academic years. I must conclude that I live (and still living) in a 3 story ancestral house which is almost 90 years old and has recently renovated and is situated in the holy city of Varanasi where life and death co-exist i...
Tantalize Me by notjustme
For those who have read my stories "Here When Needed" knows I had a boyfriend who passed in 2008. During those times it was extremely difficult for me to cope and I was basically a wreck for a year. In that year I went out a lot, met lots of people I can't remember now, and drank a lot. It is also d...
Wake Up, They Are Waiting by notjustme
This encounter belongs to my step aunt, and happened in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City about 10 years ago. It may be a bit long so please bear with me. My step mother comes from a family of teachers, literally all her siblings that worked were teachers at some point when they resided in Vietnam, somewher...
Is My Mind Playing Games On Me? by riha1289
Recently our dog started acting funny. He won't let me go into certain rooms of the house and continuously pushing me back when I try. I woke up with an odd feeling and had a orb thing next to my head. It moved across the room and stayed for hours. I attempted to wake up my boyfriend and it disappea...
Unknown Energy That May Be Harmful by xxlauraxx33
I have always had some sort of feeling of spirits around me but last year I experienced something I never thought I would. I was sitting on my stairs with my partner having a smoke and chat after getting kids to sleep and happened to glance in the window which looked straight into my kitchen and at ...
Dark Entity by WhiteWolf
I have had several occurrences with dark entities but this case happened to my sister that I helped her with. Over a month ago my sister came to me and told me that she was hearing someone knocking on her door, her bedroom is a converted from garage and the door that she heard the knocking was comin...
Sounds And Voices by Suria
This story happened almost 11 years ago when my parents just moved in from Genting Highlands to Kuala Lumpur. (BTW my dad was a police officer). I was 18 years old that time. We rented a single storey house in Gombak, it was a temporary house before we shift to another bigger house just few meters a...
I Think I'm Being Haunted By Something Evil by curious-and-scared
I'm an 18 year old girl and live with my mum and older sister but can't help feeling like I'm haunted. So according to my mum, I have always had some sort of spiritual connection with the paranormal. For example, when I was younger up until I was about 12 when we moved across the country, I used ...
The Spirit Of A Lady by sahasthra
I never had a personal experience, but heard many stories. Now, I would like to share an incident which I came to know from my grandmother. There used to be a lady named Jaya Lakshmi in the village Muggulla (near rajahmundry in andhrapradesh). She was suffocated to death by her in-laws due to som...
Maple Hill Cemetery, Dead Children's Playground by sharkbaitX37
Hey, My name is Parker and I live in Huntsville, Alabama. I have lived in Huntsville all my life. I'm only 17, so I feel like some people will think since I'm young, I'm joking, but I'm not. So here's my story. All my life I have heard all these haunted rumors of the cemetery that I lived next to...
Bottle Top Shock by Davey1966
This incident happened approximately eight years ago when my youngest son was eight. I also have another daughter and son who are two and four years older respectively. It was a beautiful summer's day and we had just finished eating lunch. The children carried their dishes through to our kitchen...
Christmas Spirit by Davey1966
This incident occurred in 2004, two days before Christmas. My daughter (aged 12) came to visit and noticed that I still had not delivered my Christmas cards. She was laughing and joking stating that my neighbours would give me wrong for leaving it so late and I was saying, "Only if they catch us del...
A Visit From Grandpa by Cman710
In a few of my other encounters, I have talked about my Grandpa that I think may have visited me before in my old house (either that or an older man, I never was entirely sure). What I'd regretted to share was I had been visited by him in another location, and that I was not the only one. And in the...
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