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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 93
Creature In The Kitchen? by orkestrated
I live in Geelong, Australia and this sighting occurred a couple years ago. I don't live in a very big house, so my bedroom is really close to the kitchen. I always slept with my door open back when I was 15 - 16 years old. My parent's bedroom is also close to the kitchen, which is where this "creat...
Mysterious Tucking In by EvilMadness
To those who read my other story you'd have known that it wasn't my 1st time. But this is! Okay; so this was when I was 3 years old and my Dad worked shifts at night. My Mum told me about this but I faintly remember the experience. So here goes... It was about 3am and my mum came up to go to bed ...
The Lost Lovers by ghost_of_you
This story happened during my fourth hike. In case, any of you doesn't know, I also have another story about the first time I ever tried hiking; it's called "Voices in the Woods..." Anyway, this was also during another hike, but this time, I and Jake had other company. There were 16 of us, me being...
Farm Town Spooks by stephanie24
November 2010, I'm nearly 7 months pregnant and looking to move out of my parents house. My mothers best friend tells us that her brother in law has a house for rent right outside of town. I thought, perfect. Now I have always lived in farm town, but I have also always lived in the middle of town ...
The True Accounts Of My Thirteenth Year by the_breather
What you are about to read are the truthful accounts of my encounter with Something when I was about thirteen years old. These stories need no embellishing. Many horrifying and disturbing things happened to me. However, the very first signs that something was wrong were the dreams. I was hav...
One Night Incubus by Oblivia
Ever since I was about 11 years old I have been able to take control of my dreams and sometimes even leave my body altogether. Ever since then I have encountered entities both benign and not-so benign. Last month, however, my experience was very different from what I have ever experienced. I live...
Patting And Biting by believer008
This is my third story, its not as dramatic but just as strange and confusing! At the start of summer I went to see some friends for a girly weekend. My friend had a flat that we were crashing at for the weekend. It had been a while since we'd all seen each other so we were sat round the kitchen ...
Demon Or Ghost? by AshGalleon
I decided to submit this right away. Less than six hours ago, I was sitting up on my bed with my laptop watching a movie, Everything was going fine until around 11:50pm, did I hear something. Inside my wardrobe I have a kind of pull-out make-up table which I can sit at and do my make-up, I had left ...
Demon From Online Ouija Board by werewolfluv
So a few days ago I decided to play the Online Ouija Board. At first I really did not think much would happen. So being a teen, I decided to not take it seriously. That was the BIGGEST mistake I ever made. At first the spirit seemed very friendly so I got annoyed and asked to talk to a demon. It...
Pfeifer Room 131 by chris_privett
My friends Damien and Steven used to stay in Pfeifer hall at Union College in room 131. The first week little things started happening. Damien is OCD and is very organized, even his clothes are organized from dress clothes, to clothes he wears, to clothes he doesn't wear, and they would be rearrange...
The Lawns, Former Lincoln Asylum by Simplyghostnights
Our ghost night at The Lawns was our inaugural event at this historic and grand building, we were greeted by a very helpful Daryl who made sure our brave ghost hunters did not go thirsty with an endless supply of tea and coffee to compliment the sumptuous buffet supplied by ourselves. Daryl was inde...
The White Light by Kuroyuki
NOW This happen two nights ago. When I was finishing doing a posting on facebook. And decided to get off the internet and the computer. It was 2:00 AM and I decided to go to bed. I first make my bed and then I flick off the light switch near my bedroom door. Check my cellphone on my dresser for t...
Terrified Nights by Jacksharn
I am working and living in Kuwait since 5 years, I was living with my friends here since 4 years and this has happened 2 years ago, I was tired after office hours and I took dinner and went for sleep after surfing 30 minutes on internet. We were 3 friends living in an old building having 4 floors w...
Sleep Paralysis And Hallucinations, Or Something Abnormal? by ALace227
When I was fifteen years old, I suffered an eating disorder and was terrorized by sleep paralysis. I experienced this while laying in any position and it usually happened twice a month or more depending on my stress level. I would feel like I was being forced into the bed not by a being but by a win...
Married Life And The Ghost Or Ghosts by mark
haven't submitted a story in some time because of work being so busy, as well as life being busy. Although life is busy, strange occurrences still continue at my house. For further details of the goings on in my house, please see my previous stories. My wife and I got married a little over a year a...
The Rundown Abandoned Farm by Anequetuapa
I am an Ohio State Police Patrolman and on July 23rd, 2009 was on patrol in Clark County. I was on my way to the Clark County OSP Barracks to deliver paperwork on a case that was continued from Union County. While en route everything flashed on my unit and my car stalled; but I was able to coast t...
Seven Days In A Haunted Room by tawny
I have always believed in ghosts since I have seen, heard and experienced it since I was a little girl. I am now 17 years old and my life with the paranormal seems to have calmed down. But I would like to share some of my own experiences. My father, sister and I were in the transition from moving...
Haunted Houses by kelseyoakes
For 15 years of my life I used to live in a very old house. It was built around 1889, it's in the countryside and it's very quiet. For some time we hadn't experienced anything out of the ordinary until about 3 or 4 years ago when we were going out for tea. When I wallked upstairs (our bannister ha...
Seeing Creepy Things At Night by clever210
Ever since I was in college, I have been seeing strange and sometimes creepy things at night when I am in bed. It's not sleep paralysis, because I am able to move around. Some might call them hypnagogic hallucinations (vivid perceptual experiences occurring at sleep onset) and hypnopompic hallucinat...
Unexplained Occurrences by joeno
I have always had an interest in the paranormal. I love listening to stories but I am not gullible and do not believe the majority of what I hear of others experiences. I am however a firm believer that there is life after death and our soul or spirit remain conscious of what is happening with the l...
Spooky Compliment by alandhopewell
Back in '78, my friend Dave was living with his future wife on Washington Avenue, in Lorain; it was an upstairs apartment, part of a divided house. We were somewhat used to strange things happening, as we all were interested in the occult to varying degrees. So, when things started happening ar...
Laundry List Of Odd Events by Delsol
Greetings. I do not know if I am living with a ghost or not, but wanted to share some of the odd events that have happened in my home since the past three years or so - sort of a laundry list of unexplainable things - then see what you think. Most of these things started happening after the birth of...
Shadow Dog by Krit
This happened in the beginning of September. It was really hot in the house and since the sun had set it was cooler outside. When I walked out my cat started meowing and purring, asking me to pick her up. I picked her up and continued into the yard following the little stone trail that I have in the...
Living Residual Energy by Klaevans
This has happened to me twice when I was 12 then again at 13. I remember this clear as day and I can close my eyes and still see it. I never knew what this was until I got curious recently after I randomly thought of it again. I thought to myself "I know I wasn't dreaming. I was wide awake. Eyes ope...
Strange Night At An Old Haunted Church by Caitiehall14
I'm not one to actually believe much in Ghosts and Spirits. But, this night still keeps me wondering... One night last year, the month of October, some friends and I decided to go to an old church, Rembert Church, in Ashwood,SC. I have been to this church with some of the same friends at least th...
Weird Sounds Following Me by lesterhenson12
Ever since I was a kid, I started seeing or hearing weird stuff... It was vague but it felt real. Every time I try to tell it to my parents, they just say it's my hallucinations. But I think not. My first ghostly experience was when I was 8 years old. I had to go down at around 11 PM in the nigh...
Shadow People In My House by DDenton
For several years, I have been aware of shadows that appear and move throughout our house. I usually see them move in an adjacent room out of the corner of my eye but they disappear as soon as I look at them straight on. Recently other people have been seeing them too. My 22 year old college stu...
Grandfather's Visit by BeautInside
This is the first time I share my story with so many people (except for my husband and a very close friend nobody knows about it). I always get a little touchy when I talk about it, now more than ever as I came to find a few things that left some questions unanswered (but that's another story). ...
The Facless Man And The Pendulum by JaymeAnne
Growing up, the paranormal was part of normal life for me. My mother and her mother and her grandmother and back, and back, have always been incredibly in-tuned with the spiritual realm through dreams, through tarot cards, and just in everyday life. Luckily enough for me - scaredy cat that I am - th...
Ghost Hunt At The Thackray Museum by Simplyghostnights
The Simply Ghost Nights team were very honored to be invited by the management of the Thackray Medical Museum to hold a ghost hunting event at this esteemed location, and for this kind offer we must thank the whole Thackray Medical staff for all their assistance in making the event run so well. And ...
The Grey Lady by lewwwcifer
I will start by telling you all that I've grown this huge fascination with anything paranormal, and it's really not a healthy thing to become so interested in but something happened when I was a young boy that I guess was the start of my beliefs. It was a sunny day, and so I and my brothers had go...
Ants In The Bed by wifey4lifey
This experience happened while my husband and I were in New Orleans after our Aunt Rita passed away while she was on vacation in St. Lucia. Aunt Rita's body had been in St. Lucia for about 3-4 weeks because of custom issues with transferring a body out of the country. My husband and I stayed at he...
The Dark Shadow Man by makaylaleanne
In my recent story I had told you about the ghost well, I explained what had been happening to my mom. It turn's out that she has seen things to and was relieved that she herself had not been imagining the horrifying event's. We decided to move and now we live in a beautiful two story house. Things ...
Stranger In My Life by Mayo15
First of all, I would like to apologize for my English - I'm not a native speaker. My story has begun 9 years ago. I was 14 that time, a devoted Girl Guide. I was on my way home from a meeting of Scouts when the very first odd situation happened. Our family lived in a flat on a third floor of a pr...
Missed Dinner by KimSouthO
As my husband and I raised our family, we were lucky to meet a couple who would become very dear friends. Eileen and I would even trade baby sitting favors as our children were not that far apart in age. As our families grew and evolved, we enjoyed many barbeques together, we belonged to a lot o...
Gray Mist On An Old Farm In October: Nellie? by BeaW
It was a sunny late October day many years ago. After a Sunday dinner at Grandma's, we decided to drive about 25 miles into the countryside to visit a great aunt and uncle who lived on an old farm along a ravine. It was a lovely drive on a balmy afternoon. The leaves were crimson, gold and bronze; t...
Jessica The Doll And The Children Behind The Walls by Roxanne090
When I was in 7th grade, my reading class was in a room separated from the school building. We didn't have classrooms that where close by, and the door was very thick. Anyways, on the first day, our teacher introduced us to her 15 year old doll, which her very first class had decided to name Jessica...
Who Is Ruth? by Aprilsnanny35
Further to my previous story, Moonlight Encounter, I had mentioned that I had one other experience with my friends' older sister (Diane). I was 12 by this stage, it was 1980. While the details leading up to the event are fuzzy now, I found myself participating in a séance at Diane's' house with aro...
Wakeup Call From A Grandfather by No_Peeking
When I first started dating my current boyfriend 6 years ago, he was telling me about his family one afternoon since I would be spending Thanksgiving with them for the first time in Pennsylvania. While he was telling me about his grandfather (whom he loved very much) a thought popped into my head "H...
Jesus Or A Demon? What Was It? by BeautifullyScarred
When I was young my parents and I used to go on vacantion religiously every summer. I'm not sure exactly how old I was when this incident occured... Possibly around 6-7ish. My mom, dad, and I were on vacation at the beach. If I remember correctly Fort Myers Beach. We were staying in a pretty nice ho...
Widow Of A United States Army Soldier by camswidow
I am a widow of a United States army soldier (SPC. Joshua R. Campbell for those of you who need proof). He was killed in action on January 29, 2011. We do have a son together, and will be 2 years old in November. I know for a fact that my dreams have a connection with some of the strange things goin...
Sick Of Being Scared by Saraneedshelp
I am writing this story because I am at the end of my wits. My name is Sara Rybak. I live with my boyfriend Luke in Hinckley, MN. We live on a beautiful tree farm in a 3 bedroom house. We moved in a year and a half ago. There is activity in this house almost every night. When we first moved in there...
Weird Occurrences by overthelimit
Ever since I was young I have had experiences strange things. I have had dreams that become true, strange visions, and apparitions. I feel like all these occurrences are probably because of lack of sleep, but I just don't know. Here are some experiences. This happened not long ago, I was sleeping f...
A Shadow Visitor by Vatishi
A few years after my experience with my Nan (as explained in my previous story) I was standing behind the counter of the clothing store where I used to work when I was 19. I was talking to one of my co-workers about how my Grandpa (my father's, father) had passed that week. He had been diagnosed wit...
Time Slip In A Church by generalchaos
This incident happened many years ago, when I lived in Minnesota, but I remember it pretty clearly. I was with a dear friend of mine, a friend who was going to join a Catholic seminary that fall. I was going off to the university, and for reasons I don't care to go into, was trying to avoid being ho...
My Sister's Childhood Friend And My Experiences by Ghostlygentlemen23
My mother told me that when my sister was little, she had a friend. She had called him "Cody". When my mother and father asked her about her imaginary friend. She said something that puzzles me. She said "Hi mommy and daddy! This is Cody, he's the little boy that drowned on a boat!" Now, this is kin...
Who Invited The Ghost? by wifey4lifey
My husband and I own an e-commerce business, part of what we do is teach other people to own and operate businesses like ours. This incident occurred at the home of a woman we were training. Aldi was having her first "Grand Opening" her and her family were refugees from Bosnia. She lived in a bea...
Guardghost by champion
I wrote a childhood experience awile back titled "My First EVP" that started by saying I recently had an experience that brought back childhood memories and I was asked what happened that brought back the memories? It had been many years since anything that couldn't be explained had happened to me a...
Life Changing Experience by smurf5584
I was never a believer in ghosts until, at age 12 I had an experience I could not explain. My dad was going to a man's house to pick up something. My dad had just met this guy the day before and I had never met him. They had arranged for my dad to go to his house in the early afternoon. When we ar...
New Home, Same Problems by Wonder-Wraith
A few months ago, my parents found a rental home a few minutes away from our residence at that moment and I was excited to finally be making the move from an apartment into a house for we hadn't lived in a house for 12 years. I was also glad to be getting out of that apartment because things were al...
Paranormal Investigation by SirAader
The Following is not completely a personal experience but a legend that I have had a part in investigating. Year (s): 1995-2003 Location: Tifton Type of Entity: T-2 (tier two minimum danger) Case File: Alpha 0111 Lead Resarcher: Josh Barnes Type of Investigation: Roaded Ghost Time of Inves...
Who Follows Me? by shellycrescent1
My mother and grandmother said I was a spooky child and from before I could speak it appeared I could see things or people others couldn't. I'd sit bolt up in bed as a toddler and appear to be trance like. One day around 5 years old I saw a woman who came into my bedroom and explained she missed ...
The Shadows On The Walls by mb89
During the four years I lived in the parsonage next to the church (see other story posted: The Last Time for further details) I encountered many strange things, the tale below is more an overview, as I saw this many times... The house was a split level, downstairs was the master bedroom, a bathro...
One Unexplainable Weekend by coolbreeze
This is my first submission to the site after reading several fascinating stories here. To start off, I'm 27 years old and in the U.S. Military. I grew up in the Bible belt of Alabama and come from a Christian home/background. I have always had a belief in the paranormal and have had a few experienc...
An Angel, Ghost Or Coincidence? by sophiestuds
I've never written a story on here before, and I've been meening to since last year. I thought I'd submit one now as something really creepy went on! I don't know if it's a ghost story, I feel like it's an angel but? The other day me, my Mum and my Nana were sat in my nana's house. She lives i...
Another Restroom Story by jonahh08
I was a freshman in college when this crazy thing happened. One afternoon, I was in my Algebra class when I felt the need to use the restroom after drinking too much iced tea during our lunch break. I was literally dashing through the hallway to get to the restroom. Even when I was in a hurry, I...
My Boyfriend Is Eating Pizza And I Can't Move by Fanny
Hey All, I have been visiting this site for about a month and I keep meaning to send a story but every time I try it's been disabled. I have a few stories but I'll tell you the most recent as it just happened last night and scared the wits right out of me. My boyfriend bought his house in J...
Old Closet by SoakT
My family had got this really old green wardrobe from my grandpa. He said it was really bad spirits in it. We did not believe in what he said so we brought it home. There was a little door on the bottom of it which we could never close. It would just glide open again. We thought it was just broken. ...
The Stomping On The Roof 2 by suneyedgirl
Since I had submitted my last story, it seems whatever had been causing the stomping has moved from my boyfriend's house to my best friend's house. This happened only last night. I was talking on webcam with my best friend, ZgiZgi, doing our usual activities; working on homework, checking Facebo...
The Old Woman Watching My Son by old_dude
I am going to break my chain of stories from my past and tell of a recent happening. In my adult life I have had one paranormal experience. It is not as in your face scary as the events of my childhood, but is disturbing on a higher level. For those of you that have read my other stories you probabl...
Graveyard Tours The Old Anglican Church by old_dude
This is by far my favourite topic and by far the most interesting building that I know of. There is a ton of significant history behind this church. It does not do the history justice, but I will briefly summarize it, because this is my ghost story not a history lesson. The church was built in...
Visitor For My Baby Son by ScorpioGirl
This story took place only a few months back, when my son was a little baby around 5 months old. In my son's cot is a Winnie the Pooh mobile that is attached to the side of the cot and hangs down over the sleeping baby. When you wind the mobile up, the toys spin around in a circle and make a soft ti...
Girl In Her Room by Alyssa11
We currently live in a 3 bedroom townhouse. It's about 20 years old, built in 1990. My 14 year old daughter has just recently started experiencing things at night in her room. She has always been relatively independent at night time. What I mean by that is since she was a child she never relied on a...
Where Did He Go by xoxrae7xox
In 1993 my grandfather Edmund died, in 1995 I was born. So one day when I was about four years old I was sitting in my living room alone. In my living room there is a red chair that my grandfather used to sit in but at the time I had no clue about him. So my mother walks in the room and was maki...
Paranormal Or Paranoia? by MSarah
I'm not sure where to begin with this. To be honest, I'm not even sure if I believe in paranormal entities and what I would do if I ever even came across a "spirit" or "demon." All I know is what I've been experiencing the past few months is real. Maybe I'm going crazy, but this is the first time I'...
The Abandoned Bungalow by kamala662001
It was the end of the year of 1966. My family was moved to a village like place, just 50km away from Calcutta, after retirement of my father. The place is called as Lalnagar. It was not so crowd area, but all lifestyle facilities were available there. We hired a bungalow which was 2 minutes to g...
In The Small Blue House by dustyisdead
Although my family and I have lived in a few haunted locations, theories about a familial curse type situation have been laughed off for the most part. My mother and I experience the majority of the phenomenon. In this submission I'm going to focus on my family's time at a rented house out in rural ...
Ghost In House by danmasmo
My wife and I have lived in ourhouse since 1992. We have had four incidences that have happen since my father-in-law passed away in August of 1994. My father-in-law did not live with us. About four years ago I was alone in the house watching TV in the family room when I heard someone sneeze. I e...
Me And My Daughter 2 by assie
I posted a story on here about a year ago about me and my daughter. I'm will be 22 soon and my daughter will be 3. I'm going to tell you all what's been happening in mine and my daughter's life before I tell the story. My dad has been fighting cancer for 3 years now, and recently he got given a ...
Strange Dreams And Hidden Meanings? by MrsCollett
I don't know what to make of this but when I tell people about it they find it fascinating. When I was pregnant with my daughter I would have these reoccurring dreams that would involve my late Great-Grandmother standing before me but some distance away holding the number 23, behind her stood my ...
Locked In by scarter
I would like to start by saying, I am not crazy, nor embellishing this story even a little. Every word is the truth. I have told very few people in my personal life about it because I am mostly a logical, practical thinker. But something triggered this memory only yesterday. It was something as simp...
So Many Shoes by KimSouthO
I have had many, many spiritual or paranormal encounters. Many of my stories are posted to this site, as a matter of fact. For many years, I have been able to keep my home (not my neighbors) but my home fairly peaceful. Now, I am not so sure. There are small occurrences that are making me wonder. ...
Poodle Came Back After 17 Years by houselisa
I had a toy poodle named Satin, growing up and approx. 21 years she passed away, we were all heart broken. My parents never did get another pet as they found it too hard once those pets leave us. About 3 years ago my oldest son was staying at their house for three months while they were in Florida...
Have I Opened Myself Up To Something Spiritual? by LittleRock
I don't quite know what to call this submission because it is not a story as such, but more a collection of random events. I live in quite an old house (115 years old approx) and I suppose it is quite eerie. My parents bought it some 21 years ago shortly after the previous occupant, a lady called D...
Black Apparitions by Chica22
I just wanted to share another one of my many ghost stories with you all. I have seen two black apparitions (I'm not sure if they were the same ones), but one I actually saw outside of my house and the other one I saw inside of my house. The first one I saw was late one night. My family had gone...
Demons Keep Me Company by angelswillfall
I've always sought knowledge of the unseen that provokes feelings and emotions that have no real base in what is happening in reality. I spent the first 20 years of my life trying to kill myself, not not wholeheartedly, but living with a complete disregard for my health and safety. After several mhu...
We Are Not Alone by islandflower66
When my son was about two or three, we lived in a home I believe had a malevolent entity. He'd complain of a man that would be in his room at bedtime that was not friendly and scared him. Without fail, he would end up in our bed before morning and this was the story he'd tell when asked why he alway...
1894 Elm St. by phear_xiong
My unexplained experiences at 1894 Elm St. *My room was in the basement, and my first night sleeping there one corner of the room was darker than the rest of the room. It looked as if a dark figured shadowed just stood there. So I turned on the TV and went to sleep with it on. I was 16 years old....
Black Shadow In Middle Of Lit Room? by motogold9
A few months back I was having a conversation with my father about my grandma in my parents room. All of the lights were on, and the three dogs were lounging around the bed. Mid conversation, I saw a black semi-transparent figure about 5'10" in height walk by and trace the perimeter of the bed to th...
Occupied by No_Peeking
My boyfriend and I were looking for an apartment because the one we were in was too close to the highway and therefore very loud. We decided to check out an open house in a neighborhood we wanted to live in. The apartment was everything we wanted. While my boyfriend talked to the landlord, I walk...
The Little Girl And The Pitch Black Void by SarahsGhost
When I was 10 or so my Granddad needed triple bypass surgery to help with problems with his heart. Once he had his surgery, he was needing a lot of recovery time, so he stayed with us for 8-9 months, so I graciously let my Grandad have my room to help him out. This meant I had to share a room wit...
First Astral Projection? by mhalditah
I am new on this site and this is my first entry. I have been reading this site every day and I really love to read and watch scary things. I am 26 years old from Manila, Philippines, separated, and currently working as Senior Executive Secretary. Anyways, here's my story. My grandparents took ca...
My Daughter The Angel by smurf5584
Back in 1986 we were living in a tiny one bedroom apartment in the Miami area with our brand new baby daughter. My daughter always seemed to be really fussy at night. So one night when she was being extra fussy, I decided to grab her, some pillows and a blanket and head to the living room. We both f...
Dream Into Reality by immyj12
I don't think my apartment is necessarily haunted; I believe some spirits can / will follow an individual no matter where they go. I always believed in spirits and ghosts, had things happen. I can post a good amount of stories. This one is recent and really freaking me and my girlfriend out... Ab...
A Scare Before Worktime by coffee-zombie
I work in a cinema in Belfast Northern Ireland and this is my first entry, this account is 100% true And I'm happy to answer any questions as well as listen to a few theories I was coming into work for my morning cleaning shift, every night the supervisor sets the alarm so every morning when I ...
Haunted Mother In Law by smurf5584
In August of 2000 we were moving our family to a larger house. On the same day that we were to unload the furniture, my husband was picking his mother up at The Pensacola airport to live with us. She was a 70 year old little lady from Vietnam. The first night we were there, we started experiencing s...
The Humming And Scratching Ghost by Simple-Peg
Scary true ghost story Okay this story I have told a number of times over and over again to many people. It's a pretty good one though. I am not making any of this up although my memory is a little fuzzy. I used to have a friend let's call her Jas. I was about 11 then; wow seems like a long ti...
Husband And Wife Experience by isa
I found this site after having a strange encounter of my own. If anybody has any suggestions or comments. Please speak up. I am VERY new to all this. Thanks. During the past several months there have been numerous instances when either my husband or I have been suddenly woken up by loud noises. U...
5 Years In A Haunted House by dustyisdead
In my previous story I told about the house we rented with various little occurrences. After about 8 years in that house, my parents purchased a two storey white house built in the year 1900. This will be a little lengthy, so I apologize in advance, but I'm just trying to get it as accurate as I can...
The Whispering by scgirl97
First off I just want to take the time out to say thank you for reading my story. And also to tell you that the house in my story has never been known to be haunted! Thanks again. One day I was home by myself just sitting in the living room listening to my MP3 player. It was in the middle of a so...
The Shadows On The Wall 2 by mb89
Counting on about the shadows on the wall from my last story (The Shadows on the Wall: Part 1, plus for even more background read The Last Time). Living in that house, I can honestly say, was one of the worst times in my life. From touches to shadows, from smells to sightings... It all happened i...
House Ghost by Yannawa66
My Thai partner and I (American farang) have a house in the close-in suburbs of Bangkok, recently built. The land was vacant, as far as we know no other structure was there previously. His family has owned the land for many years. We split our time between living in the US and Thailand. I was at the...
Are Those Cards The Blame? by lillithx33
I am writing this story because all the things that are happening in my life right now are just well weird to say the least. I have had experiences before but I have never felt anything like this before. My mother brought home small blue box with cards in them and we were supposed to redraw them...
Haunted Churches by gggirl9809
This is a story about my town New Portland, ME. No matter where you go something seems off and you just want to leave. I will never forget when I first moved into New Portland. I could never get to sleep because I always thought I heard something. I have always been able to hear and see ghost but wh...
Black Fingered Spirit by Iye123
Theres a pretty long backstory to the current situation! Ever since I was little, I remember seeing, feeling, and hearing "spirits". I even recognized them to be not of this world when I was very young. I was always terrified by most, not because of them being different, but of the feeling they'd gi...
One Creepy Night by Chica22
One night this past summer, my mom's friends invited my whole family over for a small get-together. It started out like any other night until one of my mom's friends, Danyel, suggested we go ghost hunting. So everyone piled into three cars and we headed off. The first stop was at a run-down cemet...
Cemetery Stories by Chica22
My family and my mom's friends love to ghost hunt. Back in August, we decided to go to a cemetery that is close to our home. The cemetery was like any other cemetery when you walk in. But after dark, it's a little different. The first night my family went I decided not go. But when they got back,...
Is It The House Or Me? by Siren_Song
I would just like to share my experience with you guys and would love any feedback. I'm a 19 year old woman from Manchester, UK. My friend and I moved into a flat together a few months ago. We found out that a man had died in the house; he had fallen down the stairs while intoxicated, but this di...
Old Man Hick by vito_capozzi2
100 years ago, in the small town of Belle Vernon, PA., there was a farm called Cook's farm. A man worked there, and lived in a farm house for his rent on the farm. He would go about his normal day and do his work and go back to his house. One day he randomly dissapeared. In the 1980's the local f...
Growling At The Abandoned House by Helloweirdoworldfriken
I live in this neighborhood and it's a real calm place. The thing is that I recently have been told that the house that I hang out in the last guy commited suicide. It has a real shady tree out in front, so that's why I hang out. So, I'm sitting under this nice shady tree with the brances surrou...
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